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Posts posted by laurakaye

  1. Sounds good to me - I enjoy writing recaps only because I love reading them so much, and I know there are folks here who don't watch the show anymore but need to be informed of what LLR outfit Meri is wearing, or how many times Robyn dry-cries, or what state Kody's hair is currently in....that's the important stuff. :)

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  2. I agree that Robyn's kids were more like step-siblings to the original Brownies...I also think that Robyn did a masterful job of pretending that she wanted her kids to blend in with the Big Three's kids while simultaneously working on keeping them separate and "special" so that Kody would automatically want/need to spend more time with them than anyone else in his family.  All part of her diabolical master plan...the funny part is, she won the game, but look at the prize.  

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  3. Except the odd thing is that Janelle has left before...she took off on Kody before she was pregnant with Savanah, if I recall.  So if she could do it once when she had five little kids, it seems that she could do it again if Kody refuses to have a relationship with Gabe and Garrison and then blames them for all of it and calls them names on national television like the coward he is.

    I have more respect for Meri sticking around for a paycheck and to purposefully be a thorn in Kody's side, but Janelle?  Screw her.  Kody actively dislikes THEIR sons and she's still sticking around?  That's the worst - I don't care how hot she thinks Kody looks in a ponytail.

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  4. On 9/19/2022 at 9:40 PM, truebluesmoky said:

    Paedon is difficult to watch, because even though I love that he’s a huge supporter of his mom, he looks and sounds the most like Kody of any of the kids and even has his mannerisms.

    He is usually very intense in his TikToks.  I do like his occasional insights into the family dynamics, but you're right, in that respect he does sadly remind me of Kody.

    3 hours ago, ginger90 said:

    Savanah may have gotten permission from her school for an educational field trip. 

    If by "educational" you mean watching a bunch of grown women giggling and squealing and taking selfies while they pretend to chug from a suggestive looking tube of pink poison, then possibly. :)

    I wonder which is worse - going on a trip sponsored by LuLaRoe or Plexus? 😳

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  5. 1 minute ago, Yeah No said:

    The fact that Janelle thinks she has the "last laugh" by saying that what he wants to give her "just happens" to be enough for her is BS.  I don't buy it for a minute.  She has SETTLED because she's convinced herself this is all she needs.  And as long as she's willing to live in her delusion, she thinks she's "happy".  But even if she has lesser needs than the other wives she's still full of it and playing right into Kody's misogyny.

    Janelle might only need a small amount of attention from Kody but it's clear that he's hurting Gabe and Garrison deeply, and since THEY clearly need more from Kody than Janelle does, she should be fighting for them.  But she's not.  She's settled (lazy) and doesn't want to rock the boat (get out of her Barcalounger and ask Robyn to let Kody out of her basement so he can spend time with her boys).  For that, Janelle sucks.  I don't care what she does or doesn't need from Kody, she needs to stand up to him for her kids' sake but that's too much work for her.  She is incredibly lucky that those boys don't resent the hell out of her like they do Kody.  She needs to watch it or she's going to be stuck in a crappy RV on Prairie Poop Pond all alone except for her dogs, her mountain of spices, and her tube of Plexus.

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  6. On 9/19/2022 at 8:14 PM, MsMalin said:

    I was so pissed off when Kody said his kid was a narcissist. What parent who loves his child says that on national tv? 

    If I'm not mistaken, the only two kids I've heard Kody talk major crap about are Gabe and Garrison and the armchair psychologist in me wants to know why.  These are two sons of Janelle, the wife he claims to have this chill and easy relationship with (i.e. - she doesn't ask anything of him except to change the occasional lightbulb and a quick boink once every other year), so why would he risk rocking that particular boat?  I can't EVER see Kody talking smack like that about Logan or Hunter - and taking it further - about Leon, Aspyn, Maddie, etc.  Why does he focus his rage on Gabe and Garrison?  Is it because they've been the most vocal about his neglect?  But yet, these are Maddie's brothers, and we know Maddie is a fave of Kody's because of his man-crush on Caleb.  And I thought that Kody worshipped Hunter for his wrestling prowess, and Logan because he was Kody's first and most cherished son.  Or - and this just occurred to me - is it because G & G didn't take Dayton under their protective wings and pretend that it was okay that they suddenly had another brother their own age - a brother that Kody lavished attention on - causing Robyn to dab her dry tears that those big mean boys of Janelle's were being mean to poor widdle Day'un?

    That's a lot of thinking about what goes on in the pea-brain of Kody Brown, and I apologize.  I have always wondered why he seems to hate G & G so much.  I hope they both have a great life without their sperm donor, since Logan is basically their real dad anyway.

    On 9/19/2022 at 8:36 PM, MsMalin said:

    Funniest sight ever: Kody acting like he was King of the World! standing on top of his dirt pile.

    I am willing to bet that Kody called production with that idea: "Hey, let me climb up this pretend mountain while you fire up the drone and have it circle me from above - it will look like I am thoughtfully surveying my land, whilst contemplating my place in this world and being at one with the trees and the wind.  This will make me look like the pensive, handsome, deep-thinking, poet/surfer/renaissance man that I see in myself."

    Production: (rolling eyes) "Okay."

    Audience:  (collectively ROTFLMAO) What a massive toolbag.

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  7. 4 hours ago, oliviabenson said:

    Jill you will never reach diamond level. Like ever. Stop being jealous of a man.


    Also check #3 for a pulse.

