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Everything posted by Mayadog

  1. Mayadog

    S07.E04: Service

    Am I the only one who noticed Darryl's excessive blinking at Rick? I saw this and immediately thought Morse Code, and now I'm seeing that theory on other websites. Also, there was a scene where Michonne walked past a poster with Morse Code on it. Thoughts?
  2. The credits listed that character as "Scalped Man" so yeah, lost settlement of Roanoke, here we go!
  3. Thank goodness you all have better eyesight than I do. I thought the Willa fantasy or memory was of her and Adam. Or the imposter Adam. I just couldn't see and my brain went to the ickiest place it could go. Much happier with the news that it was the reporter!
  4. You all have beautifully captured the majority of my thoughts on this guilty pleasure show of mine, but I must share my favorite non-drunk mom line: Toby: "I'm an officer." That sounded all kinds of silly, especially when Clark looks at him with an eye roll and says "So am I.".
  5. Is everyone still positive that the two boys in the video are twins? I didn't get that impression, it looked like they were close in age, but not twins. That's all I have to say since you brilliant posters have already covered my thoughts on this epi
  6. There is only one fairy, and that is French Julie. I refuse to believe that Victor has latched on to multiple fairies. Nope, not going to believe it.
  7. Hi Palomar, the US show has it's own separate show forum - come join us in The Returned US for unspoiled discussion. I am of course spoiled, but enjoy the comments because the US show has veered away from the original. But, PLEASE watch the French version too :)
  8. Very interesting theory about Simon, Madding Crowd, very interesting. That darn Victor could have been in the road again on Simon's wedding day. What if only the "doomed" could see him? Then it would look like suicide. Or someone could have seen the incident from one angle and not seen Victor or assumed they imagined it when no mangled body of a little boy was found at the scene. Hmmm.
  9. And in this one Camille is absolutely having an impact on Lena now - through the open wound on her back mirroring the piece of the bus that injured or killed Camille, and through Lena feeling something going on with whatever that guy's name is. One of my friends said that Camille is draining the life out of her sister, and that feels different than the French version where we still aren't exactly sure what's up with that scar on Lena's back. I agree that Tony taking Julie to the hospital is a defining act for him and made his interaction with Julie when she and Laure try to escape the village much more poignant. One other thing that my friend brought up was that the number of deer in the river was the same as the number of returned - Simon, Camille, Henry/Victor, Helen/Mrs. Acosta - am I forgetting anyone?
  10. There was also a line from the priest when Adele is planning the wedding and tells him that she is seeing Simon again. He says that earlier that week, someone came in and thought her husband (or was it his wife?) was back after being dead for many years. He told them both that these were just memories that they needed to deal with or something. He didn't catch on too fast, did he?
  11. Man, they really need to tell us Americans what is going on instead of having us slowly work it out for ourselves. I still think Tommy needs to sit down and check himself into stalkers anonymous meetings. And he should stop mouth breathing. And, perhaps, look for whomever tried to kill one of the town's residents? I miss the butterflies, the dam, the animals (though it looks like we will see something on that next week), wolves coming back to life, and creepy Mrs. Acosta being mysterious. My friend who hasn't see the French version is really liking this one, so that's good. And I will be interested to see where they are going with this. Lena's back looking like she was impaled on metal from the bus - yeah, maybe. And I miss creepy, young Simon too - though Kevin Alejandro is yummy!
  12. I can't imagine finding out that my significant other has installed cameras everywhere in our house to watch me in case I act strangely. I mean, I understand that she may have been a wreck after her fiancee's death and could have hurt herself in a depression, but why would he have cameras in the daughter's room? And why are they still on? Plus, he's watching the video feed while at work - does he not realize hat there was just a murder in his community and that someone has come back from the dead (Simon)? He should be doing some police work, no? And way to make things worse by telling her Simon killed himself and that he lied to protect her. I don't like him and I don't trust him. I'd stick with the dead guy if I were her.
  13. One thing I noticed on rewatch - the boys in the home movie actually don't look like twins. One seems to be a little bit (maybe a year?) older. Not sure why then the 2007 Prom is so important, but then there are a lot of things that don't make sense.
  14. I believe Netflix is still showing Les Revenants and possibly Amazon Prime. The series aired in the US on Sundance Channel, but I haven't seen plans to rerun it yet. Maybe closer to when Season 2 is released.
