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Posts posted by Palomar

  1. 14 hours ago, friendperidot said:

    I really liked Jordan, Corbin & Lindsey's Trio. That was great. There were some great passes. They weren't perfectly in sync, but it was nice coordination with them.

    Why don't I remember Corbin's season?  I'm drawing a blank.

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  2. 15 hours ago, mamadrama said:

    Molly has a very successful business and is kind of well known in her area. Even if he helped her out in the beginning, and we've seen nothing to suggest this, it appears that she's doing just fine now. 

    I hope a prenup is in her future.  I don't care how much "in love" these couples are.  You have to be stupid not to consider that things might not work out or the foreigner might take off after the green card (pre planned or not).  If children are involved it makes it even more necessary. None of these couples really seem to know each other that well.

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  3. 5 hours ago, poeticlicensed said:

    Because I have no life, I did a quick AirBnB search around Claremont. There are lots of big homes with 4 or 5 bedrooms that rent for 200-400 per night depending on the time of year  and sleep 10-15. In the summer it's on the cheaper end. So rent a house for 2 nights, that's less than $500. Did David come to the US with no money, nothing? Maybe he should spring for the house.  

    That makes a lot of sense!  He is 26 years old....contribute to your own wedding...why should his Bridezilla's family pay for everything.  The thing with Evelyn is she is young enough to think she deserves to have it ALL....the perfect wedding HER way and the perfect man.  But can her family afford this big wedding?  And, she should spend her 90 days getting to know her fiancé to see if a wedding should even take place.  She is putting stress on everyone to have this perfect wedding in 90 days....that is just crazy.

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  4. 12 hours ago, Adeejay said:

    I don’t understand how these unemployed Americans with nary a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of, are qualifying for fiancé visas. 

    This!  I know some of the "fiancés" are mostly going along with the relationship to escape and are probably expecting too much from moving to America,but how canthe Americans expect them to be happy when they will be totally dependent on them (because they can't work) and they haven't been honest they have no money.

    • Love 4
  5. No doubt about it Darcy looked 100% better.  She has been around the block enough to know this is a relationship on the abusive track if it isn't already.  She knows she is not getting a ring and that it isn't going to work without losing herself.  She is not a 20 year old pliable girl ready to be molded by her man (although she thought about it before when she thought she would get a ring).  Now that the cameras are gone, it is over or will be soon.  Back to Match.com or other dating sites (and to having a glass of wine when she wants it).

    • Love 3
  6. 1 hour ago, Mr. Minor said:

    Olivia is probably going to have to schlep them around whenever they want to go anywhere.

    I must have missed this while fast forwarding....why doesn't Molly drive? 

  7. I'm glad the affair was revealed. Andrew is not the only who does things with no regard to how it affects others (yes I know rape is 100 time worse than an affair but I feel bad for the unsuspecting husband and kids).  I know Laura is a victim but somehow I'm just not behind her revenge methods.  Surely there is a better way. 

  8. 14 hours ago, CoachWristletJen said:

    The stuff his relatives are saying is true. Jenny is digging for gold, or, rather, for nickel. But, she doesn't love Larry. Larry's just the first one she managed to catch in her net. I'm guessing Larry's cousin's wife read a bunch of stuff on Jenny's page in her native language, and Jenny is being evasive and lying about it. And, she's angry with them for calling her out on it. How dare they?


    "The first one she managed to catch in her net".  That is it in a nutshell.  However, she is assuming that Larry has money because he is an American and will provide her with this great life in America.  That is the myth and what a lot of these women groom themselves for....not realizing that most of these guys are losers and desperate and do not have any stability and most of all will not provide them with this "glamorous" life.

    I feel sorry for Karine.  She is so desperate to leave her situation that she is willing to put up with Paul despite knowing he has a record just to go to America. Not exactly sure what she expects to find there with him.  Paul will still be Paul...he is not going to transform into a prince.

    • Love 3
  9. 8 hours ago, biakbiak said:

    In the brief scene at the end I was actually not horrified with Nicole's advice to Azan about May suggesting that just because May demands things you don't have to give in and tell him that he shouldn't be yanking her arm like he was doing. An average teenage babysitter knows those things but I was surprised Nicole did. May was also much calmer and when she was wearing her backpack tether, so it could be something she feels safe in, particularly in a place that has so much going on so Azan should have sucker it up even if some people were staring at him.

