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Victor the Crab

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Everything posted by Victor the Crab

  1. Good luck convincing white conservative Americans that reparations are needed, no matter how convincing a case Ta-Nehisi Coates makes.
  2. I think Jon will be very very happy for tomorrow's show after the 2-1 victory by the U.S. The media is a fucking disgrace for inviting these fucking assholes, like John McCain and Lindsey Graham, onto their shows and lie about everything Iraq and not get challenged. Why do they fucking do it? Why doesn't someone get in their smug faces and tell them they're treacherous liars?
  3. I lolled hard at Stephen Hawking's responses to Ollie's questions. I just hope that, before he leaves, Stephen will do a one on one interview with Hawkings on TCR.
  4. The Los Angeles Kings are like vampires. You cannot kill them.
  5. I am a Detroit Lions fan. Pity me. :(
  6. I loved Sid. I was heartbroken when Craig handed Sid off to Alyssa Milano. Why Craig, why?!!
  7. Ted Cruz is all yours, America. We don't want that scumball representing Canada in any way, shape, and form. I hope we get to see Hans one more time. I love his dreary deadpan delivery.
  8. Oh Mess-O-Potamia, how we didn't miss you. We should all be grateful that, when Jason ripped off his Hawaiian shirt, there was another shirt underneath it, and not his naked chest. You shouldn't be denied service and be discriminated for wearing Google glasses. But you do deserve to be loudly called douchebags for wearing them.
  9. I'd problably want to shoot myself too, if I had to listen to Greg Gutfeld's lame attempt at humor.
  10. Baby eagle dressed as Jesus fired out of a AK15. That's a definite new one. Insane God freak David Brat winning the Republican nomination over Eric Cantor, thus practically giving him the seat. Very bad omen for the country. Nice to find out the Senate passed a bill to help fix the VA mess. Now how will the House manage to dog fuck that one? You Republicans do more than suck at polling, Frank Lutz. Just sayin'.
  11. I'd hate to be at Andrew Cuomo's house at Christmas. He seems to hand out the lamest gifts in the world. But I imagine, at this time tomorrow, Cuomo will have to hand his puck to Jerry Brown. John Waters. Awesome. Nuff said.
  12. Wow Dee Dee Benkie. Is your head stuck deep up your ass or what? Smoke breaks? It's obvious you've never played in sports to know what college athletes go through. Considering the stories that Bergdahl's unit were engaged in unethical behavior on their tour of duty - like deliberately running over an Afghan child - and that they were all ultimately given less than honorable discharges, I'd say it was Bergdhal's comrades that abandoned him.
  13. Of course Fox News knows who Duck Dynasty and ZZ Top are. It's just that they treat their audience - and everyone else - like they're stupid.
  14. Hitler into fisting sounds like the perfect description of a weasel named Scott Fistler. Stephen's right. Fox News and the right will continue to make shit up on Bergdahl, truth be Goddamned. And "respectable" news outlets like CNN will go along like the idiots they are and not call out their bullshit. I think Stephen's wife can forgive him for the relationship he has with his audience.
  15. Actually Jimminy, if Jon stopped watching and commenting on the bullshit and assholery of Fox News and their followers from the Republican party, then the terrorists win (that's Fox News, not Bergdal's father who's not even close to being one). That was a whole lot of nothing with Jason and Jessica. And I'm not sure I really learned anything from Phillip K. Howard. Fuck off, Fox News bitch! You asswipes have unleashed enough hell on earth for a thousand years.
  16. I was never a fan of Right Said Fred. But they deserved massive props and respect for reworking their famous song in order that they could take a shot at Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad. As someone who's a soccer fan, and is a member of a supporters group, I was not the least bit surprised about the segment on the corrupt band of thieves and bandits at FIFA, led by their head thief, Sepp Blatter, whom I nicknamed "Gall" for obvious reasons. But there were some things about Ollie's piece that I was not aware of. Like FIFA not having to pay any taxes on any World Cup event/merchandise during the tournament in the host nation. There have been rumblings here in Canada about trying to host the 2026 World Cup, but that in itself should make people here think twice about getting in bed with these crooks. And I was saddened to hear that China's youth were into Friends. Why young Chinese people, why?
  17. Sites like NewsBusters conveniently ignore logic, period.
  18. Chrissy Hyde was totally cool flirting with Stephen and playing along with him that she left him nearly speechless. Perfect analogy of Karl Rove's suggestion that Hilary Clinton may have brain damage by grasping at real straws. Same with Drudge. How low does the right have to go to discredit President Obama by slandering and sliming a freed U.S. soldier held captive by the Taliban. Are the people of America finally going to realize how horrible they are?
  19. Chili's. The new Arby's on TDS. Michael had me laughing because his points were spot on. What would happen if a group of African American males were to openly carry firearms in public? And then to walk into establishments like a restaurant with said firearms? Would the same gun rights groups (who are mostly white) agree they have a right to do so under the Second Amendment? Or would they consider them a threat that need to be locked up for the safety of (white) American citizens? I think we all know the answer to that! And Jon's final answer in the first segment is the very reason why the NRA exists as they do. Not to defend Americans right to protect themselves. But to see to it gun manufacturers make shitloads of money.
  20. Michael Che looked very good last night, in an understated, new guy kind of way. I'm so much looking forward to seeing what else he can bring to TDS's table. And it was nice to see Aasif make an appearance as well. If he is indeed on hiatus to do his HBO show, then I can't wait for his return, whenever it is.
  21. So much for the stubble. Wow! You've gone too far as a gun rights group when the NRA suggests you take it down a notch. Of course, what these open carry assholes fail to realise is that restaurants, like Chipotle, are private businesses and as such have the right to not let anyone into their establishment they feel are a threat. Like gun wielding morons. Morgan Freeman. Is there any other way to express how awesome he is?
  22. No, actually Jon, there's a midterm election going on this year. And the right are determined to do whatever it takes to make the president, and by extension his party, look awful so that the Republicans can win both the House and Senate. Even if it means smearing a U.S. soldier, held in captivity for five years by the Taliban, and his parents. And if the right thinks what Obama did was horrible and treasonous, then they should take a good look at what George W. Bush did during his term in office. He released a lot more prisoners from Gitmo, and went on to commit more attacks. Like Benghazi.
  23. Nice stubble Stephen has going on there. Nothing that a good beatdown wouldn't fix to straighten out that lunatic, Doug Varier.
  24. Nice salute to Bassem from Jon. Maybe now that he's a free agent, he can cross the pond and perform the odd TDS show. Yeah, that's exactly what the politicians and media want you to do whenever there's a mass shooting. Ignore, dance, and move on. And let it continue again. Society weeps. Wasn't aware Robert De Niro's father was a painter of some renown. Hard to imagine just how the father actually felt about his son becoming more successful as an actor that he was as a painter. Stop being an embarrassment to your profession, lady!
  25. Best show so far from a show that looks guaranteed to have plenty more. The net neutrality piece was one of Ollie's best pieces, if you include his work at TDS. It was enlightening, informative, and entertaining. And, at the end, a glimmer of hope that that net neutrality will not be put on the scrap heap. Holy shit, but Tony Abbott has "douchebag" written all over him. I can't wait to see what LWT does with our "dear leader" Stephen Harper if they ever decide to cast their eyes towards Canada. And i saw the word "asshole" coming a mile away. But it was still hilarious nonetheless, and perfectly suited for Chris Cuomo.
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