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Posts posted by laurakaye

  1. 41 minutes ago, Shelbie said:

    A move would also give Kody and Robyn a storyline for the show. Kody would be able to rant and rave and Robyn could cry without tears about how it isn’t fair they have to move.

    Interesting conundrum for Mr. & Mrs. Dark Queen - do they film their misery, thus bringing in some much needed cash since the OG 3 up and bailed?  Or in their embarrassment of not being able to pay the mortgage on the mansion, go dark and skulk around the western USA looking for someplace new to live that they can afford?  I can see Kody wanting to keep the TLC gravy train rolling and Robyn wishing otherwise.  Could be interesting.


    21 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

    I suspect Kody used some of the other wives' money to afford the mansion, fives cars, five 'kids' and themselves, etc.

    This past season Janelle said as much in a couch interview - that her money had gone to helping Robyn and Kody purchase the mansion, but when Janelle had to move out of her rental, no one came to her aid and she was left with nothing.

    I think for years, since the show started, Kody was building a financial house of cards and Janelle was the one trying to put out all of the fires caused by Kody and Robyn's overspending.  I think when it all shakes out and the Big 3 have extricated themselves from the family's tangled finances, Kody and Robyn are going to find themselves with nothing but Kody's questionable income and maybe $2.14 a month on royalties from their book.  There's no way they are going to be able to afford that house.

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  2. 12 hours ago, HurricaneVal said:

    Ew.  Showmance.  I'm never a fan.  But I am a little charmed by their geeky giggles.

    Since we are now on season 44, Matt and Frannie have to know that a showmance is great as long as they don't flaunt it in everyone's faces with the giggling, inside jokes, or spending all of their time together.  I suppose they're both so geeked to have found their counterpart but it bugs me when the people involved forget that they are playing a game.


    3 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

    Danny is giving me Tony vibes but like no where near as annoying and awful lol.



    36 minutes ago, mertensia said:

    What was up with the chess pieces?

    I wondered that as well...it almost felt like the players were supposed to pick them up or move them somehow?  That was one cluttered voting booth.

    I am on the fence with Carolyn - she had flashes of smart strategy, and then later she fell on the ground and writhed in front of Carson and Yam Yam and my first thought was, Carson's going to change his mind and try and vote her out, for sure.  I was floored when Carolyn didn't play her idol at TC, I never saw Helen being the one voted out - but I also didn't know much at all about Helen.

    I am also floored that it's only episode two and I remember so many players' names and tribes.  That hasn't happened for me in years.  The past several seasons haven't been interesting enough for me to pay close attention, lol.

    • Like 1
  3. On 3/5/2023 at 3:36 PM, auntieminem said:

    Yes, I meant Jason. Too many Jeds to keep straight. 

    This made me cough/laugh out loud at work, lol

    I feel like the "finally" home rubs some the wrong way because he just took the trip of a lifetime that many hard-working people would need to save years for, and wording it that way makes it sound like a chore he was checking off his list.  The weird face he's making doesn't help.

    "James Bond is Back?" Hahahahaha, does he even know who James Bond is?

    • Like 13
  4. Meri's latest on IG - she gives all of us her top 3 tips for how she stays so positive and happy, since many of us have been asking her!  If you can't stand the suspense, here are her three tips (hope you've got a pen and paper handy)!

    1. READ (read all the comments on your posts and delete the negative Nancys because what do they know?  Nothing!  That's what!  Hahaha)

    2. GRATITUDE (be grateful that your ex-husband didn't completely forget your name yet!  Surely that means there must still be a chance at reconciliation!  Right??  Woohoo!)

    3. MOVEMENT (lace up those shooties and lumber around your garage moving giant tubs of LuLaRoe leggings and before you know it, you'll be sweating off your foundation!  Just spackle on another layer and keep going!  #BossBabe)


    I love some of the comments, though...."Who's asking you those questions?"  "You can't sell what you don't own."  And my fave: "Phony baloney."

