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Posts posted by laurakaye

  1. I have a small but very important correction to my recap of this episode....I thought Kody said he'd gotten his information about the state of Utah taking Truely away from Christine unless she agreed to a custody arrangement from the "nanosphere."  What he actually said was "manosphere" and a quick Google search of that particular term has me even more enraged than I was when I thought he was saying he'd basically pulled the information out of his ass.  

    It's incredible how Kody Brown manages to top my seething hatred of him with each passing day.

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  2. 12 minutes ago, islandgal140 said:

    Frankly, I think it is because he is able to reduce Gabe to tears and make him emotional. Gabe seems to honestly want a relationship with his dad.  To a narc like Kody it shows him that he has some degree of power over Gabe and some part of him probably gets off on being withholding.

    GAH!!!  I am so disgusted by this because it's probably true, and it's 100% on-brand for Kody Brown.  He's garbage.

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  3. 13 minutes ago, deirdra said:

    That was the second time we've seen her walk away from a "family discussion" which always ends up being his way or the highway.  I don't blame Janelle. It is not worth wasting time talking to someone who never listens.  And he often walked away from her and the boys when he got tired of what they were saying or RV leveling.

    That's what they all expect Janelle to do when things get too rill - walk away.  I would, however, love to see her start to walk away and then suddenly do a 180, walk straight up to an unprepared Kody, shove her finger in his face and say, "listen up, Curly Sue."  And then go on to let him know that he's a piece of crap for making their sons feel terrible, for ignoring Savanah and Truely, for being Robyn's gopher, for not going to Ysabel's surgery, etc., etc.  I, like Janelle, avoid conflict whenever possible and if someone yells at me, that person wins because I'm gone.  But there is no gray area when it comes to how Kody has treated their kids.  I'd love to see her blow her stack at Kody, just ONE TIME.  He goes at her because he's confident she's going to do what she always does - walk away.  She needs to give it right back to him and stun him speechless, for at least a few glorious minutes. 

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  4. 12 hours ago, islandgal140 said:

    I really want to know how Janelle thought everything was going work out at Coyote Pass? Did she think the prairie dog's had little electrical outlets under their tails she could just plug into?


    Honestly, she is coming off dumber and dumber with each passing episode...buying a massive RV sight unseen, marveling that she can't just connect electric power to a prairie dog's ass (I am going to laugh about your comment all day long, I already know it), struggling with the fact that it's not automatically hooked up to a fresh water source, and parking it on uneven dirt and wondering why it rocks dangerously from side to side whenever she climbs up the steps?  I'm getting mighty tired of her being all "well duhhhh, who knew it was going to be this difficult?  Not me!  LOLZ!"  I marvel at the fact that her children are as intelligent as they are, given their parentage.

    11 hours ago, butterbody said:

    And this is exactly why he is so shitty to Gabe. Instead of being proud of what a wise young man he is, Kody is threatened by him 

    THIS.  And it really makes me wonder, what is it about certain sons that causes Kody so much disdain?  Could it be the sons he loathes the most are the ones still misguidedly seeking a relationship with him, which he then gets to turn down?  Because I cannot ever see him treating Logan or Hunter with the contempt he shows Garrison and especially Gabe, even though all four boys are full brothers from the same mother.  Would he treat Paedon this way (actually, I think he completely ignores Paedon because of who his mother is, which in some ways might be better).  We know he would NEVER treat Dayton or Sol the way he treats Gabe.  I do think he is threatened by all of his sons, but why does he feel the need to belittle Gabe at every turn?  

    By the way, while Kody is complete scum, I also 100% blame Janelle for allowing him to speak to her son like he does.

    8 hours ago, ladyscorpio said:

    I agree 100%!! It was so sad seeing Gabe's face tearing up wondering what he did wrong. I so wanted to give him a big hug and say baby you did nothing wrong!! I have a son the same age and I would never let anybody treat him that way!! 

    This is why it's so heart-breaking for me too.  If you've managed to raise a kid who is respectful, works hard, and loves his family, how on earth can a parent shun that kid and make them feel that whatever they are doing isn't good enough for that parent's love?  Is this how Winn treated Kody and he's chosen the son he perceives as the weakest and is dishing it back?  Or more likely, is Gabe the kid that Robyn hates the most so Kody is using that as his rationale?  Again, Janelle should be enraged.  If she is, we haven't seen it.

