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Posts posted by laurakaye

  1. On 10/2/2022 at 10:39 PM, Salacious Kitty said:

    That's Angry Olivia. She's left out of a lot of pictures. 

    16 hours ago, awaken said:

    I feel like I literally have never seen her before!  Which is so strange, considering the amount of time we here spend on following these people!  

    Same....I knew they had 9 girls but how is it that I have almost never seen this child?

    Can someone give background on "angry Olivia?"  How does Jill manage to keep her out of all her photos?  And the fact that she manages to do so makes me very uncomfortable for this child - where is she when all of her siblings are getting their pictures taken or being forced to perform for Mahmo's videos? 

    Come to think of it, I don't think I have ever seen a picture of her onstage singing with her siblings - or if I have, I didn't know who she was.  Something about this troubles me.

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  2. On 10/1/2022 at 8:43 AM, GeorgiaRai said:

    I'm sure a lot of Meri's "friends" are hangers-on, but I hope she has at least some sincere relationships & emotional support (even if she, like my friends, sells a product I have no interest in buying.)  

    Based on the podcasts I have listened to and the cult documentaries I have watched, if Meri ever wanted to get out of LuLuRot, those "friends" would bombard her with guilt, freeze her out, delete her from all of their groups/texts, and then never speak to her again....and I'm sure she's done that herself with anyone from her downline that has decided to bail.

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  3. 23 hours ago, dariafan said:

    Janelle making the move she did is forcing kody to do something instead of standing on prairie dog  plagued dirt mounds 

    I can't decide if the whole RV thing was Janelle forcing Kody's hand regarding building on Plague Pond, or if she honestly believed that if he was forced to look out over those beautiful mountains (snerk) on the 17th of each month when he stopped over for dinner, he would be compelled to start the building process.  I'd love to think that Janelle knew all along that Kody had zero intention on building homes on the property and this way she had a built-in excuse to finally get to live in the RV of her dreams that Kody couldn't say no to, but I don't think she's actually that smart.

    21 hours ago, the-grey-lady said:

    I am so sick of Robyn's sad clown face. She looks like the "tragedy" part of the comedy/tragedy mask during her talking heads.

    She rilly does.  And someone mentioned that her eyebrows look like toothbrushes and now I can't unsee that.  Seriously, when is the last time we've seen this woman smile on the show?  She sits there with that ridiculous pinched face every single time she's interviewed, clenching every muscle she's got to manufacture a single dry tear...either that or she's permanently constipated.

    16 hours ago, zamp33 said:

    I think Meri really relished being the only legal wife and liked being in charge, her and Kody were a team. I think about her treatment of Janelle, her not letting the kids go through her apartment, the need to be the one to make all the announcements (she announced both of Robyn's pregnancies to the family).

    Aha! - yet another master stroke by The Dark Queen.  By deferring to Meri and allowing her to announce Robyn's pregnancies to the family, Robyn skillfully let Meri think that she was still HBIC, while Robyn simpered in the background, eyes downcast, pretending that she cared if the family was excited for King Sol or Princess Ari.  She didn't care.  She was quietly building her army of Ko-dependants while simultaneously ruining a completely unaware Meri.  Further proof of my belief that Robyn has sociopathic tendencies.

    Did anyone else do a spit-take with their cheap Merlot when Meri - in talking about Janelle's RV - stated that she would NEVER buy anything sight unseen??  Umm, Meri?  You bought a catfish sight unseen, you hypocrite.  Nice try, though. 

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  4. I was supposed to do the recap this week but so what happened is - I went and bought the biggest RV in the northern hemisphere!  But then I realized, oops - I need to buy a brand-new army tank to haul the thing and even though I only need to actually use the tank once in awhile, I decided to buy that too!  So now, I have to shill approximately $350,000 worth of Plexus to pay for it and as you can imagine, this is keeping me very busy, lol!  Can I catch the next recap? 

    Seriously, life has been nuts so all I can do right now is go back and read the comments and high-five all of them.  I love doing recaps and I would love to grab the next one....creative writing is an outlet for me, and snarking on this show is, too. :)

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  5. Good heavens, the poor woman in the comments had fluctuating hormones after giving birth and was told by her mother-in-law to chug some Plexus, and the new mother felt "completely better within an HOUR??"  Yeah, nope.  Sounds like a woman who has been taught by her husband that his mother knows everything.  This crap should be taken off the market, it actually sounds dangerous....is it a pick-me-up?  A weight-loss aid?  A magical hormone-balancing elixir?  All three and then some?  

