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  1. I feel like the day I just spent half listening to catch up on this was all worth it for the Dee Dee, Steve, and Zoe scene where Dee Dee and Zoe explode into shouting in each other’s face, but most especially for the 2 seconds where Dee Dee yells “fuck you, Steve!” Poor Steve, but I cackled. Completely ridiculous and amazing. I have to say a hearty fuck you to Sam, don’t care at all about his journey while he’s scamming his wife and working on blowing up his kid’s life. And sorry, but Vernon is such a cliche. You met his wife dude! Extra gross. This storyline’s a bust for me, especially seeing Dee Dee dealing with the mess left behind. I get the intention may have been to help the audience understand Dee Dee’s husband, but it just made me dislike them both more. Though at least with Dee Dee’s husband there was more than 1 minute of talking to the other dude so there was allegedly some sort of connection between the two beyond the awkward, chemistryless flirting of Sam/Vernon. Another fuck you to John. It sucks that Lacey is dismissive of him and his feelings, certainly not healthy or a new occurrence following the accident, but his wife and nephew are grieving. If his pain over losing his wife’s family is so overwhelming, it’s nothing compared to theirs. God, the showrunners really didn’t give a thought to his character. To the people that said this should have been the Dee Dee show, I 100% agree. It wouldn’t have broken any new ground, but Connie Britton just has a way of keeping you interested. Her character can be self absorbed, ultra privileged, overbearing, and clueless sometimes but I never thought about fast forwarding.
  2. I’d watch a second season too, but dear god can they please drop that random, lame Leia/Nate nonsense. Did I miss any level of foreshadowing there since I was only background watching? They didn’t have any sort of connection, while Leia/Jay actually seemed cute and had a little chemistry. Also, Nate as a character just didn’t work for me even outside of that last minute attempt at a twist. If they wanted a better (albeit cliched) twist, they probably should have switched it around so Leia/Nate had a sweet innocent crush type thing at the beginning of the season, then Leia and Jay’s better chemistry comes through to end the season. I actually really liked the wacky neighbor lady. Fond memories of Better off Ted came flooding back. This cast doesn’t have the spark or chemistry of the original cast (nor the writing unfortunately), but I saw progress at the end of the season. No real laughs from the kids’ antics, but definitely some amusement. More than anything, I was really there to watch Upstairs People scenes though.
  3. 100% agreed here. Do I think I the show is firing on all cylinders or would I want to be anywhere near them in real life? No, but their awfulness still makes me laugh. I’m not looking for a morality play here. I think they strike a fine enough line between too awful to watch vs. awful but entertaining Eliza Coupe in particular is great at being an unrepentant, oblivious asshole. Maggie Q’s character full on sprinting to get her super important 6 minute mile while her friends are caught up in their own conversation cracked me up. I even like Ginnifer Goodwin cheating on her putz of a husband (the trainer is just enough of a hot doofus that it works for me). No one is making good decisions but I’m here for it.
  4. Michael is the most infuriatingly bland character. All this crazy shit happens to him, but he’s just not compelling enough to hold people’s attention, so they have to resort to tossing even more shit at him. Also, his final interaction with Willow today was so infantilizing. Like shouldn’t you actually talk about how Willow held back super important information instead of sweeping it under the rug as just her being the victim of Nina’s manipulation? It’s like the writers want to make it seem like he’s supportive and their relationship is so healthy, but it’s actually just him overlooking any agency, feelings, faults, etc., that she has. The brother/sister chemistry also doesn’t help. What a miserable pairing. Does this show actually think punching a senior citizen with all your might is anything other than gross as hell, or do they hate Michael just as much as I do? Even if his weak baby punch barely seemed to have any effect, I can’t believe anyone thinks this is leading man material. I have hated Carly for over 25 years now, and I really don’t want to have to deal with characters inevitably fawning over her to talk about how strong she is to deal with her husband’s lies and infidelity blah blah blah. Sonny was surprisingly interesting today. If this were a better soap, I’d be intrigued to see how he works through those feelings about Nina. Knowing GH, however, I expect way too much groveling to Carly and apologizing to snot faced Michael and Joss, and little to no introspection by any party womp womp
  5. I stopped watching in disgust right when they were pivoting toward the Michael/Willow pairing (I see I didn’t miss much there) and only just started up again. I know this isn’t a hot take on this board by any means, but I really don’t understand what other people find appealing in Carly and now Michael’s special brand of entitled shouty asshole. The caveman like rigidity of opinion and smugness is so off putting when they can’t back it up with any hint of charisma or likability. They’re such repugnant characters, I’m siding with the guy who basically kidnapped a baby for Christ’s sake. i think one of the many problems with Michael and Willow (beyond Willow seemingly losing any sense of self) is a fundamental misunderstanding of what made Chase and Willow work. Willow just isn’t that compelling a character, and Michael is dry and bland in a way the CEO son of a mob boss really shouldn’t be. It was always the chemistry Willow had specifically with Chase, who is all sorts of adorable and charming on his own, that drew me in. Those two sparked (with Chase putting in 95% of the work), even if their storylines weren’t always the best. I hated the idea of Chase being paired with BLQ because she honestly was veering toward that overbearing Carly-like dbag blowhard territory, but I haven’t minded her the past few days so I guess I’m interested in seeing what they do there. My standards are so very low…
  6. I effing loved the principal. Just my favorite brand of unapologetically narcissistic and ridiculous. I cackled at almost every one of her lines. I remember Quinta from Buzzfeed, she was definitely one of my favorites so it makes me super happy that she's on tv. Her reaction face has always been top notch, and she plays the wide eyed optimist so well. I really loved the premiere, but I refuse to accept that Tyler James Williams is grown up and has abs.
