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Posts posted by laurakaye

  1. 10 hours ago, ChristmasCandy said:

    What I really want to hear is what Famy is going to say.

    I think I spotted Famy in the trailer.

    This is going to be so interesting.  If this is part of Jill's healing from her toxic brother and parents, then good for her.

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  2. Sam being jealous of Joel's new beau would be very true to her character, especially in light of Mary Jo's revelation that Sam has never been in a relationship - maybe ever?  I can see where Joel finding a partner as well as Fred getting married could be a lot for Sam, but I have faith that the show will handle it beautifully and will probably make me cry in the process, lol.  

    I think this show gets to me because I don't feel like I am listening to written and rehearsed dialogue, I feel like I am looking in at very real people doing everyday things and talking about them, which is far more relatable to anything else I've ever seen on television.  It's more "reality tv" than actual reality tv.

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  3. 4 hours ago, jacourt said:

    Dl you think they have some kind of ceremony for this?

    I am positive that Jill has a ceremony for this.

    It's so obvious when Jill gets at the girls' eyebrows - it changes their appearance to make them look older.  This is probably also the time when Jill allows each girl to accompany her to the Dollar Tree to pick out her new eyeshadow and lipstick whether they want it or not (using their own money saved from recycling soda cans or whatever).  It feels very much like this is their "very special" BME/daughter time when Jill puts them up for sale on the market.

    As a girl of the 80's I can attest that plucking your eyebrows can hurt when you do it yourself - let alone having to stare into the crazy eyes of Mahmo as she tweezes those poor innocent hairs one by one, probably singing songs while she does so while the other girls stand around in a circle wearing cloaks and holding candles.


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  4. On 5/15/2023 at 5:37 PM, Hedgehog2022 said:

    So agree with you about Roman. He's drunk with power and just going Rambo on everyone for the hell of it...firing people for no reason, insulting everyone with his potty mouth...just wielding his power wherever he can. An obnoxious little twit. 

    Roman badgering Tom and Darwin to call the election - to tell the "telly-box mouth people" to just go ahead and call Menken the winner on Roman's authority as CEO of Waystar was so terrifyingly cavalier.  Roman basically shrugged and said, "it's on me."  Just casual, no big deal - except that it could throw the country into a sick panic...but look, you guys, Roman was never able to get a chicken dinner because Kendall always wanted steak so let's call the election prematurely because nothing matters?  Chilling.


    On 5/15/2023 at 6:41 PM, SnarkAttack said:

    Also, Greg still being around signals to me he's more than just comic relief.  Which worries me.

    Greg went from the butt of Lukas and Oskar's jokes to being an insider.  That is rather frightening.  I loved the scene with Greg and Shiv.  When she motioned for him to follow her, I thought - she wants to talk to Greg?  What a power shift.  And him asking Shiv what was in it for him is typical Greg, but he's turned out to be much more than the stammering weirdo cousin I assumed he'd always be.


    On 5/16/2023 at 6:54 AM, Blakeston said:

    Question - we didn't see Cyd at all in this episode, did we? Did they actually fire her, like Logan wanted?

    I'm pretty sure she was fired - someone says that Cyd was roaming the streets of NYC spreading lies about Tom, or something to that effect.


    23 hours ago, sistermagpie said:

    Roman was always the one least capable of going against Logan, and I think that might be what's going on here now. He knows what Logan would do, and he's still just trying to obey that voice in his head.

    Even if that voice in his head is telling him he's a worthless piece of crap.


    I need a lot more Gerri and Connor in these last two episodes, but I know I won't get that.  

    This show sometimes gets so intense, I forget to breathe.

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  5. 42 minutes ago, libgirl2 said:

    Why did she share that picture? Ugh! 

    It's my own stupid fault for following this crazy woman on social media, but when I do my mindless morning scroll through IG upon waking and not wanting to get out of bed, and the first thing I see is a close-up of a severely gashed knee, well....like I said, my own fault.  I don't suppose Jill could've posted a "graphic" disclaimer first but that's not her style.  

    I did a hard eye-roll at the video where she interviews Renee on her volleyball injury and says, "lots of people are wondering why you're on crutches, Renee!"  Who are these people??  No one knew she was on crutches until Jill posted about it.  The big surprise for me was that Jill allows her daughters to even play volleyball in the first place.

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  6. Looks like the Rods went on another "field trip."

    I wonder if, when Jill takes her brood on a "field trip" - does she actually give the kids a little history lesson of the significance of where they are going and how it pertains to their lives?  Does she wander around exhibits, reading the placards out loud and asking her kids what they think of what they're seeing?  Do the kids write a report on where they've been?

