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Victor the Crab

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Everything posted by Victor the Crab

  1. It would seem the quality of late night television is inversely proportional to the ratings each show produces.
  2. I never understood the deal about women's leggings. Some might think it's a distraction for males? They've never grabbed my attention the way a pair of tight jeans would. But I guess there are those that feel the need to control young women, like the douches on that Fox News panel.
  3. I'd sooner put Shoeless Joe Jackson in first.
  4. Stephen was having fun getting under Bill's very thin skin, and it showed. Bill obviously can't handle the fact that not only are there other political satirist on late night television who are better than him, but can succeed without going out of their way to offend others just for kicks.
  5. The NFL games shown here in Canada are simulcasted - they put the Canadian broadcast of the game on the American channel. So we don't get bombarded by the DraftKings/FanDuel ads. But I watch Fox NFL Sunday, which is not broadcasted on any Canadian channel, and they are bombarded with ads from the two. DraftKings sponsors the In or Out segment where Jay Glazer tells viewers which injured player is ready to play and which is not. Thankfully, I don't get involved in these kinds of player drafts as they are a waste of time. But it is funny how these major league sports outfits are so in bed with these companies while trying to maintain their image of staying above and away from anything involving gambling. It's amazing Janice from accounting isn't fired by now.
  6. Well it is from Salon, where gnashing of teeth and rendering of garments because things don't go your way is SOP.
  7. The end of the show was very moving. Watching John Cleese converse with Stephen was better than I expected, what with the duelling furry hats. It's clear Cleese likes to connect with with the people talking to him. And Stephen gave him plenty to allow him to shine. Stephen's inner geek was on display last night.
  8. Jon performed the other night for a heroes benefit and went after Trump. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/jon-stewart-donald-trump-troll_5643ead2e4b045bf3dedc827
  9. Watching Ted Cruz power through on his pledge to eliminate the department of commerce twice is like someone talking to a large audience with his fly visibly open. And maybe what the moderators need next time is a mute button whenever the candidates deliberately go over their allotted times.
  10. I couldn't help but notice the poll graphic where Trump and Carlson had their names switched with their headshots and there were two Ted Cruzs on the list (as if one was bad enough). I wish someone at TDS had picked up on that.
  11. In case anyone isn't aware, Bill will be on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert this coming Monday. Would have been more interesting if he went on TCR during the days of "Stephen".
  12. Bill Maher would have been an interesting guest on TCR. It'll still be interesting to see how he and Stephen will converse. I hope! :D
  13. I really was clapping when Bilal Chatman came out, considering how I heard how difficult it was for him to meet with his parole officer. There really shouldn't be a fear of him losing his job, considering how well and productive he has become.
  14. I never heard of TED Talks until last night, and I still don't get it. But a lot of the audience members did and were crazy about it. What am I missing here?
  15. I give mad respect to Trevor for coming back one day after his appendectomy. Not being able to get out of his chair shows he was in serious pain. He'll have the entire weekend to start heeling. Laughed at how the correspondents "visited" Trevor (especially Roy). Looking at Regina King, two words pop to mind: Super. Sexy. And just a little something to the pro death penalty guy in the second segment: SAYING SORRY FOR EXECUTING AN INNOCENT PERSON ISN'T GONNA CUT IT, YOU BLOODTHIRSTY FUCKING VAMPIRE!!! YOU WANT TO MAKE IT UP?!! START PAYING MILLIONS TO THE FAMILIES OF THE VICTIMS YOU PEOPLE MURDERED, OR FUCK OFF AND GO TO HELL!!!
  16. Yeah, because everyone knows Fox News is "fair and balanced™". (not!)
  17. Get well, Trevor. But I'd be in utter shock if Trevor were to return to the anchor's desk tomorrow night. When they cut you open, remove a piece of you from your body, and sew you back up, I would imagine it would take a lot more than one day to completely recover. Maybe Jon can pinch hit for Trevor (and slowleee backs away).
  18. When one of the CNBC people who questioned the Republican candidates is Rick Santelli, you are loads of stupid in lumping them in with the so-called "liberal media". Between Jordan being denied access to Saturday's Iowa Republican event and Wednesday's debate and fallout from said debate, the Party of Personal Responsibility™ is in need of a serious timeout, and/or a serious diaper change. I just wish, after all that, Trevor would have showed a clip of President Obama laughing at the GOP candidates, saying that if they couldn't handle questions from CNBC, of all fucking places, how are they going to be able to handle Vladimir Putin or China. Get well soon, Trevor.
  19. I so can't wait for Stephen to converse with John Cleese. Will Stephen attempt a silly walk in Cleese's presence?
  20. If the police do their jobs properly and conduct themselves in a professional manner and don't treat certain people as if they're some kind of violent threat, then they have nothing to worry about. Otherwise, they may come off as whiners who now feel like they can't get away with doing something bad to the people they were sworn to "serve and protect".
  21. Stephen looked real good as a vampire. Too bad he couldn't talk with those inserted fangs of his.
  22. Glad I recorded last night's show so that I could FF everything Seth McFarland. Sadly, that meant missing NdGT. But McFarland is too smarmy and obnoxious for me to take. As for the Republican debate the other night, I thought there were good question the moderators asked the candidates. Unfortunately, they reacted as if they were being told their mothers were crack whores instead of giving honest answers as to what their plans are, with Ted Cruz being the most insufferable by far. The very idea of calling CNBC a part of the "liberal media establishment" would be gut busting laughable if a lot of people didn't believe it. And judging by the audience's reaction, they bought it. Hook, line, and sinker.
  23. I have to think CC knew going in that the ratings for TDS under Trevor were going to be less than what they were under Jon. Trevor's replacing someone huge who had a cultural impact on America. That's difficult enough for someone filling in the host's seat who came from another part of the world. Besides, Trevor's been the host for only four weeks now. Not enough time to judge how he's doing in that role. If in a year the rating don't pick up, or start to decline, then we might have concern for Trevor. Larry, on the other hand, I might start to get concerned with.
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