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  6. 14 hours ago, ginger90 said:

    This one is a first for Janelle. She did a video on strength training, and it was leg day. She did her usual love/hate thing about it. Then she added, she’ll really feel it tomorrow when she sits on the toilet. Ummmmm, ok. I had to type it out to free my brain of this knowledge.

    She really said this?  There are about 100 other visuals she could've given her followers other than picturing her grunting while lowering her keester to the can...like, she's going to feel it when she gets out of bed, or when she walks the neighborhood (lol) or literally ANYTHING else.

    Of course, this is coming from a woman who is telling us that we can "loose" weight on "Plecus."

    If anyone can tell me how this woman has sold enough poison to constantly qualify for trips to Spain, Hawaii, Disney, etc., I would love to know.  With Christine it kind of makes sense because she's got a personality and actually does seem to have lost weight (but that could  also be from dumping the 180 pounds of fried hair also known as Kody Brown), but Janelle?  If she's lost weight, it's negligible, and all she seems to do is "reset" and "get back on schedule."  I don't get it.  She can't have that many fans that will buy whatever she shills.

    • Applause 5
  7. 17 hours ago, oliviabenson said:

    Train for what? They are selling clothes. What a joke.

    It takes serious training for them to hunt down and target the 2% of people in the United States who either don't know what a scam LLR is, or who aren't already selling it themselves.

    Those singing fools in Meri's video are making money on the backs of their downlines, who are probably paying for much of their inventory themselves because no one wants it anymore.  It's like a giant snake eating its own tail.  It has to implode sooner rather than later...I just cannot believe it's still a viable business.  

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  8. 19 hours ago, Joan of Argh said:

    Meri with her cool new friends SCREAMING karaoke AGAIN!

    BEST NIGHT EVER!!!!  😳




    BEST NIGHT EVER in case you guys missed it.  The guy on the right in the top photo looks like he's having so much fun, he's getting ready to topple over.

    Imagine you're staying at this hotel and you've wandered down the hall to fill your ice bucket and you hear the sound of music and demonic screeching from behind the conference room doors...you peek in and see 275 people wearing terrifyingly patterned cardigans bouncing in rhythm until the floor shakes and scream-singing "I Will Survive."  How fast would you run to the front desk to check the hell out?

    EDIT: oh, for crying out loud, I went and looked at this video and they're singing "Sweet Caroline" and reaching for each other like zombies in leggings.

    • LOL 15
  9. 14 hours ago, SMama said:

    I was listening to the news just half an hour ago and officials were bluntly asking people not to self deploy, it’s just getting in the way. So of course these clowns arrive uninvited. Florida has an Online portal for volunteers to register.

    I picture them having a rip-roaring time gearing up in their junior Rambo costumes, thumping their chests and giving each other manly high-fives, before rushing to their planes and heading down to whatever unfortunate city they deem their services are needed, only to be turned away...then heading home telling each other, "hey, man, at least we tried!" and going to the nearest Chik-Fil-A to hype themselves up with stories about what might have been, had they only been allowed to land in the middle of danger.

    In other words, they are all "style" and no substance.  And no brains.

    Also the little curlicue hurricane emoji in their "Breaking News" post is stupid and insulting beyond words.

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  10. 3 hours ago, merylinkid said:

    Jill is going to die someday, as we all are.   When that happens her kids are going to be so lost and confused.   They literally have no idea how to navigate life without Jill telling them what to do every second of the day.   Even Nurie is probably constantly on the phone to Mahmo asking what to do, or Mahmo is texting her what to do.

    I often think about the Duggars in this very same scenario after JB and Meech pass...I picture several dozen Duggarlings just wandering lost and clueless around the country, bumping into walls and falling off cliffs, like in a Pac Man or Super Mario video game.  But I know the Rodlings will have it worse, as isolated from society as they've been.

    I also did a very trepidacious search for the Rod's book at my local library and found no results, thank goodness.  Not sure what I would've done if I had found something...probably place a hold and pick it up in a hoodie and sunglasses.

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  11. Are these people seriously wearing shirts that say "Resting Rich Face?!"  Oh for the love.