  7. God, Michael sucks. Chase was thoroughly charming throughout, but Michael is just not compelling in any way. Do the writers hate Michael and that’s why they write him as a sad sack who manipulates women into marrying him (what he did to Willow after she learned her own baby died was gross) and knees people in the nads when he’s feeling insecure? This is our leading man? Just give his screen time to Chase, who at least seems to be trying to do something with the shit material he’s given. Poor Trina. I like the actress a lot and she actually squeezed an emotion or two out of me, but I agree temp Taggert doesn’t have the same mien real Taggert has. Real Taggert would have been a bit more commanding. Jason and his dumbass huge shiny gun bother me. Wouldn’t you think he would carry a less conspicuous gun for when he needs to murder people? Green Light + Gun as a signal is hilarious. These mobsters are so lame.
  8. Sonny and Jason talking about Karen hurts my heart. Jagger/Karen were a bit before my time, but I'm YouTube diving into their storyline and am at the end of 1992. Seeing where she is at the end of 1992 vs. where I know she'll be in a few months' worth of videos bums me out. Sonny is such a piece of shit. Men feeling bad about their actions toward women after the fact because they associate them with their daughters is so cringy, too. If I thought this would lead anywhere, maybe I'd care, but Sonny's been down this road before and he's still the same old sack of shit, so whatever. Chase is the one character I actually care about. He's got such a nice face, and even when he's at his dumbest I root for him over everyone else. Imagine how charismatic you have to be to make Willow of all characters even slightly interesting! I stopped watching for a bit when I saw where Michael and Willow were heading ("you're such a good person" "no you're such a good person" and repeat ad infinitum), but I'm back now that Willow might be able to leave the Corinthos sinkhole. They're not even that interesting a couple, but Chase is such a good leading man I can't help but find them cute. I hate Jason's hair right now and hate the idea of pairing him with Britt. Can anything make Jason (or Sonny or Carly) interesting at this point?
  9. I don't really watch talk shows much, but Drew Barrymore getting her own show intrigued me. I haven't really tracked her career , but I feel like Drew Barrymore is too good for this world. I want to protect her and shield her from any and all criticism because she seems so earnest and like she just wants to put good out into the universe (please no one ruin that impression for me!). I didn't mind the show at all, and it made me laugh out loud a fair amount (though admittedly that was sometimes because some parts were so bonkers). Sometimes I had to watch through metaphorical fingers covering my eyes because of the threat of second hand embarrassment, but I was entertained in some manner throughout. Very different from Busy Philips's show, but I'm hoping this one improves just like Busy's did as Drew gets more comfortable and the show settles in (I was legitimately sad when Busy's show ended).
  10. Can anyone clarify the pronunciation of Liz’s last name? I would assume it would be spelled Orteco, not Ortecho, based on the way it’s been pronounced. I don’t know why, but the picture of Rosa with the handprint on her face was really unsettling to me. The developments in her death have been really interesting, when I thought it would be the most boring part of the show. I have to admit I laughed at Max’s sadbang face at the end there.
  11. I liked it just fine. I didn’t really notice the discrepancy between Nathan Fillion’s age and the age of the character, but it kept bothering me how his age kept getting brought up, especially by the guy who wants him gone. Wouldn’t that be considered discriminatory? Aren’t people over 40 a protected class?
  12. Dean is so one note and annoying. Barrett Doss’s character is pretty much the only one I don’t hate, beside Maya when she’s not blowing smoke up Andy’s butt. I might actually enjoy a crossover pairing if they were to explore Hughes with Deluca (please no more Maggie adoration from Dean, its so awkward and forced). The most annoying part of the show (after the kid) was Andy speaking in Spanish after not hearing what she wants to hear. Even if he didn’t understand Spanish, he should understand muttering under your breath using that tone doesn’t mean anything good!
  13. I wanted Molly to live and I’m pissed she didn’t. That’s pretty much all I got for this episode.
  14. Am I not understanding the Paris of 2001, or is it kind of ridiculous that someone with Suleiman’s experience (Credit Suisse intern, published papers on banking, etc.) couldn’t get any job other than falafel seller? Not even, like, bank teller or something? Perhaps in some other country if the “stain” of where he lives is too great in Paris? Jack Ryan is kind of the least interesting part of the show, which makes me sad as a Krasinski fan. Hanin is amazing though. Every scene with her leaves me anxious.
  15. That’s exactly where I am. Every time it started to veer in that direction, I cringed. He just seems to play a similar role in Ruth’s life as in Justine’s, unwilling mentor of sorts, with the added bonus of working well together and putting a better product together than apart. I just don’t see the romantic connection/chemistry. The camera guy is much more of an equal romantic partner, especially after seeing Sam treat Ruth like shit in the beginning of the second season. Sam’s more like the skeevy uncle than the love interest. No thanks to any sort of romance between them. I love romances, I’m usually the kind of person to cheer them on, but I’m just not seeing that here. With that rant out of the way, I do love their friendship and professional relationship, especially when he would make comments about her being hated in the first season. He’s not there to care about your feelings, he’ll tell you the truth to get the best out of you, etc. It’s an interesting dynamic that really doesn’t need a gross romance tacked on.
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