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Posts posted by Palomar

  1. So the ink was barely dry on the divorce papers and Robyn takes Kody on a trip to Hawaii. Screams a little "Woo-hoo! Let's go to Disneyland!" to me.


    So if the other wives save up their grocery money, are they allowed to bring Kody on a vacation somewhere with them?  Or does he only go on vacations with Robyn?

  2. I also like Jade, but come on, she had to know that a bumpkin like Chris is not going to want a little wifey who posed in Playboy



    However, there are plenty of guys that would.  Of all the candidates, she would attract the most guys to the show. Kaitlin seems nice but isn't someone you would pick out of a crowd...more like the girl next door than someone 30 guys would be fighting over.  Just can't see it.  Brit did nothing to help her chances last night.  I know people are saying it is a done deal, but we have heard that before.  I think Whitney would be a good choice, but of course she might have another gig!  I wish they would break the chain and just go with someone new. 

    • Love 1
  3. I think she came very close to pulling a Nick there.



    Yep, especially when she used the word intimacy.  She definitely had more class than Nick which might help her become the Bachelorette.  Another big difference is the "Nick" thing was at the After the Final Rose, after the engagement, which was a huge difference.  IIRC Andi was fairly receptive and kind to the guys on her Men Tell All....the ATFR not so much since Nick made that his show. 

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  4. To be honest, I was surprised by Christine's reaction.  This is the lady that got pissed about Kody picking out Robyn's first wedding gown and about countless other things, but she was instantly more than OK with Kody legally marrying Robyn.  I expected SOME resistance from Christine.  And this being Meri's idea?  Hard to believe the seed wasn't planted earlier with Robyn mentioning..."only IF I was married to Kody, he could adopt the kids.."  Maybe once she got her wet bar, she just didn't care anymore.

    • Love 4
  5. Then...Robyn waxing poetic on the other wives "trusting" her....talking about when the husband "passes" the legal wife is responsible for the estate. Ugh!! Like she has t totally thought this through.



    If Kody, has half a brain, he would have a trust that spells out exactly what would happen financially when he dies.  To leave this up to Robyn (or even Meri before her) is almost criminal.  He's got 17 kids...he has a responsibility to take care of them now and in the future...not to a wife who has always had problems handling her money. 


    And Kody, how would you like it if one of your wives left you and got married.  Would you give up YOUR parental rights?  What makes you think David Jessop will? There are two sides to every story and divorce...who knows what kind of a guy he is.  Nothing Kody does matters at all, unless David decides to do this and why would he?  The only way would most likely be wiping away any previous and future child support payments.

    • Love 6
  6. Actually I think the Carl's Junior commercial is more funny and snarky than trashy.  Haven't seen the rehearsals but have seen her interviewed and she seems to have a sense of humor and doesn't take herself too seriously.  Not sure which is more of a celebrity....a model, the child of a celebrity, or a reality star.  There are very few legitimate stars on this show. Some people vote for their favorite star, some vote for their favorite pro, some vote for the best dancer, and some even vote for the worst dancer so it is very hard to predict.

  7. I see that Kelly has officially quit the Fashion Police now and that the Us article is saying it was due to a difference with producers and not just because of the Zendaya incident. Isn't Melissa Rivers the producer of the show?




    Edited to say, it was actually TMZ that said there was other conflicts with the producers.

  8. They're like the second coming of Jason and Molly, only slower and without the dumping of the F1 on national TV.



    LOL, that would be so true if this come to be.  It just seems so farfetched since it would seem she would hate him for slut-shaming her (which might even be one of the reasons for the Andi/Josh breakup) and Nick would hate her for leading him on (even though I am sure there are a lot of F2s and F3s that could say the same.)


    Btw, ARTSDA, thanks for the info...was never doubting your reporting of OK saying they were together or anything like that...just some of the questionable reporting from that magazine in the past.

