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Posts posted by Palomar

  1. On ‎7‎/‎23‎/‎2017 at 5:53 PM, Samurai X said:

    OK, both Family Pedro and Family Chantel are horrible people. Family Chantel does act like dumb Americans, were they really that offended they were given chicken feet?  You're in another country, you should expect to eat food that you don't normally eat. At least try it.

    I think the whole point was that Pedro's mom and sister prepared chicken feet to disrespect them (probably because of the pre-nup).  They admitted that they never cook it and would not even eat it themselves. They have not gotten over the pre-nup thing. 

    It is disgusting to see how entitled and greedy they are about Pedro "supporting" them. Especially the sister...does she expect to sit on her ass and be supported her whole life?  I can definitely understand Chantel not going along with paying the rent on the apartment since Pedro should be contributing to their household.  Of course Chantel is the one who made the situation so much worse by not being honest with her parents about being engaged to Pedro in the first place.  A lot of these problems stem from this.

    • Love 6
  2. On ‎7‎/‎21‎/‎2017 at 7:23 AM, Ed McCauley said:

    And speaking of Eve and child, it is (strongly?) implied that Kevin is not Alex’s dad. Really didn’t see that coming, but the little backstory on Kevin and Eve’s relationship did put things in context of why Eve might say she was glad Kevin wasn’t at the mall, and why Kevin was always the “good cop” at home for Alex. The stuff between Kevin and “brother” Mike seemed more out of left field (was there mention of a brother in an earlier episode?), but I thought they traded a few good sibling barbs at each other. You knew Mike was a goner from the moment we see him, but he was dispatched in a suitably messy fashion (why leeches, unless reference to interfering with Eve’s ability to “love” a good guy).

    There was another major twist I didn’t see coming, that the black guy “Bryan” isn’t really Bryan. This left Mia, who was starting to soften towards him, to go back into rage mode since this was another trust betrayal to her, and she left the hospital in the car (not sure if she hot-wired it or somehow got the keys from Adrian who had them). This move should end up with her dead or not being seen again, but I suspect she’ll be back since she’s a regular.


    So, I am assuming that Mike is Alex's dad after some of his comments?  Makes sense then why Eve wanted nothing to do with Mike and Mike;s comments about Eve during his final moments and him saying Alex was a great kid, etc. earlier.

    I'm liking the "Bryan" twist and looking forward to find out about what went down. 

  3. On ‎7‎/‎18‎/‎2017 at 6:26 PM, mistygracie said:

    Please like to ask for the link of the Afterbuzz story! I love Nick, I've been a big fan of his since the Bachelor. He flew to Montreal for a day just to support Vanessa, & think that is very sweet of him. Hope the breakup rumors are not true, will be very sad if Nick goes through another breakup! :(

    I liked Vanessa (actually better than Nick).  I liked how she kind of threatened to leave during some of the Corrine shenanigans.  However, Nick has to know, meeting "the one" on reality TV and lasting does not have good odds.  He's already had 3 experiences when it hasn't. 

  4. 18 hours ago, RHJunkie said:

    Let me get this straight, I'm supposed to believe that Shannon managed to get through her stress while dealing with the public humiliation of her husband cheating on her - which was a FACT, yet a RUMOUR is what has caused her stress and gain weight? Shannon just cannot take accountability for her own shit. If you give someone the power to emotionally affect you to that degree, then it's your fault. When you manifest that in ways that bad habits, that's on you. There are a lot of ways that people channel their stress - I'm tired of Shannon always making herself out to be the victim of circumstances.


    So true.  And, why not just state that the rumor is ridiculous and has no merit and move on from it (if there is nothing to it).  Instead she makes it her entire story and excuse for her weight gain.  If it wasn't for Shannon talking about "the rumor" every single time she is being filmed then most likely no one would even talk about it.  She definitely goes from 0 to 100 over nothing.  Lydia threw a little shade her way but she should be able to handle it.  Obviously not.

    • Love 2
  5. Definitely have been enjoying the new shows and even though it started out with low ratings, I can't imagine pulling this show after 2 episodes.  It's better than some shows out there. Hope a full season was filmed and we get to see the rest of the episodes.

  6. 12 hours ago, Godfrey said:

    Chantel & Pedro = Melanie & Devar with the money going back home without the wife being consulted. Not a smart move guys.

    So who is paying for the wedding?  If Pedro's family needs his money to survive I can't imagine they can pay for the wedding.  Her family paid for her dress and have the travel expenses so can't imagine they would be contributing to a second wedding. 

    Chantel: Every woman wants a nice ring but to start your marriage further in debt because you "deserve" it is pretty selfish and immature.

    Speaking of selfish and immature, Pao is the worst.  She is pretty much making fun of her husband too by siding with her "best friend".  Who would put up with that if they truly wanted their husband to fit in their lifestyle? Why should Russ apologize for leaving when everyone was making fun of him.  It is like they are teenagers without a worry in the world. 

