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madam magpie

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Everything posted by madam magpie

  1. Sure: In the car when she tells him Cosima made a pass at her, in the hotel when he kisses her neck, her face when he makes the comment about being careful about playing for the other team. Then there's the scene in the restaurant when Leekie "spontaneously" joins Delphine/Cosima for dinner. Cosima goes on about how Delphine should go out with him, and Delphine looks embarrassed and says he's too old, but she seems to agree with Cosima that "his brain is sexy." Since the creepy scene in the hotel room, my take has been that Leekie and Delphine had an inappropriate/slightly sexually harassing relationship, but that Delphine respected his intellect and thought he was one of the less dangerous Neolution devotees. She was freaked out about the heart attack story because she didn't buy it and thought Rachel was killing off Neolution people, i.e.: if Rachel will have someone like Leekie killed, she's totally unhinged and dangerous and Cosima/Delphine/the clones/etc. aren't safe at all. I think Delphine is super excited by the scientific theory of Neolution, but doesn't like the manipulation, danger, or lack of body autonomy re: the Leda clones. But that's mostly because she unexpectedly fell totally in love with Cosima. It all became very personal for her, she had a face and soul attached to what Neolution was doing, as opposed to it being just detached scientific study. Her violence toward Rachel (you mean pushing on the injured eye, right?) was because Rachel is the one who took Cosima from her via that trip to Germany and the promotion. I've trusted Delphine for a long time, and don't doubt her loyalty to Cosima at all. From where I sit, every choice she makes is an effort to help or protect Cosima (primarily) and the Leda clones as a group (secondarily). She's also absolutely turned on by the science. My guess is that she'd be shocked and maybe even a little relieved to know what really happened to Leekie, but that it wouldn't affect her relationship with Cosima or dedication to the clones at all.
  2. Doubtful. Delphine always seemed creeped out by Leekie to me, and she bailed on him for Cosima long ago.
  3. I don't think so. It looked to me like she was going to cut herself to test the theory of her own super-fast healing abilities.
  4. Good lord, I can't stand Alfred. The mansplaining is strong with that one. STFU, Alfred. Aurora's a way better spy than you are. Tougher too. Sex in the art room was ridiculous, and I wish the show hadn't forced the Alfred/Aurora relationship. I liked the addition of Kristina to the field team and wish that had come sooner. I have no idea what side Faber is on, other than his own.
  5. Amen to this! Evelyn Brochu is radiant and has so much chemistry with so many actors. But Alfred feels like such a dud. I mean...when she told him she wasn't into him and didn't feel for him what she did with Rene, even though it was on Sinclair's order, it seemed like the most honest thing she'd told him in awhile. I didn't like the Faber/Aurora kiss. I get that they're both close to breaking and hate themselves, but I don't buy that he'd kiss he, even drunk. This episode was really hard to watch. Heidi is awful. I hope Aurora gets to kill her.
  6. This episode was intense! I didn't actually think Aurora would be killed, but I was still worried! RIP Harry. I didn't see that coming. Aurora working with the Nazis? Whew. That's quite a coup. But dang. She's really going to be deep in it and totally alone. I'm glad they aren't shying away from the brutality of WW2. This is what the Nazis were and worse. It does a disservice to the history, the people who lived through it, and this story to gloss over that.
  7. Ohhhhhh. Got it. I couldn't make out what he said when he saw her face. I don't remember what "Vera" is about, though. So it's likely Rachel doesn't care because she thinks he was just going after MK?
