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Posts posted by laurakaye

  1. I wonder if Robyn sees the money that Gwen is making on her re-watch YouTube channel and is thinking along those lines...although watching Robyn dry-cry for 30 minutes per episode probably wouldn't garner many viewers.

    Now, if she did a re-watch to explain where she purchased each of her circa-1987 secretary blouses or an episode-by-episode makeup tutorial, that might be worth a click or two.

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  2. To bring it back around to topic, maybe Meri should make Robyn her LuLaRoe assistant - just like Robyn tried to make Meri her MSWC employee.  Let Robyn unpack and display all those lovely leggings - she'd be the perfect model, since she has those extra long legs and all.

    How fun would it be for Kody's mortgage to get paid only if Meri takes on Robyn as her employee. :)

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  3. 5 minutes ago, BradandJanet said:

    However, we can be sure she's on the phone to the missionary clearing house daily, pleading her case for a replacement RV. If they can't help, the Rods will be stuck at home for a long while. 

    In which case I feel very sad for the kids.  Traveling the country crammed into that clunker of an RV isn't a great way to live, but at least when they're out and about the kids might get a good meal, a trip to Goodwill, and perhaps someone paying them some genuine attention. 

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  4. 11 hours ago, Art Of Noiz said:

    Let's just have fun and decide what jobs she should apply for!!

    I'd like to see her sweat over the grill at McDonald's flipping burgers and watching her eyebrow stencils slowly melt off (no shade to that particular job, I used to do it myself).

    As much as I want her to get a real job, I can't think of anything she'd be qualified to do or if she was, it would be a job she thinks is beneath her.

    Congrats, Kody!  hahahahahahaha

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  5. On 4/24/2023 at 12:11 AM, lucindabelle said:

    Your earlobes are chewy and meaty? 
    Kudos to whoever wrote that line because it was wonderfully bizarre. I couldn’t do it if I tried.

    That was a highly weird and uncomfortable scene to watch - so naturally, I watched it three times.  I constantly try to parse out if Shiv somehow loves Tom, loathes Tom, or only keeps him around to step on when she's feeling high and mighty.  And at the end of the episode, she asks him to dinner after she scuffs dirt on his shoes and he flicks her earlobe.  She seems to want to be able to torment him and expect him to never retaliate.  These two are so bizarre with each other, but I can't take my eyes off of them when they're onscreen together.

    21 hours ago, Sailorgirl26 said:

    And him (Madssen) calling her to ask for a picture . . . was crazy sexual. The way he asked her to send a picture of the bros. was the way anyone else would ask for a sext pic. I absolutely was expecting him to say a dirty picture of her, not of the brothers' faces. 

    That was such a charged scene.  My first thought, maybe misplaced, was - Madssen has been known to post to social media to the point where Logan was concerned about doing business with him.  Shiv sends Madssen a picture of her brother's faces on the plane...if he then shares that picture, Kendall and Roman are going to know exactly where it came from.  Was that Shiv's intent? 


    13 hours ago, dmc said:

    I thought that Shiv calling Kendall on his PR bullshit about Logan in front of Roman was interesting.  I thought this would end up being a huge reveal but Roman seemed nonplussed knowing Kendall was planting stories 

    That stuck me as well - why wasn't Roman more concerned or upset, since he seemed to be very against it when talking with Karolina and Hugo?


    10 hours ago, Paws said:

    I think Greg and Tom will end up on top…the two “interlopers”  who are family but not family.  Did you see in the airport scene how they TOWERED over Hugo and a bunch of other people who ended up on the kill list? They did not try to even out their heights at all. I know these guys are very very tall for Hollywood, but that seemed intentional.  

    And in the scene outside where Tom was standing with Greg right before Tom was about to approach Madssen's table, Tom and Greg were positioned so that they were eye-to-eye.  Did it mean anything other than that they were standing on a slight incline?  I don't know, but I read into everything on this show.  It seemed to suggest that Tom and Greg were on an equal playing field.

