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Posts posted by Palomar

  1. The men are encouraged to "open up," and allow themselves to fall in love. I think it's then just not fair to go past a certain point for the duration of the show, at least until Fantasy Suite time when it's almost over. In real life they wouldn't have to sit next to the guy who slept with their girlfriend at breakfast.



    In the past it was assumed it was an even playing ground up until the FS and then whatever happened in the FS was not really spoken about. It was assumed that the B/Bette would probably sleep with their intended or perhaps (ala Andi) the two contenders.  Whatever.  I don't think anyone thinks it is a big deal that they had sex, but that it is being filmed for TV and that her other suitors will find out.  (Kaitylyn even told her parents not to watch this episode according to US...what does that say?)  I would not be surprised if some of the guys emotionally involved with her would leave after hearing what happened. No, she is not exclusive but it still could be thought of as a betrayal to them.  Of course the trips and TV experience may overrule those thougts!

    • Love 3
  2. If Kaitlyn doesn't pick Nick:


    -Will Nick cry about "why did you have sex with me?" like he did with Andi?

    -How does her F1 feel about K&N having sex for the world to know about?


    If Kaitlyn does pick Nick:


    -It would feel like the whole season was a sham....she already had something started with Nick...why even be the Bachelorette?



    You could tell Nick was dying to tell the guys what happened.  Even Kaitlyn worried he would be kissing and telling.

    • Love 9
  3. This season just seems like a farce and totally scripted.  The Brokeback story, the Nick thing, the upcoming previewed scandal....even the Kaitlyn over Britt thing and subsequent Britt/Brady romance.  The only thing that looks genuine is the look of disappointment on the guys faces when they heard about Nick. 


    Maybe since neither Kaitlyn or Britt seemed like The Bachelorette, they could have actually gotten someone new.

    • Love 9
  4. I’m with Tanner — I think less of her for being all gaga over Nick, of all people. He’s not even attractive! (At least not to me. Tres smarmy.)



    Totally agree with this and the timing sucks for them as well.  You know one guy will be going home in the rose ceremony that wouldn't have this early because she will be handing one to Nick.  Plus it doesn't seem fair since she had some sort of relationship with him before the show...I have my doubts they never met. Except for the fact that some of these guys would like the travel adventure, I wouldn't be too surprised to see a few of these guys bail over the Nick situation and the previewed sex "scandal" that I assume will happen soon. It's probably too much to hope for that it is Nick and she dumps him afterwards so he can yet again play the wounded sensitive guy and whine about it on TMTA.

    • Love 2
  5. I don't think Britt will be the next B'ette--but I predict a Brady Loves Britt reality show is already being discussed. Just too much alliterative potential there, and the wholesomeness factor is off the charts



    I hope the relationship is real, but wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't contrived for a saving face situation for the rejected Britt.  If it is real, there is actually more potential for it to work than the typical Bachelorette "journey".  If it is still going on, they must have been seeing each other for a couple of months now.

  6. There are so many mentions of the "experiment".  The thing is, they ARE treating their relationships like experiments instead of a marriage.  It is like they don't want to put the full effort into it until they make their announcement when the 6 weeks are up. Their homes are temporary hotel rooms.  It's almost like that show Love Prison where couples who have only been communicating online are forced to spend a weekend together....this is a 6 week version of that, sadly.


    I still think Jaclyn and Ryan have a chance but not sure they are ready to commit to marriage.  I also think that Jessica and Ryan might stay together almost out of stubborness. 

    • Love 3

    The show should tone down scripting "I can see my husband/wife in the room" multiple times within the first episodes. Such silliness.


    It's almost embarassing. Especially since most of these guys (at least at this point in time) do not really seem to be looking for marriage...more like trying to make an impression for more air time and free trips.  And to be honest, is Kaitlin even ready for marriage?

    • Love 2
  8. But you know if Kaitlyn had said upfront "Ya know, I'm totally ok with spontaneous sex if it happens", the guys would probably have been cool with that and on board. But why would they think it was possible if it had never happened before and she never said it was ok?



    The thing that makes it seem a little disturbing is that it is all so public.  Who would want their parents, family, co-workers, and most of all their chosen F1 (if he wasn't the one) knowing exactly when you were having sex. At least in the FS there is a veil of privacy.   But of course it does give the one(s) who Kaitlyn has sex with an advantage.  Will The Bachelorette/Bachelor change because of this, making the suitors more aggressive?