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  5. I can see both sides of Kody and Janelle sitting together for Logan's wedding...on one hand, they absolutely should've been able to set aside whatever crap is going on in their sham of a marriage, sit together, and marvel at what a wonderful son they have.  On the other hand, Janelle might have wanted to actually enjoy herself and not worry about Kody making everything all about him, so seating him in the back forty with his crabby wife ensured that Janelle wouldn't have to spend the entire evening with one eye on Kody.

    It's also possible that Kody told Janelle that he wouldn't sit with her unless Robyn could sit with them too and Janelle called his bluff, told him to take a flying leap into Poop Pond, and made sure his assigned table was in the dark corner near the restrooms.

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  6. 1 hour ago, gingerella said:

    Is it wrong of me to hope that KoDouche and Sobyn were sat in a back corner somewhere? And that Douche was annoyed that he wasn't the center of sttention?

    I'd like to think that Robyn spent the entirety of the ceremony and reception making sure that Kody stayed put in his chair, while Kody vibrated with the need to get up and make it all about him for raising such a fine son.  

    Would there ever be a time, do we think, where Kody might actually have the presence of mind to recognize that not all events call for him gyrating in the center of a dance floor, or speechifying garbled nonsense into a microphone?  Could he actually have been cowed into sitting quietly and minding his own business, knowing full well that Logan turned out to be a fantastic human being not because of Kody, but in spite of him?  I wonder.

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  7. 1 hour ago, SunnyBeBe said:

    You know Robyn sitting out there at CP in that lone chair looking so depressed…..it’s really pitiful and outrageous.  Robyn appears to be the most miserable person in the bunch from what we’re seeing right now.  

    And this is exactly what she wants us to believe.  She's got Kody all to herself at the expense of the OG 3, which was her plan all along.  She's played at being miserable for quite some time now...the poor downtrodden wife who gets the "scraps."  I used to not buy her misery act at all, but like the boy who cried wolf, she may very well be miserable right now because what she didn't count on was the other wives bailing, leaving Kody all for Robyn.  I hope she is miserable, trying to contain that manic Kody energy all day, every day, since she can no longer chuck him out the door to spend the night with another wife, giving her a bit of a break.  As always - excellent work, Robyn. *applause*

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  8. I need to see who eventually shows up at this shindig of Meri's.  Even her most rabid fans, I doubt, would be able to come up with 6 grand to hang with her for a weekend.  I have to imagine that a huge part of this action-packed weekend is going to be sitting in a dark room while Meri presents a slide show about how you too can join her downline and become a #BossBabe and #LiveYourWhy.

    The question is, will Meri film any of this for her Insta?  And if/when it fails miserably, will she pretend it never happened or make up some excuse as to why she suddenly had to cancel?

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  9. On 10/13/2022 at 1:44 PM, the-grey-lady said:

    One thing I've wondered about Meri: does she actually try to see Kody and make an attempt to fix her marriage, or does she just hope he'll miss her and will make the effort himself?

    I think ol' Mere is willing to stick it out until the other three wives bail, and Kody will have no choice but to be drawn back to her cold, empty, California King-sized bed.  

    She waited out Christine - she's gone.  Janelle would be next if she's 1/16th as smart as we'd like to think she is.  Robyn will then be stuck with this gel-scrunching man-baby for eternity and she's already erased one ex-husband from existence - who's to say she wouldn't do it again?  That leaves Meri.....shining bright, big smile, brown tooth, arms folded, in fetching cobra-printed leggings and an XS denim vest, waiting for Kody to come crawling back for some of those sweet, sweet Rice Krispie treats.

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  10. I would've happily watched a three-part episode consisting of Kody backing the RV into the allotted space on Coyote Pass, ignoring Gabe's pleas to STOP DAD STOP!!, watching Kody roll the RV's wheels off a slight embankment, whereupon the trailer flips sideways along with the truck Kody is in, launching him head first into Plague Pond.

    All that to say, I am completely shocked that Kody didn't purposefully mangle the backing in of the RV just to prove again how harried he is, how these shrewish women constantly ask him to do hard things, and that he never wanted Janelle to have that RV In the first place.  Janelle was taking a massive risk putting that moron behind the wheel of that truck.

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  11. 21 hours ago, Salacious Kitty said:

    More stuff her kids would have loved. 

    I hate you, Jill 

    1,000%.  I can't imagine my husband and I taking off for Great Wolf Lodge or Cedar Point as an anniversary trip when our kids were young and leaving them at home.  That's just plain freaking cruel.