    • Mind Blown 1
    • LOL 18
  5. 12 minutes ago, 65mickey said:

    I agree that the relationship works for Mykelti and Tony.  But that doesn't stop me from thinking that he  was an obnoxious entitled jerk during the wedding planning. And he didn't seem to realize how he was coming across. 

    I'm no Tony fan but I think he did realize how he was coming across during wedding planning and he enjoyed trying to get under Kody's skin by suggesting that Kody just make a quick lil' trip to the bank and get a second mortgage to pay for everything, demanding a few thousand street tacos, etc.  I think Mykelti did the same thing - she knew her parents didn't love Tony the way they fawned over Caleb.  They knew that their wedding, coming on the heels of Maddie's, would be a financial burden on Kody.  But being one of many interchangeable daughters of the least favored wife, I felt like M & T were pushing boundaries to see how far they could go, and Tony didn't seem to particularly care what his future father in law thought of him.  The Weddingk of the Century was my favorite season of Sister Wives.  Tony was a jerk, but he was going head to head with the King of Jerks and it was hilarious to watch. :)

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  6. Looking back on when my kids were small, I can't figure out how Maddie has time to not only take everyone's pictures, but caption them and post them to social media.  Maybe that generation just manages time differently.  Maybe I'm in get-off-my-lawn mode.  But I don't get how sharing that you have three kids that wake up early is newsworthy.  It's what kids do.

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  7. 10 hours ago, Cetacean said:

    Right here with you.  There is enough crap to hide from in real life, I don't need to subject myself to things that terrify and disturb me.  It doesn't have to be all Hallmark or LIttle House on the Prairie but there is a lot out there that doesn't keep me awake at night!

    Which is why I mainly watch reality shows like Survivor and Great British Bake Off....watching re-runs of GBBO got me through the worst of lockdown.

    But now I need to check out Station Eleven.  I did like that book and tried one episode but it didn't grab me.  I should give it another go.

    • Like 3
  8. 5 hours ago, BoogieWonderland said:

    I dislike the man but he had a choice between having 4 wives and 18 kids he was letting down and having crappy relationships with or having 1 good marriage and being a great Dad to a few.

    Interesting point, but once Robyn came into the picture, was Kody even trying anymore with his wives and kids?  We only saw a tiny bit of Brown life pre-Robyn on the show.  I wouldn't say they seemed overly happy - I think they were performing for the new cameras, since now we know all about the contentious relationship between Meri and Janelle that Christine was supposed to magically "fix," and lots of other stuff we didn't know in the beginning.

    Once Robyn came along, to me it seemed like Kody sacrificed his prior relationships for her and completely prioritized her kids.  He did have a choice to NOT do that.  His wives may have semi-understood what was going on but his kids, especially his younger kids, surely did not bargain for Dad being mostly absent.  For Kody to pound his chest and demand that everyone follow him as leader of the family, he needed to make sure he was there for everyone.  Impossible?  Maybe.  But I think he gave up trying once he met Robyn.  Once his kids started pulling away, he just sat on the interview couch and whined that he didn't understand why this was happening to HIM.  And now we're starting to hear from his older kids who have stated that he really wasn't a part of their lives.  That's on Kody, period - IMO.  He had a choice to be a good dad to all of his kids or just five - and he chose the five while the others stood there watching.

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  9. On 2/23/2023 at 6:45 PM, ginger90 said:

    Yes, it’s a Plexus product:


    Well, yum!  I'll take a stick of Active, a stick of Chocolate and a stick of Hydrate to go, please!  Then I won't have to do anything physical for the rest of the day, right?  Heck, I won't even have to drink water if I'm drinking a stick of Hydrate!

    I sincerely hope there aren't people out there who think they can just not drink water by partaking in Hydrate, or can binge a bag of Doritos and then just eat/drink a stick of Restore and those calories will magically melt away, but I'm sure those people do indeed exist and there are plenty of Plexus sellers preying on those same people.