    I know the answer, but those aren't field trips, that's just social media content.  The kids aren't getting anything from it except Mahmo's camera in their faces.

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  7. 10 minutes ago, tracyscott76 said:

    There's a good chance that expression of Kane's was flown in from some other point at TC. I'm sure he didn't say "yeah she's right" or nod or anything, but I think they used that particular stone-faced look (perhaps a Sophie-esque reaction to all the "full tilt boogie" nonsense) for comical effect.

    Good point.  I assumed it was "live" because both Danny and Yam Yam (I think) reacted to his stone face with expressions of their own indicating that Kane's lack of emotion validated their belief that Jamie was lying.  I should know by now that what we see often doesn't tell the real story. :)

  8. On 5/3/2023 at 1:22 PM, BradandJanet said:

    It appears that Plexus People can qualify for the cruise with 1250 points, mostly for signing up new victims. Qualifying does not guarantee a cabin.

    Jill's post is not true; this trip is not even close to "all expenses paid." The vouchers aren't generous. With airfare to and from the port city in Florida for two, a possible night or two in a hotel before and after the cruise, onboard expenses for two, and excursion costs, there will be plenty of money out of pocket. The $3000 voucher is for a shopping trip to a Bloomingdales in Florida after the cruise, so that's separate from the cruise. 

    The bottom line is that Jill will never even see the outside of the ship. 


    I wonder how the points are tabulated - free cruise for 1250 points, where you get five points for every $500 you spend or for every 20 people you sucker into this MLM?

    I've listened to enough podcasts to know that the above poster is 100% spot-on.  The cruise itself might be free but each person incurs a lot of expenses for all the other stuff, like getting there and back.

    I find it interesting that Jill is so geeked on these cruises when she knows that if she attended, she might encounter something awful like a woman sitting by a pool in a bikini.  I wonder what would happen if she ever did manage to qualify - would she go just for pure bragging rights and SM content?  Or would she abstain because the ship would surely be filled with hussies in shorts?

    I'd love to watch her brain explode on that particular conundrum.


    20 hours ago, Westiepeach said:

    Aw, bless her heart… 

    I wish I lived in the south so I could say this without feeling like a fraud, lol


    17 hours ago, oliviabenson said:

    And according to the flyer the rods were visiting that church for 5 days.

    I wonder if the poor pastor who agreed thought that perhaps, by inviting this large family to screech sing at his church, they might - in exchange for the invitation - perhaps help the congregation paint the community room, or pull weeds, patch a leak in the roof, etc.  Instead the Rods Grifting Musical Tour roll on out of the RV, hog the church bathrooms, grift some bargain clothes, and more than likely someone takes pity on the waifs and takes the entire family out to lunch or dinner.

    I picture the Rods blowing through these poor churches like the Tasmanian Devil, leaving empty food cartons, dirty socks and Smiley tracts in their wake.

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  9. I may have missed it, did Carson discuss how he built a miniature star puzzle on his 3-D printer at home? /s

    Kane has nerves of steel - when Jamie told everyone at TC that he left with her (fake) idol, all eyes swung to him and he managed to maintain a great poker face.

    I wonder if Matt and Frannie will even pay attention at upcoming TC's or will they jut sit next to each other and giggle?  If their exchanged glances were even a fraction of what we saw at TC, the other players must've seen that plus more, which was another good reason to vote off Frannie - she had at least one definite vote and someone rallying for her on jury if she made it to Final Three.

    I really want to like Carolyn but she makes it so hard sometimes with her theatrics.  Still wouldn't mind her winning, though.

    • Like 4
  10. 14 minutes ago, sistermagpie said:

    Matsson laughed at the idea of "everybody being related" and them being like the Hapsbergs, but it was funny because it's true, just as it's true for the Pierces.

    Very true - heaven knows, Nan Pierce had her share of odd family members hanging around her all the time.  No wonder she had migraines.

    Greg has been a consistent goofball but still, he knows where some of the bodies are buried.  I was never fully comfortable with the way he kept ingratiating himself into the family like he was a real player.  Did he even have a title or an actual position at WayStar other than to follow Tom around to do his evil bidding, or to babysit Kendall?


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  11. Well, she's enjoying something because she's a pretty convincing drunk...from the bits and pieces of the FWF videos I've seen, she really sells it.

    Does she act that way in her LuLaLives?  Because it seems she'd need to keep her rage and wits sharp to be able to simultaneously keep up with the messages, block the trolls, and prevent Nancy from Boise from buying the purple LuLaCarly right out from under poor Madge from Dubuque, who told Meri she looked pretty that day.

