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Diapason Untuned

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  1. Seeing those two dragons intertwined with each other like really helps being too kind why people called this war the Dance of the Dragons. After the way Aegon disrespected Aemond at his one place of peace last week, I dearly enjoyed seeing him get put in his place. Even his own mother thinks he's a loser. 😭 This wasn't like Vhagar's previous oopsie, Aemond saw Aegon out there, let Rhaenys beat him up a little first, then when he saw Aegon in the way figured revenge is best served with dragonfire. I despise Cole with the fury of a thousand suns but the man does know what he's about on the battlefield. Seeing him slump to the ground on despair after actually saving Aegon from Aemond was pretty hilarious as well, seeing as everyone else from his army cheered when Aegon got roasted in front of them. Daemon putting all that kingly diplomacy training to use, I see. He's much better at this stuff when he's wearing that cloak he uses when he's committing crimes, but alas, can't dress like that at court. I do give him props for actually sleeping the night in Harrenhal. The way my ass would be be rubbing from that creepy place... Looking forward to next week.
  2. I'm actually becoming genuinely fond of that rat Yabushige. The look on his face when Toranaga dipped had me chortling! Sure, but I feel he's erring on the side of caution. If nothing else, maintaining a courteous relationship with the help won't steer you wrong no matter the era or country.
  3. A better tactic would be to simply tell her that she has classified materials and might go to prison if he doesn't return them. It was also dumb that they let Kentaro go in his room alone. It's not as though the thing suddenly showed up in New York. It was minding its own business and they deliberately killed it. The show acknowledged it with a tongue in cheek joke about good genes.
  4. This reminds me of a similar situation that occurred on the Chair (a Netflix show). A character played by Jay Duplass gets into trouble and instead of laying low for a few weeks as HR recommended, he felt as if he was being put upon and wanted to clear his name which led to things snowballing. I get the same feeling here. From the very beginning Cybil thought she was being unfairly treated and was under attack for no real reason and took that attitude into the interview instead of doing the media savvy thing. Always nice to see a fellow Sleepy Hollow fan! That series was my introduction to Nicole Beharie as well and I've been a fan since then. Still annoys me how that show screwed her over. Same. She just looked so delighted at UBA's troubles. 😂
  5. She's the chairman of the board, I'm not surprised no one said anything about it. They could have brought that up in the interview, but better to keep the focus on Cybil. I have to say, Nicole Beharie did some incredible work on that interview. Real top notch stuff. Cybil did get coaching but Chris was not lobbing any softballs her way. I'm sure that if Alex had given the interview she wouldn't have gone as hard, despite the bad blood between them. It's an unfortunate symptom of our current media landscape that actual hard hitting interviews with serious questions and serious interviewers are a rarity, precisely because media houses are worried about losing access. None of that here.
  6. I've thought all season that everyone involved with the supernatural has been incredibly careless with it. I still remember when they were running around with a demon in a backpack and ended up getting a kid possessed. Now they got someone killed. Poor Alice. Ace is completely right to be pissed at Nancy for what she did. Even if she was trying to help him, not only did she take his choice to remember away from him, she could have lead to Alice never being identified.
  7. This episode brings up a good point that I hope the show follows up on some more, which is how incredibly careless people, even those who supposedly know better, are with the supernatural. Darlene had that demon stored in a cabinet, Ace and Nancy were just walking around with it (around kids, as Ace himself pointed out) and George's sister and her friend were not only trying to show off with the supernatural, they just followed the instruction of a mysterious book without even asking anyone. Avery's dad had a horrible argument, but his kid was endangered there. I just wish the show had the guts to actually let him run with that argument.
  8. People will be dissecting that final part for years. The brilliance of this show is that you simultaneously aren't surprised Shiv screwed Ken over while also being shocked that she did it. I swear if I was Kendall I would never talk to either of those assholes ever again. Tom and Greg have always been colossal shitheads so I can't say I'm glad they're winning. Roman is still a shithead (especially for that last comment about Ken's kids) but at least he seems to have realized he's better off away from all of this. Hopefully Ken will come to the same conclusion. I'm sure the billions will help.
  9. He left the two of them alone for an hour. I think a 15-16 year old could be trusted to watch their sister for that period of time, especially when it wasn't the dad's day to have her over.
  10. Hard disagree here. He left Sophie with her older sister who was completely irresponsible with her. Sarah is old enough to watch her sister for an hour or two
  11. It could be argued that was the right move to make as CEO. Kendall's business acumen is at it's best the colder he is.
  12. I really liked seeing Ken with Frank and Stewy this episode. Easy to forget, but Ken has been in this company for years and has built relationships here, which even resemble something genuine and heartfelt. It was also fun seeing him put his big boy pants on. Number One Boy's a killer now! The way he just nicely eviscerated Tom with that "Good luck" and then put the screws to Hugo... I imagine Logan is enjoying the show from hell. Tom has been such a slimeball recently (or really, always) that it was a delight to watch him get dismantled and scurry around looking for favours. "Here to serve" indeed. This was not Shiv's day. First her ex tries to manipulate her and her brothers leave her out in the cold, and all this when she's pregnant. Just please don't name the kid Logan or Tom! Can't forget Marcia. Came back from the shopping trip like a boss, instantly fleecing her step-kid for millions and putting Kerry out like yesterday's garbage! All in all a spectacular performance!
  13. They did it. They did it and kept it totally quiet to boot. It's only April but I'm confident to call this the greatest episode of television of 2023. Just some first rate acting all around, superb stuff. Every actor brought their absolute A-game.
  14. I know Logan was just manipulating them, but I can't help but think some tiny part of him wanted to hang out with his kids, since he spent the whole day around Tom and Greg. Even his kids would seem cool compared to them. Wasn't that the company helicopter? As shareholders and Board members (?) they're entitled to its use.
  15. I mean she only went to that doctor to interview her about this world's John Henry in the first place, she just happened to tell the truth about her physical condition on the way in.
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