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Everything posted by motorcitymom65

  1. Kyle is coming back. She announced it on Twitter a month or so ago. Not that it was big news. Bravo sent her to the Up Fronts in May, and since they only send a few gals, it was clear she would be back when they did that (they also sent Yo and Kim, which again gave away the fact that they would be back). Also, they have already filmed her "White Party" this year, which is where I believe we will first get a glimpse of Lisa R.
  2. Yea, except she does know that Tamra is a liar, so why the look of extreme shock? She knows she lied about telling Heather about the text, and she knows she lied when she denied ever telling her that Terry said he wanted to "take them down". Other folks might not have agreed, but she knows it to be the case. She has also heard Tamra talk shit about Heather since pretty much their first meeting, so she also knows that Tamra is a disloyal friend. She might be shocked to hear other folks admitting it, but in the preview, she looks like the news that Tamra is a terrible person is a big revelation to her.
  3. God, I would love to see that again. I may have to invest some time and watch that season again. It is even funnier if you remember the first time Ramona really showed her ass on this show - which was the dinner party where Alex brought Simon. As Ramona went bat-shit crazy, she said that the reason she was so upset was because she never got to have a night out like that. She was always at home being a mother to Avery, and so a planned night out with the gals was a nice treat for her. Then of course she left the party early because she had some friends she was meeting for drinks. I always wondered why Lu never called her out on her hypocrisy with regard to the whole "weekend mother" deal. In the one season mentioned above it became clear that Ramona was not the hands on mom she made herself out to be. If you are at all involved in your child's life you know all about them taking the SAT's. That was some funny shit. I hope Lu makes up for it at the reunion.
  4. Of course Tamra is not fired. Not to say that she won't be, but there is zero chance Bravo would make this decision and let it out in any fashion prior to the season finale and the reunion. Zero. Tamra is horrible - the most horrible HW in the history of the franchise. She is also probably the most loyal HW Bravo has ever had up until recently. She has stirred up a lot of shit and she has pissed a lot of folks off, but she has always taken 100% responsibility for it. Probably the only good thing I have ever had to say about Tamra is that she doesn't blame production when she comes off looking badly like some of the other ladies do. It has been said over the years that she gets along very well with production, shows up when she is suppose to, and doesn't act like a diva during filming. She can be counted on to bring the drama, and fuel the fire on social media. She is exactly what Bravo wanted until recently. I think, however, that they will tell her to knock it off and they will bring her back. It would appear that she is going through a lot of shit with the custody deal, and I think that in the end, Bravo will reward what was her loyalty to all things Bravo because they think the stress might have been too much. As someone mentioned above, Brandi didn't get fired over the salary reveal, and it was a bigger deal. No one actually believes that some of the stuff we see on this show is not producer-driven fuckery, but the salaries are a different story. Bravo has gone to the end of the earth to keep this private. Stories are written about it, but it is always just speculation because Bravo will confirm nothing and HW's - even ones that were long ago fired - don't really talk about it. Brandi said that after she gave up that info, she was basically yelled at by every VIP at Bravo, and she was assigned a network lawyer who had to be present at every interview she did. That had to be a pain in the ass for them, but they kept her any way.
  5. I think they all say it and I hate it as well, but I also get what they are saying. I cannot recall Lu saying it, but Ramona said it about Lu when Sonja was telling them about the whole Harry deal. Ramona was explaining to Kristen that Lu is not the kind of gal you can trust because she is not a "girls girl". I don't think that Carole or Heather will really go after Ramona in any major way simply because they do like her. They think she is nuts, and will call her out, but at the end of the day I think they both care about her. Carole especially cares about Ramona. Carole wrote quite movingly in her first blog this year about how her relationship with Ramona grew over their break. She said she got to know her and meet her friends, and that she understood her better. She was supportive of Ramona for most of the season. She was the one to check on her when she was packing, the one walking with her in the woods, the one who took her to the airport. She was at the intervention, but hardly participated. I think they have an actual bond, and since Heather wasn't at the same place with Ramona, it is clear to me that Heather doesn't "make" Carole do anything. If she did, Carole wouldn't have become closer to Ramona while Heather continued to keep Ramona at arms length. I don't think, however, that either one of them love Ramona as they do Lu. Their loyalty will ultimately lie with Lu and they will make it clear they are on her side.