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  10. I hate anything to do with zombies and the apocalypse and especially when you combine those two things.  I have a friend who very much enjoys those types of shows/books and she recommended a "zombie light" book to me (The Girl With All the Gifts), which I still remember as freaking me right out even though it's been 7 years since I read it.

    So naturally, because I wasn't thinking, I watched two episodes of The Last of Us.  The end of episode two was like, "NOPE.  NOPENOPENOPE."  I won't go into it but obviously, there exists a very large population who loves this stuff but I am definitely not one of them!  Lesson learned.


    • Like 5
  11. 15 minutes ago, dariafan said:

    My rewatch schedule has changed to match surviving sister wives podcast.   Why does kody think he gets to pick out his daughter’s wedding dress ???  And why would a father want to pick it ?   

    A father shouldn't choose his daughter's dress and should know to back the hell off and allow the dress shopping to be between his daughter and her mother, sisters, friends, etc.  He wanted to choose it because he thinks that everything should center around HIM.  He can't stand when the spotlight is entirely off of him.  He needs to be dancing around the periphery so that no one forgets he's there.  Also he had a weird man-crush on Caleb so that probably factored into it somehow.  And the fact that he sneakily chose Robyn's dress likely makes him think that he's an expert now.

    I adore that Sister Wives podcast so much!  I have thought about joining their Patreon but haven't done it yet.

    • Like 7
  12. 20 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

    I'm going to guess two things were happening. One was Meri wanted to believe a reconciliation was possible and second, I think Robyn was leading her to believe if she hung on, Kody would take her back.

    100%.  I can absolutely see the scenario where Robyn sensed that Meri was ready to abandon all hope, so Robyn would say something like "yesterday, Kody mentioned your name without gagging, Meri!  See?  There's still hope!"  Robyn only needed Meri to "hang on with her" to keep the TLC money rolling in, because no one wants to watch a show called "Former Sister Wife and Kody."

    I just adore the irony here.  Robyn wanted to be HBIC in this family, and she got that.  And in doing so, she erased a substantial source of their income - the show.  Well played, Dark Queen.  

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  13. 16 hours ago, Cetacean said:

    And walls.  They both mean "I don't want to talk about it so shut up".

    For Meri, it means "you are getting dangerously close to the truth of who I am as a person, but I prefer the fiction I created in my head so I'm putting up my walls and walking away."

    For Janelle: "You're talking about feelings?  No thanks, walls up, peace out."

    For Christine: "You all have hurt me 1,000 times in the past 25 years and I'm not allowing you to hurt me 1,001 times.  Also I'm leaving.  Byeeeee!!!"

    Robyn?  I don't think she ever puts up walls because then, who would see her scrunching up her toothbrush eyebrows and crying her patented dry tears while she makes every family issue all about herself?

    Kody wanted to put up literal walls in the form of his own house on Coyote Pass but hahahahaha, how'd that work out for you, cowboy?  Instead, you are forever stuck inside the Mansion of Tchotchkes with the drama queen you married.  No walls for you! 

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  14. On 2/8/2023 at 5:01 PM, ginger90 said:


    My goodness, it suddenly got dusty in here...*sniff*

    I still remember the tell-all interview after the Vegas move, where Hunter said that he wouldn't have gotten through it without Logan's help.  It's clear those two brothers are exceptionally close.  And I have always had a soft spot for Hunter - in the early seasons, you can see him holding and playing with baby Truely often.  He just seems like a genuinely kind person...in spite of his father.

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  15. Earlier this week, Jill posted about a visit with her uncle, I believe - she posted pictures (of course), plus one of her making that her stupid tongue-out, crossed eyes "funny" pic with him, although she was the only one making the stupid face.  Given the timeline, I feel like that should've been the same time she was making the rounds to visit all of the ER's due to her excruciating pain.  Her timeline is normally wonky but this time I feel like she's purposefully trying to move it backwards to fit her narrative, thinking that no one will notice.

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