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Posts posted by Palomar

  1. Maybe we are conflating romance with "true love". Does true love mean there are no hurdles, misunderstandings, arguments. etc? What is our definition of true love/soul mate?



    Not sure, but you would wonder why Allison finally being with her "true love" after all the obstacles would end up cheating on him and you would wonder why she wouldn't be happier having found her 'soul mate". 

    • Love 4
  2. I think Jimmy is coping with Gretchen's depression as best as he can. This is still a fairly new relationship and they were still in the process of really getting to know and live with each other anyway.  Plus, not everyone knows the best thing to do in this situation.  The whole premise of this show is low expectations....for someone like Jimmy to solve this and even be committed enough to stick it out if it gets worse would be surprising. He's changed but he's still figuring himself out too. He loves her but even that is foreign to him.  He doesn't know what to do.  Feel sorry for both of them.

    • Love 1
  3. She was looking to get a payday last season from the ranch, wasn't she?



    Had forgotten about that.  Allison acted pretty entitled about getting half of Cole's inheritance even though Cherry is still alive and technically would have gotten the proceeds from selling the ranch, not the boys.


    Outside of the tragic loss of her son, I can't find an ounce of sympathy for Alison with regards to her current predicament with Noah. I know she is the show's resident sad sack but no one forced her to blow up everything in her life for Noah. I will never, ever get over the two of them having sex in each other's marital bed. I just found that to be the apex of spitting on your vows/spouse. It is bad enough that they are cheating but really something about that dual act of disrespect will never make me a champion of this relationship. Ever! Then Allison had the nerve to use Helen's shower and gleefully pour the woman's $80 hair product down the drain just out of being a petty spiteful bitch! Nope!  She wanted him she got him - warts, frowny face and all. Funny how that hot passion seems to peter out once you throw obligation and duty into the mix. Good luck with that!



    Exactly, be careful what you wish for.  Not exactly sure what she got from this relationship ultimately.  A child (although she probably would have gotten that without Noah), a penthouse, and a fiancé who is still not putting her first. Her self esteem seems lower than ever and she isn't exactly happy. 

    • Love 1
  4. The scenes occurring in the present are real-time, correct? So we don't have any reason to believe that Noah thinks paternity is in question?


    And when the subject of Montauk comes up, Alison lies about not having been there for a very long time.  If she ever confessed to Noah he would have at least have a pained look on his face with that question (you would think).

    • Love 2
  5. Meri had her boy band crush and her days as their groupie for awhile.  Then it was Danny Gokey.


    OK, can someone elaborate on this for someone who has unfortunately not read this entire thread.  Who is Danny Gokey and what was her boy band crush/groupie behavior?  With the catfish stuff and this....sure sounds like she took the divorce as more than just a "legal" one.

  6. I imagine this Catfish story will be all about how this person took advantage of Meri because she was lonely and not mention the fact that she was in essence cheating or planning to do so.  I thought the whole thing about plural family was that they were so much better than the rest of us because they are one big happy family.  How can she be lonely with 3 sister wives, 17 kids she is helping to raise and most of all, a husband.

    • Love 12
  7. He was stunned when she told him that she's pregnant. After that, Noah angrily changed the ending to his book by running over Alison with the car. I felt it was a metaphor about how his feelings towards Alison changed that day and how he killed his feelings for her.


    And this is even before he finds out (assuming he does) that the baby might be Cole's!

    • Love 1
  8. 28 minutes ago


    I have to side with Devar about sending money back home. I help out family members with money as needed when I can. It's what you do as part of a family: you help each other.




    SOME money, yes, not 90%!  As was said in the quote, "as needed when I can" seems reasonable.  He made it sound like Melanie would be expected to pay for all the bills while he sends his money home, as in her supporting him. Definitely a deal breaker in my book.  Melanie is basically his way of supporting his family.  I liked him at first but definitely think he may not be in this for "the right reasons". 

    I heard Devar say "9%" not "90%."



    He said as an example, if he had 10 dollars, he would send 9 dollars home.  Melanie asked 90%, and he said yeah.