  6. Simon alleged that Tamra was unfaithful when he filed for divorce. I am assuming he was referring to Eddie, as he said later that he felt very betrayed by someone who he had once considered a friend. http://www.realitytea.com/tag/tamra-barney-cheating/
  7. Ordinarily I would agree with this, but not in this instance. Was the fact that Lu and the Count supposedly had an open marriage ever part of the show? Not that I am aware, yet Ramona felt fine in going there. She seemed to enjoy humiliating Lu. Based on rumors. That most of the audience was unaware of at the time. Ramona's deal was no rumor. Oh, maybe the part about him cheating, who knows? The part about her obtaining legal representation and filing legal documents to dump his ass is a matter of public record. If Ramona can address a rumor, others can address a matter of fact. The funny part about all of this is that the gals said during the first season that they made a pact. They would say nothing on camera that could potentially negatively impact the children or careers of another HW. This is why Lu was so outraged at Ramona. It has been said that Ramona is the first one to violate their pact. Now it comes back to bite her in the ass and she wants to change the rules. Too late Crazy Eyes.
  8. Ramona's excuse is always that she is telling the truth. She reminds me so much of Vicki on the OC show. In what world is it OK to hurt someone just because the words are true? I don't give a frogs fat ass if she means to be hurtful or not; she is. She has been since the first season and continues in the same vein. If she doesn't realize that it is hurtful to look someone in the face - someone who is crying - and tell them that they are a terrible hostess, than she is too dumb to live. But really, if it is all about telling the truth, then let the gals have at it. If Ramona thinks the truth will set you free, then the gals should all feel free to mention the truth - which is that Ramona filed for divorce from Mario. This wasn't a tabloid rumor like so many things Ramona shoots out of her ass. It isn't gossip. It is the truth and since she is all about the truth, let's have at it. They should feel free to reveal whatever other "truths" they know. Maybe they know someone else Mario was fucking. Maybe he hit on one of them or a friend? Go for it ladies. If it's the truth, it's Okay and Ramona won't mind.
  9. It is one of the more baffling things I have read this season. Is it unusual for folks to slightly switch their style of communication depending on their audience, or with how comfortable they feel with the person they are speaking with? This is huge news to me. As I travel back home from my company's national sales meeting, I have spent the last 5 days being the person I am at work, which is a little more polished and politically correct that I am in real life. I didn't call a single person a dickwad or an asshole, which I do 10 times a day back home in Michigan. My vernacular is very different when I am around people that need to hear a different vernacular to trust that I am capable of handling my business in the manner that they think it should be handled. Trust me when I say there is not a person I work with that would believe I am a gal who not only watches any of these HW shows, let alone posts comments on forums. Most people I know alter their communication depending on their audience to an extent. Those that don't would probably be called Ramona.
