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Desert Rat

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Everything posted by Desert Rat

  1. Jazz's issues seem so severe that she may not be able to even do online classes. Even Harvard must have some standards of performance. Mental illness is not her fault, but she needs proper treatment before she can recover. Janette says they found the right med cocktail. I'm not convinced based on behavior on the show.
  2. Yes, sadly many anti-psychotic medications have very serious side effects. The show could do a lot of good by addressing mental illness issues and the stigma. Janette wants to ignore how serious the problem is.
  3. Ari looks especially done with the whole mess. She barely looks and Jazz and seems to barely tolerate being on the same room with her. Honestly, it would be hard to be the sibling of such an attention hog as Jazz. It seems the whole focus of the entire family for decades has been All About Jazz. Sander is desperately trying to turn attention to himself. Ari is just checked out.
  4. That's a lot of psychiatric medication. I wonder what her diagnosis is and what she is taking. Her weight gain is likely directly connected to her mental illness and the medication. My son has a serious mental illness and takes a similar amount of medications. He gained over 150 pounds in two years, nearly doubling his weight from high school. Psychiatric meds are notorious for weight gain. It's a struggle and I feel bad for Jazz. It will be difficult, if not impossible, to lose the weight unless she goes off the meds. If she goes off the meds, however, her mental illness could destroy her. She may also be self medicating with food to deal with her mental problems. She seems so fragile. The last thing she needs right now is to go to a high pressure school like Harvard. She is barely functioning as it is. I see so many similarities with my son who also had a substantial decline in functioning at the same age due to mental illness.
  5. Maybe, but that still doesn't answer the question. How is it even possible to effectively disinfect paper without destroying the paper? Bleach and boiling water in the quantity needed to disinfect would ruin paper. The only think I can think of is maybe a UV light. I'm afraid a heat lamp would burn the paper. So what are people like Kody who claim to regularly perform this ritual actually doing?
  6. I have a son with severe bipolar disorder, predominantly mania. It seems to me that Kody exhibits many signs of bipolar mania, which include: Abnormally upbeat, jumpy or wired Increased activity, energy or agitation Exaggerated sense of well-being and self-confidence (euphoria) Decreased need for sleep Unusual talkativeness Racing thoughts Distractibility Poor decision-making — for example, going on buying sprees, taking sexual risks or making foolish investments This is from Mayo clinic website.
  7. My understanding of Mormon theology is that Kody and his wives will spend eternity together, perhaps even populating their own planet. For me, if the choice is eternity with Kody or Hell, I'm taking my chances on Hell. Because, honestly, what's the difference?
  8. You are correct. By this time in Arizona there were no restrictions or mandates of any kind. The limited restrictions and business closures the governor had imposed had effectively been invalidated by the courts. By September 2020, all businesses were open, inside and out, at full capacity. No masks required. Businesses could limit capacity voluntarily, few did. Some businesses recommended masks. Most schools were open. As someone living in Arizona at that time, Kody's rules just seem silly and not at all in line with what was happening in this state.
  9. I hadn't considered this before but you might be on to something. He has always exhibited symptoms of bipolar disorder. He is now grandiose, paranoid, OCD and narcissistic. If this continues he will need inpatient treatment.
  10. "Choosing Kids Over Kody"? Not even a close call. I'd choose kids every day of the week. In fact, I'd choose my kids over my husband too, much as I love him. I would never kick my kids out of the house to spend a little bit of time, or even a lit of time with tha POS. My husband would never treat our adult sons with such contempt and disregard. I have never hated Kody so much.
  11. The reverse is also true. That is sterility is NOT the only issue a hetero woman might have with a trans man. In fact, I think in both cases sterility is actually a minor issue.