    Russ knows accepting a entry level job is not going to be enough to support their housing in Miami and still keep up with house payments in OK. Obviously Pao cannot support herself on her alleged modeling career.  Sounds like Russ will eventually have to go where the job is, and let Pao decide whether she wants Miami or him.  I wonder how much Juan will help her financially if Russ is gone.  Interesting that Juan's bf knows English very well.

    Jorge's sister is not helping the situation by being rude and vulgar to Anfisa. 

    • Love 4
  7. 2 hours ago, SerenityNow721 said:

    True, we don't know what Nate said, but we do know that he apologized for it and acknowledged that he crossed a line.  What makes him marriage material to me is when he said I can get pissed off and we can fight, but she'll know this man is still gonna be here (paraphrasing). Isn't that what Sheila said she wanted during their first televised argument on the honeymoon?  Someone to love her when she wasn't easy to love?

    I like Sheila, but she doesn't fight fair.  And she doesn't seem to acknowledge when she is wrong.  Or apologize.  She plays dirty when she says she's done - that's not something you just throw out there during a fight - it's a relationship killer.  It's hypocritical for her to say she's in it for life , then bail when shit gets real.

    It makes me sad because I think Nate and Sheila could have a great marriage if they learned to fight nicer.  I think Nate is everything Sheila said she wanted in a husband - she just has to get out of her own way.

    That is the thing.  The marriage will not last if she goes from 0 to 100 every time Nate says something she doesn't like.  Not to mention threaten to end the marriage each time. You have to pick your fights and let certain things go AND be able to accept a sincere apology. It's called compromise.

    I think all of these wives are expecting perfection in their husbands and obviously that is not going to happen.  And sorry ladies you are not perfect either.

    And Danielle.  Maybe Cody didn't man up at the time you expected it but with all the mixed signals you throw out, he is probably afraid to even touch you now.  I don't get it. She says she finds him attractive (unless she is lying) and she isn't exactly a virgin....why not go for it before the experiment ends and see what happens/develops.  There is no way Cody is going to want to continue in a sexless marriage.  He is 25!  And they are no longer strangers...so stop with that excuse.  They have been "dating" for almost 2 months.  If they had been seeing each other outside of this program, I imagine "it" would have happened by now.

    • Love 8
  8. On ‎7‎/‎11‎/‎2017 at 2:08 PM, nlkm9 said:

    Im so curious if TLC pays for Pao and Ruus's stuff--Where is Pao living and who pays for that? I hte how she treats him and agree he should be gone!!

    Isn't she living with a couple of her model friends?  Right now Pao and Russ are staying in a hotel.  Can't imagine Russ moving in with Pao's friends.  But, will anyone even rent to them when neither has a job?  If I was Russ I'd get a job wherever it took me (IF there truly is nothing in Miami or OK) and tell Pao to either join him or live in Miami on her own.  You can't live the Miami lifestyle with no income no matter how much the city speaks to you.  Reality is a bitch.

    • Love 3
  9. 4 minutes ago, Nikki55x said:

    Is Rachel so horny for Bryan that she cannot ask the freaking red flag question? Which is what did his mom say or do to the woman her cared so much for or expected from her that made her so freaked that she broke up with him because of his mom? Rachel what the hell type of lawyer are you?

    Of course we might have gotten an edited conversation.  Maybe she did ask, but they wanted us to tune in next week with that question on our minds.

    • Love 4
  10. I don't understand the premise.  Whoever "doesn't" get engaged has to go home after a week?  Or, does one engagement save the rest of the group.  Does the engaged couple then leave the house or stick around for temptation?  I am assuming that new people keep coming in.  If everyone leaves each week that doesn't get engaged then it will just be a revolving door and kind of hard to keep people straight (making it hard to even care what happens to them).

    • Love 1
  11. 12 hours ago, sainte-chapelle said:

    Pao is a b$tch talking Spanish to her friend and making fun of her husband, he is right they need too live somewhere they are both happy. Who is paying for your fake modelling career? Oh yea Russ and TLC

    Yeah, let's see how much support she gets from her "friends" when the cameras and TLC money are gone.  It's pretty apparent she is not going to make it as a model...at least enough to support herself.  I'm imagining Miami is not quite as great of a place when you have no $$$.  Sometimes you have to live where the jobs are and go to places like Miami on vacation. 

    Pao, great way to support your husband...your rude "friends" and "best friend" make fun of him, enough that he walks out, and you don't even leave with him, continuing to party.  It is obvious what her priorities are. Sorry sweetheart you are just one of the crowd there in Miami,approaching your expiration date as a model unless you want to go into the adult entertainment business.  Stop with the interviews about how much you miss your husband...actions speak louder than words.

    • Love 16
  12. Quote

    Ha ha, no no no !   it's a saying meaning he may appear stupid, but is actually smart like a fox by telling everyone at the table and getting revenge on Danielle.  That's how I took it anyhow.  She's been humiliating him all along by saying he wasn't a man's man, etc.  so he finally got her back.