    Roman tells Connor no, do NOT send me any pictures of our father's body.  Connor then does exactly that.  I don't know if that was Connor being scatterbrained or purposefully spiteful, since he literally just got married and is now alone in charge of the funeral arrangements.  The relationship between Connor and Roman seems to have been close when they were younger so I found it odd that Connor would do that to Roman, specifically.

    The idea that Kendall and Roman have to climb aboard a lift and ascend to Mount Madssen to discuss the deal was both humorous and exhausting.  It's all very performative, and I'm sure it goes on in real life all the time, but I thought Roman was going to break down way harder than he did.  Maybe it's still coming.


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  6. At first I was angry thinking that Jill was filming a "woe is me" video on the side of a highway instead of making sure all of her children, especially the little girls, weren't getting too close to the road but then I remembered, that's what the older girls are for.  Hopefully Jill found a comfortable rock to sit on while Renee freshened up Mahmo's hair and makeup before going live on-air.

    So if the van is broken, no more grift tours for awhile?  Whatever will Jill do?

    It makes me nervous because at least if they're on the road grifting, the chances for the kids to get a decent meal increases.

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  7. Jill posted a link on her IG to a YouTube video of her mother's "therapy," and I use that term very loosely because the screenshot I saw looked like Ma in her wheelchair with Jill and a random Rodlet all up in Ma's face.  That's not therapy, that's Jill play-acting on social media to make sure everyone knows what a wonderful daughter she is...unless Jill has a physical therapy degree that I am not aware of. 🙄

    I wonder how Jill's neighbors feel about them.  It must be extremely difficult to live with the knowledge that several underfed children reside in that house and wanting to somehow drop off food to them without it being consumed by the large man that occasionally wanders around outside, oddly drinking from the hummingbird feeder.

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  8. On 4/16/2023 at 11:45 AM, Orcinus orca said:

    Kootie, in his ongoing quest to massacre the English language, states that he thinks "this is all a stint for TLC to get David on a contract, so he and Christine are relevant..."

    Does Kody understand that without the "sister wives" portion of his reality show, he's not a bigshot Z-list celebrity strutting around Las Vegas wearing a Titanic necklace and a bluetooth?  Does he think that any wife who dares leave him should live out the remainder of their days roaming the Earth in sackcloth, bemoaning their broken hearts?  Give me a break.  Sign ol' David up on that sweet TLC contract, Christine can use that extra money for a 12-day Hawaiian honeymoon (one more day than Robyn's).  And she won't even have to buy store-brand Hamburger Helper to pay for it.


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  9. 18 hours ago, Cool Breeze said:

    Is Roman's nickname "Romulus" after the founder of ancient Rome?

    I would think so, and I know Logan used that nickname more frequently than "Tumbledown" which I find amusing...two completely different meanings from two nicknames.  Not sure where Tumbledown came from - at first I thought it was kind of affectionate but with the knowledge that Logan used to beat Roman, I'm not so sure about that.


    17 hours ago, sistermagpie said:

    So Greg probably really is a reminder of everything Tom put ahead of her. She used to be his partner, and now it's Greg and she's the one who's alone. Maybe she considered going to him for comfort, but then Greg's appearance reminded her she couldn't and that he wasn't alone?

    Great point.  

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  10. I cannot stand when someone posts a random, cryptic deep thought and thinks it's the equivalent of a mic-drop.  I really hate when someone posts multiple deep thoughts, one after the other, with no explanation, as if they're crafting some kind of story, and thinking that they've actually fooled people into believing that they live by these cookie-cutter mottos.

    Meri is shouting into the void.  No one cares, except perhaps Just Jenn and maybe Blair Michael if he's bored.  

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  11. So when Kody was complaining to Christine that he didn't want any new boyfriend of hers to swoop in and steal Kody's dozens of dollars, do we think he knew about David?  David, who owns his own business and seems to have plenty of money?  If so, that's like Kody hoping that Tony won't steal his hair.  

    It does put an interesting spin on this past season, though, if David was waiting in the wings to rescue his damsel in distress.

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  12. 9 hours ago, KeHuy said:

    No-one is really at fault here. But Kody and Robyn were right thinking their kids were treated differently. But Christine, Janelle and the older kids were never going to have the same relationships with them and it was unrealistic to expect them to.