    I'm sure the kind of crap Meri and other LuLaNuts post is brainwashed into them from the get-go...the pretense that they are not only having FUN, but having THE BEST FUN and YOU can't have this much fun unless you join!  I know these people are highly encouraged to post every day using their super special hashtags, but the ridiculous party photos where everyone is screaming like a group of 7th graders at their first middle school mixer is so cringe-worthy.

    I'd rather sit in my jammies reading a book and eating ice cream than cruising anywhere with a horde of scarily-dressed lunatics singing "We Are Family" or whatever.

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  12. 37 minutes ago, Ms.Lulu said:

    Well, we can see who looked after Truely while Christine was in Hawaii. And it wasn't Kody and Robyn.

    That's what makes Kody's claim to want 50% custody of Truely even more disgusting on Kody's end and heartbreaking on Truely's end.  If Kody did get that 50%, Truely would be forced to come to Flagstaff and end up stuck in the house hanging out with Sol and Ari and the nanny...it's not like Kody would take her out anywhere, just the two of them, to spend time together - I can't see Robyn allowing that.  Truely would just blend into the daily chaos and dysfunction of Kody's real family, then get sent back to Utah solo on a plane.

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  13. I watched Tessie's sad, sad video clip this morning.  I had never heard her voice before and I know it was wishful thinking, but I was hoping for the sarcastic, exasperated tone of an actual 15-year old but of course she sounds just like her mother, with the same weird inflections.  She seemed uncomfortable being filmed by Jill and having to talk about how "her" chapter is all about honoring her parents for the rest of her life....as if these girls had any say in what went into "their" chapters.  I'm sure the entire thing was written by Jill.

    As an introvert, I can only imagine how crappy it would be to live a life with a mother who, at any given time, is going to shove her camera phone in your face and expect you to perform for her.  It would cause me constant, low-level anxiety, 24/7.  

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  14. It would be interesting to see pictures of Janelle a year or so after she leaves Kody (if she ever does).  I wonder how much of her extra weight is due to trying and failing to adjust to living the plyg lifestyle.  Christine has been telling us for years on this show how difficult it is to deal with the jealousy, and I seem to remember her frankly telling us that she was on various medications to deal with depression.  Now that she's left, she looks lighter - not necessarily weight-related, but just freer and happier.  Even her coloring is brighter, like she's no longer living under a dark cloud.

    Janelle might claim to not need much from Kody but maybe that's because she never had much from him to begin with (we know from the book that Kody and Meri used to take off together on Kody's work trips but Janelle could never go because she worked full time).  Maybe coming into the marriage as the second wife AND the ex-sister in law of Meri made her extra cautious about rocking the boat, so she just went with the flow as much as she could...but that constant repression of her fillings caused her to gain weight and to be unable to keep it off when she did start losing.

    All this to say, I wonder how different Janelle would look a year or so post-Kody and his nonsense.  Meri, too, for that matter, if she ever decided to bail.

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  15. 1 hour ago, Irate Panda said:

    Paedon has also spoken kindly about the support/influence of Janelle.

    Paedon was on the Surviving Sister Wives podcast and said that growing up he spent most of his time at Janelle's house, so he was especially close to Logan and Hunter.

    And not too long ago, Christine posted a picture of Hunter, who was having dinner with her...I can't remember where they both were but we've seen lots of instances where Hunter seemed really close to Christine, and he also seemed to really love to hang out with Truely when she was a baby.

    I would venture a guess that the vast majority of the Brown kids are very supportive of her leaving Kody.

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  16. I may have blacked out in rage, but did I hear Kody mumble something during the Zoom meeting about how he couldn't risk getting Covid-NINETEEN (man, this drives me way more nuts than it should) because it would interfere with his fitness goals??  So let me see if I understand - he won't see any of his kids because if he gets Covid, he might not be able to do his morning zoomies around the backyard?  His narcissism knows no bounds - what is he doing, training for the Mr. America contest?  

    And I burst out laughing when Mykelti was in labor and Robyn was Zoom-cooing, "Just breathe through your nose," the call glitched a little bit, and Mykelti said, "breathe through my nipples?"  Mykelti might not be the sharpest crayon in the box but she's quickly becoming one of my favorite Brownies.

