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Posts posted by Palomar

  1. If David is so invested in being married, then he should act like he's married all the way through.  It seems like it's OK to some posters that he gave 110% for 3 weeks but since Ashley is giving 10% (in their eyes), it's OK for David to step out.  I never think it's OK to step out.  If you want out, get out.  In this case, it's a 6 week gig.  He's got an out coming up.


    I thought this thread was a non-spoiler thread?  Anything I have written has been based upon what has happened up through and including this episode.  I didn't realize we were talking about future episodes that most of us have not seen yet.

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  2. If David had approached Ashley like a gentleman, would she have started to open up to him? I don't know. But the answer would at least be, "Maybe," which I would think is better than what he's got now, which is, "Never."


    I just haven't seen that much from David that was that un-gentlemanly. Frustration, yes. That one outburst which could have been taken out of context....what led up to that? Who knows. No one is perfect. He's tried giving her space and when that didn't work, reaching out in different ways.   Going in for a kiss on a ferris wheel after 3 weeks of dating?  If she had been receptive, everyone would have been saying how romantic that was but instead he is not a gentleman?  She decided the instant he didn't match her fantasy, that it was over.

    • Love 10
  3. You can't fault the guy, having gotten married to her, to take steps to see if he can get her on board with being even a little physically intimate. And I do have to wonder how much production is responsible for goading him on in that.


    That is the thing.....he has to do constant video's and he is being asked how things are going each time.  It is kind of hard to sound like he is not complaining.....he is just saying what is happening.  If that sounds like complaining, it is just the cold hard facts.  To be honest, I would wonder if the producers wouldn't challenge her contract.  Nothing about sex, she isn't even giving him common courtesy or trying to relate in any way. She could at least try to be friends with him to make the rest of the time go easier.  Not to mention she acts like every acknowledgement towards him is like bestowing some gift. 

    • Love 6
  4. Too many lame games, such as Yes or No Shag and the fake as hell surprise phone call.  It would be so much better just to stick with talking about current topics or semi-interviews with the guests.  If games are necessary for a time filler, at least create original ones instead of ripping off other shows.

    • Love 1
  5. It would definitely help in their selection process if they showed the pictures of the serious contenders for each person they are selecting for to at least say "swipe left or swipe right" .  They definitely need to get the physical attraction right. 

  6. If David and Ashley went on a first date in real life, there would never have been a second date and the only way there would have been a first date is by some sort of dating website. She would never have agreed to go out with him if they would have met by chance.  I'm sure David would have determined she was cold as ice and have moved on.  But, since he was all in for this experiment from the beginning, that is why he is trying so hard.  Ashley is delusional if she thinks she is too good for him.  It's pretty obvious why dating has not worked for her so far.  Even if she doesn't like him, he definitely deserves more respect than she is giving him.  And, why not at least be friends if she already knows she will say no to marriage after 6 weeks to make the time less miserable.  No one is going to want to date you after this! 

    • Love 7
  7. I feel like I've been saying, "WTF, Delia?" for the past three episodes. It's so dumb.


     I guess Delia is one of those who just can't handle happiness.  I don't get it....she seemed SO in love with her fiancé (at least until marriage was brought into the picture).  Despite whatever went down with his first wife, he really has treated Delia well doesn't deserve this (although his first wife might beg to differ).  Then again, if Delia wasn't flawed she would not be a character on this show!

    • Love 1

    I want to be sensitive to her plight, but if I were Rob, I would be pissed if my honeymoon got impromptu cancelled on the way to the airport.



    I imagine if the cameras were not on them, Rob would have acted MUCH differently.  It's not just this trip either.....in his mind their future includes traveling for vacations.  Not a good sign.

    • Love 3
  9. Maybe Ashley is one of those women who doesn't like it when a guy is nice to her and only likes a guy that treats her badly or is indifferent.  I can't figure out if she has low self esteem or the opposite....that she thinks she is too good for a guy like David (even to give him a chance).  It really would be interesting to know what happened with her long term relationship. 

    • Love 4
  10. His outburst seemed a little too sudden, so I don't know if something else was going on or if he got pissed that just the night before he talked about this day being hard for him, and then this morning, Ashley asks why he's so grumpy.


    I do wonder if Ashley only went after him to comfort him because the producer told her to.


    Of course there is editing involved and his outburst may have been after Ashley said something that pushed his buttons (or she ignores him completely when the cameras are off).  To be honest, you have to wonder how he can be as nice as he has been when she has already made it clear she wants nothing to do with him.  She isn't even friendly towards him, let alone anything else. 


