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Victor the Crab

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Everything posted by Victor the Crab

  1. Yes, Sanders can handle being called a socialist. But it's the American voter that has to decide if they want a socialist - not to mention an old Jewish atheist - in the White House (and yes, he's not exactly an atheist, per say, but the right can paint him as one because he's not interested in going to church).
  2. Trevor was spot on in treating those militia cosplayers with the laughable disdain they deserve. I had to laugh in seeing that case of Coors Light they had. Since when do so called Real Red Blooded American Males™ drink light beer? I would think that the best way to "help" these liberty lovers would be to send them pictures of the items they need with you giving them the finger. Symbolic!
  3. For which, Republicans, like Ted Cruz, would answer: "So? You actually got a problem with that?!! Why do you hate America and love tyranny?"
  4. That new Dog on Fire score doesn't do it. It's too laid back. And Trevor doing his own cold opening while standing and moving around is something that we're going to have to get used to. Looks as if he's starting to mold the show to his own.
  5. The whole OJ trial was an eyesore for our society and our culture that I hope something like that would never repeat itself. So I'm wishing that Cosby's trial is done behind closed doors. Although our glorious news infotainment conglomerates, spearheaded by CNN's repulsive Jeff Zucker, will have something obnoxiously to say about that.
  6. According to his latest tweet, Bill will be back on HBO January 15.
  7. Society has shown they want dumb, inoffensive late night television hosted by likewise hosts such as Jay Leno and Jimmy Fallon. But smart, quirky late night hosted by the likes of Craig Ferguson and Stephen? Fuck no! Small wonder we're doomed.
  8. I loved that they showed that slime covered turd Martin Shkreli getting arrested and having to do a perp walk with cameras rolling on him. If anyone deserves the worst kind of karma, it's him. So I'm happy TDS ended the year with that.
  9. Wouldn't have surprised me the least if Jordan went and got smash faced drunk right after having to deal with those Trump ignoramuses, in a desperate attempt to remove all memory. I know I would.
  10. If the incident of Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut three years ago, where 20 children aged 6-7 old were gunned down by an armed madman two weeks to Christmas, wasn't enough to change Americans perspective on firearms, then WHAT THE FUCK WILL?!! Seriously, that should have been the flashpoint for change, instead it went the other way as far as fuck as they can be. I love watching Fox NFL Sunday for years. The reason is that the chemistry within the cast of Terry Bradshaw, Howie Long, and Jimmy Johnston is close to perfect with the combination of entertaining and informative. Michael Strahan joining the group after his retirement managed to enhance that chemistry. His interview with Trevor showed us why.
  11. Someone near and dear to Stephen is going to make a surprise appearance tonight!
  12. I doubt that matters at this point - mostly because Trump has shown he doesn't care what anybody thinks of him. Perhaps asking comedians who wanted Trump to run for the comedy material he'd provide, only to see him turn the entire presidential campaign on its ear to his advantage as he puts the country at embarrassing risk, is the classic case of be careful what you wish for!
  13. What angora said, about last night's show. Trevor was hitting it out. And Hasan had a big, big assist. Trevor looks as if he's gone from innocent, wide eyed newcomer who thinks it's funny the way in which America does its politics to a Jon-esque "Jesus Christ, are you people out of your fucking minds?" mentality in a little over two months. And speaking of Jon, I know it was never going to happen the other night, what with the importance of the Zadroga Bill needing to be extended. But for years, Jon has always wanted to see Donald Trump put his money where his big mouth was and run for president - just for the comic material Trump would provide. Well, just before Jon leaves, Trump finally enters the race, much to Jon's squeezing delight - and sorrow because Trump decides to do this as Jon has one foot out the door. But given how Trump's racist, narcissistic, obnoxious, toxic campaign have completely transformed the presidential race to an ugly and horrific nightmare that the United States may never recover from and have put Trump solidly in the Republican lead for most of his time on the campaign - and may even win him the nomination and, God forbid, the presidency - it might have been interesting if Trevor had asked Jon if he sorrowfully regrets wanting Donald Trump to run for president.
  14. I liked watching "Stephven" reminiscing about the good times they had during their Second City days. But honestly, it felt like an afterthought after their "papa" Jon return to TDS earlier to plead/shame Congress in extending the Zadroga Bill.
  15. Oh how I missed ya Jon (no disrespect, Trev). But I can see why he returned. Extending the Zadroga Bill is far too big an issue to let slip by, considering it was TDS and Jon's voice that gave it the passage it deserved. And when Jon and Trevor talked about reconvening the panel from five years ago, I had a bad feeling it was going to be much smaller. Sadly, it was true. Perhaps this would be a good way to shame and humiliate sociopaths like McConnell and Ryan to pass the bill. But with the influence of the Tea Party in Congress and the Senate, who knows what will happen. I recorded the show last night. Did I miss anything after thirty minutes, like the MoZ? because it stopped recording after that.
  16. I just like to say: YAY, Trevor asked Idris Elba if he would be the next James Bond, like I hoped he would! And WAAAA for not being interested in the role. I sad. :( Loved how Trevor took down the vile obnoxious Ted Cruz and his scheme of becoming president. Looking and listening to his family, one gets the sense they wouldn't want anything to do with him if he weren't family - except for his father, who is stark raving mad. Cruz's ex-roommate in college spoke eloquently about the type of person he is that everybody needs to take heed of. Sorry Lindsey Graham (not), but you lost it by tripping on your own exit. Of course you had no chance to ever become the nominee, much less president, so you should just quit while you're behind.
  17. I'm surprised Michael Strahan hasn't been on more than once before. He seems like someone Jon would have loved to have as a guest, what with him being an ex-New York Giant and such.
  18. Poor Jessica. The future's not that bright upon arriving. As for the competing "hoverboards", lame ass toys that would seem to appeal to douchebags.
  19. Donald Trump is such an obnoxious bully. That's why it was so great of Trevor to pull out the clips of Trump bragging about what a great memory he has after denying he knew anything about the New York Times writer he was mocking.
  20. CARELL, FUCK YEAH!!! 8D Will Stephen get the cast to do something wonderfully offbeat, like perform Breaking Bad in their DA characters like he did on TCR?
  21. I'm just watching the repeat of LSSC from earlier this month, that I did not watch. And there's a couple of things that need to be said: Paul "Tad" Dinello as himself on LSSC = Paul "Tad" Dinello the building inspector on TCR. Daniel Craig spoofing himself on LSSC trying to get a rental car is massively awesome! Good luck to Idris Elba, or whomever replaces Craig a the next Bond in coming up with that! Stephen making Dr. Eugenia Cheng adorable is awesome.
  22. Maybe Trevor can ask Idris Elba what the odds are of him becoming the next James Bond.
  23. I can't believe there's a lobby group that exists to keep the penny around in the United States. Would people have lobbied to keep the 8-track cassette around? They need to throw in the towel and surrender because the benefits of getting rid of it far outweigh keeping it, as we in Canada have discovered. Anybody know when LWT will return?
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