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Everything posted by GenieinTX

  1. Yeah, Pod Castle was gone. NFillion acting was back. And it was so much better. I am appalled that the writers are having fun keeping an engaged couple from kissing on camera. Are there any fans out there happy about that? Who are they making happy with that besides themselves? Did the OTT shippers in the beginning annoy the showrunners that badly? Good grief. They were in bed together talking about marriage for god's sake, they couldn't kiss? So damn stupid.
  2. I hated it. I think the only episode this season I have liked was Sherwood. This season has been horrible. And I think I know why. Moff has said that this season Clara is the main character, not the Doctor. And we are suffering for it. Also, maybe that's why the Doctor is so horrible. We aren't seeing him for who he is, we are seeing him through Clara's eyes. She misses 11, she sees 12 as horrible and gruff and a jerk compared to 12. I think Moff is wrong making Clara the main character and this season being her journey instead of the Doctor's. He's wasting the fabulous Capaldi and alienating a lot of his audience.
  3. I really liked it! It was getting such bad reviews in the press that I expected it to be bad, but i thought it was super cute. Of course, I'm a bit biased in that I love Karen Gillian, John Cho, and My Fair Lady.
  4. Oh, and I meant to say - criminal underuse of Jon Linstrom. I hope he comes back during the season if they have to work with the FBI again. Love him!!
  5. There for a second, when Rick woke up and Kate told him it had been 2 months, and you see his face fall, I thought - there's the old Nathan. But then it was back to blah disconnected acting. Whoever said "Pod Person" above was right on. Where was Rick's anger? I'd be pissed if someone did that to me. Where was any emotion from him? I'm so disappointed in NF. Now, I thought Stana did a bang up job. She was great. And I'm so happy her hair looks normal again. I thought the whole thing was bad. The fact that Rick showed no emotion hardly at all after waking up killed it for me. I was putting up with the dumb story, watching Kate struggle and be upset, but when there was nothing from Castle and then champagne toasts and everything cool? Nope, nope, nope.
  6. Yes, that's the River reference. Tumblr has been abuzz since the teaser of that scene was released a few days ago, mine included. Also, he offers to take Clara to the Frost Fairs, where he took River for her birthday. I'm so ready for Clara to go. And I'm finally feeling the Moff hate. This season has been such a disappointment. The majority of this show has just not been good since Clara hit the TARDIS
  7. Why in the hell were there no Latin ballroom dancers on that stage during the Enrique song? I like that song, but this is a dance show. Why a perfect opportunity to showcase some... oh I don't know.... dancing? This season was a snoozefest.
  8. That's my take. He didn't reject her because he job was solider. He rejected her because inside she was too much "solider" instead of person - following orders blindly being the biggest part. She did show some growth in the ep, that she didn't follow the order to blow up the Dalek with them in it, but I think the Doctor was turned off too much by her earlier actions.
  9. OMG, this was driving me nuts. How could that not even mention that one of Clara's echos was trapped inside of a Dalek?? That's a big deal. I really like Danny Pink so far. Yeah! for another good character on the show. ::sideeye at Missy:: Not loving the Missy pop ups. And I too had to turn on my close captioning. I was about to hit reply when I realized I hadn't really said much about the episode. I like the characters, the storyline.. maybe not so much.
  10. The good - FINALLY Eric acts like the badass he is. Eric killing all the guys and then jamming out in the car was awesome. The bad - Weak, Punk Ass, Pussy Bill Compton. You want to die, you want to do it because you love Sookie, then you basically put a stake in her hands and ask her to do it for you? How horrible can you be? I love you, now drive this piece of wood through me and I'll turn into a puddle. It won't hurt at all! And that scene took way too damn long. I just couldn't wait for him to goo out. The rest - meh. Expected. Glad Jason lived.
  11. I still have an open mind about the new Doctor. I remember not having good feelings about the whole regeneration/Matt Smith thing after The Eleventh Hour. Now going back and watching it, I realize how great that ep was and how Matt really was the Doctor. I'm going to give it some time before I say whether I "like" Capaldi's Doctor or not. I thought the Doctor figuring out who he was were the best moments of the episode. However, Moffat was seriously getting on my nerves last night with some things. Doctor: I'm not your boyfriend, Clara: I never thought you were. YES SHE DID! The heavy handed marriage stuff (we've seen Jenny/Vastra enough... we know), another Tasha Lem (knows the Doctor, has romantic feelings, etc), and other stuff.