  9. It definitely was a stupid remark and I can understand why Zendaya was upset but I definitely don't see why she wouldn't accept her apology and move on.  For the record, I didn't think the dreads were a good look for Zendaya (especially for the Oscars) and that has nothing to do with race.  I just didn't think she pulled it off. Is there a way to say that without offending someone....I just don't know.  Surely Guliana failed on that account but also acknowledges that.


    The Fashion Police as a show is pretty much going to have a slow death.  No one can say the outrageous things that Joan said and get away with it.  If everyone on that team has to think about everyone they are going to offend with negative comments, the show is just going to be another Entertainment Tonight.  Of course racist comments shouldn't be tolerated, but I give Guliana the benefit of the doubt that her comment was meant to be edgy and funny and was just a fail instead (that she has acknowledged).

    • Love 3
  10. I like Kaitlin OK, but she just doesn't seem to have the personality (or the flashiness/beauty of someone like Britt) to pull off being the Bachelorette.  I admit she looked lovely in the last Rose Ceremony but she is more the girl next door type (nothing wrong with that but not the type of person you want to anchor a show).  We just had a Bachelor who was every man...it would be nice to have someone with at least an unusual story line or something for the next go around.

  11. Whitney's reaction didn't surprise me at all. She doesn't really care about Chris. She doesn't care about the feelings of the other women. She's the Tracy Flick of The Bachelor.



    Well, Kaitlin had a similar reaction when she thought Becca was leaving. She even had face time with the camera about it. 

  12. Connie wasn't old enough to drink, so she could have been twenty. She had a responsible position at the clinic, so she wasn't a child. I would hardly call Hector a pedophile.



    Which is why I hate her character as well. She knows exactly what she is doing.  No excuses and she proclaims to love the wife.  Of course the husband is worse...even if she is "legal" which really wasn't stated, it is one of those relationships that just squiq you out (ala Woody Allen and his stepdaughter)...not to mention just plain stupid when you are in public office.


    Just to say I see in another thread that Connie is stil in high school so not exactly a healthy relationship. 

  13. The only ones I could see as the Bachelorette is Britt or Whitney (if she doesn't win). I don't think that Britt really did anything that wrong, but she would need to redeem herself a bit at the Women Tell All show.  Ditto Carly since she is seen by some as a mean girl now but not sure she has the confidence to be the Bachelorette.  If Jade had a more outgoing personality and wouldn't mind the constant reminders of the nude pictures, she would be shoe-in. I'm sure she would attract a lot of guys to her season.  But then again they have made some questionable choices in the past for both Bachelor and Bachelorette so who knows.

    • Love 1
  14. Also, if I was Chris' final one, I would be leery of Britt. She is a woman scorned and she's going to see all the mean things the women said behind her back. Plus Chris is probably going to feel sorry for Britt. The other women totally oversold the "she's a fake liar" claims.


    Let's hope for Chris' sake that Britt still isn't feeling pissed and entitled by the time of the Women Tell All and that she doesn't blurt out "Then why did you sleep with me?" (assuming the nap wasn't really just a nap) ala Nick in Andi's season.  But if she wants to be the next Bachelorette she will behave.  I was surprised Chris didn't pick Jade over Kaitlin just so it didn't seem like the reason was the "reveal" and just because it never seemed Kaitlin was a serious contender.


    Since it is ultimately about the ratings, can see Jade or Britt being the next Bachelorette (whichever one plays it right) or Whitney if there is a lot of drama if she is not picked. Just to point out, if Jade was shy about the playboy pics, she wouldn't have gone on the show. And I doubt the producers missed this fact in their background checking.

  15. She's gonna be even MORE pissed that someone replied and commented that they thought she was Kate Gosselin.  BA HA HA!



    Love it!  I'm sure Brandi thinks she is higher up on the totem pole than Kate, but ultimately they are both reality stars, period.


    Despite Brandi being on the team, sure hope Leeza wins.  Geraldo should have rightfully been fired long ago. Still not sure having Olivia Newton John fly out from Australia is waranted though.



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  16. It's because he left the women wondering. If he'd gathered them all together and made his choice, as we've seen done a zillion times in the past, the rest of the women could have gone back to the hotel instead of sat there confused and hurt that their "date" essentially dumped them.



