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Posts posted by Palomar

  1. On ‎7‎/‎8‎/‎2018 at 5:46 PM, noveltylibrary said:

    I'm sorry, am I supposed to feel bad for Pao that her Grandma died?  Just not happening.

    The REASON she went back home was to say Goodbye to her Grandma, right?  So that should give her some comfort that she got to do that. Not much she could do back home now.


    BTW, RE Nicole - who applies for a marriage license (even in your own country) without an original birth certificate, let alone traveling to a foreign country to get married without it.  Common sense???? You would even think the producers would have verified she had her proper paper work.  Wonder if this isn't a staged thing? No one could be that brainless.

    Just to add: My bad...thought it was a birth certificate....but same reaction...for any kind of official document, it is a no brainer to bring the original. Keep a copy at home.

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  2. 5 hours ago, DakotaLavender said:

    There is not one winner in this collection of guys. They all seem like such losers to me, way too young to even be serious about marriage. I have no idea who Becca picks, but I think that whoever she picks will be history in her life within six months. They are all such clowns and frat boys. Did casting even try to pick a collection of worthwhile guys? 

    I liked Clay. He seemed to be the only serious man even there. 


    Can't believe they are down to the final 6 and besides not seeing it yet for Becca with one of the remaining guys, also can't see a future Bachelor lead from this group.

    • Love 5
  3. SO, as far as the Twelve Tribes goes there wasn't mention about whether the young adults had arranged marriages with other tribe-sters or were allowed to pick their own spouses.  There was just a mention of encouraging building the next generation. It sounds like they do recruit so I imagine they have some new blood once in awhile.  How could someone who was raised "normally" (if that is even a thing) believe this saga of the Twelve Trives being the only ones who would be saved when they know about other cults that have crashed and burned.  It is different if you were born to it, 

    • Love 1
  4. 1 hour ago, AngelaHunter said:

     All I know is that, with the current climate of universal bitching abounding in which accusation of an offense allegedly commited 20 years ago is the only criteria needed for a verdict of "guilty" there are going to be a lot of job openings in the TV/movie industry.

    That's what bothers me.  Some of what she said is probably true, but is it more than bad behavior, a bad relationship, revenge for not getting what you think you deserve from a relationship?  No one knows and most likely can't be proven.  She says he forced her to have sex, did she actually tell him no or just did not want sex and felt resentment afterwards?  The thing is, as others have said, they weren't married or they didn't have kids.  It should have been easy to walk away, UNLESS there was a reason to stay?  Lifestyle, opportunities, money, security, who knows.  This is the first time I have heard of this girl, but she should have left the first time he did something she didn't like enough to do something like this.....basically ruin his career.  I'm all for ItsTime but not for let's get back at this guy because he treated me like $hit.  If she can prove the blackballing I'd be more down with that the other stuff that will always be He Said She Said.

    • Love 16
  5. I enjoyed it and thought it was fun.  I will watch again. I know very little about the 'Kyle" connection.....I know she is one of the Housewives. Is this supposed to be based on Paris Hilton's Mom....if so, are she and Kyle cousins or sisters? Confused.

  6. Intense episode!  With other shows a little past their peak or winding down, it is good to see.  Sorry to see Charlie go of course, but like Earlwoode mentioned, it wouldn't be realistic enough for a family of 5 to survive this.  Even though Snyder is there to hate, he adds a lot to the show. 

  7. On ‎6‎/‎2‎/‎2018 at 2:55 PM, cooksdelight said:

    Her boobs are bigger, face looks fuller. Now I hope all the naysayers who think she’s not married, not pregnant, will hush. Be happy for her, she’s finally gotten everything in life she has hoped for.

    Hopefully becoming a mother will make her less nasty to everyone else. 

    • Love 10
  8. 13 hours ago, Marilee said:

    Nicole dragging May back to Morocco to marry a man that basically can’t stand her? Bad Idea! Nicole trying to explain to her mom why the K-3 is the best choice for their relationship reminds me of a child trying to convince their parents to let them get a puppy. “I promise I’ll take care of it, you won’t have to worry I’ll do everything! Please, please, please!!” And can someone introduce Nicole to dry shampoo?

    David spilling his guts about his 4 year sex-cation in Thailand and his sad sob story to a potential employer Bad Idea!

    Family Chantel and Pedro mixing alcohol and a mutual hatred for each other? Bad Idea!!

    Molly leaving Kinsley with Luis? Really. Bad. Idea. She needs a smack in the head.

    May even said she didn't want to go back to Morocco! Nicole has made up her mind....wanting her man comes first.  No one can talk her out of it. The last time she visited with May he was SO relieved when she got on that plane to leave.  How will it work out for a year not to mention supporting Nicole and May without a job.  She can't wait to get the official paperwork that will provide a reason for the denial?  What if he is a convicted felon?

    Yeah Davide if you really want a job, first of all don't bring a camera crew.  Plus why mention the stroke and all the negative things that have happened.  You've got to spin those 4 years in a positive way. No one is going to hire him with those kind of comments.

    Molly knows it is wrong to leave Kinsley with Luis. She isn't quite there yet admitting this whole Luis thing was a mistake.  Basically he is a 3rd child, not ready for marriage, to be a step-dad, a job or even making an effort around the house.  He's too young and immature for her, let's face it.

    • Love 8
  9. On ‎5‎/‎27‎/‎2018 at 7:43 PM, sainte-chapelle said:

    Anfisa looks different to me, less face fillers? Pao is an incredibly selfish human being, even towards her own family.

    Anfisa does look like she toned it down....probably read comments on social media.  She definitely has a plan...how does she pay the rent for her apartment (her video job?).  I think George is taking back what he said at the Tell All as a condition of getting her back.