    • LOL 12
  12. Not my favorite episode, but I found Sam's reactions to Fred getting married interesting.  I thought maybe she was suspect of the fiancée, but also upset at the fact that one of her inner circle had found love while she herself has not.

    The tape that Sam was listening to - was that a tape of her and Tricia singing as kids? 

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  13. 2 hours ago, maddie965 said:

    Roman should be in a mental facility treating his many issues

    I both want to get more of Roman's backstory and at the same time, maybe we don't need to know any more.  We know he was locked in a dog cage as a kid - for fun and games?  Not according to Roman, but his siblings tell him he wanted it.  He seems to thrive on being told he's worthless, from Gerri and from his father in real life and via an edited joke voicemail sent to him from Kendall.  Just below the surface is a really messed-up person.  Of the four siblings, he seems the most primed for a major breakdown.

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  14. On 4/30/2023 at 8:05 PM, xwordfanatik said:

    Have fun supporting yourselves, SADKRAB.  Sell that ugly house and downsize, FFS.

    SADKRAB will never not be funny, lol.

    I wouldn't mind a season 18 segment of Robyn crying real functioning tears as she takes her Precious Moments and Willow Tree figurines off her shelves one by one to prepare them for her "everything must go!" garage sale, while Ari gleefully dots herself with price stickers and Kody mutters from under his Ed Hardy shirts deep in his closet that this is all Christine's fault.

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  15. So Jill set up the Praying for Amy FB page after her accident, but Amy continues to post on it?  Is Amy not allowed to have her own FB account that Jill can't log into?  

    It looks like Amy posted the poem and Jill replied, telling Amy how wonderful she is.  Then, after waiting the requisite 45 seconds for Amy to respond in kind to Jill, Jill took matters into her own hands and complimented herself as Amy.

    Or, the entire page is Jill posting as Amy and using it as a way to further martyr herself by telling all of us how great she is.

    This is all so weird and kind of gross.

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  16. 2 hours ago, Jordan Baker said:

    In the Succession podcast, J. Cameron-Smith talks about doing multiple takes of this scene, with some improvisations, such as Gerri throwing a water bottle. She said as they did subsequent scenes, it "got uglier and uglier' and felt dangerous.

    I typically watch every episode at least twice, then listen to three different Succession podcasts, lol.  I have never been this invested in a show.  

    Kendall standing in the auditorium demanding that the staff construct an entire house onstage (plus clouds) and refusing to take no for an answer - while making them all repeat, "Yes, Kendall" -  was uncomfortable to watch.  Then he sees the clouds in action and gets the most defeated look on his face, like someone just knocked his ice cream cone to the ground.  It was so odd.

    I contrast that with Greg, who has been tasked to make brand-new words come out of Logan's mouth and stumbles into the editing room, also demands the impossible, stutters a pathetic insult, raises his voice and also gets what he wants.  It's no wonder the director of Kalispitron had a nervous breakdown if he/she had to deal with any of these people.  

    There's something about Kendall and Greg that has me actually wondering if Greg is going to come out on top - otherwise there's no need for him to be the same stammering goofball he's been since episode one, except now he has a better haircut and nicer suits.

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  17. On 5/1/2023 at 12:29 AM, Penman61 said:

    I know the cliché says “There’s no right way to grieve,” but of the kids, Shiv’s setting aside crying time appointments strikes me as WAY less unhealthy than Roman and Kendall’s weird avoidance and bro-ey “humor” about their loss.

    This reminds me of scenes from my all-time favorite movie "Broadcast News" where Holly Hunter plays a reporter who schedules time to cry due to her stressful job.  I wondered if Jesse Armstrong picked that up from her movie.

    On 5/1/2023 at 12:35 AM, gorgy said:

    P.S. I also played the bitey game as a child

    As a child.

    So you come in for the investors meeting and see two grown adults locked in a pose of biting the other's forearm while making intense eye contact, and one of them is the boss's daughter and the other one runs ATM....I guess you just do a double-take and slowly walk away?  

    But I can 100% believe that Shiv played the bitey game as a child, mostly with Roman, and she probably always won.


    On 5/1/2023 at 12:58 AM, nb360 said:

    I was worried about Kendall but I'm glad he got through the presentation without a serious meltdown.

    When he started with "Big shoes.  Big shoes......Big. Shoes.  Big shoes," I cringed so hard I pulled a muscle.  Kendall does have a way of swinging back around when it comes to this kind of thing.  It's interesting to watch his normal mania calm itself enough to produce a coherent speech when he needs to.


    On 5/1/2023 at 1:24 AM, Marley said:

    Kendall seems to be extra amped. What new drugs is he on lol.

    He was shown a few times chugging from what I assume was an energy drink, although who knows what was in it.