    What a motley crew....

    #1 looks like a noob trying hard to appear interested, #2 is either in the potty or has her phone turned the wrong way, #3 is taking a nap, #4 is Mr. Tippity Toppity, explaining to these women how they'll never level up to Diamonoid if they don't work their game 24/7/365, #5 is Jill's sweet Plexus friend, #6 wants to remain incognito, #7 just ran for the hills, and lastly there's our good ol' #8 in full makeup 'cause she wants Mr. 4 to think she's the prettiest of them all.

    • LOL 10
  8. On 9/11/2022 at 6:54 AM, Rabbit Hutch said:

    Are any of the Brown girls up in that Bride Tribe group?  Curious if Savanah is in the Bridal party this time.

    At the concert, I am pretty sure that's Aspyn and Mykelti at the far end of the top row.

    I don't think all of those girls are in the bridal party, this is just the bachelorette festivities.  Michelle has a lot of friends - good for her (unlike Meri's many pretend friends....and Blair Michael).

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  9. 11 hours ago, Teafortwo said:

    This is really about Christine, but fits with the Hawaii trip discussion:


    Scroll halfway down on the page

    My takeaway from giving that page a look is, who are all the people buying this pink sludge?  Is Maddie's trip to Hawaii a Plexus "reward?"  If so then Christine and Janelle must be going too?

    Do we think Christine is actually selling this crap to people, or does she just have a downline who are buying it from her, causing her to rank up to Opal or Diamonoid or whatever?

    I have listened to so many MLM podcasts and watched so many documentaries, and I still remain confused and gobsmacked as to how people make a living at them.

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  10. @the-grey-lady.....excellent job showing the 50 Shades of Kody's Gaslighting.  It truly is a wonder that none of his adult sons haven't nut-punched him yet.

    (P.S. if the thought of another recap is leading you to the Taco Bell drive-thru again, I'd be happy to take one for the team next week.  We both seem to have a sick delight in writing recaps for a show that should've been canceled 14 seasons ago).

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  11. 1 hour ago, magemaud said:

    I'm sure that Kody is terrified that once Meri and Janelle see Christine happy and thriving on her own-with or without that hypothetical boyfriend-they will also follow her. He's going to put up every roadblock to her leaving that he can come up with, just to be petty. If one escapes his clutches, they all could. He will look bad to the other Plyg husbands if a handmaid leaves his celestial sphere, especially the one who was considered Polygamy Royalty. He can't afford to lose any more wives and still ensure his own Planet Kody where they will be stuck with him for eternity. 

    I think you've nailed it - Kody is going to look like a wee lil' baby-man to his Plyg crush, big  Papa Joe Darger, if his wives all flee him.  I would be surprised if Kody ever really believed in the celestial ramifications of what would happen if all his wives left him - he may have spouted the rules and followed the tenets of the religion but he was always in it for attention and ego, IMO.  He's not interested in what might happen to the family, or to his children...he's worried about how this is going to make him look in the eyes of others.

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  12. I see a lot of Maddie's brothers in Axel (mostly Hunter and Logan), especially when he was a baby/toddler.  He definitely takes after his mom's side of the family.  Evie has completely different features - she looks more like Caleb.

    Funny, this is one of the reasons I started watching Sister Wives in the first place - I only have one sibling so large families fascinate me, and one thing I find interesting is how much or how little siblings resemble one another.  In the early seasons I kept confusing Leon as one of Janelle's kids because of their resemblance to Janelle's boys.  Of course Kody is the common thread amongst all of the kids, but I also think the majority of the kids favor their mothers...the exception being Ariabelliola, who could be Kody's twin.

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  13. Is it possible that given the Duggar scandal, the Lost Girls won't be the coveted prizes that their older sisters seemed to be?  Will other Fundie families still be itching to attach their sons to the Duggar name by marrying into this family?  Is JB too exhausted to play matchmaker now?  If so, perhaps the Lost Girls will be able to escape and lead somewhat normal lives without having to hitch themselves to the first guy that passes Daddy's written exam, and they won't be pumping out their first child before they're old enough to legally drink.....wishful thinking, maybe?

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  14. But oh, the comments....half are telling Meri to stop posting the strong woman platitudes when she still hasn't left Kody or asking her if she uses a trowel to apply her makeup  - while the other half praises her beautiful eyes, proclaim her to be a boss babe, and shoot down the meanies that tell her to lay off the 14 layers of mascara.  Fun times.

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  15. 52 minutes ago, Art Of Noiz said:

    It beats the weedwhacker!

    And I think she might've been wearing that same shiny floral polyester blouse in the very believable weedwacking scene too.

    I think it's cute how they keep giving Robyn these little pretend jobs to be working on, as if the cameras are catching her caring for the lawn or writing something important on her Dollar Store notepad when we all know she woke up at noon, had breakfast in bed, did her hair and makeup, and only then were cameras allowed to film after she and Kody practiced their lines and Robyn worked on her dry-cry face in the mirror.

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  16. 19 hours ago, ginger90 said:


    This picture confuses me....I spy some curly hair under Jeremy's chin and what looks like a black glove - did he cover his daughter's face with his hand to take this picture?  Is including any portion of their heads in a picture of him and Jinger really even necessary, since we are profoundly aware that he's decided to no longer show their faces on social media - if so, why include any portion of them, including their distinct curly hair?

    That said, I'm looking forward to Jinger's next cooking video - tuna with BBQ sauce.

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