    Pao is such a spoiled brat.  SHE decided to move to America....why blame that on Russ.  It doesn't mean she couldn't have kept in touch with her family thru face time, phone calls, email.  That is on her.  All the other "cast members" of this show do it.  She has moved on and she pretty much has moved on from Russ as well.....probably keeping him around to be on this show and get exposure for her "modeling" career.  Russ needs to find a job in his field and move on.  Despite what he thinks, Pao is not the only fish in the sea.

    • Love 9
  10. This season does not compare well to the last few seasons as far as talent goes.  Brynn is fantastic for a 15 year old but she is SO uneven...sometimes she soars and her voice is fantastic but other times she sounds like a 15 year old contestant on a singing show who is very mediocre.  I'm sure she will eventually be pretty good.  Kayla has a great voice but not sure it translates well to radio, etc.  Britton has a lot of talent but to be honest would probably not be in the final 4 in past seasons. I like Spensha the best but I don't think she will get the votes.  I think it will be between Brynn and Britton.  I think Britton is more talented at this point in time.

    Don't Dream It's Over....one of my favorite songs EVER.  Wish that Kelly would have sang it solo though!

    • Love 1
  11. I'm not surprised that Tonya made it into the finals.  Let's face it, a lot of voters like to "hate vote" voting for the most controversial or who they want to see, not because of dance ability. Add that to Tonya surprising most people by actually being pretty good (although not final material).  Mirai probably would have overcome that and made it in if it wasn't for sabotaging herself with her attitude and attempts as humor that she actually started during the Olympics. Mirai had the chance to get people behind her but couldn't pull it off despite being a good dancer.

    • Love 3
  12. I guess once you get used to the paycheck from this show, it is easy to get sucked back in.  It's getting confusing with all the 90-Day Fiance shows.....the standard one, the Happily Ever After? and the Before the 90 Days.  I'm actually more curious to see some of the other couples who have not come back to the franchise to see who is still together/how they are doing. 

    • Love 2
  13. On ‎5‎/‎6‎/‎2018 at 6:39 AM, Stinamaia said:

    If you only listened to what Ryan says about himself, you might believe he is a good guy.  The problem is Ryan lies.

    I don't necessarily think that Ryan is a bad guy.....just selfish and didn't think he should have to give up anything or change his life once he got married....that his "Wife" should be honored just to fit into HIS life.  Definitely someone that does not understand what it takes to be married....which is interesting since his parents have been married for so long.

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  14. On ‎5‎/‎1‎/‎2018 at 7:37 PM, shapeshifter said:

    Having lived out a scenario like Lucy's more times than I can count—well, not with wives coming back from the dead, but old girlfriends showing up and new ones too—it's somewhat interesting to see it play out as an observer, including reading y'all's reactions to Lucy's actions.
    Anyway, I just think Lucy didn't want to play second fiddle.

    Lucy realized Wyatt HAD to try it again with Jessica.  He would have always wondered "what if" if he hadn't.  I'm sure reality will be forthcoming soon (even if Jessica isn't a mole) that he had romanticized their relationship, especially since they were having problems.  Another thing, if Jessica isn't dirty, they have to give her more to do than hang in the bunker all day.

    • Love 2
  15. 16 hours ago, beautifulGA said:

    Jo doing the surgery as a lead was so refreshing to watch, I hope we see more solo surgeries with her.

    Poor Deluca, I still think him and Maggie can be a better pairing than Jackson and Maggie.



    Glad to see Jo getting a chance to prove herself as well.

    I remember when Maggie and Deluca were together at the beginning, it was kind of hot because they were hiding it, etc.  There is NONE of that with Jackson. You would definitely believe them to be brother/sister rather than a couple if you didn't know better.  And even one of those brothers/sisters that have nothing in common so they rarely talk.   Jackson/April still have so much more chemistry.

    • Love 7
  16. Hate this new format.  Everything is so rushed, including the voting period.  It is almost over by the time the 5th and 6th singers perform.  It even does a disservice to the 4 who advanced who won't be seen/heard for another week and have less exposure.

    • Love 7
  17. 10 hours ago, PupCal said:

    I'd be sad too if my husband spent most of his nights out drinking with the boys,

    And you know it is only going to get worse.  Wait until the kids come.  He will not want to come home and be expected to "help out".  He flat out does not want to change his single lifestyle and doesn't feel he should have to compromise. His priority is "the boys", his activities, then Jackie. That is not likely to change unless he doesn't want to lose her and he makes a last ditch effort.

    • Love 8
  18. It's all about ratings...of COURSE they would ask Tanya after her new visibility.  The thing is the people who vote sometimes "hate vote" and some like a redemption story so I imagine she will be in for awhile if she plays nice. Plus she might not be a bad dancer....we shall see.  Just hope I still like Adam after this is all over and it all doesn't go to his head if he is one of the contenders. 

    • Love 2
  19. 13 hours ago, DrewPaul2010 said:

    When it became clear four weeks ago she wasn't physically attracted to him and sex was out of the question the very least he should have stopped sleeping with her. Its odd he doesn't seem to have any friends who advise him. Marriage is (or should be) a reciprocal relationship.  

    I really can't think of a reason he can't get this annulled but I don't know either. Doesn't seem right he should have to say he's divorced. 

    If she wasn't physically attracted to him and she knew she would never be, than why lead him on by saying their marriage was a 7 and they were 99% compatible.  When she says stuff like that she is giving him enough hope to continue the charade.  Sleeping in the same bed is the only thing they have that could possibly lead to sex so if it isn't going to happen ever (and she still leaves it out there as a possibility), then SHE should be honest about the situation. 

    I hope this isn't a Danielle and Cody situation where they continue the marriage and still remain platonic until the end when they split....just so it looked like they (she) tried.

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