    I loved your thoughtful post.  My take is that while it's true that the relationship aspect was unrealistic for everyone, I don't think Robyn helped matters when she sermonized about taking back her cookie to give to Kody (in front of all of Kody's bio kids and wives), and then pencil-sketched him into a creepy portrait (again, in front of Kody's bio kids and wives).  Who knows what she did that we didn't get to see.  

    And if Kody was too busy tending to his newest Victoria's Secret model and carrying her fainting spawn up the stairs to make sure that his bio kids and his step-kids were happily integrating, that's on him.  Robyn may have wanted to snap her fingers and magically create perfect sibling bonds between her kids and Kody's, but she also wanted to snatch up most of their father's time for herself and HER kids.  She couldn't do both.  And Kody couldn't help foster those relationships if he never left Robyn's lair.  Could the wives have stepped in and helped work those relationships?  Probably, and I think they tried (maybe not Janelle because she was completely checked out back then).  But I think they also knew that whatever they did was never going to be good enough for Robyn, so Kody punished them by not giving them his time, which caused the resentment to fester, lather-rinse- repeat.  This family's dynamics was like a snake eating its own tail.  

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  13. Something I noticed - in two different scenes, we see Shiv's reaction to seeing Tom enter a room, followed by Greg.  When she sees Tom, she has a sad and pensive, almost nostalgic, look on her face.  As soon as she spots Greg tailing Tom, her expression turns to one of complete disgust.  I know she loathes Tom and Greg as the "Disgusting Brothers" but I found myself wondering where her hatred of Greg comes from.  Cousin Greg is easy to hate - he's an intrusion even on his best days - but it's almost like Shiv resents Greg for being by Tom's side?  Or on Tom's side?

    I found it interesting that after the sibs had decided on Kendall and Roman as co-COOs and the three of them entered the room where the old guard was waiting for them, Shiv was the one who commandingly went through the door first.

    Also, do we think Marcia has clocked that Shiv is pregnant?  When they passed each other on the stairs, I feel like Marcia may have noticed something.

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    On 4/17/2023 at 3:21 AM, Avabelle said:

    Were there any hints this season she could be pregnant?

    The hint I remember most is the final scene of season 3, where Shiv sees Logan greet Tom and she realizes it was Tom who tipped Logan off that the kids were on their way over...Shiv winces and places her hand on her stomach as if she's just felt a sharp pain.

    23 hours ago, absnow54 said:

    Someone pointed out that Kendall Logan Roy has the initials "KLR"... Logan named him Killer. 

    Killer, Tumbledown, and Pinky.  Oh, and Connor.

    49 minutes ago, Pestilentia said:

    I dunno- I just found it odd that Roman took his jacket to and left it on the empty airplane.

    I noticed that too and thought it had to have something to do with his phone, but couldn't figure out what.

    Did anyone notice Matthew MacFadyen slip into his British accent when he said, "smells like roses and rotting corpses?"  I listened to it three times and it made me smile.  I saw an interview with Sarah Snook and she talked about how she and Matthew give each other crap when one of them slips up with their American accents.  

    Regarding Shiv's pregnancy, I felt it was strongly telegraphed that she was going to take a spill when she came down the stairs in pants with long, flowing legs - I immediately thought, she is totally going to trip on that hem, why would she wear that when she knows she's pregnant?

    Roman imitating his dad when the sibs were talking about Logan's "friends" was everything.  I can't recall the exact quote - something like "he's either **** off" or "get the **** away from me."  Just another super quick flash of brilliance in a show packed with those moments.

    Roman picked up a container of pills from Logan's desk and made a face - I assumed they were Viagra.  I also thought it was a power move on Karolina and Hugo's part to bring Kendall and Roman into Logan's study and force them to witness his empty desk chair.  There were probably 10 rooms in that house they could've met in.

    Jeremy Strong goes from a broken man-child in the opening scene to giving Hugo a rather bone-chilling smile in the final scene.  Amazing.  

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  15. 4 hours ago, Valerie said:

    I think the "control a vote" advantage would have worked better if it was private. The advantage-holder goes up to the voting booth with their target -- so that part is public -- but the actual vote itself is a secret between the two of them.

