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Posts posted by laurakaye

  1. 1 hour ago, Kid said:

    I have to say that if I had had a son and he was like Gabe, I would have been quite pleased.

    Most parents want their kids to do better than they did.  Kody seems to want the opposite - I think he's angry and jealous of his sons.  However, and this drives me crazy - I can't ever see Kody treating Logan or Hunter the way he treats Garrison and particularly Gabe, and they are all his sons from the same mother.  If Kody is scared or intimidated by Logan and Hunter (and he should be), then why does he go after Gabe with such vitriol?  That has never made sense to me.  Kody seems to enjoy knocking his two sons down several pegs whenever he has the chance, and this moron needs to understand - the fact that his grown sons WANT to spend time with him, and he's categorically denying them this, means that eventually they are going to learn to contentedly live life without Kody's presence.  Just because Kody has King Sol as heir to his throne doesn't mean he should be throwing away his relationships with the rest of his sons.  Kody is scum.

    33 minutes ago, Twopper said:

    I have watched both seasons of The Vow, and Kody reminds me a little of Keith Ranere. He also likes to inflict mental pain with his mean remarks 

    Ooh, interesting.  I agree, there's a god complex that they both have (add David Miscavige to that too).  All little men who think extremely highly of themselves, and will not be questioned no matter how convoluted their rules are, and use mental torment and isolation to get what they want.

    50 minutes ago, kassa said:

    I don't think Gabe's issue was his birthday being forgotten - that was just the salt in the wound of Kody calling him up to gloat about (almost) his entire household having covid, and how awful it was, and how Robyn and the tenders were suffering, and it was what he had been trying to prevent all this time while Gabe and Garrison were laughing it off, and maybe Gabe had it, but nothing like THEY have it, and DOES HE GET IT NOW HOW RIGHT KODY HAD BEEN ALL ALONG?!

    The fact that he did it on Gabe's birthday just made it worse. 

    ALL OF THIS.  He didn't call Gabe to gain honest information on Covid, he called to rub it in Gabe's face and for the record, it wouldn't surprise me if Kody actually did know it was Gabe's birthday and purposefully delayed saying anything about it.

    19 minutes ago, Roslyn said:

    I'll add my own thought onto this. I suspect he wants everyone to do as he says, when he says it, but also ONLY the most recent "idea". Within two sentences he has contradicted himself three times and he is expecting them to have blind obedience...but only to his most recent statement. Yet how on earth can you even follow him to know exactly what you need to be obedient to...because he won't even decide and be clear in the decision. And he can barely articulate a well formed sentence or communicate his ideas. It must be maddening.

    I have thought this about Kody since season one - the more chaos he creates, the less he actually has to do.  If no one understands what he's doing or where he's going, he doesn't have to deal with those icky female things like jealousy, love, quality time, etc.

    12 minutes ago, magemaud said:

    And why were he and Robyn sitting on the "bride's side"? 


    Since there are empty seats behind Christine and Janelle, I think he sat his real family on the other side on purpose, to make a characteristically ego-driven statement that his widdle fillings got hurt by those two big meanie wives of his.  I don't care if he needed 8 seats together or whatever to seat Robyn and her spawn - he's Logan's dad and should've set aside his temper tantrum to support his son.

    Of course, it could've been Logan himself who wanted his parents separated.  If so, bravo.

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  2. 3 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

    I don't think Kody prefers the Robyn 5 over the other kids, they just happen to live where he lives now. I don't think he pays them any more attention than he paid to any of his other children when his was rotating houses. He probably sees the older 3 at dinner and ignores Sol and Ari as they play, watch TV, or whatever. Robyn would never allow him to parent on his own, because he sucks at it. I mean, so does she, but she doesn't think so.

    Hmm, and I kind of think he is all up in their business all the time, lol - well, maybe not to that extent but I can't see Robyn allowing Kody to plop his behind on the couch and scroll on his phone while all five kids are wandering around.  We know from Kody and Robyn that her kids don't really go anywhere, so if they are all stuck under the same roof I'm sure Robyn forces Kody to be the parent to her kids that she knows he wasn't to the others.

    Although given his weird interactions with Sol, he might interact with the kids but on his own terms, and the kids - having been brainwashed into thinking that Daddy Kody is the sun, moon and stars, are his helpless audience.  Whatever's going on, I don't think it's healthy for any of the kids in the mansion.

