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Everything posted by angelamh66

  1. Gee, Spicer and his followers are really sticking it to Hollyweird by getting... Sailor eliminated??? Ugh. I don’t think she could have won but she should have lasted longer than stompy spicey. We are at the point in the season where I just have to decide the few couples I actually would be disappointed to lose... it is James/Emma and Kate/Pasha. Otherwise I’ll just be too annoyed at Spicer outlasting people who should be staying over him. I wish the lights hadn’t been so nuts in James’s dance. To me it actually detracted from how good it was.
  2. I kind of loved Georgia’s rant at the end. She’s absolutely correct. The U.K. team needs to worry about winning challenges first and foremost. They made the right moves for that to maybe happen. So Cara and her little posse can suck it. I think I find it easier to root for the U.K. because I have less experience with them and thus do not yet fully understand the potential depths of their awfulness. Whereas I’ve spent years watching the idiots on the US squad show their ass.
  3. So I guess it’s ok for LeAnne to yell the f word and point in Cary’s face?? Is that right Kam? Kam stood there and just let that happen. Hypocrite! Also Kameron is exhausting. Steph tried. Kameron doesn’t hear anything because she never stops talking.
  4. Looks like Heather DuBrow saw the trashy writing on the wall and bailed in time. I just cannot imagine her on this trip. Her head would have rightly exploded.
  5. Tamra might as well get a producer credit at this point because she is pulling all the strings on the drah-ma. Why are they all so damn loud all the time? Shannon and Tamra are always on volume 11. Gina continues to suck. Although old dancing on the bar at Andeles Vicki is comically hypocritical, I would have wanted out of that sh*t show too. There is a difference between letting loose and having a good time with your friends versus making an all out spectacle of yourselves.
  6. I have liked Turbo but I am very aware that it is likely because he doesn’t say much due to the language barrier. I do sense that if he could make himself more clear, he would probably be Paulie/Bananas level arrogant. With a dash of misogyny on top.
  7. Gee I just love people who say they are being attacked anytime a person dare criticize their behavior. I’m looking at you Kam. Poor Stephanie was just trying to tell her how she felt, and I guess because she wasn’t blowing sunshine up Queen Westcott’s ass, Stephanie was “attacking” her. Ugh.
  8. Dear Bravo, I do NOT need to see any more of these HoWives having vaginal procedures ever ever again. The bizarre fascination with this is perplexing. I mean, do what you need to do, but maybe without the film crew. Just saying. Also no way is Emily 191 lbs. I would have guessed 150 tops. It makes no sense unless she is much taller than I think she is. Also, also STFU Gina. She is just looking for reasons to be mad at Emily. I’m surprised that cross necklace Tamra was wearing didn’t burn right into her skin. Evil.
  9. Spicer is just going to Bristol Palin his way to the semifinals. Puke. I don’t even watch him. I refuse. If I was a contestant or one of the pros I would be annoyed that Len gets booed and cut off when he very likely has something useful to say. I was glad Bruno said what he said.
  10. I could not agree more. Absolutely horrible. I admire her athleticism, but damn she is hard to look at.
  11. I don’t think Brandy is gunning for Leanne or takes pleasure is separating her from the group. I think she just plain and simply does not like the woman and would prefer not to deal with her. And frankly, who could blame her. Leanne would be utterly exhausting to deal with. I wish Deandra would have responded to Leanne’s face the way she did in the talking head interview. Leanne: “Do I want to be pitied?” Deandra (in person): “No.” Deandra (in talking head): “Yes.”
  12. Josh may be the most annoying human in this competition, but Paulie reminded us all that he’s just an angry short dude. With Bananas out of the way, I can fully root for Leroy. I just never could when he was aligned with Bananas. I want to like Ninja, but she works my nerves. When Dee was crying at the bar, Ninja was sooooo dramatic about asking the guys to step away for a minute. Take a breath Ninja.
  13. Anyone else catch Len telling Ally not to touch him after she high-fived him. I found it hilarious and awkward as hell. I can’t say I blame him. I hate when Carrie hugs the contestants. But maybe that’s just me... I’m like people Teflon.
  14. The shot at American kids was comedically effective, but the premise was faulty. He just conveniently forgets the Parkland students who really took the gun control debate by the horns.
  15. I usually like Barney Frank, but he needed to take a big ol breath tonight. He would not shut up. Rothman is a tool. New Rules was absolutely spot on and hilarious. That Roseanna Arquette tweet was next level ridiculous.
  16. I hate Paulie with the fire of a thousand suns, but damn that was satisfying. I do think it was weird that TJ told Johnny he messed up. Wouldn’t it have made more sense to let him get to the end, then tell him. I mean it’s not like anyone told Ninja or Laurel when they missed a peg last week. Just more special treatment for their star. Dontcha know he IS the Challenge. Just ask him, he’ll tell you.
  17. In what universe is Sean getting the same score as Karamo from Len? In what universe is Sean not in the bottom 2? He has zero charm.
  18. There is not one wholly likeable person on this show. They all have their a-hole moments. Heck, I don't even always root against Bananas (although mostly I do). I guess my Bananas hate is powerful enough for me to root for an alliance that involves Jordan and Paulie. Barf. Although if he and Laurel hadn't thrown the challenge I might have been on their side.
  19. Count me among those who agree with Blake about releasing the messages. Why didn't Caelynn catch more heat for fabricating the story in the first place? She was hurt?? Well, then once the footage aired she should have publicly admitted she was lying. Then Blake has no need to defend himself. Geez... this bitch. I was so rooting for Katie and Chris but she needs to bail. He is so withholding. Yikes.
  20. Am I a bad American if I’m rooting for the Brits? They might also be awful people but I just don’t know that yet. As opposed to years of watching the US team and not a truly likable one in the bunch now that Wes is gone. Maybe Nany but she’s the weakest female for sure so she won’t last long.
  21. Josh is an idiot. He’s cannon fodder when the US finally loses a challenge.
  22. What is up with Tori and Jordan’s way of speaking. Like they’re from the streets or something. Such try hards. I really wish that catapult thingy would have launched Jordan all the way off this show. Ugh.
  23. I’m sure the mommy police will be all over Brandi for saying her daughter was acting like a shithead, but it cracked me up. Kids frequently behave like shitheads. Might as well call it as you see it.
  24. It would not make one bit of difference in the divorce if she got his cruelty on camera. It's a no fault divorce state and spouses aren't penalized financially for bad behavior (unless its financial misconduct).
  25. JPJ is one of those people who just should have stayed home. His image benefited from mystery. Now its obvious he is a red flag-a-palooza. Say what you want about Derek, but at least he said it was Tayshia's decision to make.
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