    On 5/1/2023 at 9:54 AM, chaifan said:

    I would love to see the actual scripts for his show.  Do writers actually write out all that word salad that Roman and Kendall keep spewing at each other, or is there just a vague direction to ad lib this type of stuff using as many BS business catch phrases as possible?  I don't think there was a single, coherent complete sentence uttered by either one of them this whole episode.  

    It's like Kendall saying "it's time to supercharge the watermelon, we're going all tomato sauce on the timeline and trashing their bowties over the profits, are you with me?"  And Roman is all, "uhhh, yeah, but no, I mean sure but you know, it's just all, whatever."  A little of that goes a long way, so it's frustrating when it becomes such a large portion of their dialog.

    Something that Matthew does so well as Tom...Tom and Shiv are laughing on the bed about living in a trailer together, would Shiv follow him, etc., and they both end up laughing at each other but Tom's eyes are about the saddest I've ever seen.

    And the scene with Roman and Gerri was so intense, I forgot to breathe. Roman is going to crash hard, maybe the hardest of anyone.



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  18. 10 hours ago, Art Of Noiz said:

    I think Meri wanted the big house to store all the LulaRags. She needed an office to do business from. She needed a spare for Leon and Audrey. Bedroom for herself, when she was there. 

    For some reason, I think she thought if she had the big house, family would gather there. 

    That's why she wanted the wet bar in Vegas, and from what I remember - in order to have that precious wet bar - the builders had to add an extra bedroom or something like that.  But as I recall, most family gatherings were not at her place at all...since we know she likes to keep her house very tidy, inviting over a troop of bonus children to get their slimy fingerprints all over her tchotchkes was not going to fly.  She got what she wanted under false pretenses, IMO.  She never had any designs to have her family over - she didn't even like any of them that much, except for Sol and Kody.

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  19. 10 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

    Someone has to supervise the nanny.

    From her boudoir, whilst lounging in silk VS pajamas and sipping tea, served by....the nanny.

    I sometimes wonder how Janelle, who was the family bookkeeper and accountant and supposedly the "smart" one, ended up in the worst financial position of all four women.  I still think she bought that huge RV as an ultimatum to Kody to get him to put up or shut up on starting construction on Coyote Pass, but I also believe she was smart enough to know that he was never going to do it.  According to Kody, she went out and got that thing without him knowing.  Why didn't she show him a picture of it and tell him, if we don't start building in 3 months, I'm going to buy this thing and park it on the land?  And then, when he didn't do what she knew he wasn't ever going to do anyway, take the money for the RV and put it on an actual house?  Because all she accomplished was to piss him off...she had to know that a king such as Kody would never, ever be comfortable in an RV when he's used to living in a castle.

    I mean, little of what these people do makes a lick of sense, but still, 'tis a puzzler.

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  20. I saw this was back on the air and thought, man - this show usually makes me cry and I don't feel like crying....I'll watch it anyway, it probably won't make me cry with the first new episode.  And then it absolutely did, when Sam asked Joel on the phone to just stay with her awhile.  And again when Tricia came home to a completely empty house and had no idea what to do.  And probably a third time that I can't even remember.

    I love the title of this show, it matches the slow-paced but very true and real vibe that somebody, somewhere, is going through the same exact life-altering events as these characters, or has gone through those things already and can relate.  I know I can.

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  21. I'm a little bit behind on Gwen's YouTubes, but the latest one I watched was I believe part one of the tell-all, and Gwen had this quick throwaway line while watching Robyn..."might be just me but where are the tears?"  I was like, GIRL.  Glad you noticed!  

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  22. Look!  You guys, this thing is called an AIR FRYER!  It fries with - air, I guess?  I'm pretty sure air is healthy!  Haha!  Of course I am not going to give you my recipe (I coated mine in butter, stuck another stick up the chicken's behind for extra moistness and dredged it in a plethora of stale nutmeg mixed with Plexus but that's just me).  You look up your own recipes!  I don't have time to hold your hands!  Dare I say it - it's a ROCKSTAR.  A game-changer, if you will!  How long have these contraptions been around, I wonder?  Off to eat this thing, dipped in ranch!  YUM!  

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  23. And as much as I would like to see Kody and The Dark Queen do some soul-searching and take some responsibility for the implosion of their precious family, I wouldn't want to allow them to continue filming Sister Wives if it means more money in their pockets.  Also, I don't think either of them has a soul anyway.

    I do look forward to a season that is mainly about Christine and Janelle breaking away, with a very occasional cameo via Zoom from a miserable-looking Kody as he weakly rages about all that kidney-knifing in front of Christine and Janelle, who both completely ignore him whilst sipping margaritas and eating nachos.

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