  10. Actually, what would be unheard of is for us to see much family stuff at all from a "friend of", which is what Lu is. I don't remember seeing much of anything of the homes of other "friends of" either. We don't know much about a lot of things, but we know that Lu was demoted. We know a lot of her stuff was left on the cutting room floor. It is hard to judge her for that, since we have no idea what that footage looked like. Since we only see about 5% of what is filmed, I don't think it is fair to condemn any of them for not having a story. Their story is what Bravo decides to show us. For some reason Bravo thought we would enjoy seeing an awful lot of Kristen and Josh fighting. To me her story line was the most boring of all, but probably no one got more camera time than Kristen did - to the extent that I don't remember any newbie (save for Shannon on the OC) having done before. I don't remember Ramona being on the receiving end of any petty attacks. I remember Ramona serving up some petty attacks, however. Actually, save for the intervention, which was brought on by Ramona's awfulness, the ladies pretty much just let Ramona be. Sure, they snarked on her during the TH's, but who really went after Ramona? Carole, Lu, Heather, Aviva? Not that I remember. She had issues with Kristen, but they made up fairly easily. Actually, the harshest words said to Ramona this year were said by Sonja. I think that Ramona is such a joke at this point that they just roll their eyes like I do to my crazy right-wing, homophobic, racist, 90 year old grandfather. He is so pathetic in his misery that we no longer bother to engage with him, but pat him on the head and go on about our business. That is pretty much what they did with Ramona this year. They let her wear the crown as the best hostess in NY/Montana, the gal who had the husband who could light up a room just by entering, the gal who was married to a guy who had the nerve to sing on open mic night. They let her have all that, but they were all thinking that she might be a good hostess but is the most horrible guest. That her husband may command attention when he enters a room, mainly because he is known to fuck around. That he might sing love songs in public, but he is not singing them to Ramona, but to some skank he banged in her summer home. They didn't say any of these things during the season. I hope they say them all at the reunion. With regard to whether or not they can film together in the future, I cannot imagine why not. Unless Ramona cannot handle it. Certainly Lu has had much worse thrown at her, not just about her marriage, but also about being a mother. She was able to let it go, but Ramona is no Lu, and she might not be able to look past this.
  11. One of the supplements was something to help her relax if she got anxious. I know little about such things, but is that normal? For a 12 year old to need something to help them relax? It didn't sound like it was an ongoing medical issue, but a "nice to have" just in case. From what I have seen, Shannon is of the mind that popping pills can cure most things, and thinks it is all just fine and dandy because they are herbal or natural.
  12. Completely agree. We have always seen this with Rosie. I remember last year when they went on that retreat and the gals stayed back home to cook, while Rosie went with the guys to ice fish. She seems to prefer hanging with the guys and I assume appreciates the invite. Has anyone else noticed the variance in some of Dina's TH interviews? For the first time that I ever remember on any if the Ho'wives shows, we hear production asking her the questions, which in both cases I have seen have been about Caroline. She refuses to answer, saying "I will not go there", which makes it all the more interesting, and clear they want to remind us of her feud with someone who is no longer on this show. I cannot stand her either, but I did read this a bit differently. I took it to mean that the situation came out of nowhere. I thought she was saying she thought they had a happy marriage and then found out otherwise - like maybe she thought he wasn't the kind of guy to cheat and realized he was.
  13. Actually, they didn't just start filming season 4 before the S3 reunion, they had completed filming it. They filmed the S3 reunion the day after filming was completed on S4, which was the Fashion Show bullshit. They had to fast track S4 because Teresa was doing Celebrity Aoorentice. Because of all the crap that went down at the fashion show, Jaq claimed to be too upset and frail to attend the Reunion. From what I understand, Bravo worked hard to get her there, but there was also talk that she might let the cat out of the bag and give away too much stuff that had happened during the season they were filming, when they were supposed to be talking about S3 only. It was strange because there was so much anger during that reunion from everyone, which was more about what had just happened, then about S3. Jaq knew she could get away with not showing, because with S4 already filmed, what were they going to do - cut her completely out of the footage? She knew she wouldn't get fired for it.
  14. I agree and I have wondered the same thing, but either way it all looks extremely phony. If she is returning because she has a contract, just say it outright instead of leading folks on like there is some big choice to make. She was doing that on Twitter right up until the day she announced she was returning. No one else really does it quite the way Lisa does, with the exception of Teresa G.