    • Love 6
  9. I can see Devar helping his family out, but does he really expect to send 90% of his paycheck back home and only contribute 10% to his new family? It sounds like his sisters didn't work until he left, and he not only provided for them financially, but also did all the cooking. Time to take care of yourselves, ladies!



    Exactly, why should Melanie pay all "his" bills while he sends his money to his family.  He has a new family now.  He needs to contribute as much as Melanie does once he can work. What if they have children?  And yes to the prenup...Melanie owes it to her child not to lose her house to Devar if he bails.


    Also what is Nikki's future plans?  Do they plan on having kids?  Is she going to get an education or think about getting a job once she is married?  It sure sounds like they don't have a plan.  Maybe that is what went wrong the first time Mark did this "experiment".  What about his other 3 kids....what do they think of the situation?  We have only seen the daughter so far.

    • Love 4
  10. I had no idea Jamie and Doug were having problems since I didn't know about the "The First Year" shows and just came upon them by accident.  Why does Jamie assume "the old guy" would want her back after all this time, besides the fact she is also married?  Sure sounds weird that she would need this comfort zone from the past but be able to go on 3-4 reality shows where she knows she will be publicly scrutinized.  She definitely has her problems.  Doug seems resigned to the fact that this is not going to last and probably won't end well.


    Great to see Monet again and glad that Courtney and Jason are doing well (despite any drama necessary for this show to be on the air).

  11. Brilliant and fascinating episode!  It sure seems like Gretchen and Jimmy are going in different directions.  Like it or not, he is maturing and evolving while Gretchen is breaking down.  Not sure if there will be repercussions from this episode but Gretchen is damn lucky she is not in jail. Talk about moments that can change your life. This episode could change the premise of the show.


    I totally thought the guy was hitting on Gretchen. 

    • Love 1
  12. Returning home where her lovesick husband is, and sleeping with him for comfort is understandable, sure, but it's another bad choice that creates more problems for both of them.



    Understandable?  Not when you are engaged to the alleged love of your life who you have turned your world upside down for.


    Poor Alison, she's feeling like she's in limbo. She's been deserted by Noah in Cold Spring because Helen doesn't want her near the kids, Yvonne is being a bitch to he because she's a woman and she's a threat to Yvonne and Robert is being just plain creepy.



    Again, the repercussions and consequences of getting involved with a married man with kids.  Hard to feel sorry for her.  Also, there is the factor that Alison lied to Yvonne about how she met Noah and as others have said, maybe she was a poor fit for the job or didn't take it seriously enough. 



    But we saw Alison introducing the baby at the arraignment.  It was Cole's version, and it seemed like he was seeing the baby for the first time.


    Even if the baby was Cole's that doesn't mean she would have even told him (or Noah for that matter).  Alison doesn't exactly think things through or consider other people's feelings.  How cruel if the baby IS Cole's and he doesn't know.  Legally it is probably Noah's.

    • Love 1
  13. And I definitely think it's her vulnerability that makes her attractive to men - there are many men who like to take care of women* and Alison's overall demeanor, at least in her memory, screams "I've been through some shit, I need to be taken care of."


    That and she falls into bed quite easily with no thoughts of consequences.  Not slut shaming, just stating how she is portrayed.

    • Love 1
  14. If they bring her back as a villain and not Nick's love interest, it would be a little better, but watching her smirk and use the word bitch in the place of being an actual bad-ass, might be just as painful.


    I really hope they don't bring Juliette back.  She has gone too far with what she did for Nick ever to forgive her.  Like what was said in the episode....it wasn't her fault she became a hexenbeast but she embraced it.  That said....Adeline is beyond that point too....to make her a serene mother and any kind of love interest for Nick would alienate the viewers.  No baby could/should bridge that gap for that to be possible. 

    • Love 2
  15. I do agree that Noah sees himself as a good guy, but I think there is also a strong undercurrent of self-loathing. This past episode, he did very little right, IMO. Tearing out of his sister's house--he had to know that was a selfish thing to do, and that it would confuse the hell out of his children. God, What a DICK!  If they wanted to play it like Noah was a victim (or Noah believed he was a victim) of his overbearing sister, they could have painted her far worse. The fact that he looked like such a dick shows me that Noah isn't even on his own side half the time.



