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Posts posted by Palomar

  1. 2 hours ago, Ivanova said:

    I think she was wrong to ask why Anfisa doesn't get a f....ing job. I wish Anfisa asked her why doesn't she.


    Why? It is pretty much the same question that a lot of us wondered about.  After all, if she is divorcing her husband and wanting to stay in the country, how is she going to support herself.  Isn't that a question Immigration would ask her?

    Yes Anfisa has been honest, but she has been honest about basically being a gold digger....going to whoever has the most money and who is willing to spend it on her.  And I can understand Loren hating that stereotype.

    • Love 6
  2. 1 hour ago, topanga said:

    I don't know if it's that. Speaking personally, I really enjoyed This Is Us and look forward to season 2. BUT, there were some aspects of the show that concerned me and became more pronounced over the course of the season: 

    --certain characters were built to be saintly, and by the end of the season, they could do no wrong--e.g. Jack.  Randall's dad. 

    --the writers and producers have said outright that they try to make viewers cry. Shouldn't you just try to write a good story and allow viewers to react how they will?

    --husbands making decisions for their wives because they know best. What is this--Victorian England?

    I definitely understand.

    There was one decision that Rebecca made on her own that had a lot of repercussions.  IF Jack would have known about Randall's Dad, a lot of things could have been different. Or, Jack might have gone along with Rebecca's wishes anyway.

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  3. On ‎8‎/‎26‎/‎2017 at 4:52 AM, wayne67 said:

    Poor Jay, not only was he risking his life for his crazy girlfriend/sister repeatedly, the only reward he got for his efforts was a burnt hand, multiple bruises and sent to be killed by his dad only to die from being raped by a smoke monster. 


    I believe he was brainwashed to do that by the crazy lady when she convinced him they needed to make him the sacrifice.

    They definitely left it as a possibility to have another season.

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  4. On ‎8‎/‎27‎/‎2017 at 3:55 AM, Jaded said:

    They are available to watch for free in the US on CBS's site if you still haven't seen them. 

    Thanks Jaded.  They did finally show up on my On Demand channel. 

  5. 1 hour ago, DEL901 said:

    Victoria's Secret even sells bras now with those sleevelets.


    The sleevelets will be something people will look back at in 20 years when they talk about the 2017 era and people will laugh and say "what were they thinking?".  Kind of like some of the trends of the 80's. The whole off the shoulder trend looks terrible on most women.  The cut out sleeves were cute at first but now it is getting old and will also be something looked back on in this era.  Just an opinion from someone who although is fashion-challenged herself, has seen a lot of trends come and go.

    • Love 9
  6. 15 minutes ago, ljenkins782 said:

    She very enthusiastically encouraged both Dominique and Diggy, so I'm not sure what she was talking about when she said she didn't. 

    And agreed that her brand of comfort was lacking, to say the least. It was more like "I came over to talk to you because no one else would and I feel so bad for you that no one likes you and you have no one." I know she has some sort of mental health degree, but I hope she isn't/isn't planning to be an actual therapist because that's clearly not her strength.

    I felt bad for Lacey who was being so careful in her responses, presumably because Lacey really doesn't have anyone on her side and isn't in a position to get into an argument because no one would be backing her up. 

     Yeah, she was channeling the Million Dollar Matchmaker, very much encouraging the coupling.  I would have respected Taylor more if she wouldn't have gone over to Lacey at all instead of pretending she felt bad and rubbing it in that Lacey had no one unlike HER. 

    The difference with this show than previous seasons is that the cast KNOWS who is coming and in some cases even hung out with them.  So relationships were already starting outside of the cameras.  Maybe that is why this season seems so fake.

    • Love 2
  7. On ‎8‎/‎21‎/‎2017 at 5:31 AM, Lamb18 said:

    If Dean was Bachelor, can you imagine his final 2 meeting his dad? I can't imagine Dean's dad at some resort hanging around to meet a couple of potential wives.

    I'm sure the powers that be have been salivating over that scenario. Dean seems the type to play along with the script at least to a point.  It all comes down to if he is hated by the time BIP is over or (gasp) if he found love on BIP which in general has become a pretty boring place (at least so far).

  8. 43 minutes ago, seacliffsal said:

    Okay, even though the show came on after the President's speech, my DVR still cut off at 10:00, so I missed a half-hour.  I do have some gaps in what I was able to watch.