  15. There were some great pics of Lisa V and Kyle on Lisa's Twitter a few weeks ago. Some common friend who was out with them snapped them and Lisa retweeted them. Lisa and Kyle looked slightly drunk, but it could have just been because the pics were a bit grainy. They were laughing and holding onto each other and seemed to be having a grand time. Kyle retweeted them as well, but now both ladies have taken them down. I think that to an extent they are trying to not do what they did last year, which was to give away to much of the theme of this season before it even begins. By all accounts, however, Lisa and Kyle will be BFF's again this year.
  16. Yea, I cannot imagine first of all her allowing them too watch it, but more importantly that even the 5 year old would pay attention for more than 5 minutes. More than likely she has let them see "mommy on TV" as in letting them see a bit to understand what it is that mommy is doing and why those cameras are now in their face and in their home. Besides, just like Shannon on the OC, those kids won't have to watch mommy and daddy fight and interact by watching TV. They are seeing it first hand all the time.
  17. I love Lisa R. and remember Eileen from back in the day when Soap Operas were my friend. Both of these gals seem to possess charm and charisma, so we shall see. They both seem to be closer to Lisa V or Kyle's league than to Brandi's, so that is a good thing. I have no problem with a little trashy on my TV., I just don't want it on this show. I am looking for something much different here, so I appreciate Bravo taking Carlton away. They forgot to take Brandi, but one thing at a time. This is an interesting article, which I don't think anyone has posted yet. It is Lisa V talking specifically about Lisa R. As others have mentioned, they are good friends. Lisa has this to say about her. "I’ve known Lisa [Rinna] for 25 years. I love her and I have an authentic relationship with her… I do think she’s very opinionated and vocal and I think that’s a good thing for reality television or you fall asleep.” The most interesting thing in the article to me was having Lisa confirm that she was under contract to Bravo. I had been saying all along that Lisa was just ramping up the drama with all of her talk on Social Media about whether or not she would return. For the last couple of months, she has been fanning the flames (similar to the way she did it in S4 in her blogs and on Twitter) about how she just didn't know if she could do it again, how hard it all was, how she was really thinking about just hanging it all up. Of course this sent her fans into a tizzy - people begging and pleading her to come back or they would never watch the show again. Her comments often, "oh, I just don't know if I can". To me it seemed so completely artificial because of course she was coming back. No way Bravo lets these ho'wives sign a one year contract (Carlton said she had a 3 year contract - Bravo's option of course). She was coming back because she had no choice in coming back. It sounds better I guess to have your fans beg and plead with you, and of course to show the network how necessary you are, to act like you are on the fence. This is actually the thing I like about Lisa the least. http://www.inquisitr.com/1372604/lisa-vanderpump-calls-new-housewife-opinionated-says-last-season-of-rhobh-was-awful/
  18. I am sure these gals watch the other HW shows to try and ascertain what storylines/behavior makes for a successful season. They would all probably like to be declared Prom Queen on the reunion stage and bask in the glow of knowing they had a good portion of the fans behind them. I think that Aviva watched the masterful performance that was Brandi Glanville in S3. I detest her, but you have to give it to the gal that she brought it and the fans for the most part ate it all up. I think that Aviva thought she could win the same game: do something terrible to another HW, but find a way to make it not be about the terrible thing that you did, but about the angry reaction from those you had wronged. Brandi was able to do this horrible thing, but it quickly became about the angry reaction from Paul and Adrienne first. Then Mauricio, who was once the only thing some folks liked about Kyle, suddenly became a dick because he didn't have any sympathy for a predicament that Brandi herself was responsible for. Didn't he know she was a single mom? That she had no money? That she was cheated on? Where was his empathy for this girl? Same with Faye, who while being a bitch herself was also 100% correct in letting Brandi know she too was a bitch for doing the terrible thing, and then to Kyle who gets the blame for not stopping Faye from telling Brandi she is a bitch for doing the terrible thing. On and on it went. For. The. Whole. Fucking. Season. Even at the reunion, when we all finally knew Brandi had been lying all season about the lawsuit, folks didn't much care. Because it wasn't about what Brandi did, it was about how everyone else reacted to what she did that had somehow become important. I think that is what Aviva thought could happen here. She could accuse Carole of something, and the reaction would be such that Aviva could claim to be the victim. She tried it with the whole SAHM deal, but it didn't really stick because it was so easy to understand why Carole was angry. She tried it by acting like everyone was obsessed with her and whether or not she was/was not faking her illness. She wanted folks to feel sorry for her. All Brandi had lost was a husband and everyone felt sorry for her. Aviva had lost a leg. Surely a leg trumps a husband any day? At the end it didn't work out at all like maybe she wanted it too. She won't be the winner of anything on the Reunion Stage.
