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Posts posted by laurakaye

  1. Tom was so calm during the phone-to-Logan's-ear portion of the episode.  He deftly handled each Roy kid freaking out on him, while repeatedly telling them that he didn't know if Logan could hear them but look, tell him what you need to tell him...just talk to him...putting the phone to him now...here he is, just talk.  I found that touching.

    But then, Tom called Greg and that's when Tom's tears started, but how much of that was him holding his emotions back while everything was happening on the plane and finally being able to process while talking to Greg, and how much was it his fear that his "protection" was gone?  

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  2. 23 hours ago, Teriacky said:

    Why does Tessie hold her head so strangely l? It looks like she’s jutting it out in front of her body. 

    I've noticed that too - she seems to be standing the way tall girls stand when they want to appear shorter.  I wonder if Jill coached her on that, or she's trying to somehow shrink herself down to match her shorter older sisters.

    19 hours ago, crazy8s said:

    I think a dollar or 2 and a half off coupon for a DQ Blizzard, along with their winning bags of candy. ☹️

    Who is supposed to pay for the other half of the DQ Blizzard??  Even a dollar won't cover that.  It's cruel to give a kid that has no means of earning money a coupon for 50% off something that they can't afford.  My guess is the coupon winner gets to go with Dave to "share" that Blizzard.

    And why, on Easter, do we need to see a picture of KayJon making out, along with a teapot-posed (I love that description) Jill and her on-the-market oldest girls?  What does that have to do with the religious holiday?

    Also, Jill?  Not everything you wear has to be the same color.  Sincerely, Purple.

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  3. On 4/9/2023 at 10:38 PM, Irlandesa said:

    Roman really wanted a hug from Gerri didn't he.  If only he hadn't mentioned she was getting fired earlier, he might have gotten it.

    There were SO MANY moments that were done so perfectly, and this was one of them - Roman practically begging for some comfort from the woman he just fired at the behest of his now-deceased father was poetic and heartbreaking.  Given the weird relationship between these two in past seasons, I thought for sure Gerri would acquiesce - especially when she seemed to be taking some considerable time putting her phone back in her purse and getting ready to stand up.  I feel like she was considering her next step - hug Roman or walk out.  She ended up crushing Roman like only she could.


    On 4/9/2023 at 10:50 PM, maddie965 said:

    This scene. God.


    And we never even saw Logan. F* brilliant.

    We did see a bit of Logan - I replayed it twice to make sure I was seeing what I thought I was seeing...when Frank (I believe) closed the door to the area where Logan was, we see just the top of Logan's head on the floor.  That, for me, was a punch to the gut - that's when I first realized that it was true, no sick prank, and just that fleeting glance of Logan Roy's head was a superb last look at the Titan.


    On 4/10/2023 at 12:03 PM, cardigirl said:

    Another moment that got me was when the Three finally informed Connor, and Roman grabbed Connor's hand and hugged it for a moment, as a gesture of love and support. 

    I rewound this scene too.  I have always been so impressed with the physicality that Kieran Culkin brings to Roman.  That sideways awkward grabbing of Conner seemed extremely real.  See also: Roman kind of sliding/falling onto the floor of the boat after saying goodbye, sitting cross-legged in a chair as the kids discussed the statement, resting his forehead on the doorjamb after Gerri walked away from him.  He is so good.  Give him all the Emmys.  Or make a new category for him, I don't care.

    The whole idea of Logan being on that plane, with Tom's phone cutting in and out, and the continuation of the chest compressions on Logan, and everyone telling the kids that they weren't sure he was actually gone so the audience also wasn't sure - that was so beautifully unsettling, I think I forgot to breathe several times while watching.  The real-time aspect was brilliant and I will never forget it.

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  4. 11 hours ago, LadyChatts said:

    I feel the same way about Frannie and Matt.  I hope that this doesn’t hurt Frannie’s game, but we have already know they are on people’s radar.  I said above I feel like this showmance is more one sided, and the show is just thrilled to have a showmance again that they are eating it up with the edit. 