  8. Whew. Ferdinand is a psycho. That was brutal. RIP MK. So...Ferdinand thought he was killing Rachel, not Sarah? Or did he know it was MK when he did it? The reactions of everyone else were bizarre. Do Sarah, etc. all know Ferdinand did it? Rachel seems to, but does she know Ferdinand was basically killing her?? I'm 100% on board for Delphine teaming up with Mrs. S. I've wanted that to happen since season two. I wonder if they've been working together all along, though. It didn't seem like this was new for them; their exchange seemed like they had history, not to mention that I always wondered about Mrs. S's reaction last season when Cosima was crying about Delphine. It seemed like Mrs. S knew something, but I didn't know what. They also both play a similar role here and have similar goals: deep in the conspiracy, working from the inside, totally committed to/in love with the clone they're paired with, and willing to do some crazy stuff to protect her and the others because of the primary connection. Westmorland certainly knows how to pull Cosima in, doesn't he? Give her a lab and the freedom to experiment. Count me among those who don't buy Rachel's transformation" or trust Westmorland at all. How much time has passed since the last episode? Do we know? Ferdinand said Sarah was out for awhile. I wonder if Delphine went to Sardinia and came back already? How did she get away from the island cult people, though? I can understand Kira'a reaction. She's like Cosima and wants to know who/what she is.
  9. True enough! I took "follow my lead" to mean, "Don't do anything rogue here. It's not safe and you don't know what's going on." I watched the episode again, and just as Cosima wakes up, right before she finds the note, you hear a door latch. Then she looks out the window and Delphine is arguing with the old guy. So I think it was Delphine who had just left the yurt AND Delphine who locked Cosima inside. For reasons we can only speculate about at the moment, Delphine wanted Cosima contained, and she (Delphine) wanted to be the one who controlled that. I suspect it's because she knows more than she's let on...maybe she knows about the creature person in the woods?? And she's trying to keep Cosima safe. She doesn't, though, seem to know the full scope of Rachel's plan. And she got a weird look when the sick girl mentioned "the fountain." I can't tell if Delphine is on board with the creepy cult or not. Maybe she's half on board? When she spoke to Cosima, she seemed dazzled by the science. But all the rest of the time, she seemed scared and like everything was happening against her will. And yeah, even if the Sardinia thing was in reference to aging and the fact that Sardinians live longer than most, the conversation still seemed coded. And Cosima kind of seemed to get it! I really don't know how to read all that. In other news, I'd like to know where Charlotte is staying and who's taking care of her.
  10. A year or so ago, my friend and I worked out the following hierarchy: Neolution Topside Dyad It seemed to us that Dyad was just a lowly player, doing some research and recruiting. Topside was kind of the order-keeping, policing group. And Neolution was the top-dog. The various factions within Neolution fight it out across the hierarchy. Our understanding was that the Proletheans were an outside group of religious extremists unaffiliated with the hierarchy, but I'm not 100% sold on that. The Castor clone group appeared to have splintered off at some point, broken with the hierarchy, and was headed by a rogue military group, rather than Neolution itself. In other news, AH-HA! This recap explains the significance of Sardinia. Very cool detail, but if the writers' expectation was that the general public would easily understand the reference, I think they aimed way too high: https://www.themarysue.com/ob-science-recap-s5-ep1/
  11. I don't know...if the goal is to study life extension and one way is via the effects of cloning, Cosima may very well be on the mend. She's not out of the woods, for sure (literally! Ha!), but curing the clone disease is a means to that end. Plus, I firmly believe that Delphine's singular goal is saving Cosima's life. Her secondary goal is saving/protecting the other clones. If that means playing along with Neolution, so be it. Her working this from the inside has always caused the conflict between her and Cosima. I really hope we aren't going to get a rehash of Cosima hating Delphine for keeping secrets or Delphine doing shady things without talking to Cosima. Haven't they both learned those lessons yet?? Delphine seems to be trying for transparency; despite the fact that I'm confused about her prisoner status, she freely gave Cosima more information in this episode than she ever had before. And I want to take Cosima at her word from the end of season three when she told Delphine she understood why she'd done it all. But yeah...I saw that preview snippet too and don't know what to make of it. I hope it's a misdirect because Cosima and Delphine are at their best when they work together.
