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Victor the Crab

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Everything posted by Victor the Crab

  1. Watching the way Craig Ferguson bantered with Stephen shows how much I miss CraigyFerg on late night.
  2. LWT returns with a bang and a boom. I'm glad they got rid of that douchebag Zuckerberg in the opening credits. I just wish they could have found a way to include Janice from Accounting under the title Fuckis Nongivus. The hypocrisy shown by these Republican advocates of voter ID laws is stunning. You think they would show remorse for what they've done and pay a price for it. But nope, it just business as usual for these asshats while regular people suffer from their gross crassness. A few weeks ago watching TLSwSC, Stephen showed a photoshopped image of a knife wielding crab in his Friday Night Fights segment. Who knew a video of an actual knife wielding crab really did exist? The best part of that New Zealand dildo segment was that they freeze framed it to show the guy looking as if he was enjoying him some manmeat. Careful what you wish for indeed.
  3. And TNS and Real Time. :P At least we'll have Ollie and Samantha and Stephen to talk about it, I hope!
  4. Looking forward to Monday's show, and not just because Stephen will have CraigyFerg on as one of his guest. I want to see what he has to say about the death of Supreme Court justice and hairy ass for a body Antonin Scalia.
  5. I hope Ollie gives us a "Fuckyoulogy" tonight after the death of Supreme Court justice and giant anal wart Antonin Scalia. >:D
  6. Samantha's style was too bang-bang and a little over the top for the TDS hosting duties (not to mention she had to do interviews on each show). It needed someone with more nuance and detail, which Trevor has shown more than capable of. Samantha's new TBS show has been tailor made to fit her style perfectly.
  7. Samantha will be fine with this show she created. Her manic style showed she would have been ill suited to host TDS (especially since she would have had to conduct interviews, which this show does not). She was like a machine gun rat-a-tat-a-tatting the humor, whereas TDS gives us a more nuanced, detailed account of the funny. Trevor was better at explaining the RNC debate in a very humorous way last night than Samantha did, with no knock against her as her opening segment was pretty funny.
  8. Her show is on here in Canada at 10:30PM Eastern time on Comedy Network, just before TDS, so I'll be tuning in.
  9. From two days ago: I hear people complaining about how Trevor laughs at his own jokes. But I think he generally laughed at repeating the Groundhogs Day story because it was fucking hilarious. And I loved how Roy went into full diaper baby mode when finding out the story he had to cover dealt with racism. Especially considering the people he was whining to were adult film superstars. And I thought Ronny delivered his best TDS piece yet. And as far as DeMarcus Cousins is concerned, THE FUUUCK?!! The NBA has been marketing itself to Asia - and specifically to China- for a decade now. From staging season opening games, to teams printing out their nicknames in Chinese on their uniforms. Perhaps Cousins should learn more about why teams like his are doing these promotions before making a fool of himself.
  10. I'm no law expert, but I'd imagine TDS, via CC and Viacom, wouldn't want to accuse Fiorina of having her words be the reason behind the PP killings for fear of being sued by her - and she does come off as a vengeful vindictive type that would do just that. Unless the PP shooter actually comes out and admits that her words and rhetoric were what drove him to go on his killing spree, they'll need to play it very safe. I'm more partial to Rose myself.
  11. ISIS is having problems? AWWWWW, poor widdle murderous monsters. I hope they continue to get what's coming to them, like a SEAL Team Six catfishing, as Trevor suggested. I too laughed at all the titles like "jihotties" and "no fatwas". I've seen a lot of disturbing photoshop images on TDS over the years. But the one last night of Bernie Sanders doing Nicki Minaj's Anaconda might have been the most stomach turning one yet, which is saying something. I can only imagine the graphics guy who had to do that was curled up in a ball afterwards, crying out loud "WHYYYYYYYY?? WHYYYYYYYY??"
  12. Carly Fiorina has blood on her hands with the whole PP shooting incident. Now there's this despicable act where she lures pre schoolers to a booth to explain abortion to them. Yet she struts around thinking her shit don't stink. The good news is that she's at a point in the primaries where you need a microscope to view her polling numbers. The sooner she's gone the better. What the fuck is wrong with these homophobes who want to deny gay couples the same basic rights and benefits as straight couples? The Supreme Court says you lost, asshats. And as for God, SEPERATION...OF...CHURCH...AND...STATE!!! Double whammy. Now move it or lose it!