    Didn't Matt say early on that he was starting Survivor on the heels of a painful breakup with his girlfriend back home?  When I see him snuggling and giggling with Frannie, I keep wondering if she's aware of that.  


    2 hours ago, iMonrey said:

    Agreed. There is something strange going on with editing, and Carolyn. I keep going back to Episode 1, which opened with a confessional with Carolyn. And how odd everyone thought it was to open the season with some random confessional with some seemingly goofy lady who laughed and said she didn't know how to do a confessional.

    Is the show really telegraphing that hard that Carolyn won? 

    I want to think that Survivor would never telegraph a winner that blatantly, but the fact that season 44 began in such an unusual way makes me think that she has to have gone pretty far in the game, like final 3.  There has to be a reason they started the show with her - or maybe, she was just the most colorful character in a group of bland people and they were trying to grab viewers with her quirkiness?  She's like a mixture of Debbie Wanner and Eliza Orlins with her physicality and facial expressions.

    At least this season, unlike the past 3 seasons, I know who everyone is but I definitely don't know who has what idol/advantage/fake idol/etc., so it makes it extremely frustrating to follow.  I don't want to have to think that hard when I watch this show.  It's been hard enough since they axed the intro with the players' names to remember who is who, but throw in 37 idols and I would need to take notes to remember all of it.  I'm just not that invested anymore.

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  5. Before the show continues, I really want to understand the business end of what the kids are trying to do for clarity:

    The siblings outbid their dad for Nan's company just to stick it to him and their bid won, but they overspent and they know it...also, now that they own the company, they either don't know what to do with it and/or they really don't want it.

    In order to purchase the company they don't really want, they need to get their money out of Waystar, which is being bought by GoJo (Mattson).  If that deal falls through, the kids won't have the money to buy their new toy, so Shiv (with Sandi) and Kendall (with Stewy) want to force Logan to ask Mattson for more money, knowing that Mattson might walk away and the entire thing will collapse.

    Am I close?  What I struggle with is, what happens if Mattson does walk - aren't they still on the hook for the 10 bil they promised to Nan?  Or have they not signed on the dotted line yet?  I feel like Kendall and Shiv are playing with fire but maybe I'm wrong, although Logan did say that his kids weren't serious people so perhaps he's 100% correct.

    Even if the business part sometimes goes over my head, I still watch the heck out of this show because I can't get enough of this twisted family and their dynamics.

    Also, I just read over the lyrics to Conner's karaoke song and now I am doing a deep dive into the story behind the words, looking for connections that might not even exist. :)

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  6. 21 minutes ago, oliviabenson said:

    Who pays for Jill’s reset ? It’s $150! 

    And filling up their RV is $500.

    Where do they get that kinda $$$?

    Jill probably gets a deep discount on her Plexus crap.  Gas for the RV likely comes from their church warbling tour.  Dinners out are paid for by whichever unfortunate son-in-law happens to get roped into date night with Ma and Pa Grift.  Jill is a horrible human but she certainly has figured out how to live the high life on Dave's part-time printing job.

    If only she'd feed her kids.  Wonder if she brought them the leftover breadsticks.  

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  7. Yes, lousy video.  During Jill's first pan around the table, Ma looked to be leaning far over to one side while Pa was busy scarfing his food.

    I'm sure by now the kids and other family members are used to Jill whipping out her phone and demanding them to smile or chat as she pans around the table, but no one ever gets a break to just freaking eat and relax.  You never know when Mahmo is going to snap her fingers and make you perform - doesn't matter if you've just shoved a forkful of pasta into your mouth.  In fact, I feel like Jill enjoys catching her kids and family in those awkward moments.  Wonder how she'd like it if someone videoed her while she attempted to chew an entire breadstick?

