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Posts posted by laurakaye

  1. The first thing I thought of when I saw Jill's post about Ma and Pa moving in was, I wonder if Jill has secured all 487 area rugs in her home to the floor with grip mats or rug tape?

    I know the answer, of course.  

    Hey, I also wonder if Jill put away some of the more breakable of her massive tchotchke collection to allow her mom a little more freedom of movement?


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  2. Meri's latest IG post is her holding up a book and saying, "there's more to the story."  People think she's teasing that she is writing a book.  If she is, it's probably nonsense about how to become your own #BossBabe.  If she's just teasing to stay relevant, it's cringe-worthy and embarrassing on her part.

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  3. 36 minutes ago, itsadryheat said:

    The thing with people like kody, they are not worth the effort it takes to communicate. His bloated ego and insecurities frame everything, and will not allow any deviation from his perspective. There will never be an apology, heck there isn’t even an acknowledgment.

    Khaos Kody is scary good at spewing a cacophony of nonsense so thick, no one can parse it out, including himself.  I wanted Sukanya to try, but where do you even begin to unravel the spider web of crap that is Kody's brain?  He manages to double and triple talk over himself in a way that I don't think I have ever seen before on teevee.  

    30 minutes ago, MsMalin said:

    That was some new bombshell information that Meri told last night: she wanted to go public about their marriage being over but Codyvirus nixed the idea because he didn't want to deal with the public reaction to it.  Yes Cody, you ARE a coward. Everyone has been on Meri's ass for sticking with you when in reality she wanted to announce a split but you didnt. Yet the only thing that scares you is being poor. No, your ego will let you make people live in misery because you don't want to look bad. You are trying to gaslight everyone but you are so busted.

    So many things....he didn't want to go public with his and Meri's breakup?  But it was on television.  Did he mean social media public?  And yet, he point blank says that if Meri wants to ride off into the sunset with a banana, he's cool with it.  BUT!  Don't announce it publicly!  Even though they already did, on tv!  And then there's Meri who supposedly wanted to go public at one point but is still hanging onto this guy by the thread of her split LuLa leggings, so which is it?  You wanted to announce a public breakup but you're not going anywhere?  These two are basically the same person, and then throw the Dark Queen's evil whisperings into the mix, it's a wonder that any of them remember their own names sometimes.

    And Kody?  If poverty is the only thing that scares you, you might want to get Sol and Ariabelibla working on tagging up all of Mommy's Precious Moment/Willow Tree figurines for the inevitable massive garage sale you're going to be having in a few months to pay the mortgage on the mansion, 'cause your TLC gravy train is coming to a swift end, you moron.

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  4. 2 minutes ago, barshi50 said:

    What? No one has mentioned that Meri brushed her hair?

    My daughter has seen a couple of SW videos on Tik Tok.  She asked me, "which wife looks like a sad golden retriever?"  The answer, when I got some more context, was Meri.

    • LOL 8
  5. 21 hours ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

    If not David Jessop in the hayloft it would have been some other Goober robbing you of your Oreo in the tool shed.  And if you didn't get pregnant and have to get married by the first one or the second, you would have gone on to be with Bubba and Buck and Clem. 

    It's like the game Clue, but it's called Cookies.  Who knocked up Robyn?  Was it Goober with the Oreo in the tool shed?  Or Bubba with the Chips Ahoy behind the double wide?  Or was it Kody with the Nutter Butter in the cuddle-sac?  Fun for all ages!  Doesn't matter if the subject matter is completely inappropriate!

    • LOL 23
  6. On 12/12/2022 at 7:45 AM, GeeGolly said:

    Who else thinks Robyn is whispering to Meri that she may still have a chance?

    1,000%.  And I think Kody is on board with this.

    23 hours ago, LilyD said:

    Wouldn't surprise me at all. With Meri they can still pretend they're a polygamous family, without actually having to put up with a sister wife. She knows Kody doesn't want Meri in his life, so she's a very safe choice to keep around for show purposes.