    However, I disagree a bit about Dean.  I do agree that he is immature-and as a result he probably thought just backing off was enough to let Kristina know he wasn't that interested in her.  Interestingly, it was the same strategy Amanda used with Alex and all of the women jumped on the 'how can he not figure out she's not interested in him' bandwagon, but when it came to Dean and Christina, they interpret it differently.  Dean also (last week) told Christina that she should date someone else if asked.  Then, it finally came to his realization that he had to be a bit more forthcoming and told her that they should take a step back (last night).  In fact, he purposefully told her BEFORE the rose ceremony so that she could choose someone else if she wanted.  I think he's been pretty clear that although he likes her, he's really not that invested in this relationship.  I wasn't able to see the last 30 minutes (again, DVR cut-off...) so can't speak to what happened then.  But, I do feel that he has been trying to let her know that he wasn't as interested in her as me may have been during the production shutdown.  It happens.  Many of us (well, at least me) have been drawn to someone and thought we really liked that person...until we got to know them a little bit more.  The kind thing is to let them know, which I think Dean did before the rose ceremony.  He even told her that he didn't want to wait until after the rose ceremony as then it would look like he used her for her rose.  So, although I don't want him as the Bachelor, I don't think he was leading her on.  I missed the birthday cake fiasco, but I would probably have fallen for the producers' "ah, would you give this to her..." line thinking I was doing something nice and not realizing that I was unintentionally hurting someone.  Yes, I can be a bit dim myself...

    Good points about Dean trying in his own way to let Kristina know he wasn't that interested.  I think the difference between Amanda doing that to Alex and Dean to Kristina is that they had spent an off camera week together that Kristina described as "romantic".  So, she probably thought of them as a couple already when they re-started the show instead of being an even playing ground.

    • Love 5
  9. On ‎8‎/‎14‎/‎2017 at 5:26 PM, chitowngirl said:

    While I believe Jessie is so wrong for begging to all her family members when she accepts every request at the inn, she is so right to be mad at her mother. The woman abandoned her, she barely remembers her, and her family is all, "give her a chance!". Mom is a stranger to her, and waltzes back home like she left for a 2 week vacation.


    Somehow I must have missed the episode where they explained why the mother left and how long was she gone.  Could someone fill me in?   TIA.

  10. 24 minutes ago, CindyBee said:

    Half birthday mess:

    Everyone is sitting around the fire, pretending to have fun (actually it wasn't that bad as they were playing games).   Dean had ditched DLo and made up with Kristina and was snuggling with her.   But then he got up and the next thing he's coming with some fake half birthday cake for DLo acting like SHE is his girlfriend now.  Of course Kristina looked like she wanted to puke and her friends were giving Dean death glares but he was clueless to how stupid that was.   Kristina got up and excused herself to have a good cry.  Alexis joined her and tried to comfort her but at that point, I don't think you could really help Kristina as being made to look like a fool is realllllllly tough.  

    Like waving feather said previously, I can't imagine Dean (or any other of the guys) coming up with a 1/2 cake for D-Lo's bday. I'm sure the producers presented him with the cake and asked if he would like to present it to her (knowing drama would be the result) and he just went with the flow, not thinking anything of it (which is his MOO).  They needed to get something going since after the initial drama of Corinne and DeMarco, it has been pretty much a snooze-fest and there aren't really even many real couples forming.  I can't remember a rose ceremony where the women picked guys in the friend zone because they didn't have anyone they were interested in before. 

    • Love 3
  11. 16 minutes ago, Desert Rat said:

    He's not impressed with designer stuff at all.  He shops at IKEA.  Cheap stuff for small places.  

    For some reason she is not dressing for him or where they are living (cobblestones) or taking his clues about wanting her to be more natural. She is dressing for the camera. Not to say a woman can't dress the way she wants but sometimes it is wise to go with the flow for a new relationship.  I think he immediately knew this was not going to work upon meeting her at the airport but of course needs to play the game for the TLC money and for whatever his endgame is.  He seems to be barely tolerating her right now, but saying the occasional "right thing" like how beautiful she is.  Maybe they could last for a couple of years, but no way in hell is he the type that is going to want to be with a women in her 50's when he hits 30. 

    • Love 14
  12. 2 hours ago, winsomeone said:

    I wish someone would ask Pao just how much she got paid to do those two videos, and if her travel and hotel costs were coverd. 

    Yeah, how many gigs has she gotten since doing this video since she proclaimed how important it was for her career. 

    • Love 5
  13. On ‎8‎/‎15‎/‎2017 at 4:07 PM, CofCinci said:

    Abby and Anfisa are very similar -- except Anfisa is a violent bitch. 

     I get this feeling that Abby is the type that once she got her green card she would have an easier time moving on getting some kind of job (even a questionable one) and being independent, while Anfisa does not want to put out the effort and will always need to be supported by George or someone else.  Anfisa is probably more honest with less to hide than Abby, I imagine.