    Exactly!  Often the group dates do have something special for whatever girl gets the rose.  I think he thought he could pull it off without the other girls finding out, but his strategy backfired.  But, of course he is so obviously into Britt, he's not exactly caring too much about the other girls' feelings either.  Maybe reality will change that but I could definitely see it if some of the girls figured this game is over and checked out emotionally. 

  17. At first I thought he had a real connection with Whitney but ever since the nap he took with Britt he seems to be ignoring her. I hope he doesn't choose Whitney in the end or she's is going to look back at how poorly he treated her and how hung up on Britt he was and her head is going to explode. At this point I can't imagine him choosing anyone other than Britt but after the previews next week it doesn't look like Britt would ever move to Iowa so I guess he will have to pick someone else.. Becca maybe?



    That is the thing. It is pretty obvious the "nap" changed everything. I imagine like someone else said in this thread that Britt is his last fling. Most likely he hasn't met too many girls like her in a small town. 


    It is so similar to the Des/Chris/Brooks situation except that Brooks wasn't having it (while Britt is going for it). I think the biggest reason that Chris was able to overcome what went down is that he didn't watch the footage.  Whoever is Chris' F1 most likely will see this footage and be devastated (even if they don't publicly admit it). Of course who knows maybe Chris will pick Britt.

    • Love 1
  18. I know it is rather late in the season to be making celebrity lookalike observations, but when Whitney was giving the stink eye, she was really looking like a pissed off Faith Hill. So she went up a few points in my book.



    Another one...not sure if it has been mentioned but Jade reminds me so much of Jennifer Connelly.  So far I really like her.  I know little about her "scandalous past" except what was shown in the preview last night.


    Btw, on Chris' blog (I believe it was on the People site) he said something about that he didn't think Britt would tell the others about the concert...that he thought it was something they could keep between themselves.  I guess he doesn't know much about women.  He also mentioned that he picked Kelsey and Ashley for the 2-1 date because those were the two that he was the must unsure about.  So, not surprising that both would go.  Of course who even knows who writes these blogs!

  19. Sir, you are no gentleman! Kissing in front of other girls and disappearing for an hour with one girl while the rest waits is so NOT cool. I really wish all the girls had gotten up and left the show right then and there.



    Seriously, how rude can you be.  I don't care if the producers were behind some of it....it was just plain disrespectful.  He could have still given Britt the rose in private and brought all the girls to the concert. Plus, I am assuming his "fiance" could be among those girls left behind. Wonder how she is feeling seeing herself so disrespected.


    Of course I am totally unspoiled...he may just follow his lust and pick Britt for all I know.  One thing Ashley was right about was there is no way Britt would be happy on the farm.  That said, I do give kudos to Chris for getting rid of the immature Ashley and cray cray Kelsey who IMO has been auditioning to be the next Bachelorette all along.


    Bullshit.  Every single one of them would have done the same thing Britt did.



    Oh I agree.  This is totally on Chris, not Britt.


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  20. Quite often a guy reluctantly ends up going through a divorce once his side piece (to quote Empire) gives him the 'ole ultimatum.  Robyn had already made mention of "no babies" because she was pissy about being too busy with Sister Wife's Closet since Meri bailed. Wouldn't be surprised she threatened to leave, without something in return (like a marriage license).  I can SO see Kody and Robyn planning this and coming up with some excuse for a reason...like her kids. Sounds like total BS to me. 


    And I'll bet the other 3 wives know that Sister Wife's Closet is doomed and will never produce a profit and are just going along with the farce.  The thing is if Meri, Janelle, and Chistine bailed, there would no longer be a show.

    • Love 4
  21. It sure would be interesting to see what Kody's will looks like (not that he is worth much $$$) if he even has one.   Ditto life insurance. 


    This whole thing makes you wonder if they haven't all been acting all along and that Christine is the only one who can't hold it together.  It really no longer seems like a plural marriage....it's one wife and 3 baby mamas and they have to pretend they are all still a family for their TLC show and to get that check. 

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