    Nicole is going to regret bringing May on this trip (if she doesn't already). Obviously she is not used to taking care of her 24 hours a day without Mom's help.  May is going to cramp her style trying to get private moments with Azan.  OTOH, Azan may be happy May is there to avoid that situation. Nicole was only thinking about the Kodak moment of May meeting Azan and calling him "Daddy" and nothing beyond that.  The threesome is definitely getting noticed while out and about.  May should have stayed at home...she is too young to get anything from this trip.  It's not like she is going to get much attention from Nicole. She'll probably ask producers to babysit.

    • Love 17
  10. 4 minutes ago, Kelly said:

    Oh definitely.  I think he's gross.  He thinks VERY highly of himself, which, amuses me.  LOL

    I agree with you in that I don't think Myriam is leading him on...she is spending time with him while he's in Paris, showing him the sights etc  He KNOWS she has a boyfriend.

    Myriam is basically earning her TLC paycheck.  I imagine if she was no longer in the picture after her "reveal" she would not get paid much for the situation. And Patrick would not have taken her "reveal" as well without the cameras and probably wouldn't have tried to find a way for the relationship to continue.  ANY guy would be pissed that came overseas to meet up with a potential girlfriend to find out she already has a boyfriend. He's got to save face somehow. Of course he also thinks he can win her over.  I like Myriam but she has game too.  I'm sure her boyfriend is OK with this because she is getting paid. At least she isn't willing to be with ANY American just to go to the USA like some of the other people on this show.

    • Love 1
  11. 8 hours ago, sasha206 said:

    On Corny, world traveler can't seem to find herself a place to hang out while he's gone?  She's in Spain for fux sake.  She can't spend the day in museum?  Does she sit in that small apartment the entire day when he's gone every day?  

    Even if he was enamored with her which he obviously is not, she is blowing any chance with him by being clingy and whiney. If she would have gotten her own hotel room to begin with and was a little independent, he would probably been a little more interested.  If she couldn't afford a room then she should not have gone on this trip to begin with!

    • Love 8
  12. 10 hours ago, Northernlights said:

    Jenny is growing on me too!  In all fairness, of course she's talked to a lot of other guys.  Didn't we all before we landed on the right one?  Doesn't make her a bad person.  And she may not show a lot of emotion.  Some people just don't. 

    I used to be on Team Larry, but not after tonight.  He blew right past uber doofus straight to ignorant dick tonight!  These people have literally NOTHING and they tried to honor him with a special meal which he turned up his snotty little nose at.  Like he's too good to eat that?  Whatever.  Jackass.

    Jenny contacted lots of guys until one actually stuck.  Unfortunately for her it was Larry.  What you see is what you get.

    I do understand the reluctance of Larry to eat the pig.  It really turns me off to see the entire pig, head and all, myself.  However, the meat itself IS delicious if you get the vision of the pigs head out of your thoughts.  Regardless, he should have eaten a generous portion and been very complimentary and thankful for the meal that this family presented to him which they mentioned they only do for special occasions.

    To be honest, I've always thought that Larry was mentally challenged. There are many mentally challenged people who function in the everyday world (I have a family member who is mentally challenged and holds down a job and is married) but they are not always aware of social situations. Larry really is one of those.  I don't think he had any idea he was being rude....he just tells it like it is.  There is no way Jenny will have the patience to be married to someone like Larry.  But, she might just go ahead with a marriage and get the green card and take off....he is ripe to be taken advantage of that is for sure.

    • Love 4
  13. Most of the relationships on this show are based on a male/female being desperate for a relationship so they establish one online along with the fantasy that this other person loves them. Then they meet up expecting this magical relationship to work instantly and be true love.  They are still strangers letting their "partner" only know positive things about them so there is a lot of fraud going back and forth.  However, on the main 90 Day Fiance show, it seems that most have met each other on vacation or on business trips, etc.  Even though they don't usually know each other very well either, it's definitely harder to hide some of the negatives that this group is doing.  I can't see any among this group even get to the point of being on 90 Day Fiance.  But they have been an interesting group to watch!

    • Love 5
  14. On ‎10‎/‎1‎/‎2017 at 1:41 PM, VartanFan said:

    I feel like most men on this show need a haircut - Mick, the writer, Conner, Mick, Thomas...

    Haha, this has been distracting me too!  I love long hair but it has to be on the right guy and it doesn't seem right on them.

    I think what bothers me is why the adult children are living at home if they are so successful....I know the scenery is beautiful but even exes are living closeb.  So who watches the kids after school....just whoever happens to be at home that day or is that Grandmas job?

    • Love 2
  15. 21 hours ago, Kelly said:

    I liked this episode...but I have to say that I thought Sam went about the whole hotel thing rather weirdly.  Why not talk about this BEFORE you set off together?  And of course, HE was weird with his need to expose these 'surprises' to her on the trip.