    • Love 3
  14. 43 minutes ago, truthaboutluv said:

    *eyeroll* I'm not buying it. This is probably just bull from the show, aimed at firing up Peter's little cult, to get them even more vocal in their support of him as the next lead and by that token, give the show and franchise more buzz and press. Anything to have people talking. Whatever. Until the announcement is made and I'm proven wrong, in my opinion, they are CLEARLY going to make Peter the next Bachelor. 

    I think you are right, but they might be leaving their options open incase one of the Bachelors in BIP becomes a favorite and has a great story.  Since, Nick became the Bachelor, BIP is no longer automatically the last stop before obscurity for rejected Bachelors and Bachelorettes.

  15. 19 hours ago, Real4real said:

    I still don't get the mechanics of bringing in new people and evicting people.  The experts have indicated that only people who are really committed to getting married should be there--yet the newbies are always the ones who get voted out.  What about these "couples" who have been loitering about for weeks now?  It's time to fish or cut bait!

    That is why this premise does not work.  They are pretty much forcing people to get engaged AND get married or be sent home.  Even the Bachelor/Bachelorette have time on their own to figure out whether they want to get married during their "engagement" after the show and of course most of the time it doesn't work out.  I hope that Danny and Naya's marriage works out in the real world, but so far its been like someone finding their soul mate in prison. They have not been together in the real world yet.

    • Love 7
  16. 51 minutes ago, NoWhammies said:

    Chris Harrison: A lot of happy couples are here today. Katilyn and Sean, Nick and Vanessa...the twins.

    Ha!!! So much shade.

    Wonder if it was awkward having Kaitlyn and Sean and Nick and Vanessa at the wedding. Maybe they've dragged them all out before at Bachelor-related events though?

    • Love 1
  17.  Episode 12 and 13 were not shown on CBS on 8/12 on the west coast because of pre-season football.  Anyone know when/if they will be shown?  SO far not On Demand either.  What is worse than showing 2 episodes and canceling? How about seeing episodes 3-11 then being shut out of the last regular episode and the finale.  :(

  18. 13 hours ago, Miss Chevious said:

    Yeah, they're both pretending. Darcey's pretending to be young and Jesse pretending that he likes her. 

    And both Jesse and his drinking buddies are beyond delusional imagining a pregnancy scenario.

    You sense Jesse is already irritated with her constant talking.  He's playing the part to be on TV and to get to the US.  He probably figures she is attractive "enough" to play this out.

    Darcey would LOVE that unlikely pregnancy scenario.

    Abbey is SO much still hooking up with the 64 year old.  He is her fallback and most likely paying her bills now.  I'm sure he will play along with only being the EX that wants to still teach her when questioned by Sean.

    • Love 8
  19. 14 hours ago, Kid said:

    What a nice moment!!!  That was a wonderful thing Alexai did.

    I really do think they are in love and the only couple that is going to make it.  Of course that does make for boring TV, but it is kind of nice after the skeevyness of Dani and Mohammed. 

    • Love 8
  20. On ‎8‎/‎12‎/‎2017 at 3:04 PM, LadyK said:

    Meghan – Annoying as it was, if Meghan hadn’t pursued her questioning of Vicky and Brooks, we may never have known the extent and span of the scam.  Again, unpopular, but I have appreciated Jim’s no-nonsense approach to this show. I get the impression that he appears, very reluctantly, for Meghan’s sake. Loved that he didn’t put up with any of Vicky’s utterly vitriolic nonsense and calmly walked away from the Old Goat.  And I love the mutual adoration that is evident with both he and Aspen.


    I have to admit I only started watching this show a couple of years ago when I heard Jim Edmonds was going to be on.....pretty much out of curiosity since I am a long time Angel fan and he was one of my favorite players before being traded away.  (Not to mention I've enjoyed the scenery and locations at times since I live in OC).  I definitely agree that Jim is only on the show to support his wife and he probably wants to be anywhere but there during some of the filming. He is definitely cute with Aspen.  I really didn't know anything about his past marriages/cheating before I came to this board.  It is disappointing but not too surprising since most baseball marriages don't make it with the long separations.  Hopefully he has changed his ways with Meghan.

    • Love 2
  21. I don't see what Rachel said that was so disparaging about Peter....certainly not enough for his friends to be keeping this going.  

     To be honest I am surprised this hasn't happened more often since I'll bet a big percentage of the guys that go on The Bachelorette aren't really looking for marriage...just the fame and whatever comes with it.

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