  12. Yeah. I really liked this episode because the pacing was great and I liked watching both Kara and Maggie melt down in different ways/times, but yeah. The suspension of disbelief about how this guy could do and know all that was nuts. I was really hoping Alex would be able to save herself in the end, using her wits and craftiness. And in some ways she did. But still. I was hoping!
  13. I liked this episode! I, too, really hope Rhea doesn't turn Lena bad. The chemistry between Kara and Lena is great, second only to Kara and Alex. But I don't see them as romantic. My closest female friend and I are constantly mistaken for a lesbian couple. It happens all the time! We'll even be out with her husband and kid, and people will assume we're the couple and the child is ours. I think Kara/Lena do love each other, they are very emotionally attached, and yeah...if the choice is Kara or a killer nanobot ex, I'd hope Lena would choose Kara. I like the portrayal of an angst-free, totally supportive, loving, nonsexual female friendship. We've seen several loving relationships among women on this show, actually: Alex/Kara, Alex/Maggie, Cat/Kara. They all work very well and don't all need to be sexual. In my experience, the variations are true to life.
  14. The end was very sweet, but this bit really bugged me. That wasn't Kara being overly sensitive because she has to share Alex; that was Alex being selfish, immature, and mean. She bailed on Kara on a special day/celebration that Alex knows is super important and that they've always done together. And she did it with zero notice or promise of "Let's do whatever you like tomorrow, but today is the only day I can do this." She didn't tell Maggie the truth and thereby involved Maggie in hurting Kara. And why? Because she's so immature she can't tell these people what's actually going on. Just because you get a girlfriend doesn't mean you get a free pass to ditch everyone who's ever loved you. I really like the idea of Maggie/Alex, but in reality, they're a childish paring. I don't think that discovering your sexuality suddenly reverts your emotional maturity to that of a teenager. Otherwise, this was s great episode! I hope M'gann isn't gone for good. The lack of Mon-El and Jimmy was a huge help. And I loved the shirt Kara wore at the end durong her chat with the real Alex.
  15. No. She's obviously really going to Sardinia (or supposed to lie and say she is) because she said it with the old guy right there and he didn't react. I mean that Cosima's "Sardinia?" looked like it meant something to her beyond "an island off the coast of Italy," and Delphine looked like she was imploring Cosima to understand something. She also repeated something like her "we all have our part to play" line in a stone cold tone as though either 1) she'd suddenly reverted momentarily to her cold, straight-haired, season-three self, or 2) she was trying to communicate something else. Delphine's tone and posture changed momentarily. And it wasn't solely because the old guy was there. When she said, "this isn't what I want either," her tone was still a very familiar, sweet Delphine. It all seemed coded to me, as though "Sardinia" meant something larger to her and Cosima. It means nothing to me, however, which is why I asked.
  16. Then why didn't she say that to Cosima in the handful of minutes she had? I know the exposition was for us, but if Delphine is a prisoner in a freaky cult camp, why wasn't that the FIRST thing she told Cosima? "Be careful. These people are weirdos. The science is amazing, and we need to play the game so we can cure you, but don't drink any Kool-aid." Something like that. Especially since that WAS one of the first things she made sure to tell Cosima at the end of last season: The minute Cosima was mildly coherent, Delphine told her to be careful and the place wasn't safe. It feels like the show is trying to imply Delphine is shady again, and we (and Cosima) really should be past that by now.
  17. I think she was also filming a movie. But I think Delphine plays a bigger role later. I hope! I'm confused by Delphine being back in Neolution. Didn't they shoot her?? I get that she'd be fascinated by the science, and that her singular focus is saving Cosima. But is she not actually a prisoner? Is Cosima? Charlotte? She also looked like she was under duress when talking to Cosima while the old guy was around. And if she's not a prisoner, why wouldn't the Neolution people let her contact Cosima? Cults are so freaky. Charlotte is right: that place is scary. There's no way Rachel is good now. I can't believe Cosima handed over the needle. "I'm loon-calling Helena." Oh, Donnie. Lol ETA: Does "Sardinia" mean something? It looked like Cosima/Delphine were speaking to each other in code, but I have no clue what they were saying.
