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Victor the Crab

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Everything posted by Victor the Crab

  1. That's how it works for a lot of people on the right, from Republicans, the RWNJ, various religious figures. Whether you believe them or not, if you're going to stand by your insane quotes, like that pastor did, then they become a part of you. I like Dennis Leary's appearances with Jon. But last night's didn't seem to do it for me. Perhaps it was the finality of it all. Tonight will be the last real TDS episode with Jon. Then the special one hour Farewell Jon episode tomorrow night. Then... <:(
  2. That's just them telling their audience how Jon is in cahoots with the evil Obummer and therefore should be mocked. They do that because they trust their audience will believe everything they say and won't think otherwise. Like I said before, once Jon is done with TDS this week, don't be shocked to see the Fox News talking heads explain to their audience their version of Jon's legacy, and how bad he was for America, and good riddance to him.
  3. I'd imagine Bernie Sanders' Kool-Aid drinking fanatics would have a big fat cow over Larry's description of Hillary Clinton's reaction of Joe Biden's maybe entering the Democratic nomination.
  4. One more week left. :( It really says how flipped out the whole Republican nomination process is when Donald "Fuckface Von Clownstick" Trump correctly calls out the GOP hopefuls for their Kochsucking behavior over the weekend. Great smackdown of Jon calling out Howard Kurtz and Fox News for their critique of him explaining his visits with President Obama. But I have a feeling that on the final day of Jon's TDS hosting duties, they're going to spend a lot of time telling their ignorant viewers what a liberal tool he is because they feel they've won. because their viewership will lap up everything they say, and because the so called liberal media won't call them on their bullshit, Jon will have won the battles but Fox News won the war. And it will be especially moreso since Jon's replacement, Trevor Noah, recently said he's not going to spend a lot of time going after Fox News. Amy Schumer's taller than Jon. BWAH! What a delight she was.
  5. Those kids are adorable, swear singing like that. If only Ollie would have invited Elanor Holmes-Norton onto the show, it would have been the cherry on the sundae.
  6. Just watched Ollie's last appearance as a TDS correspondent and the tribute Jon gave him. Perhaps Ollie can give Jon a tribute of his own on LWT, either tonight or next Sunday, because Jon helped make him the success he is in America.
  7. Camille Paglia is a fucking moron. She makes Bill Maher look consistent when it comes to forming opinions AFAIC.
  8. Count me in also as one of those who were surprised to see Seth Rollins appear last night. I wold have hoped it was Ollie or Stephen. And why no shilling of baconnnaise and pancakes wrapped sausage on a stick? I know Arby's has a special place in Jon's heart (or is it his colon?), but come on now! The Republicans have no one to blame for their predicament but themselves. When you pander to only one group of people for a long time, disregard everyone else, and double down on your bullshit, don't act surprised when the chickens come home to roost. Too much fucking Mission Impossible for this the last few times we see Jon. That was pure bullshit.
  9. And yet, most of the rest of us are going to miss him a whole lot when he's gone. It's not his fault that there's so much debased political disclosure in America. That falls squarely in the lap of the (mostly Republican) politicians who don't give a shit about the lives of average Americans, and the mainstream media who look for conflict for ratings and try horribly to see it as "both sides are bad" because they fear being labelled liberal. Is it any wonder why Jon waved the white flag?
  10. Waaah, waaah, boo-hoo! Poor Randal Christy feels discriminated against because gays are being protected in his little town and that goes against his excuse of using his Bible to discriminate against. What a miserable example of white Christian privilege this asswipe is. Nice that Jon set the record straight about his visits to the White House. I doubt the media will be satisfied with the answer - especially Fox News, who will crank the yargle bargle to eleven since he poked fun at their lord and master.
  11. If Jon's as big an animal lover as we think he is, then I hope he would go in on that piece of shit dentist with both barrels - pun intended.
  12. C'mon Jon. Everyone knows Donald Trump is descended from giant orangutans. Jordan and Hasan weren't fucking around trying to get the truth out of Jon, from eating pizza with a knife and fork to the Arby's enema bag. Although they've could have done much worse if they got out Gillian Anderson and told the world what she thinks of Jon as an on screen romantic lover.