  12. I guess you've never been to Flagstaff. It's usually snowing by Thanksgiving and very cold, extremely windy. Flagstaff is a mountain town at 7500 feet. You can't have fires when it's windy. Most of the time fires are prohibited in Northern Arizona, especially in or near the forest, which they are. I don't know how they were able to legally build the fires on the pass we saw on the show. There are random warm days but the weather is unpredictable. I would be more concerned about exposure to the elements, maybe catching pneumonia or some such, than getting covid from eating inside. Remember at this time, fall 2020, restaurants in Flagstaff were open to full capacity inside. They could have all eaten together inside at any restaurant that was open for the holiday.
  13. Very interesting. Thank you for sharing. For those interested, it's a 148 page paper on the Browns, focusing specifically on Christine. There is a lot of detail and citations. Seems to be well researched and through. It is dated 2019. The paper did not age well, however. The first paragraph of the conclusion begins, "After years of marital conflict, the marriage of Christine and Kody Brown appears to have settled into a happy phase of playfulness and a certain degree of romance." That sure didn't last long, if it was ever even true.
  14. Yep. BIL died of pancreatic cancer in February 2021. When diagnosed in January 2021, it had metastasized to liver and lungs. But because he tested positive for covid in the hospital, he was considered a covid death, even though no covid symptoms. Government offered up to $8000 to cover burial/cremation expenses. We declined because he was not really a covid death and it seemed dishonest to take the Government money. So, covid death count is overstated by at least one.
  15. It's very sad that the Brown family has allowed COVID to destroy them. Yes, they have always had problems, and Kody is a jackass. But it didn't have to ruin them. Apparently, this is not uncommon. The New York Times is reporting this afternoon in the Coronavirus Briefing that many people have lost friends and family over covid issues. This is really tragic. We should all be more humble and recognize that none of us have aĺl the answers. I mean, the experts don't know as they have changed course repeatedly. We may eventually learn that we were wrong about masks, schools, vaccines, mandates, lockdowns. We need to acknowledge that we have limited information and are struggling to deal with this in our own way. Destroying relationships is not the answer. Life is far to short, and we will all die eventually of covid or something else. Of that I am absolutely certain.
  16. It's so random whether you will catch it or not, like any other airborne virus. I took care of my college age son in fall 2020 in my home for three days. He had a confirmed case of COVID. I had very close contact, took his temp, gave him food, water and meds, sat and watched TV with him, etc. I essentially nursed him. I treated him as I have with all my children whenever they were sick. COVID no different in my mind. I never wore a mask and certainly did not distance. I didn't get sick at all, not a sniffle. I have no idea why. Strong constitution/immune system I guess.
  17. All forms of COVID are highly contagious. Extremely difficult to avoid as we all now know. Masks and distancing provide limited protection, which doctors are now acknowledging. The only way to completely avoid it is to live aĺl alone in a cave, which is, honestly, where Kody belongs. Actually, the efficacy of masks is a physics question, not medical.
  18. As a rule, I don't condone violence. However, if you were acting as Ysabel's surrogate, I world make an exception. Totally justified. It's heartbreaking to listen to how poorly Kody treats her. He just doesn't care. And he does this so publicly on national TV. What a disgrace! She has every right to be bitter and resentful and Kody know is.
  19. It's in the air. Can't avoid air even with masks, distancing, etc. Stop breathing is only answer. CDC just said everyone will get COVID. Can't avoid it.
  20. My son got COVID fall 2020 at college, NAU. We brought him home to take care of him because that's what parents do. Made him soup and other meals, took him to family doctor for treatment, helped with medications, watched TV with him, etc. You can't care for a sick loved one through a window. My husband and I are over 60 but care for our son more than ourselves. We never got COVID or any symptoms. Son was 100% in three days. No one in Arizona was following Kody's "protcols" in October 2020. By then masks were gone in most places and everything was open, no restrictions. Kody was using the "protocols " as an excuse to isolate Christine, Janelle and Meri. Let's face it, he doesn't give a crap about them or their kids. Now he has a convenient excuse to ignore them.
  21. Well, you're probably right. He did lie to Dr. Now about going to Oregon. Then suddenly, he was back in Montana. Dr. Now knew it was all BS.
  22. Or Keith What'shisface Mary was so into years ago.
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