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Desert Rat

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Everything posted by Desert Rat

  1. My state has group homes and other supportive residential options for people with serious mental illness and/or developmental disabilities. Dolly seems to have both. Texas is a large, wealthy state and likely has hood services for SMI and DD. She may qualify. These services could help her gain independence.
  2. Sander is a product of the "Everybody gets a trophy" generation. So, no matter how lame or trivial his "career" is, we have to pretend that his work is important and meaningful. Yes, Sander, you are special. Now take a seat.
  3. WTH? Poor Gabe pouring his broken heart on his sleeve. You can see he loves and needs his dad. Did Kodass reciprocate? Does He say, "I love you so much, Gabe. I've missed you. I will do anytime to see you. You're my son and your emotional needs are imputation to me."?? Nope. Instead, he gets, "Your mom is a Teflon Queen. I'm the head of the family. COMPLY!!!" That was raw emotional abuse. My heart hurts for Gabe. I hope they were just acting for the tv.
  4. Yes. If she behaves like that in front of the cameras imagine what's she's like behind closed doors. Gino needs to leave before he gets hurt.
  5. Because of his age, I really thought he was referring to the old ZZ Top song, from the early 80s, and it's sexual. Not gay, just sexual. He definitely knows the reference. Here are the lyrics: And I was gettin' blown away And she held it in her hand And this is what she had to say A pearl necklace She wanna pearl necklace She wanna pearl necklace
  6. This 100%. The crying and whining really bothers me. These are supposed to be professionals. It's not high school. Stop the crying and excuses and act like an adult. Similarly, I don't like hearing excuses about "back stories." Who cares what happened when you were a child etc. A good sob story does not excuse a bad idea or poor execution. Just make a good product. That's all anyone wants. I know this sounds mean, but many of these contestants need to grow up. I'm thinking especially about the designer who walked out on her housewife client last episode (forgot her name). That was totally unprofessional. In the real world she would have been fired, not coddled.
  7. A friend had a breast reduction from a k cup to c cup. It was such a huge reduction they had to tattoo nipples. The nipples were way too big for c cup breasts. I thought maybe Precious had a breast reduction and tattoo nipples. But she's so big I don't think she had a reduction but probably needs one.
  8. Pearl necklace refers to a specfic sex act. ZZ Top has a famous song about it. It was a bit shocking he would say that to Christian but there have been other sexual comments made toward him this season. Christian seems to like it.
  9. I disagree. The talent is not great and the judging is horrible.
  10. Should someone wearing something that hideous be a judge of fashion? I think not.
  11. Well, this just sucks. The best designer in the entire competition, who was in the top nearly every challenge and who should have won most of them, is out. Was this his best effort? No. Did he deserve to be at the bottom? Probably. Did he deserve to lose? Nope. He was the only designer I really wanted to see in the finale. These judges suck. They all have an agenda. I'm done worn the show. Coral is not a good designer. She has done nothing interesting or innovative. She should have been out.
  12. That's strange. Where I live in the US the only remnants of the pandemic are fading stickers on the floor about keeping a distance and some store clerks wearing masks. Otherwise, it seems to be long over here. Florida where Jazz is is probably similar.
  13. One positive about the Jazz show is they aren't harping on COVID, unlike Sisterwives that don't talk about much else.
  14. Keep your shirts on boys. Please. No one wants to see your flabby stomachs. You won't get dates looking like that. Honestly, they look terrible. My 63 year old husband who only works out occasionally has tightier abs than those clowns.
  15. Is anyone still watching this show? Judging by the comments, not much interest. Looks like TLC is trying to cross sell this show with 600 pound life and Hoarders, judging by the stacks of boxes, mounds of crap and large number of random animals. If they could find Jazz an overseas love interest, they could tie in with 90 day finance.
  16. Don't blame Kody one bit for that. I'm also pissed that Gabe has the hair I wished I had.
  17. Look at the mountain ! LOOK AT THE FREAKIMG MOUNTAIN!!! ( I guess that's the reason. )
  18. Poor Day'un. He's been completely emasculated. Between Kodouche around all day everyday, the hysterical triplets, the babies, and the uber strict covid rules that prevent him from having a social life or a job, it's no wonder he looks so defeated and hopeless.
  19. Looks like she found that "art" at some two star Arizona hotels.
  20. Everything is sooo dated. The chairs and tablecloth look like they came from my grandmother's attic. And she would be 125 years old if still alive.
  21. Based on my admittedly limited understanding of Mormon theology, the husband has to call a wife by her secret name to bring her into the celestial kingdom. If he chooses not to call her, she's SOL. They are "sealed" but the husband still has the option of calling her. That's why Meri is sucking up. She wants to be called to the celestial kingdom in the afterlife. Otherwise, all the BS she has endured with Kody is for naught. The "unsealing" comes to play if someone wants to marry someone else.
  22. Please TLC, please. That would be awesome tv. If the wives won't do it, get some of the adult children like Hunter, Gabe, Aspen. But not Mariah. Please keep her off my tv.
  23. Aurora, dear, shut up. Just shut the hell up. This isn't about you. It has nothing to do with you.
  24. I wish they would stop minimizing the effect the surgeries may have had on her mental health. I know they want to downplay the impact. But it actually hurts their case to ignore the obvious. The surgeries she endured were a big deal. They obviously had an impact and should be acknowledged as such. Ignoring it won't make it go away.
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