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Everything posted by Cthulhudrew

  1. I really enjoyed Nyssa in this episode. I want her to be a regular. Paul Black killed it, though I wish they would have shown his breakdown instead of giving us a closeup of Oliver watching it. David Ramsey did a great job, too, even despite the odd writing that he was given as Diggle. I still think it would have been nice for them to acknowledge that it was Ollie primarily who first encouraged Dig to trust Andy, even if he later tried to convince him not to trust him. Kind of a big oversight, imo. As for Ollie's big plan, I have an idea. Instead of doing what the team always does, and confront the Big Bad and extemporize before beating him up, the next time they find him? Shoot him in the head with an arrow from a rooftop sniping position hundreds of yards away. He's an archer and should easily be able to make the shot. I doubt even Dahrk's magic would protect him from something he couldn't see. Unless, not dramatic enough for the writers. lol
  2. She also seemed to be going by her own name- at least her first name, as roomie didn't blink twice when Harrison asked for Jessie. If you're trying to lay low, don't you usually pick up a different alias? (Maybe she changed her last name or told people Jessie was her nickname or something, I guess). But I did find myself wondering how Griffin even knew where to find Wells, much less know what street he was going to turn down so that he could manage to be right in the middle of it to get hit. But then I sometimes wonder about things like that where clearly I'm not supposed to.
  3. Where does Zoom go all the time? It seems like he only has his "lair" in order to grab people and lock them up, and then show up at dramatically appropriate times to prevent them escaping or taunt them. (Side note: Zoom's prisoner treatment seems to be on the same level as that of Team Flash and the Pipeline. IE, no apparent bathroom facilities for the incarcerated. While we see him bringing Caitlin food this episode, what exactly is sustaining the Man in the Iron Mask? His indomitable will to live and tap out mysterious coded messages to whomever shows up this week?) And if he's cured, shouldn't his lightning no longer be blue? Is anyone else going to notice and/or comment on this in the show?
  4. Like LittleIggy, I knew that the secretary would be Renfield once we heard the disembodied voice ask his name. I was wondering if the "Dr. Seward" character of Patti LuPone was just a callback to Dracula or more deliberate, and it seems the latter. Glad they've decided to circle back around to the Lord of the Night since the end of season 1. Was very surprised to see Wes Studi show up in Africa, because I naturally assumed he was going to be met in America. Even though that's their destination, that was definitely a swerve. I really liked Jekyll. I thought making he and Victor classmates was a nice touch to bring him into the fold, and I thought the actor did a really good job of conveying subtext about his character; at various points when discussing monsters, I swear I saw a hint of recognition in his eyes that makes me think he is already well acquainted with the existence of his darker half, and that he won't just suddenly discover him this season (could be wrong, but we'll see). There was quite a bit of sexual tension between the two characters as well; could they have been lovers in their schoolboy days, or is there some unrequited love on Dr. Jekyll's side? Hard to tell so far. Ferdinand continues to charm, of course. What seemed to be such an over the top, one episode appearance back in season one became such a loveable, nuanced character. And Eva as Vanessa. Sigh. Even at her dowdiest she still manages to be at once intense and lovely and expressive. Even the Monster didn't bother me as much as usual this episode. I still mourn the stabilizing presence of the woefully underutilized Sembene.
  5. Two episodes in, and I'm not sure what to think. It doesn't quite feel like the same show I fell in love with last season, but I can't place my finger on why exactly. It doesn't seem to be making my head spin quite as much, and I can't help but feel as if they are handling the time travel much more blatantly and less ambiguously, which I don't like as much. They are still doing a better job than most time travel shows (I'm looking at you, Legends of Tomorrow!!), but it just... feels different. And this timeline alteration is also a bag of mixed emotions for me. It was unexpected, to say the least (I joked aloud "that was a short season" when it started to happen), but not sure if I like. That said, I still love all the characters, and their performances are great. Emily Hampshire knocked it out of the park this week as Jennifer, that's for sure. Cole seems to have gotten a bit too soft and Cassie a bit too hardened, both a bit too suddenly, but I still really enjoy them, and I loved their scene at the end. I'm also wondering if/when they are going to go back to Dr. Jones' husband this season. His brief appearance at the end of last season seemed to suggest he'd be a bigger part moving forward, but it seems like he's been dropped (okay, maybe I'm getting ahead of myself on this show about time travel). Also, does anyone know if Tom Noonan is returning this season?
  6. Everyone knows dogs are just bullies, picking on the weak and helpless, but they run away like cowards any time there's a real fight.
  7. The Janissaries were very loyal and effective troops of the Ottoman Empire for hundreds of years. I thought her hair seemed longer as well. That was something else that struck me, particularly as that scene came right on the heels of the "day after" scene at Castle Black. I thought they were deliberately making a time jump, but then nothing else seemed to follow suit (particularly the return to Castle Black at the end).
  8. I believe they are waiting for Edd to gather the cavalry... err, the wildlings... to come riding to the rescue. They do owe Jon Snow, after all (which is what Ser Davos was hinting at).
  9. On another note, Owen Teale continues to give a really excellent performance as Ser Alliser. I feel like he brings a much more nuanced and three-dimensional feel to the character than in the books, where he really is just villainous. I'm not sure how much of it is from the tv show writing as opposed to the actor's line readings, but I think he comes across as much more believable and human.