  13. Ted Cruz didn't show? Awwwwww. >:D Perhaps the perfect non speaking response to Mike Huckabee's outrageous opinion about the Iran deal would be to drop your pants, bend over, and blow a big wet fart in his general direction (yes, I am referencing Monty Python and the Holy Grail, and why not?).
  14. Awwww, I missed that episode. Jon was telling Steve how they'd gather everyone in the studio audience into a pile for all the correspondents, past and present, to fuck. I remembered that because I was in the studio audience at the time.
  15. When I was living in Toronto twenty odd years ago, I went to a house party where the girl who threw it had some African American friends from Pennsylvania visiting her. They were all heavily into the urban American hip-hop culture and talked and acted as such. And they spent the night laughing at our Canadian accents! The grass is always weirder on the other side.
  16. As a Canadian myself, the only thing about that piece that offended me was that Ashley Madison came from my country. That ad of theirs might be the most offensive commercial I've ever seen (and I've seen ads from Papa John's, Carl's Jr, Arby's, blah, blah, blah). Those accents may have been overdone, but they weren't mean spirited IMO. Go to Atlantic Canada for the most colorful accents you'll ever run across, especially from the good people of Newfoundland. Scrotus Moistus? Yeah that's painfully me. <:(
  17. Jon's obsession with Donald Trump's candidacy is like someone admitting they're a cocaine addict but still want to do coke because they love it and won't stop. The question still needs to be asked. Chuck Schumer, what are you doing here? I didn't know who Ta-Nehisi Coates was before. But after his interview with Jon, wow what strong points he makes about lives of African Americans. the phrase Black Lives Matter exists for a reason.
  18. Wow, interesting. I have no idea what was going through Jon's mind when he snapped at Wyatt like that, but he clearly handled that situation very badly. That's a reaction I'd expect from someone like Bill Maher. But, as VCRTracking pointed out, Jon did let that pass and, I assume, learned, from it. There was a segment four months after the incident, where Jon was discussing the name of Rick Perry's family ranch, Niggerhead, and talked about how typical it was of southerners to use racially insensitive names on places. Then when Wyatt came out, he showed Jon a map of a river in upstate New York that was named, I believe, Nigger River, and Jon was all ruh-roh. Perhaps that was a cleansing for Jon for what he did to Wyatt. And Jon did give Wyatt a salute on his last day, which was the last TDS show in 2012. Of course, this was all revealed on Marc Maron's podcast. He and Jon go back a long ways and Maron seems to have utter contempt for Jon and jealousy about his success. It wouldn't surprise me if that douche set up Wyatt in order to make Jon look bad.
  19. As Obama said yesterday, if the Republicans have a better idea of a deal with idea then show it. As Jon showed tonight, they got nothing, unless they mean war with Iran. And after watching Ollie slam Lindsey Graham on LWT, we all saw what Jon was about to do. As far as Chuck Schumer is concerned, the less he says about the deal the better it would seem. A little more than two weeks left, and you find out something new about Jon's life. Must have been hell for him after what his teachers made him do to write correctly with his left hand. Mike Huckabee, you're a tiny cock.
  20. Ted Cruz and Tom Cruise? Really Jon, you couldn't find better guests for your final days at TDS than these two assholes? Denis Leary is supposed to be Jon's Tuesday guest for his last week.
  21. YESSSS!!! I want that executive order to go through. Of course the Republicans would find a way to overthrow it because they don't like to be pointed out how dumb and destructive they are by Jon. Great and informative full episode of Jon interviewing President Obama. As much as I'll miss Jon after the final ten episodes, I'm really going to miss Obama once he leaves the White House.
  22. It will be a sad, sad day in a couple of weeks time for many of us when Jon does his last TDS. Last night's show was an example of that. As for Trevor, he's got some mighty big shoes to fill in late September. I wish him well and hope the born and raised South African has spent enough time acclimating himself to the ways and customs of the American public and its cultures and traditions so that he can do the host's chair proud.
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