  19. Bingo. No one on this show has shown more empathy for Aviva than have Carole and Heather as the matter of fact. They were so happy to have her join them in St Barth's. Did they want Reid there? Probably not, but if it meant having their friend there, they were all in. They were overjoyed that she was coming and gave her major props for overcoming her fears. Who wasn't empathetic? That would be the two nut jobs, Ramona and Sonja. They wanted Reid at a hotel, and if that couldn't be accomplished then they wanted to find a bed elsewhere. I thought folks were too hard on Aviva over that whole deal, but then I liked Aviva and detested the White Trash gals. I thought Aviva went too far, and she was mean, but I got that she was hurt, and I always forgive folks for words said when they are truly hurt. I also thought she seemed truly remorseful at the reunion. I didn't walk into this season prepared to think so little of her, but then I was unprepared that she would decide to hurt and potentially humiliate Carole, who it seemed had been nothing but supportive and protective of Aviva. It was clear to me from the beginning that she was doing this all on purpose for a story line. I don't give a rats ass if these gals want to invent a story, but when they start hurting others in their quest for famewhoredom, they cross the line into Brandi/Tamra/Jill territory. It is funny that so many are calling for empathy for Aviva. It seems to be the case that folks think her behavior is so off the charts that she must have a mental disorder of some sort that would require compassion or cutting her some slack. I will do this about the same time I cut Brandi and Tamra some slack for their equally horrendous behavior. It is possible that someone can truly just be this evil and/or starved for attention to the degree that they are willing to do anything to get it. They might possess a personality disorder of some sort, but that doesn't mean that I should be judged for not feeling sorry for them. I also think that folks are forgetting the point of this all - folks who know her on this show claim she is a very different person when the cameras are not rolling. Ramona, who seems to be an advocate for Aviva, said as much in WWHL. She said that she stays in contact with Aviva, just had dinner with her the other night, and loves her. She also said that she is a lovely person when the cameras are not rolling, and that she cannot explain why she is so different when they are filming. Heather agreed, and said Aviva in general is a very nice person, but that she is willing to throw that all aside in order to ramp up her own storyline at the expense of others. This sounds like someone who is making a choice as to how they want to behave, not someone who is driven to extremes by a mental illness.
  20. I don't think the issue is as much Aviva's actual age, but about the fact that she claimed to be younger at the beginning of this season than when she started the show, two years before. Last season her bio accurately gave her age as 41 (she was almost 42 when her season began in June of 2012). This season suddenly her age was listed as 40. That was what jumped out at people - that she had shaved a few years off. Now all mention of her age have been taken off her Bravo Bio, but I don't think anyone lists their age any longer so that is not a big deal.