  10. I'm kind of surprised they didn't film some of those Castle Black scenes when they shot season 5, if only because the kid who plays Olly has grown so visibly since then. Every time the camera cut to him, I kept thinking, yeah- this isn't the next day. Speaking of time compression, there seemed to be quite a bit of discontinuity between the scenes and time jumps, to me. Up at Castle Black, it has seemingly only been a day since Jon got stabbed at the end of last season; meanwhile, there seem to have been several days at least since Daenarys fled Meereen and was captured by Dothraki; and it seems to me, even with Raven-telegraph, there must have been even more than that between Jamie finishing his sail northwards from Dorne, to sending out the press notice that Myrcella was dead, and it getting back to Dorne. I realize television time makes things more difficult than a series of novels to iron out the timeline, but I can't help but feel as if they could have done (and generally have done) a better job than this.
  11. Has anyone seen the Leviathan trailer yet? Is that supposed to be Captain Atom at the end? (The glowy guy in armor that looks like Atom's, plus it briefly looks like you see the Atom symbol on his chestplate).
  12. Anyone else want to see a (comedy?) show about the guys who have to go through time fixing all the problems that the Legends crew creates? Kind of like Marvel's Damage Control Meets Quantum Leap. Maybe they can get Scott Bakula to star.
  13. I'm going to make a drinking game out of the term "younger selves." These writers. Oy.
  14. Could be. Maybe she moved back in after Eddie's death, but if so, I don't recall them ever mentioning it.
  15. I thought that was primarily because it came up while the two of them were talking and Barry is still living with Joe; Iris isn't. I assume he asked her about it off-screen (which seems to be the only place Iris has anything to do with anyone most of the time.)
  16. I guess it explains why he always seemed to be conveniently out of the room when they needed to do anything remotely scientific (I remember being bugged by that all season). If I'm mistaken and they ever did show him doing something scientific, or if they referenced him participating in something off-screen, I think you could fanwank it that he did the whole "fast reading" trick that Barry sometimes does, and had all the necessary scientific knowledge ready at hand, at least for a short period of time. Still, shouldn't have to fanwank things like that; show us, even if only in flashbacks, the character doing so.
  17. Maybe Grodd will pop out onto Earth-1, manhandle Zoom for threatening Caitlin, and shake his head dismissively at Barry's stupidity and next season the show will be changed to Grodd and Friends. :D
  18. Don't they usually wait until they lock these guys up in the Pipeline before having these dialogues? See: Eobard Thawne, Pied Piper, etc. But somehow, for their "most dangerous foe," Barry decides to have a quick chat before lockup this time. Because the plot wouldn't work otherwise. :(
  19. Echoing the sentiment that it seems a bit strange that Slippin' Jimmy didn't detect his brother's con, but I guess we all have blind spots, often when it comes to relatives.
  20. I'd forgotten about that. Yeah, yet another thing that didn't make any sense. I think the writers are hoping we all have short-term memory. Or maybe they just have Leonard Shelby on staff. I will say Teddy Sears did do a better job of playing flat-out evil Hunter than he has anything else this season.
  21. I suppose it's possible that they could somehow mumbo-jumbo their way to explain why Hunter killing his past version didn't somehow erase his present version... If only they hadn't disposed of the villain from season one by having his ancestor kill him before he was even born. C'mon, guys! Are we just supposed to forget how things were established with time travel in season one (such as they were)?!?!?!? (Plus, all the usual not being impressed by Teddy Sears/Jay Zolomon Zoom and his whole silly story. Not to mention them deciding to gloss over Barry not mentioning that he traveled to another Earth with the tachyon device and instead pressuring everyone else to find some other way of reaching Earth-2). Maybe we'll find out on Legends of Tomorrow that our intrepid time travelers under the oh-so impressive leadership of Rip "Trust Me, I'm Really A Time Master. No Really" Hunter that they screw up the timelines so severely with their antics that Zoom's silly timey-wimey doppelganger stuff is not only possible, but routine.
  22. Oh- I didn't know that. I thought she was still going to be part of the show (they still have that AI of her mom, right?) I was just speculating based on how this episode dropped some bits about her mom, and her comment about "seeing her soon" (which was in reference to Kara thinking she was dying, but of course if this is her mother in the pod, then it would be foreshadowing). Maybe it's her dog.
  23. Pod person is going to be Kara's mother. Or at least a reasonable facsimile. My guess. (Explanation being something like: Krypton needed a failsafe in case Myriad was ever reactivated, so she put herself into hibernation and launched into space, and the pod was set to send her wherever it was activated again. Timing was a little off, obviously. Or maybe she/it will end up being a female version of Eradicator.)
  24. True enough. I guess I was assuming the reason she bought Max Rager was because she wanted to use it as an inroads to mass-creation of zombies, which would then entail having the Utopium to mix with it and spread it amongst the populace. It could be that they wanted to keep unchecked zombie creation beyond their control by keeping Max Rager off the market.
  25. What are they calling them? Hexrip? Hexter? Too bad DC and Marvel don't get along. They could totally do a crossover with Jonah Hex and Rip Hunter meeting up with the Rawhide Kid.
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