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Posts posted by Palomar

  1. Quote

    THIS is the guy they're ruining our show over (to protect the relationship)?!? What the--?! I guess she actually was attracted to Nick then? I presumed it was all for show.

    Has anyone connected with BIP explained why Corrine was allowed to be on the show in the first place since she has a boyfriend and as others have said others have been shamed for that?  They would have to have known. 

    • Love 5
  2. Quote

    ETA:  A theory:  She was "safe" to unleash herself on the bachelor because they did not film once a door was closed.  I think she may have not realized that BIP films everything and ran to daddy the next day.

    And, figured she would have some explaining to do to her boyfriend down the line. 

    Another thing totally unrelated...did the producers know she had a boyfriend and just not care because Corrine would get the ratings.

    IF she does indeed have a boyfriend of course.

  3. Quote

     I commend Cody for saying that he feels like he's not getting anywhere with her; he isn't, and I don't think he's going to. Danielle is in a tough spot. What's the honorable thing to do? Cut bait now? Have a conversation off-camera and try to get through the 8 weeks, then agree to part on decision day? She definitely shouldn't be pressured to have sex with him; that might give him hope and I don't think there is any.


    You might as well be truthful instead of acting like things are going well.  Do they really even share the same bed like they are showing?  Maybe if Cody just stops trying and treats her like a roommate the rest of the way, it will shake her up enough to rethink their situation.  I sure hope we are done with hearing about "the spark".  But, maybe it was just not meant to be.   If they are sleeping in the same bed, you would think it would just happen some morning or something., "organically".

    • Love 5
  4. Quote

    I think there is some things we didn't see that have led to his backing off. He was very into her at the wedding and wanted sex with her. Which as I have said before, I wonder if he got turned down on the wedding night and maybe in a way that made him feel less than so he sees her in another light. He doesn't want to risk a repeat of things....obviously its just assuming but something went on we didn't see.

    With Cody being so shy and inexperienced, maybe he is just apprehensive about having sex, having the whole world know about it, and having to discuss it afterwards.  There is a lot of pressure and expectation there.  The longer it goes on, the bigger the issue will be and it then becomes the focus. of their relationship. 

    • Love 2
  5. To be fair, they should have the 3 go in the order of their "votes", with the highest votes going last instead of Adam's contestant ALWAYS going last.  He does do a good job of pumping up his contestant....I give him that.  At least I am assuming Hunter had more votes initially than Jesse if you go by ITunes as a guide but then again maybe not.  I have nothing against Jesse but Hunter just seemed to bring something different to the table.  Oh well. 

    • Love 1
  6. Quote

    I put the blame for Brennley and Hunter's subpar performances (by their standards) squarely on Gwen and/or the producers (even if Hunter did somehow squeeze into the Top 10 on iTunes).  The Semifinals are not when you switch things up, unless you're in a position like Vanessa's where you have gamble big.

    Personally I don't think Hunter's performance was subpar and obviously since it was in the Top 10 there are a lot of people who liked it just fine.  OTOH Brennley did slip down quite a bit.  Vanessa almost got eliminated last week so if she makes the top 4 that is quite an accomplishment.

  7. Quote

    As for trained dancers....it can't get any more trained than Ms. Chicago, Mya, and she still did not win!   I actually really enjoyed her dances but I am just saying being a trained and/or professional dancer does not guarantee you a win. 

    Actually Nicole S from the Pussy Cat Dolls was a pretty big ringer and she won.  People are probably more sensitive to that now.

    Being the underdog Cubs WS hero is going to help David go far.  You can't really blame him that he is still there.  He is smart enough to know he should be gone but what is he supposed to do.  Bonner is much more of a mystery.  I'm sure Len was not happy that he and David are still here and that Nancy is gone who he always praised highly. Would love to see Rashad in the finals.