    • Love 1
  9. This show really has changed. There used to be fairly strict access rules and the suitors only had contact during assigned dates and during the cocktail parties. Now, it seems all bets are off as far as creating moments with the Lead prior to the Fantasy Suites.  And anything that happens prior to the FS could well be revealed and the F1 will eventually find out.  And since Nick slut-shamed Andi about what happened in the FS and even Kaitlin admitted she saw Chris S. naked in the FS on some show (forget which), even what happens in the FS is no longer secret.  Not a good formula for a good start on a relationship!

    • Love 1
  10. I think Sean does not want to initiate sex because he doesn't want Davina to give a "review" on national TV.  Davina's friend gave good advice but it's pretty obvious he doesn't care enough to take it.


    I think Ryan has already checked out of the marriage and that he is trying to make semi-nice to fulfill his 6 week obligation.  He can't leave fast enough.  There is no way Jessica and Ryan will ever be anyting than oil and water. 


    I hold out a little hope for Ryan and Jaclyn because I do think they at least have a friendship that could eventually be more.  But, he is so not ready for marriage and almost seems to be looking for an excuse to bail.  I can see them not divorcing and seeing how things go for awhile.

    • Love 2
  11. Nick, ugh.  And for the 1st time someone admits to shagging on the show.



    Ugh, indeed.  He makes my skin crawl....cannot see anything remotely appealing about him.  Not to mention being manipulative so definitely not surprised he is man whoring his way back to this show.  Such a sensitive soul.

    • Love 3
  12. I think what Melissa was saying is when Kathy left, she said in her statement something about the premise of the show (shaming people for their bodies, etc) was "not her" and wrong.  Her statement made it seem like she was above all that, when in reality Kathy has told her share of "fat" jokes, etc.  The statement attribited to Melissa was taken out of context (as most sensational quotes are).  It seemed like Melissa thought that by Kathy putting down the show she was dissing Joan since it was her baby.  That's what I got from it as someone who is not invested in any of these people.  It really did seem like Kathy bailed on a sinking ship to save herself. 

  13. In that case it all comes down to the freestyle - who wows it, and who whiffs it?



    That might have been true in the past but the scoring in the finals (including the freestyle) will most likely be either all 10's or 9's  (at least based on what we have seen the last couple of years) and it will still come down to popularity. 


    If Noah wins, so be it, but it just seems unfair to the other contestants that it almost seems to come down to a matter of patriotism instead of dancing.  It is kind of hard to compete with that.

    • Love 1

    If Noah had been scored correctly, this wouldn't have happened. There's no way he should have received scores anywhere close to the scores he did, and he never should have received 10's.


    I put this travesty squarely on the judges for consistantly overscoring Noah...they did not have the balls to score him fairly.  And the judge-inspired round was a farce (even though I did enjoy the dances)....you KNEW each dance would get perfect scores....the judges were not going to vote anything less against each other. Sure Noah is an inspiration for being on the show and doing as well as he can, but who wouldn't rather see Nastia doing a free style than another Noah dance that the judges will of course fawn over no matter what.


    On the other hand, there is Noah, who I will support even though he is with trashy Sharna.  At least he seems like a nice guy and he has done something for our country, which is America by the way, not any of the other odd ways I have seen people attempt to say it.



    I see this show as a dance competition to reward dancing results, not for voting for the most likeable or patriotic person.  I admit I don't vote, but if I did, I would vote for the best dancer, not if I like their pro or not.

    • Love 8

    As much as it loathes me to side with Amelia and her screeching about anything, she was correct that Meredith should have called her (and/or the rest of his family) before she turned off life support.


    Yes, it is the wife's decision but she is not his only family and they had a right to know before pulling the plug (what would an hour or two longer hooked up to the machine matter) or before Meredith wandered into the hospital and calmly told everyone else (NON family members) that Derek is dead.  To be honest if I was Derek's mother I would never forgive her for that or for not giving me the (hopefully) comforting news that Derek was going to be a father again.  Worst Daughter-in-law ever! Sorry, but Meredith is extremely selfish (like her mother).  I don't like Amelia either, but Meredith's treatment of her was horrible as well. 


    That said, I mostly blame Shonda's GA vision for Meredith's behaviour.  I really think they shoved a years worth of Meredith grieving into one episode because frankly it would have been boring as hell to watch it spread out for a season.

    • Love 3
  16. Surprisingly, I didn't mind Amelia's scene confronting Meredith. It didn't come out of nowhere, the megalomania was at a relative minimum, and that Meredith didn't even call her before pulling the plug when she was local (and living with them) is a completely legitimate point to discuss, or at least mention hurts, at some point.