    But in my imagination, there are some good neighbors near the Rods who keep an eye out for when Ma and Pa Grifter take off on yet another vacation, leaving their tired, uneducated brood to fend for themselves....and those neighbors call other neighbors, and they bring over a massive chicken dinner with all the fixings, hide all evidence of said meal, and help them clean the house and then take them all out for ice cream.

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  12. On 10/16/2022 at 11:58 PM, Elizzikra said:

     LOVED that Christine asked if Truely would have her own room there since all of Robyn's children have their own rooms. 

    I wanted Christine to say "Truely could take Robyn's spare gift-wrapping room in the East Wing, down the hall from the theater and through the library" or something like that, just to be snarky.  But seriously, how many bedrooms does Robyn's mansion actually have, if each kid has their own room and there's potentially a room just for Truely?  That alone would be seven bedrooms.  That's insane.  But I don't doubt it.

    On 10/17/2022 at 8:21 AM, dariafan said:

    Kody complaining about the rv so much.  I think it’s because he would have nowhere to hide in there.  He would have to engage somewhat.

    Exactly.  He kept talking about how the RV is "teeny-tiny."  It's not.  A tent is teeny-tiny.  This thing has two bedrooms and two bathrooms.  I think Kody is confusing one teeny-tiny thing for something else altogether.

    18 hours ago, deirdra said:

    Kootie responded that the dogs stay outside so that he can commune with his wife, though he also said he wouldn't stay in the RV.  

    THIS is Kody Brown in a nutshell - "You have to do things my way in order for me to allow you to momentarily bask in my presence, but even if you do everything exactly as I ask, I'm not going to do what I promised anyway and I reserve the right to change my rules at any time."

    Janelle may have laughed off Kody's comments about her dogs staying outside (outside - on a plot of land called COYOTE Pass) but as of the previous episode, she was filmed asking him if he would still stay with her in the RV, so she's not as la-di-da about it as she seems.  Until she drop-kicks her hunky ponytailed surfer man to the curb for treating her sons like garbage, she can go jump in Prairie Plague Pond.

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  13. On 10/2/2022 at 6:10 AM, ginger90 said:



    Just saw this picture and I had to do a double-take to recognize Savannah.  I have literally NEVER seen her with such a genuinely happy smile in any pictures or on the show.  And yet, Kody says that Christine didn't love her family enough - what he meant, of course, is that she loved everyone in her family but she didn't love Robyn enough.  I hope it keeps Kody up at night, rocking back and forth in his Ed Hardy bedazzled closet, that his offspring adore the wife he declared didn't love them.

    Christine might not have a man, but she's got a dozen or more adult kids that would likely drop whatever they were doing if she needed their help.  Kody has Robyn.  Who wins, Kody?

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  14. 1 hour ago, Rabbit Hutch said:

    I don't understand "the last family gathering".  For me, that would have already occurred when ALL of the kids were together for the last time,  not just the last in and close-ish to Flagstaff.  🤔

    Exactly - this party was missing Logan, Paedon, Leon, Maddie, Hunter and Aspyn.  Kody, to no one's surprise, failed miserably when he declared that Flagstaff would be the mecca to which his adult children would flock whenever he summoned them forth to gather at his knee.  And now Ysabel is out of there too.  Great job, Patriarch.  

    23 minutes ago, magemaud said:

    Why can't Janelle move the RV to a campground for just enough time to reset the 120 days restriction instead of keeping it on their plots? 

    First of all, that would be far too logical for this clown posse.  But second, I might pay money to watch Kody drive that Big Daddy truck attached to Janelle's behemoth RV and try to back it into a spot without taking out a few trees, running over Janelle's foot, and maybe knocking over a nearby camper or two.

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  15. 21 hours ago, oliviabenson said:



    How many photos did Meri take of herself pretending to laugh before she captured just the right amount of fake joy with a minimal amount of her meaty upper arm holding the selfie stick?  I'm going to guess she took no less than 25 photos and spent about two hours filtering and crafting her deep thoughts.  What a joke.

    I loved how one of the comments said something like "happy people use sunscreen."

    21 hours ago, TurtlePower said:

    I’d rather put $6k towards a trip to the UK than spend one minute with this miserable, jealous, self-absorbed, polyester-wearing, obnoxiously loud old bag. 

    For real, there are so many fantastic vacations one could take with 6 grand.  That said, I need for at least a couple of people to take her up on this offer so we can see pictures of Meri and these complete strangers pretending to guffaw over a bowl of Rice Krispies, or forcing out a hearty chortle when Meri allows them to participate in the first 5 minutes of Fridays with Friends and then shoves them out of camera range.