    • Love 3
  8. Quote

    I knew Maggie wouldn't be mad at Meredith because she was dating Riggs, but rather Meredith not telling her the truth about her and Riggs. I still don't see Riggs appeal but whatever. Maggie had every right to be angry with Meredith because she was pretty detailed about her crush on him even referring him to candy or something like that. I get that Meredith was uncomfortable, but she should've told her earlier about it instead of dragging it out.

    Yes, Meredith should have been honest from the beginning, but since when does someone having a crush mean they have "dibs" on them....especially when the guy has NO interest in anything beyond friendship.  These are Doctors, not high school.  If Meredith would have said "yeah, I like him too" from the beginning when Maggie mentioned him, the whole thing could have been avoided.  I would think that Maggie would be embarrassed as hell about all this anyway. Jeez, broaden your dating pool, people!

    • Love 4
  9. Well next season could be dealing with another Allison pregnancy and not knowing who the Daddy is. And of course Cole will find out about Allison's involvement in his brother's death (yet another betrayal for keeping it a secret).  Not much more can be said about this sad saga.

  10. Danielle is WAY too good for Nick!  I would have thought so much more of Nick if he had declined to grab onto Corinne's boobs with all his other dates watching.  It's not like he wouldn't have gotten his chance to do that anyway in private. I am already back to thinking Nick is the sleazebag appearing on two Bachelorette shows in a calculated move to become the next Bachelor before being eventually redeemed in BIP (although it sure seemed like HE dumped Jen in a hurry on BIP, not the other way around).

    • Love 4
  11. Dustin seems to think that this experiment is a hall pass to cheat...he even mentioned he almost picked up someone in the hotel bar prior to meeting his "new" wife Kelsey (who is also thinking this is an excuse to party) and was hoping she would be hot.  This will not end well.

    • Love 6
  12. Mykelti:  You don't HAVE to marry the first guy that asks you! 

    It is pretty telling when Christine says that Mykelti does not act like herself when she is with Tony.  Sure hope he doesn't suppress her personality and any ambition she once had.  It is sad she is so "happy" working at the pawn shop.  I'm sure it is the independence she is feeling more than the job. Disclaimer: there is nothing wrong with working in a pawn shop, but it isn't exactly the type of job she was talking about when she had dreams of going to college and being a dress designer.

    • Love 4
  13. Quote

    I think Tony has a lot of nerves telling Mykelti her parents should take out a home equity loan to pay for their wedding. 

    Exactly!  Mykelti and Tony have a right to get married when they want, but Kody and Christine have the right to say they can't afford it so soon after Maddy's wedding and that if they wait, they WILL be able to afford it next year.  Either they wait for a wedding paid by the parents when they can do it or pay for their own wedding now if they don't want to wait.  To assume parents should go into debt for a wedding is insane.  It is a gift when parents pay for their children's wedding and also should depend on what they are comfortable paying.  Maybe Mykelti and Tony should starting thinking more about how they can contribute $$$ to their own wedding and face a little reality. 

    Sorry, but I'm with Kody and Christine on this one....if they can't wait, then they should finance their wedding on their own.  What is the friggin hurry?  Yeah, I know, the purity thing.  I'm seeing nothing but red flags on this relationship.

    • Love 9
  14. Quote

    Meghan did NOT belong on the HORRIBLE WOMEN couch.  

    Seriously? There is NOT a non-horrible women couch.  All of these women, gossip, stir up shit, repeat confidences, lie to suit their own situation, etc.  Neither Shannon, Tamra, Heather, or Meghan is any better than Vicki or Kelly. 

    • Love 6
  15. Quote

    Maybe Nick is positively phobic about PDA's and that's why we saw not much of that going on between him and Sonia. 

    One thing, I think that Nick was always very much aware of the camera.  That could be one factor in lack of PDA and the pressure of constantly being asked about it.  Plus, it sometimes takes awhile to feel an attraction for someone.  I thought the tide turned when they fed the homeless together and he saw her with new eyes and realized maybe there is something there.   I hope they work.  In real time, it would probably have taken them years to get serious and more than a few years to get married.

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