  21. It's hard to say what she does and does not know about anything. Aviva actually had her age listed as 40 at the beginning of this season on the Bravo Bio (it has since been deleted). It is funny that she is at the point where she has to show her passport to convince folks of her age. I understand it for the most part, as the web has pretty much been scrubbed of her age. On most sites you go to it lists n/a for her birthday. On others it is listed as Nov. 1972. The kicker (and some sites note the strangeness of this) is that her own website lists her birthday as 1970. Another example of why it is impossible to believe anything you might hear from her. I wonder what she says her birthday is in her book, but not enough to actually buy it. http://avivadrescher.com/ Most folks won't agree about who wouldn't let bookgate go. It seems like the person in the wrong always wants folks to let things go, and the person who was been harmed is judged for not being able too. Last season pretty much ended after Aviva went off on Ramona and Sonja, and 16 months had passed before this season. Apparently neither one of them talked to her in that time, so we didn't see the animosity. I am assuming had they been filming that we would have seen both Sonja and Ramona hold a grudge for being called White Trash for more than a few episodes. What Aviva did to Carole was much more severe, so I would think she would be OK to hold on to her anger for at least as long as Sonja and Ramona held onto theirs. Regarding the Miss USA deal, it is hard for me to find a way to not throw some blame at Aviva. She was the one telling the story about the threesome, on camera, to a group of gals. She was at the very least in on it with production. She swore that her dad wouldn't lie, but how strange it is that I never heard her say much after that. Of course no one believes one single word of it, and she doesn't either. I had completely forgotten about this little nugget when I mentally list all the ways in which she has made shit up over the year. It is yet another example of how Aviva just makes up shit as she goes along, not particularly caring if she harms another persons reputation or not.
  22. Lisa V signed a long time ago. Regarding Lisa R and her friendship with Kyle: she is also friends with Lisa V. It means nothing to me either way. Kyle had Faye and Lisa V. had Brandi. They all look to find others to do their dirty work. At least Faye was 100% correct in everything that she said, even if she is a horrible person in general.
  23. Wow, you have lived a very exciting life. I am jealous - no such excitement here. I think you bring up good points. I guess I tend to cut the gals (all of them) slack when they say things in the heat of the moment. Often it is human nature to try and hurt someone when you say things in this manner. I don't think it is necessarily a reflection of a persons character, although it certainly could be. I know for instance that Carole was insulted about the whole "being 50" thing that Aviva said. It was rude, and it was mean, but I didn't see it as any major reflection on Aviva. I think she was angry and that she was reaching to say something that would inflict the most pain on someone who might be vulnerable in this particular area. To your point about society's expectations about what someone should be doing with their life, Aviva has probably heard them before. She has probably had to justify on more than one occasion why she is so highly educated when she didn't use any of her degrees in the traditional sense. Perhaps Carole is aware this is something that bothers her and she used it. Not to try and disparage all people in the same situation, but against this one person standing in front of her. Just as Aviva might have been aware that Carole is sensitive about aging and being alone (if she is).
  24. I don't think there is any mystery about Aviva and her work history. She talked on the first episode about her education, and then raising her kids. If there were anything going on in the middle, I would find it strange that she left that out. I was never sure why folks jumped on the assumption that Carole was disparaging SAHM's. I never thought that was the issue. I think it is more about the fact that before she had kids, Aviva didn't really do anything. She is 44 and Harrison, who I believe is her oldest son, is 11. So she was in her early 30's when she had him. She had bothered to get a very good education, but what did she do after that? It sounds like she spent 5 or so years not really doing much of anything, and certainly with an education like she received, she could have worked had she wanted to. This is something that has always been fascinating to me - a woman who has an eduction, doesn't have any children, and still doesn't get a job. What are they doing all day long? Maybe Aviva was steeped in charity work, but maybe she wasn't. I always thought the point that Carole was making was that Aviva was a very capable gal, but yet she hadn't felt the pull of passion for a career and thus didn't understand what it was all about. She had zero understanding of how Carole felt about having her career questioned, because she had never had a career. I think this is a perfectly logical conclusion for someone to reach.
  25. My opinion is that she didn't bring a spare. It seems very important to her to make it clear that she didn't plan this (she has already done several interviews where she makes this silly claim), and if she had her spare with her, she couldn't make this claim. Also, there is the part about her asking Harry to carry her out if she needed him too. I don't think she would ask that if she had a spare with her.
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