  12. Oh my. Gorgeous, Sweet, Funny, Perfect Jamie. Young Jamie. ::sigh:: Yeah, he took the beating for the girl to save her the shame and embarassment, but I he totally also did it to get Claire to doctor him again. I cringed watching Black Jack flog him and enjoy it. That was painful to watch, I had to avert my eyes. I didn't like Collum's legs either, they looked too CGI.
  13. Of course Bill would rather die than go on another day with his man pain. ::eyeroll:: Eric, I'm sorry Sookie doesn't appreciate you. But she is as dumb as her brother, seriously. Hoyt was great, and happy dance for Violet being dead. But I don't know about Hoyt and Jessica back together. Jessica doesn't seem to do well in relationships. That was the best the writers could come up with for Tara's storyline? Bleh. Give me Laff and hot James.
  14. I adored the first episode! I'm really interested in finding out what people who haven't read the books thought. I thought Jamie was so perfect. He was exactly right. I'm already hopelessly in love with him. Ditto for Claire. She was so strong and brave to stand up to all of those men. And Frank, so much better than BookFrank. I thought everything flowed well. I felt like we really got a good feel of Claire/Frank and how their relationship was and we got just a glimpse of what Jamie and Claire will be like together. I'm really excited
  15. The legal stuff drove me crazy too. Bill's not legally allowed to name a beneficiary to his estate, when you can name anyone. They tried to make it make sense because she said he was already dead when he drew up the first will. Okay, so dead guys can't draw up a will. The wedding idea is a good one too, can a dead guy get married? Probably not in LA. But obviously a dead guy can enter into contracts. He would have had to have been able to sign the book deal. So my idea was to sell it to her. He could sell her the house and land and whatever else for $1, draw up a bill of sale, and it's hers. She might be tied up in the courts for years, but that is only if the state finds out about Bill's true death.
  16. That was far and away the best episode of the season. I didn't look at the clock once and when it was over I was suprised. I'm getting a bad feeling that Eric Northman is going to be one of the deaths this season. We are getting his flashbacks more than Bill's. They are bringing up Sookie/Eric again, which I'm all for but just gives me another reason to think he's going to die. To my eyes, Sookie/Eric was 100 times better in that short scene than Bill/Sookie the entire last 3 seasons. Poor Jason, having to call Hoyt like that. So many feels. And I liked Jessica's anguish over the deaths and the inner struggle with feeding from an innocent human. And Violet was only on for a few minutes so I was okay with her too. Overall, great ep.
  17. I assumed that they were after Sarah because she's, at least partially, responsible for Hep V getting spread to the world. That's enough for the Authority to come after her.
  18. Well, totally saw Dead Alcide coming. Sookie and Bill have to be together, yall. Bleh. I'm surprised it happened so early in the season though. Violet needs to die, and soon. And I want Jason to stake her. Probably won't happen, but I need her to go splat. What was up with that forest scene of Bill and Sookie talking? The voices sounded so off. And it was just boring. Glad to see Eric have something to go after. At least that is somewhat interesting.
  19. Is Consumption a lung disease? Maybe he had to replace that damaged part and that's why he had to cut her up? (Yeah, it's just for scars). Is it possible that Vanessa really is Malcolm's daughter? He was shagging her mother. Maybe that's why it was so easy for him to hate her, she was a manifest of his weakness? Am I reading too much into this? I like Dorian. I've always liked the story of Dorian Gray in all it's various forms, but this actor in this role seems to really play up his vulnerable side. Yes, he has everything and there are way more important ways he could be living his life, but Dorian Gray sees that picture and thinks that is all he can be. That horrible man in the picture. I watched all the episodes this weekend and I have to say - leather pants and open shirts, really? Leather pants on a gentleman in Victorian London? He looked damn good in them, but really show?
  20. I've been playing the game since after the show season one and I'm just a generic human arkhunter. I actually really like Defiance the game for several reasons. I'm a casual gamer, and not a very good one. I can shoot and shoot and shoot hellbugs/raiders/whatever in this game and have some fun. I play the storyline or I don't. I do specific things to raise my "ego" or I don't. It doesn't really matter. But you play "with" other people, not against them for the most part. There are cut scenes with all of the different Votan. You shoot BioMen. Stahma even showed up for some of the new stuff. They are adding new content now for Season 2 of the show. I like this game because I can play for a few hours, shoot hellbugs, find some arktech, and log out and not think about it again for a week.
  21. Stahma is the best character in this show. I love her coming into her own. I think when her husband shows up, she will be show him who is boss. It will be delicious. I've been playing the game since the last season and I was happy for all the game shoutouts. Varus (the guy with the walrus beard) is a big character in the game. And I was way too excited about the hellbug. I appreciate the tie ins to the game.
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