    Noah definitely feels guilt but not enough to change anything and consider the kids well being first and foremost.  A couple episodes ago, Allison asked him what was the worst thing he had done and he said "This".  And despite being a mother, Allison doesn't really seem to care too much about Noah's kids and their unhappiness either.

    • Love 1
  16. I don't think anyone is trying to keep Allison away from Noah.  Not the judge, not Helen.  Helen wants Allison away from her kids right now, and the judge agrees since they are still figuring out custody and working through a divorce.  The judge didn't say Noah couldn't see Allison, and neither did Helen.


    The thing is....the kids themselves want nothing to do with Allison and don't want to live with her.  To them, their Dad picked her over them and she is the reason for the divorce. Helen doesn't have to say anything for them to think that. All the events are traumatic enough....living with her at this point in time would make it worse. It makes sense to gradually introduce contact with her.  I really doubt Allison wants the kids either....not much privacy and too many reminders of her own child.  Noah would eventually hate not being able to have his alone time with Allison if the kids were there full time.  They really do need to come up with something that makes sense for the kids first and foremost.

    • Love 5
  17. But having her ass hanging out and doing that what the hell do they call it when they are bouncing their asses all around? Yeah, she doesn't need to do that. She should stop.


    What DOES she do besides that?  Not being mean....I really don't know.  Does she have any kind of career or reality show or anything.  I have only seen her in the news as someone's arm candy or being part of feuds.  Definitely pretty but she looked like she was trying to be too cool for the room with those sunglasses and it was more embarrassing than anything else. 

    • Love 2
  18. As for the father, I say it again – he's a creep.  His choice doesn't have to be his son's choice.  The man does not look like a happy type of man and he doesn't come off as a good father.



    The same thing could be said about Noah! It's pretty natural for family members to give their advice especially when they see the kids hurting.  Of course he doesn't have to take it, but they have a right to their opinions. And he is the one who came to their house.  Does he expect them to be happy about the situation?


    And, Allison, sorry sweetie, but this is the mess you decided for yourself....the fallout of getting involved with a married man with four children. I guess they really are inconvenient after all.

    • Love 7
  19. It seems that most are in agreement that Noah is a selfish, massive douchebag, but I don't think much more of Allison.  She chose to enter into an affair with a man who has four children, hell she saw the whole crew the first time she met him.  In my book, her pain just doesn't give her a pass for that.


    Exactly, I see her as selfish as Noah if not more.  And now that she is married to Noah with a child, what would she think of someone who pursued Noah and had an affair with him who had interacted with her child. 

    • Love 4
  20. I thought Dr Jenn was a little harsh with Scott's wife.  Maybe she does make bad choices, but what was Scott;s situation when they met.  Maybe he wasn't showing signs of being bipolar and seemed fairly normal.  Who knows. 

  21. Dad going off to Hawaii with Robyn.


    I don't remember seeing this on the show. Was this right after coming back from the courthouse?  I thought that their "legal marriage" was no big deal and that they had already celebrated their "real marriage" with a reception and honeymoon.  I can't imagine this went over well with the other wives, especially Meri.  SHE should have been the one going to Hawaii with him since she allowed him to marry his true soul mate and adopt the kids. Wonder if Meri and Robyn's ex got some financial incentive to make this all happen.

    • Love 1
  22. One thing that comes to mind after watching this episode, I really doubt they would have made it as far as marriage with a new baby if Noah's book wasn't successful.  They don't deal well together with any conflicts (they only see their own side of things) and if money was an issue, I can't see them going through that type of hardship to work things out.

  23. Robyn sure is crafty. The other wives and their kids should just throw in the white towel. It's over for them. They don't have a husband or a dad. Kody is Robyn's and her children's now and only Robyn's and her children's.


    Yep, she went from the pretender who was always on the outside looking in with none of those precious shared memories of the family growing up together to the Queen who somehow not only became the "real" wife but whose adopted kids are trumping all the others except for Sol and the new baby of course.  She definitely holds the power in this family now.  But, be careful what you wish for....once the TLC show goes away, so most likely goes the kingdom.  Kody with no more fame or $$$...probably not a pleasant sight.

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