    Definitely understand why Amelia was upset at not being able to say goodbye. Honestly I'm surprised it took her this long to say something. Yes, it was Meredith's decision, but she could have waited until Derek's immediate family was informed and in Amelia's case came to the hospital.  I wonder if Amelia would consider buying Derek's house since it meant so much to him.

    • Love 4
  17. I assumed he meant lying to Rowan about Simon being in a car accident instead of how he actually died.  I don't think Peter knew that Tommy had already told her the truth.



    The thing I got from this is that Tommy LIED originally to Rowan about Simon's death (being a suicide) when it was a car accident (or maybe a car accident caused by someone, perhaps)?  Simon has admitted he didn't remember what happened. And Peter knows it wasn't a suicide.  Definitely all confusing and I can't remember if Tommy already had a thing for Rowan while she was engaged. 

  18. I recognize that Kym is probably one of the most talented of the six, but I have to say I am not too surprised she was the one eliminated.  I feel that she is always trying to showcase her voice (with over-the-top singing) instead of singing the song with true emotion.  Add some ill advised song choices....Free Falling definitely not for her.  I find myself looking forward to Sawyer's and Koryn's performances every week.  Not sure why, but those are the ones who I feel could make a career of this.  I enjoy Meghan some of the time but feel she is a little bit of a ringer. 

    • Love 1
  19. The one thing I did find very interesting in this episode was Peter telling Tommy how he has lied to Rowan all along, especially about how Simon died the first time.



    Didn't see the other version of this show, but I figured all along that Tommy ran down Simon on the wedding day.  One thing I didn't understand was even if Rowan believed that Simon decided to bail on their wedding day and has mixed feelings about him, why would she allow Tommy to kill him in cold blood in her house.  She liked him enough to have sex with him a few days/weeks before!  And did she forget Tommy was taping her and on the obsessive side....she is now OK with that?  I guess she is taking the easy route and marrying for security and the proper father for her kid. 

    • Love 2
  20. And previews look kind of like Jaclyn and Ryan are heading for a fall...probably the producers drumming up drama...



    This is the only couple that seems to have a chance but only if Ryan realizes that Jaclyn IS his family.  Yes, he feels obligated to help raise his niece but everyone deserves to start their own family.  His mother should not expect him to give up his own life. An hour is not that far away.  He really needs to concentrate on now with Jaclyn and see if it works out or he will have a lot of regrets someday.  Maybe the neice could eventually even live with them down the line.  Jaclyn has already said several times that he doesn't have to choose.

    • Love 7
  21. So, thanks to a nifty app, I was able to see the Cornell Confidential.  I'm not sure how anyone could see that and not think that Ben is dead.  Natalie is not angry with her father, she would be seeing him on a regular basis if he were still alive.  If he were still alive, he would have told her how proud he was of her himself and not needed Dave to do it.  Last of all, if he were still alive. Cornell would be talking about getting his conviction overturned and getting him out of jail instead of just clearing his name.  Can't see how he'd still be alive.



    Unfortunately it did sound like Ben is no longer alive.  The thing is, the ONLY reason I can even see another season is for Ryan Phillipe to return as Ben and for them to drag out what happens next with new trials. Clearing someone's name is not as compelling as clearing someone who doesn't want to be cleared.  Not sure what happens in juvenile court, but I imagine not enough to make a season.  Unless they do another case for Cornell entirely but can't see that either.

    • Love 1
  22. It doesn't even seem like Ryan and Jessica and Sean and Davina even LIKE each other right now.  You have to have some kind of friendship, whether sex is involved or not, or living together is not going to work (married or not)....especially since all 4 are giving up something in these relationships.  Jaclyn and Ryan obviously started slowly but they at least seemed to like each other as friends from the beginning and that was something to build on.  By no means are they "safe" but watching them build their relationship is the best thing about the show.   

    • Love 3
  23. I really want to know why Simon killed himself or even if he killed himself-there has to be some secret there. No one kills themselves on their wedding day unless something else is going on. And he appears to love Rowan and want to be with her, so it makes no sense.



    I definitely don't believe he killed himself and not knowing the background wonder if the cop was already obsessed with Rowan and somehow caused the accident and swooped on in and took advantage of the situation.  


    And seriously, with so many people now knowing about the "returneds" someone would have talked to the media by now. 

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