  15. Have we established that they are actually supposed to have been twins I also was confused when Peter told Simon that he had met someone like him before. That's an interesting idea, and I will wait and see what they do with it. I am enjoying the Simon and Rowan scenes, they look cute together. I'm happy to see Carl Lumbly from Alias again. If they could only bring in SpyDaddy, I'd be thrilled! Overall, this is an interesting show and while I knew that I was going to prefer the other and kind of want to pick apart this version, I think they have created something with promise. Guess I need to keep telling myself that and enjoy while I patiently (?) wait on Season 2 of Les Revenants.
  16. The biggest difference to me was the character of Julie. In the French, she wears baggy clothes, her posture looks like she is hiding, no makeup, no hair style - the violation and horror she endured has left major psychological scars. The new Julie is a successful doctor, friendly to her neighbors and quite confident. That was a problem for me. Also, Lena. Lena was just a big problem for me. Gone is the gorgeous, slightly arrogant 19 year old who is scarred by the death of her twin. In her place we have a typical teen, breathy voice, trying too hard to fit in - I felt she was miscast. The actress who played Camille did a nice job, though we lose that French teen way of looking at the characters and the camera as if we all were just slightly stupid. And then Lucy - in the French version we have the sunny and sweet mysterious bartender who does some side psychic sex business. In this one we have a prostitute who also bartends and needs money because of a mean ex. No mystery at all, then we see her assaulted (is that too strong a word?) by Jack who is angry that he's grieved for Camille but now she back. Did he own the Lake Pub in the original? If I hadn't seen and loved the original, I may have liked this more. I loved the eerie, quaint atmosphere of the French town - this town seemed like a rich resort town instead. I missed the butterflies. I liked the confusion of not knowing exactly what the timing was from Camille's death to her return. I liked the issues of the dam being introduced right from the beginning. The American version seems to think I need anvils dropped on my head to explain what's going on. I'll give it another chance though...
  17. He was alone, headed into Orange County instead of LA. He was looking at his phone with a big smile on his face, so maybe he and Lacy were chatting? Man, he is pretty. I got all flustered and almost forgot to keep moving down the aisle to my seat. Can't wait to watch him, I mean the show, tonight!
  18. Had to share - was on a flight today out of Dallas and while boarding saw one of the most beautiful men I have ever seen. Thought he looked a lot like Marcus, but even cuter. Then I realized it was him :) THOSE EYES!!!
  19. My favorite verbal gems from the episode as said by Elise: "He told me three times (that he wouldn't accept a rose) but I needed him to confirm it before I could give you the rose," and, in regards to Chris, "He fought for me". How did he "fight" for her? By accepting the rose? By accepting the date? By moving her to the shared hotel room to get her to stop talking? Classics. I also loved the scenes of the group sitting around the fire and Marcus/Lacey wrapped around each other - "Are any of you coupled up?" says a newcomer. Um, yep. And shortly thereafter Clare wraps herself around her guy so that he isn't selected for the date.
  20. Not much to add because you all have summed up my questions and concerned so well. I actually enjoyed this episode and felt that things are finally moving along (at least for this show). However, I was so distracted in the scene when Hanna was with Caleb and throwing away food and alcohol. First, CLOSE THE REFRIGERATOR DOOR! Teenagers waste so much electricity. Secondly, everyone knows that reheated fried zucchini is a mushy mess, so Caleb shouldn't have complained about that. The full container of Chinese food is another story.
  21. You know, the editors play around with the scenes and don't always show them in the order that things happen. Do we know for certain that Nick was the first Fantasy Suite date? If his was after Josh's night of snuggling and deciding on rings, that would be even worse.
  22. Everyone else has brought up my concerns with this episode, but that being said, I rather liked it. Except for the fact that Ashley doesn't have room in her bathroom for bath salts and she has to use a kitchen cupboard for this. Very sad, that.
  23. There's a great Facebook group called The Returned (Les Revenants) that has translations of the journals, articles, etc and some great people to chat with. You have to be approved to join, but they are quick to add any interested people. Come join us if you are interested!
  24. I had a nightmare last night. Remember when they walked into the Letters to Juliet place? Andi opens her mouth as wide as it could possibly go in a look that tried to say "Wow, this may be the most incredible thing I have every seen!" and it really creeped me out. That look was worse than her usual Grumpy Cat look, or her disapproving because you are not fawning all over me look and I hope it doesn't come back!
  25. This topic replaces the old The Returned (FR) / Les Revenants forum which has been vaulted at the location below: http://forums.previously.tv/forum/558-the-returned-fr-les-revenants-v/
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