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  1. I had fillers once, and while I didn’t suffer any trauma, I couldn’t wait for them to dissolve, because I felt like I didn’t “look like myself, only better….. “ I guess I’m not brave enough to try again….
  2. How in the world can Gina sit for a 3 part reunion in that dress?
  3. @Cosmocrush BH starts on 11/19. Enjoy!
  4. There’s information on the Tamra thread….
  5. I remember back in the early 80’s Korbel was considered quite the high quality sparkler! 🙂
  6. I didn’t have the chance to watch this season (and I’ve been faithful since the beginning). I tuned in to Reunion 1 while on the treadmill this morning, and could NOT believe all of the screaming and over-talking. What the storylines are is beyond me….Altho I did enjoy those dresses and overall pretty unfashionable looks….I’ll watch Part 2 as my final farewell to this franchise, but will have to rely on this board for show info. ☹️
  7. Did we know Tamra rode a motorcycle, I feel like this is new information? Infrequent poster, but I remember there being a competition between Tamra and Gretchen over a pink motorcycle- and there was a segment with Tammy Sue and Simon out riding with their bikey friends….isn’t this when she had her wedding ring tattooed on her finger? I should be working…Good times in the OC hood!
  8. This forum title is a genius nod to Seinfeld! Thank you for my first laugh of the weekend! 😁👍❤️
  9. If anyone wants to research the supposed integrity and infallibility of the FBI, they only have to Google John Connolly and Whitey Bulger…..
  10. Kiki" is a term which grew out of Black American gay social culture, and is loosely defined as a gathering of friends for the purpose of gossiping and chit-chat, and later made more widely known in the song "Let's Have a Kiki" by the Scissor Sisters. Wikipedia
  11. Lord! The Cap’n Crunch and Culturelle commercials are the most interesting part of the show! I live near Salem and was hoping for some fun….naaaaahhhh….
  12. Leah can’t help herself….Butting in and fake tears are her MO!
  13. I seldom post, but am a long time lurker and really enjoy your comments. Please stay safe and healthy @Stats Queen!
  14. Hang in there @elsie - I’m sending positive vibes your way. Take good care of yourself....❤️
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