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Posts posted by Palomar

  1. It sure does sound like all these people are almost "promised" that people on their "list" will be there (maybe as a condition for being on the show?).  So, doesn't surprise me that those waiting for their ultimate crush are trying to stick around long enough for that.  The mistake Joe made is to go overboard on selling his alleged feelings to Jeulia  (who is desperate enough to believe they could be real after one date) and making a pack with Samantha to do what it takes.  I guess those two are too involved with each other to remember there are cameras or to realize how they will look on the show.  Other people like Jered and Dan are doing the same thing (does anyone really think Jered is serious about Ashley I?) but they are just going about it a little different and aren't doing it to a single mother or to a Disneyland princess.

    • Love 2
  2. Jason Biggs is famous for being in a series of movies years ago in which he has sex with a pie.  That's about the level of his 'fame'.  Not impressed with him or his wife.



    And IIRC, Jenny the co-host once infamously purchased a prostitute for Jason as a birthday present and it was discussed on the View. Sure hope he doesn't come back...definitely not impressed either.  Both him and his wife try way too hard.  At least JJ provided a few laughs. 

    • Love 7
  3. Those condemning Joe for Playing The Game ™ are, to some extent, missing the point because that is the only way to remain on the show.


    Which makes me remember that there was much more game on Bachelor Pad and the contestants openly did what they had to do to stay on the show and it was much more accepted.  As others have said, they really need to bring a few of the switch ups and games that show had.  I think they were trying to tone down the sleaze with the new Bachelor in Paradise premise but it is starting to get boring, especially since most of the contestants have nothing interesting to say. Definitely done with the Joe, Samantha, Julia drama and people being judgey.  Next.

    • Love 1
  4. How ridiculous was it that C.W. got mad about the eye thing, COMPLETELY forgetting that he drank like 10 hours into the experiment when he agreed not to.  He's so controlling.


    And it looked like he continued to drink with Danielle after hearing that his wife was upset about the drinking (at least I assume Danielle mentioned that to him).  The thing is...this is a very risky "experiment".  I'd be more worried about sleeping in the same bed than drinking together or staring into eyes.  Not sure about the others but it definitely seems like Leah and Houston are sleeping in one bed. 

    • Love 2
  5. I sure hope US isn't jumping the gun.  Definitely hope that Ben H IS the new Bachelor and all the Nick drama is behind us.  I don't think I could stomach a season about poor sensitive Nick and the two skanks that did him wrong while trying to find love yet again. Maybe he can actually try to find someone the usual way and stop taking leave of absences from work.

    • Love 1
  6. Six months and she'll be 34. it doesn't matter because Jared is entitled to set age limits. He'll likely not settle down for a few years, and probably will go with a woman who won't be middle aged to have children with. like it or not, it's a fact that Claire is approaching middle age. Yes she's young, but not if you're thinking of settling in for a couple of years and then having kids. She'll be getting on in reproductive years by then.


    All true except does anyone really expect to find their future spouse from the pool of people on this show?  It's really more about finding a temporary hook up and getting a rose so you stay on the show and get your air time.  Then, when the show is over you are known enough to have many more suitable prospects.  Jered could do much worse than spending a few days with Claire.  It's not like the Neil Lane is showing up on the set anytime soon. Unless he is interested in Ashley, letting her think he IS will be more traumatic than an eventual good bye to Claire, who would still be keeping her own options open.


    • Love 4
  7. And Jared! Nooooooo! I knew he'd be a disappointment the second time around. His icy demeanor and cruel dismissal of Claire - telling her she looked "good for her age" - totally turned me off. Anyone who would choose Ashley I. over Claire is a dumbass. Anyone who would go for Kardashley is a dumbass, period, IMO.



    Yeah, just when I was warming up to Jared being one of the good ones.  If he wasn't feeling Claire, he could have just told her he was keeping his options open.  And then he proved to be so much like all the others...making sure he got a rose by suddenly being interested in Ashley until someone he likes better comes along. Of course maybe he has gone to the dark side and really likes Ashley.  I can't see it if he is paying attention though.

    • Love 2

    I loved how Jared basically ignored Mikey and his lament.  Mature and solid guy.



    Yep, I never got what everyone liked about Jared in Kaitlyn's season but he really is the most level headed and likeable one there...realizing exactly what this show is....one big party where you either make an ass of yourself or you don't.  Yeah, there might be a few hook ups that last after the show, but you still get that feeling that most are pairing off to stay on the show and the jealousy is more about getting a rose than someone being with their "perceived" partner.

    • Love 3
  9. Do not care for the host.  She seems to try to be edgy but just comes off as rude.  And why not have the contestants that are already voted off on the show instead of ones whose fate we don't know.  I imagine we will get spoiled at some point...which personally I really don't want to happen.

  10. She's at once "Playboy model" and "girl next door."



    Definitely why she is the IT girl among the guys. She looks like a younger Jennifer Connelly. The lack of desperation is refreshing. Ashley I should take note.


    I imagine Jered will give Ashley a rose out of obligation on Monday.  Hope to see her and her sister leave ASAP though...we already saw the crying thing on Chris Soule's season and it was irritating then. Why does a person with so little self esteem subject herself to a show like this?  Hope to see the other Ashley come back.

    • Love 1
  11. The thing is, we were cheated this season of getting to know the Bens and a lot of the other guys because of all the Nick vs Shawn BS. If we HAD, maybe we would have seen more of their personalities. I think a majority of the people are tired of seeing retreads and would look forward to someone not as well known. How pathetic would it be for Nick to fall in love with "the person he wants to spend the rest of his life with" three years in a row.