    Sorry Gem 10!  That's what happens when you read in a hurry  :) .  Yeah, he has nothing to lose now so might as well tell it like it is.  Still not sure if she is just not attracted to him or he just doesn't match her fantasy of being a manly man like her ex. 

    • Love 1
  13. Quote

    Cody letting it out about not having sex yet .. He's stupid as a fox.  That was the ultimate humiliation for Danielle.  She looked like she was going to kill him.  Karma is a bitch.  

    Actually it is frustration more than stupidity.  It is well documented that they are not having sex and the other couples will know it soon enough anyway. She also comments about not being ready for sex yet on every episode.   It is what it is...not exactly a secret.  It's pretty obvious that Cody is going to say No on decision day....no one wants a sexless marriage.  I doubt if she is suddenly going to change once the cameras are off.  Of course we already know what her decision is as well.  She even made a comment about how assertive Nate was and wished Cody was more like that.  You can't change who he is Danielle.  And, he is no longer a stranger so stop with that BS.

    • Love 3
  14. Anyone watch the 7/2 episode?  It seems like this episode was the start of Chad redemption.  It always did seem like he was playing a role so who knows. New York is definitely not ready to find a partner....she needs to work on herself first.  Definitely lots of egos in the house.

    • Love 1
  15. Quote

     Liza has a daughter who is closer in age to Kelsey than Liza is!  If I were Kelsey, I would feel seriously betrayed here, and in reality, I doubt she would ever be friends with Liza again.  And it's not a matter of Liza having covered or lied for Kelsey in the past, so that somehow takes Kelsey off her high horse.  Liza's lie essentially says to Kelsey: "Even though I'm telling you now how much I love you, the reality is that I didn't trust you and was happy to put myself first when it mattered." 

    Kelsey has to realize the situation was never about HER and all about Liza doing what she thought she had to do.  Yes, continuing to lie about her past was a sort of betrayal but telling her would have risked Liza's job. And Kelsey even said she wouldn't expose her only because of the magazine. Still think Kelsey hooking up with Josh would be more of a betrayal since she knows Liza still has feelings.

    Josh had more of a reason (about the age situation) to feel betrayed and he eventually got over it.  Charles would have the most reason to feel betrayed (IF he found out) since he hired Liza under false pretenses.

    • Love 3
  16. Quote

    Is he saying that, as an African-American man he was concerned about a blond-haired, blued-eyed white woman coming on to him so strongly and how that would look to the racist segment of the viewership?  Or was he saying that as an African-American man he thought he needed a solid hook-up with a contestant guaranteed to get screen-time and staying power in order to survive till the end himself?

    Definitely thought he meant sentence #1.  Not necessarily anything to do with racism but just to protect him from any false accusations.

    • Love 3
  17. Sorry Paola.  You are beautiful but starting out at 29 modeling in Miami where the competition for such jobs are fierce....you are not going to make enough money to support yourself with the style of living you want.  I do think she loved Russ at first but she loves partying and the lifestyle more.  He is so much going to cramp her style if/when he moves to Miami.  

    Do we really need more updates on Danielle and Mohammad.  Talk about fraudulent marriages and abuse of the K-1 visa program! 

    At least Anfisa has always been honest that it is all about the money for her.  It is a shame she has ruined her face with the plastic surgery. 

    At least Chantal and Pedro and Loren and Alexi seem to be in love despite problems.  Loren, your husband gave up his family, friends, and everything he has ever known for you. Is there really such an urgency to travel to go nightclubbing with your BFF at this point in your relationship.  Why not wait until your relationship is more stable. Or, why not go visit NY as a couple and see if he can get to know her friend. 

    • Love 3
  18. This is driving me crazy.  Does anyone know if Ms New York was on a show called Family Therapy (or something like that) with Ms Jenn as the counselor.  If so, is Ms NY the one with the crazy scary mom?



    I actually think this show is beneath Karina's level of celebrity. I guess since Max is happily married with the kid, she's the one that couldn't make it work with him. Maybe she is trying to rebrand herself. 

    I'm surprised too.  It seems like she has been off and on DWTS and also had partners where she left early the last few seasons.  Maybe this is also for a paycheck besides getting "advice". 

    Being paired up this soon probably goes against any advice/therapy they will be getting.  Probably repeating bad habits.

    • Love 1
  19. I'm really liking Sheila more and more and how she handles herself.  For one thing her MIL should be happy that Sheila is very nurturing to her teenage son, letting him live with them.  She definitely knows how to roll with the punches.  I think Nate is falling in love with her but just hope he is mature enough to keep it together.

    Anthony has been growing on me since episode 1.  He really seems like a great guy. 

    Danielle probably likes bad boys. Obviously Cody is not her type, even though he IS the type that would support her in all ways, unlike her past bfs.

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