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  3. 5 minutes ago, Soup333 said:

    Christine had to face facts. Now it’s Janelle’s turn. She doesn’t seem to care about affection, but she does need money/housing and her husband/“best friend” refuses to help her because she is not loyal (i.e. submissive and completely dependent upon him) like his dog of a fourth wife.

    I haven't watched any of the clips in order to keep my rage fresh for the recap, but Janelle seems to have finally woken the hell up when it became crystal clear that Kody didn't care if she and Savanah became homeless, which boggles the mind when Kody and Robyn could easily take in Janelle and Savanah for a few months.  But if Kody won't even take Truely for a weekend, there's no way he'd take in Janelle, her random kid, and her awful dogs for any length of time.

    Robyn has created a true sociopath with Kody.  I hope she understands the ramifications when eventually he ends up with no one to turn his wrath on except her.

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  4. 1 hour ago, magemaud said:

    I remember reports from a while ago that despite his protoculls, Kody had contracted Covid. Was this his second case or didn't they disclose at the time that Robyn had it, too? 

    They probably had to save her diagnosis for the show because Kody and Robyn will do literally anything to keep the story lines flowing, including pretending that Robyn is on her death bed even though Star has current photographs of The Dark Queen and her Court Jester giggling as they exit Victoria's Secret and head to Applebee's for dinner.

    55 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

    And again, Kody just needs to shut the fuck up.

    Honestly, this cannot be said enough.

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  5. 39 minutes ago, merylinkid said:

    Play where?   the drainage ditch?   The graveyard garden?

    36 minutes ago, Salacious Kitty said:

    And play with what? They don't have toys, balls, jump ropes, etc. 

    She could go outside and play with her siblings, using their imagination to create games, play make-believe, or - 

    Yeah, I really didn't think that through.  The only imagination they have is cultivated by Jill and it probably gets old playing "let's hand out tracts" or "pretend to sell Plexus" or Jill's favorite, "wedding day dress up with brooms."

    Those poor kids. 

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  6. On 11/23/2022 at 7:13 PM, Joan of Argh said:


    “Oh come let us adore him, oh come let us adore him, oh come let us adore him…. Solomon the King” 🤴


    Whoa, I have never seen this travesty before, but you can pretty much read the minds of the Big Three: Meri is all, look what I did!  This bump will someday grow up to be my very bestest friend!  Janelle is like - this sucks, I hate this, I hate everything, just take the damn picture and leave me alone, and Christine is still firmly planted in her "keep sweet" phase.  This picture is all kinds of wrong. 

    On 11/27/2022 at 10:21 AM, LilyD said:

    It has come up on the show a couple of times that Robyn hates pets, particularly dogs. I can definitely remember Kody saying that he wanted to have a dog but that Robyn wouldn’t have one. Which doesn’t justify kicking an animal of course.

    I remember Kody not wanting Christine to get a dog (when she got the dog for Ysabel and Truely was afraid of it) and making some comment about how whoever got another dog would be receiving less visits from him or something like that...so if Robyn hates pets, then it stands to reason that Kody may have once been the biggest dog-lover on the planet but now hates all animals because Robyn said so.

    And if Meri still claims to be Robyn's BFF after carefully watching that video then they deserve each other.  There are several ways to shoo away a pet, kicking it is not on that list. 

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  7. 15 hours ago, GeeGolly said:


    Good heavens, these people....I find myself studying this image like I'm preparing for a test and I still don't get it.

    From left to right - Kody and Robyn's giant plot of land...based on this, Robyn - the original lowly scrap-getter...gets Janelle's pond and Meri's trees?  Seems about right.

    Whose plot of land is supposed to belong to Kody, Janelle and Meri?  I assume Meri, but again - no trees.  But it's the second biggest plot so it makes sense that it belongs to Meri, who lives alone (Brown Family Logic™).

    The Kody and Robyn cute lil' plot - that must be for Kody's private house that he wanted to build to get the hell away from the chaos of the annoying family he created...the house with the ginormous gathering area for when all the kids he hasn't permanently run off wander back to sit at his knee and listen to his tales of polygamy persecution and woe.

    And Janelle's plot is as far away from the pond as she could be - how's she going to cross everyone else's plots of land to haul water from Plague Pond for her grow house greenhouse without getting a round of buckshot to the ass from the window of Meri's turret?

    Fascinating, these people.

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  8. I get a visceral reaction every time I see that "headship's hand on helpmeet's elbow" pose.  I keep waiting for Michelle to turn around and clock JB upside the head, yelling "for the love of all that is holy, STOP TOUCHING ME."  Or maybe he does that to hold her upright.  Either way, I hate it.