  13. I like what Trevor has done for TDS. I wasn't sure I would when he took over from Jon, but he started to make a believer out of me when he made comparisons between Donald Trump and any African dictator. His accents are both brilliant and hysterical. If there's a downside, it's that he can't seem to be convincing as an authority figure to his correspondents the way Jon was, but that's not really Trevor's fault. All in all, the show's in good hands with him.
  14. I had heard about the eyebrow raising seal of Whitesboro, New York a while ago through different media outlets. But I had no idea TDS was instigating this. Taking into full account the origins of the town, you would think the civic leaders there would come up with a new seal for their town that wouldn't look eye and jaw droppingly stupid on their part - the upwards handlock between a white settler and a Native American looks perfect, and the one where both of them are beating up a British redcoat would satisfy the lizard part of my brain. Good thing they're deciding to come up with a new one. First victory for Trevor.
  15. Nice to see Trevor enjoy Sarah Palin's incoherent word salad cranked up to eleven. I doubt he'll enjoy it once his ears start to bleed like a normal person's would.
  16. Just the idea of banning Donald Trump from entering a country, like the U.K., because of the vile shit that comes out of his mouth is stupid and childish. Now making fun of him and laughing at him, in the manner that the Brits are world renowned for, I wholeheartedly approve! Roy has been my favourite of the new correspondents, and his piece last night showed why. Desi annoys me to no end, and Ronny just seems out of place.
  17. Wouldn't it be funny if Tuesday's TBD turned out to be President Obama, given how whinny privileged crybaby Bill Maher has been using (abusing) the White House's petition website to get the president on Real Time?
  18. Amazing that Trevor talks about Bernie Sanders' poll numbers climbing in Iowa and New Hampshire and nobody in the basically liberal audience erupted in a cheering frenzy as if they were teenage girls at a Bieber concert. Ah well, it doesn't matter. As stats guru Nate Silver pointed out last July, Sanders can win both Iowa and New Hampshire and still lose the Democratic nomination to Hillary Clinton. After watching Al's piece, my feelings for John McCain went from dislike to HATE!!!!! Didn't bother watching the interview with Fox News pissdrop Greg Gutfield. And from the looks of things I didn't miss anything. As I said before, Gutfield would never have come on if Jon were still the host, because Jon wouldn't have put up with his shit.
  19. Funny, but I don't seem to recall anyone being annoyed at any of Stephen's song and dance routines when he was hosting TCR. But now that he's hosting his own network show, it's all about his ego. Well I guess nobody can hold a candle to the talented entertainment juggernaut that is Jimmy Fallon (PUUUUKE!).
  20. Dear Trevor, Please do not remind us good Canadian folks that Ted Cruz was born on Our Home and Native Land™. We have enough trouble distancing ourselves from Justin Bieber. Thank you. I floved Dalia Mogahed last night. I let out a big laugh after she explained to Trevor why she freely wears a hijab. She would have looked better if she wore the Stars and Stripes as a hijab (of course that would have been overdoing it on her part). Late last year, Keith Olbermann was on Real Time with Bill Maher answering Bill's question about why MSNBC's TV ratings were so poor. Olbermann answered that its wireless digital audience was blowing the competition away amongst its desired young demographics. Millenials are getting more of their news and entertainment from their smartphones and laptops, and less from television sources like cable and satellite. This is where the future is taking us, for better or for worse. If Trevor's digital ratings are 40% higher than Jon's, then he should have no concerns about CC believing they made a mistake in replacing him with Jon. If those ratings were similar or worse, then he should be having a few sleepless nights.
  21. Brilliant! Trevor was brilliant in discussing President Obama's executive order on background checks for gun sales. He had me laughing at all the silly stuff he was doing at the beginning - like telling the doughy douche Ted Cruz to buy pens at a site called Penisland - but then showed some range when Obama wept over the senseless loss of young lives over gun violence, and at the callousness of the right's reaction, showing some real anger at the likes of Andrea Tantaros, whom somebody needs to check to see if she's got a broomstick shoved deep up her ass. The new year's been to good to Trevor so far. If you pay four figures for a pair of sneakers, then you're a fucking idiot! Do you wear them or do you put them in a display case to show off to people? I get by with a pair that cost me $50 and they would last me as long as those overrated, overpriced monstrosities because I have a right foot that's a half inch longer than the left and I get blisters there everytime I try and break in a new pair.
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