    Without Meri, the show would've folded long ago - her catfish storyline extended this show by several seasons, and Christine and Janelle are keeping it on the air as it sputters to its final season.  Robyn needs Meri to stay, Meri needs someone - anyone - to care about her (even if it's all make-believe) and Kody absolutely has to be aware that Robyn is the one keeping Meri from leaving, so he's in on it too, even as he says he wants nothing to do with her.  Those three can circle the drain together while Christine and Janelle rediscover themselves minus the 180 pounds of hair gel and ego they've been carrying on their shoulders these past 30 years.

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  7. If Kody's thread title ever needs changing, I suggest "Kody Brown - IQ 99.8."

    Loved your entire post, @Celia Rubenstein.  Robyn fascinates me in a truly unhealthy way, because you can see her working her dark magic from Day One.  Normal women don't erase their children's father and pencil in their new pretend daddy (using a picture where he was originally sitting with another wife and her kids).  Normal women don't Dry-Cry™ as often as Robyn.  A woman who sincerely wants to build relationships with her sister wives doesn't sneak off to buy a wedding dress with their community husband, nor does she take an 11-day honeymoon when she knows the other wives got bupkis.  Also, during her sermon about how her cookie got dropped, she essentially told her own children that she should've never had them because their father was a monster.

    So now, I wonder if Kody and Robyn bump into each other occasionally during their trips down the spiral staircase in the east wing of the mansion, and they wonder where one brain begins and the other ends.  They are both so completely twisted up in each other's webs of lies, I don't know if they can function without constantly working on devious ways to oust the OG 3, or without working on the next one-act play they plan to present to the others.  Without that, I hope they both lay awake at night, staring at the ceiling, wondering how to extricate themselves from the other's mess.

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  8. 1 hour ago, Meh said:

    I think Meri stays with Kody because of Leon. If she leaves  him, Leon might be done with her?

    I'm starting to wonder if Leon has just left Meri in the dust to trek the mountains of Colorado and Meri literally has no one else, so she's clinging to the only person who seems to want her to stick around (although for purely selfish reasons) - Robyn.  But Meri spins it as wanting to work things out with Kody?

    I'm sure the tell-all will clear everything up perfectly. 🙄

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  9. On 12/6/2022 at 5:38 PM, KateHearts said:

    Quite honestly, Janelle looks more up to hauling firewood or toting water than Kody does. Have we ever seen him actually doing anything physical? 

    Of course he works!  That's why he parades around with those heavy-duty workin' man gloves on, and that snazzy visor to keep the blazing sun out of his eyes.  

    He's all appearance, no substance.  And a jerk.

    On 12/6/2022 at 7:32 PM, Gabs66 said:

    She reminds me of a Stephen King character.

    I don't even know if Uncle Stevie could conceive of a character as devious and horrible as Robyn Brown.

    On 12/7/2022 at 11:18 AM, JayDub1987 said:

    You're a real piece of shit dad when your kids do better in life because of your absence. 

    New title for the Kody Brown thread right here.

    On 12/7/2022 at 5:20 PM, kassa said:

    His actual words were that he was thinking about "checking in!"

    Right, and upon doing so, a nurse would check his temp, say "oh my goodness, we are SO glad you're here!  You poor thing, you definitely have the Coronavirus Nineteen!" and whisk him to a private room via wheelchair, fluff his pillows so he's all comfy, and immediately call the triage team to assess his vitals because "99.8."  Oh, and fetch Robyn from wasting away in the ER to languish by his side.

    • LOL 16
  10. When you stop and think about the amazing trips one could take with 6 grand, anyone who gives that kind of money to Meri Brown for a bike ride, a toddler's sundae bar and a talk about how to be a #BossBabe from a woman who refuses to leave a man who actively loathes her, the women that attended HAVE to be LLR folks, and I'm sure they did not pay the full amount.

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  11. Meri posted some crap on IG about the food she served at her "retreat."  One picture (I don't know how to post it) showed what looked like a card table set up with a big Costco plastic tub of ice cream and a few bowls of toppings for what was apparently a DIY sundae bar.  Kind of like what parents might set up for a kid's birthday party, the difference being the kids aren't typically being charged $6,000.

    The comments were not kind. :)

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  12. 49 minutes ago, Liddy52 said:

    When Kody finally got Covid, he says it was a death like experience. Excuse me, a death like experience???? With a 99.8 temperature?? 