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  9. On 11/26/2022 at 10:00 AM, Celia Rubenstein said:

    And I attribute it to her not receiving an invitation to join anyone for dinner.

    THIS.  Had Robyn dropped her an invite, Meri would've donned her very best LLR leggings and high-tailed it over there so fast, she'd leave skid marks.

    Glad to see she's no longer sick and is now vibin' and thrivin'.  Quick recovery.

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  10. Regarding Kody and Robyn and their treatment of the Big Three - what is their end goal, I wonder?  It's clear that Kody is done with polygamy and only wants Robyn, and he's doing his best to gaslight the OG 3 out of his life.  Christine is out, I hope Janelle is close behind, and Meri is hanging on like a dingleberry.  But Kody and Robyn have to know that if it's down to the two of them, the show is over and with it, the money.  When Kody and Robyn are banana-curling each other's hair every day, I wonder if they discuss their situation - is it better to be done with the show and ride off into the sunset together?  Do they think the show will go on with just the two of them?  Are they in secret negotiations with the other three to make sure they continue to film, even though their leaving makes Kody and Robyn look like sociopaths, just so the money keeps rolling in?  

    Kody seems to have promised his favorite wife a lifestyle above and beyond what he can afford, and he's using the show to partially fund it (since Robyn is apparently too pretty to cook OR get a job).  But he's pushing away the women who allowed him to get a show in the first place.

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  11. 46 minutes ago, dariafan said:

    1 for the love of cheddar someone take his word of the day calendar away

    I forgot the word but I remember laughing about him using it incorrectly.

    Didn't he also say "Where there's a way there's a will?"  He's soooo deep.  We just don't understand his brilliance.🙄

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  12. On 11/26/2022 at 11:04 AM, GeeGolly said:

    I'm pretty sure we have Robyn to thank for his curly-Qs. I think I remember him being amazed that she showed him how to "make his curls work".

    I just figured out what the nanny does - she watches the kids while Robyn and Kody go into the bathroom for hours and take turns banana-curling each other's hair.  That explains why  they're sporting similar hairstyles lately.  The gel budget for that house must be insane.

    On 11/28/2022 at 9:17 AM, steff13 said:

    I saw on the previews for next week Kody telling Janelle that their relationship was never good (or something like that). 

    And he was leaning right up in her face as he said it - he must know that he has to turn the gaslight jet up to "11" when dealing with Janelle.  It was gross, and that was only the preview.  I just wish she'd slapped him out of her personal space.

    18 hours ago, 65mickey said:

    I want to grab Janelle and tell her like Cher told Ronnie "Snap out of it."  She is so delusional about Coyote Pass. She is never going to have a house there.

    This is what I can't figure out about Janelle.  She HAS to know that CP is never going to happen - she had to have known it ages ago.  So her insistence on plopping that RV on CP as a way to save money to pay the land and build - what is her motivation?  She cannot be that stupid - she's been married to this guy forever and she's seen the wreckage that Robyn has strewn in her path...I just can't wrap my head around Janelle thinking she was going to force Kody's hand regarding CP while also knowing deep down that it was never going to happen.  I used to think she just really wanted an RV and used the CP narrative as leverage to get it, but I just don't know.  Can she be both smart and stupid at the same time?

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  13. 3 minutes ago, Claire Voyant said:

    I hope not, because otherwise he'll insist that Truely has to come for visitation then and there.  You know...so she can shovel.  That way it will be all Christine's fault.  

    Sadly, I can envision this very scenario playing out.

    Janelle's tears in this episode were something to behold.  She's gotten emotional on the show in the past but nothing on the level of the tears she shed when she realized that with Christine leaving, a book is closing - and I think she was realizing at that moment how much more miserable her life was going to become minus Christine.

    I hope the producers are having as much fun with season as I am watching it, because I am loving the jarring Meri couch sightings - we get a deep, emotional segment of Christine discussing leaving, or Janelle handing us some piping hot tea about her relationship with Robyn, and then we suddenly get Meri's orange sad frowny face and whiny wishy-washy voice - "Yeah, ya know....people always ask me about why I stay?  Ya know?  And I'm like, well...ya know, I have value so I stay because, ya know, my value isn't tied to anyone else, ya know."  It's a juxtaposition between the emotional and the banal and I love it.

