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Victor the Crab

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Everything posted by Victor the Crab

  1. Al Franken is a fine politician, but we tend to forget how successful he was as a comedian and comedy writer. His tete-a-tete with Samantha at the end was the best part of what was quite a depressing show.
  2. What is "covfefe"? I'm going to go out on a limb and say it's the new "rosebud". But instead of a sled, it's a gold plated golf cart. All will be told at the end of Citizen Drumph.
  3. I wish Ollie hadn't of given us a condensed version of the TSA piece they were planning. It would be rather important for anyone who does a lot of flying. Especially given that summer vacation period will soon be upon us. Perhaps he should follow Trevor's lead on TDS and come up with his own version of "Ain't Got Time For That" when talking about Drumph.
  4. I am SOOOOO hoping Ollie delivers a "fuckyoulogy" to Roger Ailes before they take a week's hiatus.
  5. Loved Ronnie's segment from the other night. His Today's Future Now is something I look forward to. And I loved Trevor's smackdown of Fox News' defending the indefensible Drumph. Timely now given the death this morning of Roger Ailes, which I'm certain Trevor will cover before they go on a week break.
  6. Ollie sounded like a Scandinavian trying to impersonate a Canadian. Our best to you, AlwaysWatching.
  7. As a Canadian citizen, I would just like to say: "Ollie, you trying to do a Canadian accent sucks moose balls, eh? We expect an apology from you in a-boot six days for when you tape your next show, eh?" And I'm with Lantern7 in suggesting Ollie bring in Jon to fire breathe all over that pizza genocidist Bill English. Eating pizza with a knife and fork seem quaint and cute when compared to that blight on nature, pineapple and canned spaghetti on a pizza (btw, pineapple itself on pizza is a blight on nature IMHO!). Why not? It's on HBO, so Jon can let loose with all the swear words to his heart's content without worrying about his language being bleeped.
  8. Sooooo, what are the chances Trevor will, tonight, bring up Drumph firing Comey just now?
  9. Now we just have to worry about the upcoming German elections, which will be much bigger than the one in France.
  10. Drumph's snowflakes are really having a hard time right now. XD
  11. Using a blowjob metaphor to describe how Putin helped Drumph into the White House, which now seems to have the appearance of Drumph being beholden to the Russian strongman, is NOT the same as say calling Anderson Cooper "fag" or attempting to deny gays their hard fought rights, which Drumph's pick for Attorney General Jeff Sessions seems wanting to do. Great destruction of that obnoxious oaf Drumph by Stephen.
  12. Does anyone really know what Obama said in his speech to Wall Street that has everyone's undies in a bunch? This is the same attitude that dogged Hillary Clinton during her campaign run. Do far left liberals think the two of them tell their audience "We fooled the people good into thinking we're on their side, BWAH-HA-HA-HA-HAAAAA!!!" It's obvious Ann Coulter saw what happened to that Milo douche at Berkeley early this year and declared "I gots to have me some of that martyrdom". Thus, mission accomplished! It's good that someone like Trevor saw through the real reason for Coulter's attempted speaking gig at Berkeley, unlike some so-called satirists - I'M LOOKING AT YOU BILL MAHER, YOU BUTTERFACED ASSWIPE!
  13. It says so much about Drumph that the guy impersonating and mocking him gets boos from the audience.
  14. And Putin and his army of internet trolls will do whatever it takes to see that Le Pen wins the runoff.
  15. Gilbert Gottfried's voice over of one of Jared Kushner's rare televised interviews was the hilarious, belly laughing remedy needed for a rather depressing show. Ollie played it three times during the show, including at the very end, and it's still fuckin' funny. XD I think another reason why Kushner and his sweetheart in corruption and conflict of interest Ivanka escape scrutiny from the lazy Liberally Biased Mainstream Media™ is that they are a youthful photogenic couple who "can't do anything wrong" because "they're so beautiful (sigh!)". Ollie wasn't just kidding about comparing them to William and Kate, if for that reason alone. Being beautiful and fit looking seems to get you quite far and get away with things in this society. If they looked fat and ugly, you think the LBMM™ would be swooning over them? From the looks of it, these apples don't look like they fall far from the trees when you know who their fathers are. Another great Good Riddance! Goodbye Bill O'Reilly send off, but with the non censured version of his meltdown. >:D
  16. Trevor really did capture the pure essence that is Bill O'Reilly, with all the hate, anger, and ignorance on full display. The thing to keep in mind though is that this changes nothing overall. People think you're cutting off a wart when all you're doing is removing a malignant tumor that's just going to continue to grow. In O'Reilly's place, Tucker "Dick" Carlson will move up an hour, while ball of saturated slime Eric Bolling will take over Carlson's time slot. And Sean Hannity remains in place being Sean Hannity; the worst excuse of humanity known to life. The cancer will keep on spreading. There's a small Canadian mining town in Northern Ontario that, in 1908, decided to name itself Swastika, after the Sanskrit symbol of good luck used centuries before that. As World War II loomed, there was considerable pressure from across the province to have the name changed to something more patriotic, the way the city of Berlin, Ontario was changed to Kitchener after famed British field marshal Herbert Kitchener in the middle of World War I. The town was to be renamed Winston after British Prime Minister Winston Churchill. But the townsfolk rose up and told the province to take their request and stick it where the sun doesn't shine, famously declaring: "TO HELL WITH HITLER, WE HAD THE NAME FIRST!!!" It's a shame the Nazis and the KKK don't get sued to the hilt for copyright violations.
  17. It was good to see Ollie open the show by mocking Sean Spicer's massive brainfuck last week. All shows that have been off this past week need to do this, because Spicer deserves it. Anyone wonder if Putin has his Russian trolls attempting to sway the French election?
  18. It's moments like THIS that make you ask "Why do late night shows like TDS have to be off this week?!!" :(
  19. A little odd Ollie would be saying that Americans have every right to fuck up any election without gerrymandering. Isn't that how Drumph became president in the first place? Ugh! Knowing Bill O'Reilly wrote an erotic novel is sickening. But that he narrated an audio book of it makes it worse. He sounds more like a creepy stalker. God, I want to punch Brian Williams in the mouth. Thankfully, Ollie punched harder by reminding Williams that he didn't have any war experiences in Iraq. And that tribute to Don Rickles didn't look right. It made it sound like he was going to burn in hell.
  20. Exactly! Although, instead of a pillow, I wished Samantha would have spittle screamed into the faces of James Comey and Chuck Todd.
  21. Dear Home Box Office. STOP RUNNING PROMOS THAT CUT DEEPLY INTO THE START OF OUR SHOWS, YOU ASSHOLES!!! Long running promos for shows The Leftovers and Crashing moved more than two minutes into the start time of LWT, resulting in cutting off a good chunk of Ollie's final segment and ruining it for those who PVR the show for the next day! Do we have to come over to HBO's main office and silly smack all you walking dingleberries until you swear not to do it again? SMARTEN UP!!!
  22. The reason Drumph doesn't want to throw out the first pitch? Tiny hands and flabby chicken arms. That and the crowd booing him mercilessly, which is something his tender snowflake psyche can't handle.
  23. Too bad LWT isn't on this week. Would have loved to have seen Ollie's reaction to the spectacle of Drumph, Ryan and the entire Republican party failing miserably over attempting to repeal Obamacare and replacing it with Dontgiveacare.
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