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  8. 1 hour ago, Teri313 said:

    I thought it was pretty slick how she slipped out of Flagstaff with the profit from her house and dumped the dead weight of Coyote Pass on Dumb and Dumber, making them think they were getting something of value. Especially since we find out now that the "family money" got her into that house. I wonder how long before they looked at each other like, wait...what...?

    I can totally picture Kody and Robyn wandering aimlessly through the rooms and turrets of their mansion with furrowed brows (Robyn's toothbrushes meeting in the middle), thinking....something happened here, and it involves money and Christine...did Christine buy Coyote Pass?  No, that's not right....can we somehow get Christine's boyfriend to pay off our mortgage?  Why is Christine so happy and we're broke and miserable?  That's not how Robyn set this up...??  

    It's going to be JUST out of the reach of their collective brain cells.

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  9. 12 hours ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

    What is with Meri pretending to be drunk?    I don't understand why she does this ...

    Granted I can usually only take FWF for less than 30 seconds, but of the few I've seen, she begins every episode acting like she's drunk.  She slurs her speech, puts on an odd fake voice and typically plays at not being able to connect Just Jenn, or steady her phone, or take a sip from a cup without spilling and/or choking.  It reminds me of being 13 at a school dance and acting like we're all having the BEST. TIME. EVER. to impress whoever the hell we were trying to impress at the time.  To me, Meri is doing this exact same thing - playing that she's having the time of her life with Jenn in order to rub it in the faces of those attempting to participate virtually.  But then I've also seen her shoot down anyone who thinks she's drunk so honestly, I just think she loves the attention that comes along with it.

    I also saw her "disco" video and maybe this is the COL in me talking, but I find it extremely disingenuous to be dancing while holding out your arm and smiling into your own phone.  It's all so performative.

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  10. If you're into podcasts, the latest episode of the Leaving Eden podcast is about what it's like to be a fundie pastor's wife (hot take - it's awful).  JillRod is mentioned several times.  The host's take is that she's acting and starring in the role of a pastor's wife without her husband being an actual pastor (Dave's grift-tour speaking engagements don't count).  It's an interesting listen.


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  11. On 4/2/2023 at 11:23 PM, realityplease said:

    Connor seems clear-headed - that dumb political bid aside. He just wants to get his cut of Waystar & run.  Knows he never had his Dad's love - says he doesn't need it.  Knows he'll never be in charge of the family empire - doesn't care.  He'll never be sure about Willa - and knows it.

    In some ways, the sad life of Connor Roy - the eldest son - is better than anything his siblings are going through.  At least he knows where he stands with Logan, even if it's ugly and sad.  It doesn't mean it doesn't hurt him but he's probably at a point where he knows what's possible to change and what isn't.  That said, seeing Connor faded and in partial shadow at the table in the karaoke bar while his brothers and sister talked shop and ignored the fact that Willa just skipped out on him was supremely uncomfortable to watch, and that is why I love this show.  There's nothing better than watching the perpetually forgotten Connor finally reach his limit of what he'll tolerate.  Alan Ruck is brilliant.


    On 4/3/2023 at 9:09 AM, TV Diva Queen said:

    re bolded:  Why did he "plug" in first?  He could have opened the laptop, closed the audition tape and THEN plugged into the projector.  That got me really mad for some reason.

    I think he knew he was so completely busted, he forgot how to work a laptop.  I found that hilarious.


    This show does so many subtle things so well, it's why I have to watch each episode at least twice.  Tom pushing the paper boxes closer together before Logan stood on them to speechify.  Tom coughing uncomfortably in the middle of his intro, and the glare/smile that Cyd gave Tom when he called her his "partner in crime."  Shiv glancing at her brothers to gauge their expressions when it came to meeting Stewy and Sandi while she pretended to be just as surprised as they were.  And basically everything about Connor's bar night with his siblings - any scene that includes all four Roy kids is the best thing on TV right now.

    Also, Kendall yelling at Logan about how Logan used to hit Roman and Roman deflecting by saying, "yeah, well - I deserved to be hit, I was annoying" just about Broke. My. Heart.