    It's a good bet that Ashley attempted to comfort him because the cameras were on and she would look coldhearted otherwise. So far Dr. Pepper is not seeing the total disconnect.

    • Love 1
  11. Just when I find redeeming things about this show again, they go and have an episode like this. I kind of hate all these women.



    I agree. However, this is the reason for the show....flawed divorcees, wives, singles.  No one comes out looking good or even becomes someone you want to root for.  I actually liked Delia's fiancée (despite HIS flaws) and think she just doesn't know how to be happy.  Too bad she has to screw up everyone's life around her.


    I agree with everybody about Ashley. She has no personality and she's just a big old cold fish. I wonder if she didn't live with her ex because of religious reasons. Maybe she wanted to wait with sex until she got married. But now that she is married, she won't have sex because she doesn't like David. David's salary and the little palace they rented will help, but I'm not sure how much.


    The thing is....affection has to start somewhere. High-fiving is something you would even do at a game with a stranger.  Would it hurt to hug David once in a while and sit close to him....even kiss on the cheek or hold hands.  That is definitely something you would already be doing if you were dating someone for a week or so even if you didn't want to take things too much further.  It's usually a progression...this isn't a show about finding a compatible new friend.  He definitely can't make the first move since she has put up so many roadblocks. 

    • Love 5
  13. ABC has finally put the unaired episodes of the show online on Hulu.



    Thanks for the heads up! They are now on our cable On Demand as well.  Watched episodes 4 and 5. It's definitely building and I know it's going to be a letdown not getting the full season after I finish the episodes posted, but I'm finding the shows compelling. 

  14. Kody has made it clear that he wants a wife No. 5- and he wants her to be a teenager!



    I don't believe this for a SECOND.  No way in HELL would TLC have anything to do with this family again if that were to happen, especially since they were so quick to can The Duggars.  Plus the Browns have always tried to distance themselves from that type of polygamy. A 5th wife, perhaps, but definitely age appropriate.  Plus, In Touch is a ridiculous magazine that has little to do with the truth.  Jen Anniston has been pregnant at least 10 times according to that magazine.

    • Love 3
  15. He's protecting Helen as much as Alison. In fact, I would argue Alison didn't need protecting, whereas Helen obviously did. And Helen was the wounded bird in the end. I actually liked the change in the Noah/Alison relationship at the end of the episode. Alison was the strong one - comforting Noah as he sobbed in her arms.



    Yeah Noah is this time protecting Helen.  He is the one who begged her to drive because he couldn't and he feels guilty.  That and the "mother of his children" thing. But that isn't shown as a pattern in their relationship where it seems like protecting Alison is one of the attractions he has for her.  It will be interesting to see what leads to marriage after this incident and the betrayal of Alison allowing Noah to believe he was Joanie's father all this time. 


    One thing, I didn't see Helen's "I Love You" as her hoping to get back together but more of a thanks for protecting her.  I think she will ultimately say she was driving if it comes down to Noah getting convicted.  What does Helen's boyfriend know/suspect?  Another interesting thing to find out next season.

    • Love 2
  16. She hit Scotty and wanted to frame Alison?  WTF?  Okay, I know she doesn't like Alison but to frame her for murder?



    I'm not sure it would be framing Alison....more like providing reasonable doubt for Noah's defense.....that Alison had motive to perhaps want Scotty killed. Does Helen even know that Alison pushed Scotty or was involved?  It would seem that they have nothing on Alison anyway (unless she confessed) even if motive was revealed. Even if the truth came out she pushed him for a reason (if her point of view is even the truth).  Do we know that Alison just pushed him to get him away or did she push him in front of the car intentionally?  I have to see this again. She could definitely be guilty of obstruction of justice but anything else would be difficult to prove. 


    As others have said....calling afterwards and saying they thought they hit a deer would have been the best decision (well, besides the truth of course). 


    I do find it interesting that protecting Alison has made Noah rediscover his love for her.  He still wants to help the wounded bird. Definitely a twisted relationship.

    • Love 1
  17. One thing I HOPE we don't hear in the next episode is that "he/she is a stranger" as an excuse.  Actually, no....you have now spent enough time together to be beyond the "stranger" stage.  Yes, you don't know each other well, but neither do new couples who get together the usual way after a week or so.  Now, it is very possible you don't like the other person or think being married to them will work but enough with the excuses.  You put yourself in this situation.  Get to know them like any other person you are dating. 

