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Desert Rat

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Everything posted by Desert Rat

  1. And this is why we should stick with the current law of biological men in the men's room, and biological women in the women's room. No need for lawsuits over whether an individual is or is not transgender. And what is the standard the court would use to determine who is legitimately transgender and who is just trying to sneak a peek? Do you have to wear a dress? Take hormones? Undergone "bottom" surgery? Just feel like a woman for the day? What is the standard? Because if there is no standard, then effectively the new restroom policy proposed by the TV community would permit anyone man in a women's room based only on their claim to feel like a woman, whether sincere or not. As a, biological woman, I am not comfortable with that. It's degrading and demeaning to women.
  2. There is an ugly side to this whole issue. We are starting to see that with this show as the lipstick wears off. I do have some sympathy for Jazz. She didn't really choose this. As I understand her story, she started transitioning at a very young age, say 3 years old, before most have any concept of difference between boy and girl. And why was this path chosen for Jazz? Because according to the parents, Jazz preferred girl stuff, dolls, dresses, etc. No wonder Jazz seems so angry and depressed. Anyone man would be if deprived of their manhood simply because when they were a toddler they played with dolls instead of trucks. Apparently, Jazz said at a young age she wanted a vagina. Who talks like that? Most girls, unless they are abused, don't know they have vaginas until they near puberty. Which leads me to another weird thing about Jazz and the talk of wanting a "beautiful" vagina. Does Jazz have any concept of female anatomy? Does Jazz know that it is an integral organ? Good grief. I agree about the young children. Jazz did not have a choice. Her parents made it for her at around three years old or so. As a child, one cannot possibly understand the consequences of such a decision and the impact it will have on one's life. I suspect that is why Jazz is so angry.
  3. Bingo! The more I watch this show and read about this issue, the less sympathetic I become. This transgender issue is beginning to look like another way to abuse and hold biological women down. Women are being reduced to boobs and vaginas in dresses. Our concerns about safety and privacy and are dismissed as hateful. Yep, this is another way to silence women and reduce them to body parts.
  4. Please explain how my math is wrong. There are 330 million people in US. There are approximately 1.4 million transgender people according to the most generous estimate I have seem. 1,400,000/330,000,000 = 0.00424242 That's a very small number. As I said, less than 28,000 people per state, if distributed evenly. While I have compassion for transgender people, I we need to be careful making such radical changes to laws regarding restrooms that affect everyone to accommodate the feelings of a statically insignificant number of people. At what financial cost? At what cost to our privacy. Again, let me be clear, I am NOT concerned about Jazz, Noelle or other sincerely transgender MTF people using the women's room. My concern are the fakers, those predators who will pretend to be transgender, to gain access to the women's room. The law demanded by the TG community would allow all men access to women's rooms by simply stating, "I feel like a woman today." Even if they are are not. Because there is no standard, there is no way to prevent these people from using the women's room.
  5. Actually, after watching Jazz, it seems that MTF transgender people seem to think that being a woman is all about dresses, breasts, long hair, and other so called feminine things. But that is the problem with Jazz, Noelle and the others. Being a woman is not those things. We feminists fought hard and rejected these limited notions of womanhood. Now men are trying to push women back to the dark ages. Jazz has no concept of womanhood. It is not boobs, vaginas, pedicures, dresses and long hair. As a feminist, I reject Jazz's perception of womanhood.
  6. Rape is not the issue. Also, TG do not want the status quo. The status quo is no men in the women's room. PERIOD. The TG community wants to allow any man in a woman's restroom who merely claims to want to be a woman. But there is no standard. This would allow perverts into the women's restroom, and then if called out on it, they can simply claim to be transitioning to female, even if it is a complete lie. Why? Because there is no standard for what is or is not transgender.
  7. The bathroom issue it's getting absurd. There are approximately 330,000,000 people living in the U.S. when you consider all the school's, government buildings, restaurants, shopping malls, gas stations, and all the places that have restrooms for employees, I would guess that there are hundreds of millions of restroom facilities in this country. The most generous estimate of transgender individuals is 1,400,000. That means that the TG community is only about 0.004% of the total population. That is statically insignificant. If spread equally among each of the 50 states, there would be 28,000 transgender people in each state. In my large city, that is a neighborhood. We have stadiums that are more than twice that size. So, even though this population is so tiny it would only fill a small city, the transgender community is asking for access to the bathrooms of their choice, without regard to the safety and privacy concerns of non-transgender individuals. And a compromise (which I understand is not acceptable to TG people) of separate stalls and wholly separate facilities for every individual ignores the enormous cost of such a change. Are we really expected to change hundreds of millions of restrooms because a few people feel uncomfortable with their own bodies? Does that even make sense? Can businesses afford this? This is not the same as modifying restroom to accommodate wheelchair access,so please don't respond with that argument. Adding wheelchair access involves only expanding an existing stall and raising the toilet seat. It does not require modifying every stall or adding a separate restroom. Businesses, especially small businesses, are struggling enough without forcing them to make radical restroom changes on the unlikely chance someone claiming to be transgender comes to their business.
  8. I haven't posted in this forum in years, but like so many of you, James compelled me to comment. Just watched the show. Did anyone notice, James bites his nails. That's right, he eats himself. Zero calories, but still. I noticed this on my second viewing, when he was talking to Dr Now on video. His fingernails are chewed to the quick and the tips are a bloody mess. Ouh, mah finguhs!!
  9. The hand holding have me a Lolita vibe.
  10. I liked him also. Heartbreaking when his grandma died. I could relate to his struggle. I was never overweight until my parents died and I gained more than 50 pounds in less than six months. It was great that he pulled himself together to lose weight. Please don't think this judgemental, but I wonder if there are gender identity issues with him and his mom which contributed to their addictions and inability to deal with their emotions in a healthy way. The aunt and uncle were great. I hope the support continues and he is successful.
  11. That chili was so disgusting. Are beans okay to eat after the surgery? Seems like you would want to avoid gassy foods. I certainly did right after my c-sections.
  12. Such a sad story. On the positive side, at least she wore shoes! Why don't these people eat at a regular table with folks, knives, spoons and napkins? I have only rarely eaten on the couch and have NEVER eaten on the bed. Just gross and unsanitary. I think if this people had better eating routines, regular times at the table, they could better control eating habits.
  13. Bettie Jo seems to be the most kind, warmest person on the show. I love that she wanted to help others. What a contrast from Pauline last week! It seemed that Bettie Jo and her husband matured a great deal over the course of the year, as individuals and as a couple. Although we didn't see much, I think they worked hard on therapy, even as much as weight loss. It was sweet when Josh said he wanted to renew their vows. I wish them both a long, happy life. (But please, girlfriend, get something on those feet. $1 flip flops from Wal-Mart, anything.)
  14. I feel so bad for Dillion. He is on hold waiting for something to change. Either Pauline will become independent or she will die. At this point, sadly, his only hope for a normal life is if she passes soon. I think he would be relieved. I hope it's not too late for Dillon.
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