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  12. 9 hours ago, Tdoc72 said:

    I 100% love that Heidi’s sister showed up in pants. Her hair looks way better too. 

    Heidi's sister looks over it in her photos.  I like it.

    Any "big" announcement to Jill means either an engagement or a baby/gender reveal.  There is literally nothing else in her life that warrants such a tease.  Renee got an A on her pre-calc test?  Tessie made the JV lacrosse team?  Sophie is reading two grade levels above her age?  Of course not.  Her kids only need to marry and birth/sire more babies.  That's their destiny.  The funny thing is, she thinks it's news.  How can it be news if it's all they ever get to do with their lives?

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  13. I adore this show and have watched every episode twice - once for the newness and again for the subtle nuances, glances, body language, etc., by all of these amazing actors.

    What a group of sad people...Logan bailing on his own birthday and trying to have a somewhat normal conversation with Colin.  Logan demanding that everyone take a crack at him but when Greg hits the mark too well, Logan slams him by slamming Greg's dad (I would love to know more of that story).  Tom and Shiv dissolving their marriage but then lying on the bed together at an odd angle, exhausted, but holding hands (which I have to think means something).  It's all wonderful.

    I both loathe and love Nan and her oddball family.  Poor Nan with her awful headache that only took five minutes to dissipate, upon which she told the Roy kids how much she hated (LOVED) being in the middle of their nasty family mess...but then, I mean - sure, Nan will listen to those icky cash offers because after all, look at this dilapidated mansion! and Bitsy's problems in Maine! and Buffy's divorce!  etc.  She's just fantastic - she makes me cringe and then I rewind to watch her scenes again.

    I have come to almost love Willa the most - her dead-eyed exasperated facial expressions are so good.  She's been doing it since the beginning - as if she can't believe she is where she is, and who she's with, but has decided that this is what she must do to have what she wants - but she still kind of hates everyone.

    One thing that confuses me - Logan has the corner market on spinning the presidential election his way, yes?  If this is the case - why is Conner with his 1% still in the race?  I keep expecting Logan to shut Con down hard with his nonsense, the same way he tells his other kids to F*** off every other day.  Isn't Con basically a laughingstock?  I feel like there's something there but I don't know what it is.


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  14. 9 hours ago, lookeyloo said:

    Does it seem like Mykelti is faking seeming to enjoy her life? Doesn't know any better? We wouldn't want to be with Tony but seems like she does. 

    That little girl is a mini-Mykelti.

    When compared to Maddie, I feel like Mykelti is more authentic in her posts, but I also think it's because she and Tony just don't think things through - like when Tony posted his former office at the bank covered with stuffed animals...that's really not someone I want to talk to about refinancing my mortgage.  Or when Mykelti "quite" her job.  Or Avalon dancing barefoot on a counter.  Maddie's posts bother me more because she can't stop the whole "Mom life!  Tired!  Baby awake!  No sleep!" shtick that's not at all interesting or unique.  No one made you have three babies - babies tend to not sleep according to mom's schedule so I don't get what she wants out of those posts besides attention and pity?  Meanwhile, Mykelti is breezing through the day selling Minnie Mouse-printed leggings online and apparently making a living from it, and if she's exhausted, she either handles it better, Tony is actually pitching in, or she doesn't care.


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  15. Yikes, I have that same lit tree - I used it as a card tree for my daughter's wedding shower.

    But where does Jill get all that dusty prairie-decor STUFF?  And where does she store it?  And how does she pay for it?  Do the "ladies" have to pay for the retreat?  I wonder if she skims off some of the cost for a wild and crazy Hobby Lobby shopping spree, pockets some of it for her very hard work and the rest pays for the room and one piece of cake per person?  Every retreat has a different theme - hence, a different set of wonky decorations.  I know she takes great pride in her decorating skillz but it always looks like if you got too close to any of her setups, it would trigger a sneezing fit.

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