    • Love 4
  18. Sam and Neil: Seriously, Sam...besides being beyond rude you are seriously delusional. There is a HUGE reason why you are single and that your family members are happy you are now married.  There is no reason why you should be so rude when you are not even close to being a prize yourself. Why not try out the experiment without insulting Neil who has been nothing but kind to you.  If it doesn't work out, fine, divorce him.  To insult him just shows your lack of character.


    David and Ashley: Ashley, you got a guy who really wants marriage and who is kind to you and who is patient.  Open up and give it a try.  Obviously the type of guys you have been with in the past was not working. Why did you even go on this show again?  Try and see what happens.


    Tres and Vanesa: Don't think about what could go wrong.  Think about what could happen if you are all in and if it doesn't work out, at least you tried.

    • Love 3
  19. It seems like a lot of contradictions. After desperately wanting to leave Montauk, she now decides that she belongs there despite having Noah, a swanky apartment, a baby and four step children in NYC. And she made this decision overnight. And how does this decision square up with the Alison that we saw in the future timeline in S1? She seemed very committed to her NYC lifestyle at that point. Also, if Alison and Cole are running the new Lobster Roll together, why was their reunion in the court house (at Noah's arraignment) so awkward...as if they hadn't seen in each other in quite awhile. Maybe more information is coming in the next episode.



    So many good points here.


    All these life changing discussions she doesn't have with Noah....all because he didn't have time to talk one morning. The reunion at the courthouse definitely made it seem Allison and Cole hadn't seen each other in years. Maybe Season 2 was not written yet and we are not supposed to remember that. I also can't imagine them suddenly resolving all their issues enough to get married in such a short amount of time (unless it was a testifying ploy as others have brought up).


    I also thought all Allison wanted was another baby. So she decides to immediately go to medical school right after the birth which won't leave much time for the baby and then when she quits school lets the nanny take care of her while she is wandering the streets trying to find herself. I could understand if becoming a Doctor was really her dream (definitely don't remember hearing that before) but she is figuring it out as she goes along. 

    • Love 2
  20. Jeffrey sang well but he always looks like he's expecting any minute for someone to bop him on the head with a two-by-four. And again with the downbeat songs! I would vote him as Singer Most Likely To Commit Suicide Onstage, just because of his demeanor.



    I guess it is a matter of taste as I like the emotional or angry songs over the upbeat happy songs.  Was surprised that Jeffrey didn't make the top 3 without having to compete actually.  This is the second song in a row that Madi completely butchered.  Some songs aren't meant to sound better rearranged and they don't.

    • Love 1
  21. I am having a hard time understanding why having a well-received novel would cause a man with teenage children and a baby on the way to start acting like an irresponsible frat boy?  It's inconsistent.



    I think rather than acting like a frat boy he is acting like someone getting caught up with the high of sudden fame and fortune and he is going with the flow and what is almost expected to be part of the scene (as far as the drugs go) and doing we he thinks he "deserves" as far as the sex goes. At this point Alison represents pretty much what Helen did...the real world which he's not quite ready yet to rejoin.

    • Love 4
  22. I'm also really hating the whole Boo Boo Kitty loses her shit story line. I loved how hard as nails she was last season and now she's trying to trap Hakeem and is quickly sliding into bunny boiling mode. I don't think it's in keeping with a character I felt I'd gotten to know.



    I don't get it....no way would a relationship between the two work at ALL and she knows it. Why not tell the truth and let the chips fall where they may.  Someone in that family will provide a pay day for her and the Lyon child and she can still do her own thing.

    • Love 4
  23. I definitely did not have a problem with Bindi winning.  She turned into a great dancer and was charming, even though the judges laid it on too thick at times.  My beef is why Derek NEVER gets any "stars" other than contenders??  Is it in his contract or something?  And when I say contender, I know Bindi did not have dance experience but she is young and athletic and let's face it.....young most often turns into being a contender on this show.  It's not like we have ever seen Derek with someone like Paula Deene. Even Mark has had his share of non-contenders like Brisol Palin (yes she is young but had a horrible attitude and was a polarizing type who was hard to root for).

  24. Was Robyn's ass that big with King Sol, or is age/metabolism/chocolate pie catching up with her?



    Probably just karma catching up!


    One thing that confused me....I didn't ever read any of the emails between Meri and the catfish and am appalled if she really sent nude pictures...but why did she continue to say "he" during the Tell All sessions?  Why didn't she clarify that it was a woman posing as a guy.  It was all very sketchy and let to interpretation.  I am assuming that is one of the reasons that Kody is blasé about it...if there wasn't a man involved and only a woman (despite intention) he can somehow justify it in his twisted mind.

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