    Great recap, @the-grey-lady!  You know 80% of the crap Kody is spewing this season came from his incel friends over at BoysRule GirlsDrool.com or whatever scary, misogynistic site he's getting his misguided information from.  If I were Robyn, I'd handle Kody like the delicate porcelain vase that he is - he's eventually going to have to turn his views on the occupants of the mansion once he's driven away all his lesser wives and children.  I hope she knows that, and I hope it keeps her up at night (along with Ari, swinging from the chandeliers).

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  14. 23 hours ago, zamp33 said:

    Robyn said that Christine leaving has caused collateral damage that will last generations to come - any idea what that damage is and how it will impact successive generations?

    Perhaps it means that Aurora's granddaughter, having been denied the money due her by Truely's grandkids, will be forced to use the same eyebrow stencil as her great-grandma Robyn, causing the sperm toothbrush eyebrows to plague the family for generations to come.

    21 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

    So wait...

    The Browns own Robyn's mansion (I use the term "own" loosely here since they owe a fortune on it) AND two adjacent lots? Problem solved. Build a house for Meri on one lot and a casita for Janelle on the other and sell CP. Done.

    I'm sure neither Kody nor Robyn wants them that nearby but it seems like a perfect solution if they were really interested in problem solving this mess.

    Khaos Kody has zero interest in solving any problems, only in creating them.  He literally talks out of both ends and then flounces off, leaving his various wives to try and make sense of what is happening.  Sadly, it's taken this long for Christine, and now perhaps Janelle, to decide to no longer live a life controlled by the whims of a Ramen-headed caveman.  Better late than never.

    1 hour ago, GeeGolly said:

    Janelle needs to show up and squat big time, large and in charge and claim her part of the mansion.

     I adore this idea so much, I can't even tell you.  And the visual this particular sentence gave me had me snort-laughing.  I can see Janelle plopping herself down on Robyn's pleather couch, dirty feet propped up on the ottoman, chugging Plexus and eating a bowlful of canned cabbage while Kody and Robyn look on nervously, waiting for the inevitable dash to Robyn's pretty, dainty, Willow Tree decorated bathroom....

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  15. 23 hours ago, Tuxcat said:

    I have to agree. The RV thing was not a wise decision if they had not even obtained proper surveying yet and permits to configure the lots.  What was Janelle thinking? When Kody looked at her and said "Janelle, why are we in here" (pointing the RV) and she said "because I got a lot done," I said out loud. WHAT? WHAT did you get done?

    I too was wondering what she meant when she said she got a lot done.  Did she mean saving money for CP?  Clearing the tumbleweeds from the property and chasing away the prairie dogs?  Mining the plague pond for gold?  I was of the mind that she bought that RV and parked it square on CP (hopefully directly in Robyn's line of vision from the turret in her mansion) to call Kody's bluff about building, and/or to have a means of escape if it turned out Coyote Pass was just a pipe dream.  But she seemed genuinely frustrated when she told Kody that she'd gotten a lot done.  I hope we get more of the scoop in the next episode.

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  16. Nice pictures!  In the second pic, it might be how the babies are positioned but they look fraternal to me.  Good for Mykelti and Tony.  I am sure Christine is extra thrilled that she made the move to Utah.

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  17. 15 minutes ago, Elizzikra said:

    And just last week, Janelle seemed to think there was enough money to pay off the land and start building on CP and Kody said there wasn't. Can't either of them read a bank balance?

    Every time Kody suspects Janelle of looking at their bank balance, he probably whisks Robyn out for a shopping spree at Victoria's Secret to bring that balance back down, so it never gets high enough to break ground.

    That poster is everything, except I feel bad for the prairie dogs who were just minding their own business until the clown cars showed up, and the crazy man in the panties jumped into their pond.

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  18. 13 minutes ago, SemiCharmedLife said:

    My take on Ari's "date!" advice was that it was in response to Christine saying that her and Kody weren't in love anymore.  I think Robyn and Kidney go on a lot of dates together and when Ari throws a fit that they are leaving, they have to explain how important it is for mommy and daddy to date each other.  But, I agree, this kid has heard A LOT of stuff about the other households.  Last week's episode was epic when Ari was pontificating about someone being cut off and leaving.  OMG!

    This!  Either Ari is wise beyond her years and can take what she's overhearing and apply it to current situations, or Robyn is using Ari as a lil' mini therapist and spilling all the tea to her.  Either way, all five of those kids are going to need therapy for being stuck in that house with a narcissistic nutjob dad and a mom who fake cries all the time.

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