    • Love 5
  12. I get the stay at home mom thing and that is wonderful when you can do it, but since Catherine does not have any kids yet, this is the time to really pursue what she wants to do (work or hobbies).  If it is Catherine who does not want to work, fine.  But you get the feeling that Sean does not want her to work or pursue other interests which is worrisome.  Of course it could be partially explained by editing, but there is no reason why she couldn't get out of the house more and discover Dallas on her own while Sean is at work. 

    • Love 10
  13. The whole premise of the show is to lead the F2 and other "contenders" on so we will guess who the F1 is. The lead can't pretend they are only interested in one guy. I'm not saying that Kaitlyn was very compassionate about it (and I think Andi was a far superior Bachelorette in every way), but for every rose ceremony you are lined up with the possibility of being humiliated. But you are the one who signs up for this possible humiliation.  Nick is just the one who has signed up twice for this and cried the most about being rejected and also been the most angry.  Most of the others have had more dignity about it and have gotten over it (and probably realized they dodged a bullet). Nick is SO hurt with all these people feeling sorry for him, but all along I've gotten this feeling his endgame has "always" been being The Bachelor. 

    • Love 3
  14. He slams her for doing fiance-type stuff with him if she didn't really love him! Ladies, do NOT have sex with Nick Vial unless you're planning on putting a ring on it!



    Not to mention, Nick.....how about trying to find a woman in the usual way instead of competing with 25 other guy on The Bachelorette.  By now you should realize the odds just aren't that great and obviously whatever tactics you are using just aren't working.  You have no one to blame but yourself for your "heart break" and putting your family through this again.


    The worst thing about this season is that we never got to know some of great guys because it was all about Nick and Sean.  PLEASE producers move forward with one of the Bens or someone else and do not subject us to any more Nick.

    • Love 6
  15. It would have been nice if he found love with Kaitlyn, but I hope he doesn't because he seems much too good for her imo. I think he'll find someone else, probably one of the many nice b-ette rejects from a TB season. That actually seems to work out better than the shows.


    Or, he could do it the normal way and not meet his future wife on a reality show if he is that concerned with getting hurt (again).  Personally I think he is a huge fame whore (and hoping to be The Bachelor) so it is really hard to feel sorry for him.  Of course maybe he will "win" this time, although be careful what you wish for. 

    • Love 7
  16. Exactly. And she was brought in a couple of episodes after it had started. I don't remember it being an issue with the women even if they probably didn't like it (for one thing, unlike Nick, Mary was very popular with the fans). So it didn't seem unusual or offensive at all to me--TB always throws curve balls one way or another so any contestant should be prepared for ... whatever.



    The HUGE difference is that Mary did not have a prior relationship with Bryan and Nick did have a relationship with Kaitlyn...exactly how much of a relationship is speculation, but enough of one where she was giddy and practically foaming at the mouth when she saw him. 

    • Love 3
  17. This season is such a bust.  I am not spoiled but I can only imagine one ending, where Kaitlyn ends up with "ringer" Nick.  I truly believe they had a relationship (at the very least a sexting one) and she just amused herself with Shawn until Nick arrived on the scene.  I really hope I am right as the only thing worse than this season would be a season of Nick as the Bachelor if he somehow lost. I do have to admit I would love to see if Nick cries about doing fiancé things with Kaitlyn twice if he somehow does not get picked (but I think he would probably rather be the Bachelor anyway). Ben H. is way to normal to be on this show. 

    • Love 1
  18. As an aside, I do want to say that I really admire the fact that Kaitlyn has not once apologized for having sex.


    Well, actually the only one she has told so far was Chris Harrison and the cameraman filming her comments. She has pretty much said she made a mess of things and that it was a mistake  We shall see if she apologizes to whatever guys she tells about Nick that are left.  I imagine she will dump the remaining two who aren't FS-worthy without telling them. 


    Personally I think she made a mess of the season and can't see it ending well, but we shall see.

    • Love 1
  19. It's like they are just throwing stuff up there to try to get the season over as fast as possible. I feel sorry for the guys (minus Nick) who do have feelings for Kaitlyn as it is pretty obvious that she is not ready for even a serious boyfriend, let alone a husband.  And if Nick is the F1, can't even imagine him seriously proposing. The producers are probably afraid of the outrage the families would eventually have after seeing what was going down on the show before "their son" took Kaitlyn home and want to eliminate any more problems. 


    So, Chris Harrison thinks if she levels the playing ground, the remaining guys will be OK when they find out about having sex with Nick?  And he wants her to get rid of any non-contenders stat....so I assume any guys she does not want overnight dates with? 

    • Love 4
  20. Another freaking week without Hank putting out there what "really" happened with the transsexual.  No matter what went down it can't be any worse than showing what a wimp he has been over this whole situation, afraid to come clean and admit what happened.  And normally it would be no one's business, except that this couple is putting themselves in one reality show after another.  It's like they are making a career over this situation.

    • Love 4
  21. Kendra and Hank.  Nothing here makes sense.  We are to believe that Hank did not come clean to Kendra the minute the news hit the tabloids?  And we are to believe she allowed him to keep the details secret for months?  And THEN they decide to air this on TV?   BUT Hank doesn't want to talk about it on camera?  No, just no.  If my husband's affair had become known to me I would demand and expect full disclosure. It is the logical way to deal with infidelity.  Get it out in the open and go from there.



    And they already went through a whole season of Kendra on Top with the same BS...Hank refusing to come clean.  So what has it been....over a year now since this "scandal" broke?  Definitely enough time to come clean, beg forgiveness and move on.  Instead this is the second reality show talking about this with no disclosure.  I imagine the transgender or someone who set them up is blackmailing Hank or some such nonsense.  Blackmailing would not even matter if he just told the truth.  It's not like Kendra is this pristine person that would be easily shocked.  To be honest, like others have said, he probably told her long ago and they just want more reality TV time.

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