  18. On rewatch, I still can't believe Jones et al decided to trust Olivia over Cassie/Cole/Jennifer. I absolutely believe Deacon and Jones would turn on those three, but I'm not sure I buy that they'd bring Olivia into the fold. Knowing Athan isn't the Witness makes his story extraordinarily tragic. He's stolen from parents who love him, raised by a cult, manipulated into doing awful things, tortured with visions he doesn't understand, stuck alone in the past, etc. I hope we learn more about him next season. Since no one is ever really dead on this show, I expect him (and Ramse) to show up for the end. I'm guessing this show will end like Fringe with Cassie/Cole resetting time, reuniting with their son so they can raise him themselves, and someone like Jones or Deacon making the end sacrifice for humanity. Cassie/Cole/Athan will move to the Florida Keys, right?
  19. I don't usually like Deacon, but I liked that a lot!
  20. So Athan himself never actually was the Witness? Even though he was the one who wanted to fracture time to reunite with Liza, right? And he did wear the creepy mask at one point (didn't he?) and he was used as a child for his visions. But all the evil Witness-y things we've seen were all Olivia? So basically Cassie/Cole were right to try to save their kid, and Jones/Deacon/Hannah just continued to make things worse?
  21. I've been rewatching from the beginning, and I have to say...Athan gets no sympathy from me at all if we believe he's really the one manipulating time. He's doing horrible things. However, I'm wondering if the Witness we watched throughout the show who's screwing with the characters, etc. is actually Olivia. If she's the true Witness (that's what Athan says at the end, right?), does that mean she was the one in Cassie's hallucinations, the one trying to destroy time, the one who imprisoned Cassie, and so on? If so, then I do feel bad for Athan because his whole life was basically just another game Olivia was playing.
  22. I really like Cassie. She's a fantastic hero who doesn't embody stereotypes of women at all, but doesn't particularly make that what drives her character either. She just is. She's smart, sexy, fun, funny, bold, compassionate, brave, loving, emotionally healthy, and totally unapologetic. She doesn't bullshit, says what she means, goes for what she wants, and owns it...whether that's being a doctor, getting a job, saving the world, choosing a sexual partner, confronting an enemy, dealing with loss, whatever. She says what she wants/thinks clearly, and she's super honest in her relationship with Cole, simply expecting that he do the same. When she comes back from Titan, she tells him exactly what happened so they can plan together. I love that she never questioned her sanity after falling in with the "time-traveling guy"; she told people the truth, no shame. Others questioned her and whether she was up to the task (hello, Aaron), but she never did. She's also willing to sacrifice herself, her child (OK, intermittently; she does struggle with this, and I get why), and her relationship with Cole to save millions of people, even as she continues to do everything she can to keep them. She wants to know what's true even if means loss or hurt for her. I find her really awesome to watch.
  23. I'm rewatching from the beginning because I've forgotten so much and have so many questions, but boy. I'd forgotten how much I hated Aaron. He was such a typical "gotta save my girl because she's incapable of saving herself" douchebag. Cole is so much more of a feminist.
  24. Cassie carried and had the baby while she was a prisoner, and then he was stolen from her and turned into a psycho. I buy her being emotionally connected, upset, and struggling to save her kid. I loved her fight with Magdalena (whom I constantly confuse with Olivia) and blowing into the room and her shooting Deacon. Mama takes no shit. Cole has daddy issues and is super in love with Cassie. I buy him too. Plus, the goal is to save everyone. The 1980s episode was fantastic, and count me among those who really enjoy the comedic moments. Lots of fun. Jennifer is the best. I also liked Cassie meeting her mother.
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