    I hadn't realized that the actor was the actor that played Elliot from the ET Movie, all grown up.  I must be dead inside, because I thought he was gross.  Ha! 

    And who played the younger brother in Legends of the Fall.

    Yeah, I've probably watched too much ID lately, but I also got some bad thoughts when Robin brought up "surprises".  Glad he appears to be a good guy.

  16. Sean and Chris - They are both creepy as hell for sleeping with a 20-year old at their age. The difference between the two men is confidence and reality.  Chris is confident....he knows who he is (and does not apologize for it) and KNOWS there is no future with this girl.  He likes her enough to even help her get with someone who can provide her a future. He doesn't plan on giving her up entirely of course....he still wants his rewards for whatever money or help he is giving her. Sean however has self-esteem issues and thinks of this relationship as some fantasy where he is saving the "girl" of his dreams from poverty and is going to give her a better life and she will love him and be devoted to him forever.  But, he keeps having these moments of clarity where he sees what Chris is up to and makes comments about being able to trust her in the future.  Wake up Sean!  Your gut is right.  Unless you can walk away as easily as Chris will do someday, leave this situation NOW. 

    • Love 11
  17. Sean KNOWS what is going on.  Hopefully he just leaves and learns from this mess.  He even said that Abby loves Chris more than she loves him.  Period.  Chris is going to stay after Sean goes home which means they WIL hook up(even if they are engaged)  and that Abby has no plans of giving up Chris.  It is the only time she really gets pissed when that possibility comes up.  Seeing the footage in the car when they think the cameras are off pretty much tells it all.  Chris wants her but likes her enough to tell her the truth that he is not going to marry/rescue her. 

    IF somehow Sean marries Abby, there will always be a Chris in her life (their life). And he is right, he can never trust her.  Walk away and bring some dignity home with you.

    Yes, Darcy your instincts are correct...having a 24 year old control you is the WORST.   

    Didn't Paul say he had a "lengthy" record?  A restraining order could possibly be explained but what else besides arson (most likely for insurance money). Stalking, kidnapping?  I feel sorry for Karine. She deserves much better.  It is definitely too bad he didn't tell her earlier.  The sad thing is like others have said, she probably would have stayed. 

    • Love 4
  18. 15 minutes ago, Bellalisa said:

    Are we talking about Chris, Abby's friend? He does not look to be in his 60s. I took him for similar age to Sean around late 40s early 50s. I didnt see the first episode so I dont know when they said he was a surgeon in his 60s but he doesnt look it. Unless you are talking about someone else.

    I know they said both Sean and Chris' ages and that Chris was in his 60's.  IMO he does look to be in his 60's.  Remember 60 is the new 40 or at least 45.

    • Love 3
  19. I always thought that Maggie had the best chemistry with DeLuca.  Not sure why that ended.  I noticed it was mentioned by the sister.  Would rather see that come back than a semi-incestuous relationship with Jackson.  Plus Maggie bugged me with her "dibs" on Briggs just because she liked him.  It isn't high school.  There's always expanding your dating pool to someone other than someone who works at the hospital. And I like Jackson and April together but get why April doesn't want crumbs.

    • Love 2
  20. On ‎9‎/‎26‎/‎2017 at 6:47 AM, CoachWristletJen said:

    Josh has stepped up, and I commend him for that. I just think they are hurting themselves by not coming clean. They are really nice, charming people, but when Alex basically condemned all of us and called us bad people for questioning the gigantic elephant in the living room, it made her look shady.

    If she came forward and told the truth, people would be very forgiving. And TLC would give them airtime for it.

    IF they ever participated in a "reunion" show, you would think this topic would come up. Nothing else seemed off-limits on the other reunions!  Yeah, just be truthful and talk about how Josh has accepted the situation and loves the child.

    I'm impressed with Alla staying so calm as Matt's family still gets in their little digs.  She is his wife now and deserves some respect.  I don't think she is wanting to be in the big city for reasons of partying and a certain lifestyle (like some others have wanted on this show).  She has legitimate reasons because she wants to be close to her school, work and wants her son to have friends and even herself too.  I can see that it is a big sacrifice for Matt though giving up his lake house.  I forget...where does Matt work?  Will he now have a big commute.  That could be a reason to compromise in some way.

    I didn't watch the first season so this is the first time I have seen Kirlyan and Alan.  She is gorgeous and seems sweet and they seem like a great couple.  Maybe that is why I haven't seen them before.  No drama?

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