    To me, when he proclaimed "99.8" it was with a sense of pride, as if he was thrilled to have finally caught Covid Nineteen despite his mighty protoculls - because if even Kody Brown could be felled by this virus (and you know it's serious when your gluteus maximus hurts), then there was simply absolutely nothing that could stop it, so he might as well just throw caution to the wind and let the kids go trick or treating.  In their own yard. 

    But never mind that a few weeks prior, he drove to Texas to make a fool out of himself at his friend's wedding and had declared that there was no need to mask up anymore, because reasons.  What a flaming idiot.

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  13. 1 hour ago, Soup333 said:

    If I were Janelle, I would just walk. I’d politely ask Kody who the f*ck he thought he was talking to and get my purse smack him upside the head with my purse and leave.

    How does he not understand that his gravy train is called "Sister Wives" and if he drives them all away except Robyn, he and Eyebrows are going to have to seek real employment to keep that mansion over their heads?  Or at the very least, make Day'unAuroraBrianna get jobs and hand their paychecks over to Big Daddy?

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  14. On 11/29/2022 at 12:41 PM, dariafan said:

    Anyone else think he had to run right out and buy a snowblower ??

    Not only that, he had to buy a much bigger and more powerful snowblower than the one Christine wouldn't give him, guaranteed.

    Kody seems to have a hierarchy with his kids and while it's all kinds of messed up, it's oddly fascinating.  I have blathered before about this, but he seems to have a group of kids he seems to be afraid to disparage on tv (Logan, Hunter, Leon, Aspyn), a group he largely ignores (Mykelti, Truely, Maddie, Savanah, Gwen, Ysabel) and a group he actively despises (Garrison, Gabe, Paedon).  And yet, none of these kids are living plyg, and I think the vast majority of those kids don't necessarily agree with Kody's views on other major things, and from what we've seen, none of them spends any real time with Kody in general.  To me it smacks of major bullying - he likes to pick on certain kids, but I can't understand why some of his kids are fair game for treating like dirt and others aren't.  It's all disgusting, to be sure.  He's a horrible parent whether he's talking smack about them on the show or he's forgotten they even exist.  I can't think of one kid in that family that wouldn't need and/or benefit from some serious counseling.

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  15. 1 hour ago, oliviabenson said:

    Tim lives in a camper. Rods have an actual RV

    He lives in a camper?  I assumed he was in the RV when they weren't using it.

    Is he banished there every night?  Does he get to come in the house for dinner?  That is so freaking weird.

    The Rods keeping their grown son in a camper on their property has "Netflix Documentary" written all over it. 

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  16. On 12/4/2022 at 11:59 AM, js9548 said:

    How do you see episodes early? 

    I watch on YouTube a few hours before the show airs (to take notes) but the video quality is not great.

    On 12/4/2022 at 2:32 PM, Granny58 said:

    He really impresses me with his ability to express his feelings.  

    Many of the Brown kids express themselves really well, including Logan, Truely, Hunter and even the whimsical Mykelti.  For that, I give 100% credit to their mothers.

    But Gabe's willingness to allow himself to be filmed while talking about how his father broke his heart was next level.  Those emotions were so real and raw, in stark juxtaposition to the always crying Robyn.  I wonder, does she understand that she doesn't actually have to cry in every single interview?  I recall the early days of all five adults during couch interviews, and the extreme discomfort the OG3 had when Robyn would dry-cry about something or other...you could almost see thought bubbles above their heads - "what hell have we unleashed into this family?" while Kody was all, "damsel in distress!  Must save at all costs!!"

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  17. 4 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

    Yeah Janelle hasn't moved. Events in Vegas are easier because two of her kids are there, Logan/Michelle have a nice sized home with space to host, and Logan seems to have a personality where by EVERY sibling is welcomed with open arms if they want come, so his house is a good "hub". 

    While I applaud Logan for welcoming his siblings into his home, he's once again providing a parental role for his siblings like he did when they were all younger - the difference now being that they are older and it's probably a lot more fun for him.  It does seem like Logan took a large and lengthy step back from his family once he began college.  Now, perhaps, he's able to simply be a big brother and help his younger siblings navigate the messiness caused by their father.

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