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  17. 1 hour ago, Cancun said:

    What a jerk for making this about Ysabel and her choice, instead of admitting it’s his issue with Christine that makes him stay away.

    The constant gaslighting from Kody to his kids is really disgusting and he should be deeply ashamed, but we know he's not capable of experiencing that particular emotion......but for him to proclaim to be shocked that his older kids prefer the company of their friends rather than their dad isn't at all surprising when you consider he hasn't maintained a relationship with them for years.  Why on earth would any of his kids stay distanced from their friends on the off-chance that Big Daddy might stop by for a half-hour a week from next Thursday?  Kody needs to stop thinking that he's the glue holding this family together.  None of them are that into you anymore, "dad."

    47 minutes ago, mytmo said:

    For Kody not to be there for Meri and at least driving her to see her mother is inexcusable.  

    There was a talking head of Kody wearing a tie and sitting in what looked like Lizzy's Old Timey Inn, so I assume he was there for the funeral, but there's no way Robyn would allow Kody to drive Meri to Utah on what could've been an open-ended visit....Sol and Ari can't function for longer than 12 hours if Kody's not there, you know.  But again, Kody is a disgusting human being for constantly dropping the ball on the rare occasions that his family really does need him.  But pretty soon, his phone won't be ringing at all except for Robyn calling from her upstairs boudoir, asking Kody to bring her tea and cookies after her second nap of the day.

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  18. On 9/17/2022 at 5:59 PM, deirdra said:

    Apparently nobody ever told Meri that you put fire emojis on other people's photos, not your own

    Hahahaha that's the first thing I noticed!  Just when I thought she couldn't possibly be less self-aware, she goes and tops herself...kind of like when I think Kody couldn't possibly be more of a douchecanoe, or Robyn couldn't possibly be more fake...hmm, I sense a pattern here.

    On 9/20/2022 at 8:11 PM, DanaMB said:

    Why do I get the feeling she’s posting all this to show her life is still better than Christine’s. It’s like she’s competing because almost everyone is praising Christine and happy for her for leaving. Plus, she has her own cooking show. 

    Oh, she sure is competing, while also trying to make sure that Kody sees what a fun-loving gal she is!  Her life is a non-stop party!  She can go anywhere she wants at any time!  She goes to Disney 140 times a year, woo hoooo!!  She poses with random people so Kody can see that she's not a lonely, bitter orange barnacle attached permanently to his ass cheek...look at her, Kody!  Look at that fresh new hairdo and that flawless, porcelain skin!  Why wouldn't you want to take that fine specimen back?  LOL that is, of course, IF you can catch her because she's sooooooo busy and free-wheeling!  You'd better grab her before she jets off on yet another wild adventure!  There's no telling where she might end up next!  She's like the wild horse art on Janelle's living room wall, complete with fire coming out of her behind - fast as a fart on the wind!   

    Meanwhile, Kody has no clue where Meri is or what she's doing because Robyn made sure that Kody blocked her.

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  19. 18 hours ago, Joan of Argh said:

    This is from their PlexASS acct on IG but Maddie posted it… they’re starting a new challenge and Maddie said it’s a “BeanBoozle” and Christine explained that they take a “booger and a caramel and some snot vomit” (whatever that is 😖) the winner gets first choice, obviously the caramel and the other two losers have to eat the booger and the snot vomit 🤮 


    I understand the Bean Boozled thing, but I don't understand what it has to do with choosing a team for energy and gut health - plus, unless these three are profit-sharing their Plexus earnings, aren't they just competing with each other?  None of this makes sense.

    Just get real jobs, please...granted, most real jobs don't send employees on Disney cruises, or to Hawaii, or to Spain.  But they sometimes do boring stuff like provide health care, paid time off, etc., and you usually don't have to convince people with low self-esteem to purchase chemical concoctions that make false promises on a daily basis and make a profit off the backs of those you sucker into your scheme, so there's that.

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  20. Forgive my ignorance, but is that a church in the foreground and is their house a parsonage?  Is the parking lot still being used for nearby businesses?  I am very confused why a family with four young kids would move into a house where the front yard is a parking lot, especially if it's still being used as such.  Was this a Jim Blob special that he generously "gifted" to Jessa and Bin?  What a sad place to live.

    And I feel like Bin thinks the fedora gives him a personality.  It doesn't, unless what he's going for is bland and boring but this time with a hat.

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