    Right - it would've been far more interesting IMO to watch the facial expressions and the body language of the person whose vote was taken over as they came back from the voting area.  Announcing it in public defeated what could've been some interesting strategy, but I guess when production is playing the game in place of the cast, there's no need for strategy anymore.


    1 hour ago, 30 Helens said:

    With strategy taking such a backseat in Survivor Probst.0, I think it’s time for the show to adopt a new slogan: Outwit, Outlast, Outluck.


    I was listening to Stephen Fishbach explain to Rob C. on his podcast the reasons why Heidi chose Yam Yam as her target...then I realized I would need to go back to school to get a Master's in Advanced Calculus to understand it.  I did get it after rewinding three times and really focusing, but I don't want my Survivor to be this complicated.  It takes the fun out of watching - now it's more like homework.

    Also, Probst - Julie Chen called and she is pissed.

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  16. 2 hours ago, oliviabenson said:

    Her kids are skin and bones and their coloring is sickly. Poor kids need better parents.

    Are these kids allowed to play outside?  We see an occasional post from Jill, usually in the winter, where everyone is taking a bike ride or walk but half the kids aren't dressed properly.  Those girls need fresh air, sunshine and good food.  Instead they probably inhale AquaNet fumes most days, get to look at the sunshine from inside Jill's tchotchke house and a good dinner consists of leftover wilted salad in a take-out box from Olive Garden.

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  17. 19 hours ago, TV Diva Queen said:

    The thoughts are that they were all "groomsman"  that's why she was in a black suit.  

    Ah, I completely forgot about that until I remembered the empty spaces during the ceremony where Kendall, Shiv and Roman were supposed to be.

    It's still interesting that Shiv, as a major part of Connor's wedding, would arrive with hair untidily pulled back in a ponytail and very little makeup.  We've seen Shiv be full-on glamorous and this was far from that.

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  18. 56 minutes ago, TurtlePower said:

    Christine handled it like a pro. It was so fulfilling to watch Kody (er, I mean “Kidney”) unravel and Christine maintain her composure. 

    It was beautiful, because Kody doesn't know what to do when his theatrics don't provide him with the response he wants, so he just tries to one-up himself by taking on the spirit of a Shakespearean actor...."WAYYYY-STED-UH!!"  "It's a KNIFE in the -- (thinks quickly of an organ that would hurt Christine the most) KID-NEYS!"  "Everything that I SACRIFICED to LOVE you!"  It was funny...not him yelling at one of his side-pieces but the fact that Christine was like, ok, bro.  Whatever, I got a cake in the oven, are you done yet?     

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  19. 2 hours ago, BlackberryJam said:

    I think Shiv’s wardrobe is telling. She’s struggling emotionally. Her marriage is falling apart. She has no support, no friends, no one on her side. She’s in a lifelong battle with her brothers. 

    Previously, she was a successful political consultant, a woman about to get married and then in control of her marriage. When Tom flipped, it took a lot of her power away. It’s reflected in her wardrobe.

    Like Roman is always dressed like he just stopped wearing short pants, reminding us that he’s the youngest, he’s immature, he behaves like a naughty school boy.

    Kendall alternates between power suits and “shady street corner drug dealer”.

    I miss Shiv’s fabulous pants, but the costuming is deliberate.

    Love this post.  I am as fascinated by what the Roy siblings are wearing almost as much as I am by the characters themselves.

    I wondered why I felt uneasy at the start of the wedding portion of the episode, and I think it's because all three Roy kids were dressed in dark colors - Roman is known for his blues and pinks, and Shiv in particular was wearing all black.  Thinking back to how she dressed for her mother's wedding, the black dress/jacket was an interesting choice.  Foreshadowing?  And then I think, what would make Shiv Roy wear black to her brother's wedding?  The fact that her own marriage is imploding?  Even her hair was pulled back in a ponytail, a style that I don't recall ever seeing on Shiv.  It gives me a feeling that she pulled herself together at the last minute, but the black was certainly a choice.

    Costume designer Emmys all around.

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