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  16. On 10/5/2022 at 2:06 PM, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

    Golly sign me up, I can pitchur the itinerary.......

    Okay, I signed you up.  I also requested that you be allowed to participate in Friday With Friends (once you're good and drunk) so you can report here on what those knee-slapping ROTFLMAO inside jokes are all about.  I need to know!  I am so jealous at the wacky fun Meri and Just Jen always seem to have!  Maybe also you could teach them how to use their phones since they always seem to spend the first ten minutes trying to connect to each other, LOL - those crazy gals.

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  17. 3 hours ago, Granny58 said:

    A patriarch should be attentive to all the needs of all wives, emotional, financial, physical, yet he has failed on all these fronts. 

    And yet, he declared as Christine was exiting stage right that he shall now become the Brown Family Patriarch to whoever is left over and doesn't already hate him, so....Robyn and her kids, I guess.

    As stated above, a patriarch really should at least pretend to care about those under his dominion or whatever.  The fact that he said that at all was just Kody clinging to the two shreds of manhood he still has left.  He must be a literal nightmare to live with, and I am so glad Robyn is the one stuck with him.

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  18. I volunteer as tribute!  I would love to stay with Meri, but only if I can watch her put on her makeup - I have to know how she does her brows.  

    What is this, though - a giveaway for a free stay at Ye Olde Lizzy Inn?  Or is she just fishing? 

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  19. Why did Kody even bother channeling his inner Joe Darger, thumping his chest and declaring that going forward the family was going to exist under his patriarchy?  What was the point?  Christine is out, she doesn't care,  Meri is nothing more than a nasty rash on Kody's left butt cheek that he can't get rid of, so it doesn't apply to her.  Kody has to know that it's not going to fly for Janelle, and he thinks he's already got Robyn under his control (it's actually the other way around, but such are Robyn's powers that Kody doesn't know it).  Who is he going to rule over?  His hair?  His guns?  His reflection in the mirror?  It's like he's shouting from the dirt mound on Coyote Pass proclaiming his kingship over a land full of tumbleweeds.  No one cares, idiot.

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  20. 12 hours ago, crazy8s said:

    jill has a post up for "excellent, diligent and sweet" hannah's 14th birthday. Have the eyebrows been altered?860280426_Screenshot(308).png.8046770a14774ebfe51c091b11569d12.png

    DANG IT, Jill got at her.  I don't get why turning 14 is the rite of passage to get your perfectly lovely eyebrows plucked into 1984.  Hopefully Jill doesn't make it some weird ceremony with candles and cloaks and chanting.  I hate how it morphs the younger girl into a carbon copy of her older, sadder sisters.

    I'm surprised Jill has never blogged about this, because it's such a dramatic change in the girl's appearance, IMO - it makes them appear instantly older.  You'd think she would want everyone to know that in the plucking of the eyebrows, she's got another girl on the husband market or whatever.

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  21. 17 hours ago, islandgal140 said:

    Christine did get in one zinger though. When Janelle, of all people, stated concern about Truly losing the closeness she had with King Sol and Arianna by moving, Christine said that Truly will be with the people she is closest to and love her the most and rattled off the names of all the family she had living in Utah. Loved it!

    I am so glad that Christine shot that down.  Sure, Truly might enjoy hanging out with Sol and Ari, but since Kody's Covid-Nineteen Protoculls, how often was she even allowed to do that?  My guess is that she'd rarely seen Sol and Ari in the past two years.  So who is Truly closest to?  Her siblings, of course.  And I am thrilled that Christine calmly pointed that out.

    I was actually pissed at Janelle for saying that to Christine in the first place - to me, it was Janelle's way of bowing down to Robyn yet again (I think these women are so used to curtseying to the Queen that they don't even realize they're doing it sometimes) and by doing so, showing deference to Kody as well.  Truly is going to be closest to the people who she saw all the time, the people that love her unconditionally - her siblings.  I'm sure Sol and Ari also love Truly but Robyn always made sure that no one got too close to her kids...that way, she's got them trapped in her little cliquey bubble, and she can tell Kody how sad her kids are that they aren't closer to their step-siblings when that was her plan all along, giving Kody yet another reason to dislike his bonus kids, making him spend more time with Robyn and her kids.

    Maybe I'm giving Robyn too much credit, but I don't think I am - I really think she's that devious, that calculated, that manipulative.  I wouldn't put it past her to tell Sol and Ari that Truly would love to come over and play with them but Truly's mommy is very bad and isn't following daddy's rules, so she can't.  All of Robyn's kids are going to need lots and lots of therapy one day.

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