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Everything posted by icewolf

  1. All right, I might have overreacted on Elementary. I'm almost done with season one and Irene has been shoved to the back burner, and the show is once again focusing on the most important relationship, Sherlock and Joan. Elementary is very much a procedural, and the main arc that has been in the background so far has been the professional relationship and growing friendship between Sherlock and Joan. I find it really refreshing that the male and female leads are just friends with no romance involved, that's rare in fiction.
  2. 1/27 ratings Grimm: 0.8 (steady from last week) Emerald City: 0.6 (fell 0.1 from last week) Sleepy Hollow: 0.6 http://tvbythenumbers.zap2it.com/daily-ratings/tv-ratings-friday-jan-27-2017/
  3. I hate how the entire mayor plot of season 5 turned out to be a HUGE waste of time now that Renard is no longer mayor, the guy didn't even spend a single day in office as mayor. Did the writers even think the plot through? Season 5 "Quick! Let's give Sasha something to do since we have been wasting him for 3 seasons now! Let's have him become Mayor! Nice! Renard as the big evil political cheese!" "Wait.... wait. Doesn't that mean as mayor, Renard will no longer be police captain and have no reason to be around Nick anymore, and we have to build new expensive sets?" "Shut up, you! Go back to writing more Nadalind scenes!" Season 6 "Oh crap! This is the final season! We need to get rid of the mayor plot ASAP! I know! Let's take three episodes, second episode can be complete filler, to reset the entire plot back to season one Renard with him being a shifty police captain!" "But wouldn't that piss off everyone that has been watching so far?" "We can distract those people with shirtless Renard! Lets also have him acting crazy with ghost Meisner haunting him because the acting crazy with the Jack the ripper plot worked out SO well!"
  4. I've been marathoning Elementary these last few days and I'm loving it. It focuses purely on the case of the weeks, Elementary is a great procedural Zero romance between Sherlock and Joan Watson, Sherlock has meaningless one night stands with various women Captain Gregson has no hidden agenda for the writers to screw up, like our dear Captain Renard I'm halfway through season one but the reveal of Irene Adler is threatening to DESTROY all that, I'm not liking Sherlock's man pain about romance, he just did something really really stupid by almost torturing and murdering a man all because of his love for Irene. I'm terrified of this show nosediving like Grimm did once Grimm starting focusing on relationships and babies, but I'll keep watching.
  5. I really liked this week's episode. There was a cool Wesen with a not quite neat ending. Remember when we had a ton of these in the first season? Yeah, it was a "Would you kill baby Hitler" material had has been done a million times in fiction, but is was handled reasonably well. My opinion, you don't punish someone until AFTER they commit a crime. Just tell the all BS future seeing psychics in fiction to back the hell away. The mother needed to stop being so damn obsessed with the baby, and the father needed to stop being such a dick and start humoring his wife about the "monster" that she saw. If she had been my wife I would be "Oh dear! What monster did you see tonight?" Monrosalee and their plot as always seem to exist in their own much better written show. Renard seeing ghost Meisner reminds me of that lame Jack the ripper plot, hopefully this new ghost plot ends much better. Juliette/Eve and Adalind were just there, not really doing anything or taking too much screen time thankfully. Wish that was for every episode.
  6. Shield AGAIN got a 0.6 rating this week, tying last week's series low. It was lowest rating of the night, matching a CW show. The bad news? Still 12 more AoS episodes left that needs to be shown. http://tvbythenumbers.zap2it.com/daily-ratings/tuesday-final-ratings-jan-24-2017/
  7. No, they tried putting Grimm on Mondays and Tuesdays, Monday actually end up with lower ratings than Friday, and the ratings weren't that great so it was wisely moved back to Fridays. Weak competition is actually a thing on Fridays along with lower ratings network expectations, better to be a medium fish in a small pound than get horrible numbers on a weeknight leading to cancellation. The scheduling worked for the most part, I doubt the show would have lasted this long on any other day that Friday. Powerless will be on Thursday nights. It's a 30 minute sitcom, basically The Office in the DC universe, nothing like Grimm at all.
  8. I haven't been following Emerald City, but those ratings are very bad news if it can't even beat an aging show in its sixth season.
  9. Why Shield is still around? A 0.6 is toxic ratings for a weeknight show, that would even be BAD for a Friday show. Agent Carter's lowest rating was a 0.7 and it got canceled. The excuse about advertising the Marvel movies don't fly anymore, Shield only gets 2 million viewers an episode. That's nothing compared to the impact of a Marvel movie. AoS screwed its chances with its horrid first season. It has been proven again and again every year that the movies will never boost the show's ratings, nearly the entire audience that goes to see the movies don't care about the show or even know that it exists. The connection to the Marvel movies got AoS to four seasons enough for syndication, but I think that will be it. There will be no six seasons and a movie for this show.
  10. Emerald City's ratings (0.7) this week is already under Grimm's ratings (0.8)... I think NBC is going to miss Grimm being on Friday nights, and once the show is gone Friday will be a complete graveyard for them.
  11. Sleepy Hollow fans are doing a mass exodus and leaving that show, many are actively rooting for it to be canceled, which is pretty crazy considering how popular that show was in season one. I find Sleepy Hollow and Grimm share some similarities, both had great season ones and in season two they decided to focus on terrible characters which ends up hurting both shows.
  12. So why hasn't Diana murdered Nick yet? Isn't Nick going to get in the way of mommy and CONSTANTLY shirtless Renard daddy being together? Rachel was killed for that reason.
  13. Anyone else think Grimm worked better as a police procedural with case of the week episodes inspired by fairy tales in the early seasons (mostly 1 and 2)? One of the advantages with procedurals like Law & Order: SVU, is that there is very little focus on characters' personal lives, sidestepping tons of usual bad soap opera writing. The moment the Grimm changed to focus on big arcs, it started tanking because the arcs never made any sense or were badly written. Adalind is also a huge problem because the writers never knew what to do with her, in an alternate reality Adalind disappeared after season one and never came back, and Grimm became a much better show because of that. I don't understand the fascination with taking villains and giving them a ton of screen time, and trying to redeem them. That has killed a ton of shows.
  14. After watching the episode, I want my 60 minutes back. NOTHING happened. At least Bud didn't die, I hope that was it for him and he has his happy ending.
  15. I'm just sick to death of creepy Diana, they should have just kept her in the writing wastebasket of season 3. The show has become all about her these last two years, when they should be focusing more on Nick and HIS group. I'm also stick of Adalind having babies, and the writers for lazily writing in Claire's real life pregnancy, that was soap opera level writing
  16. TV shows that reach season 3 basically are guaranteed a season 4 because of syndication. Nice work, Supergirl.
  17. I thought the episode was ok. The only way I can see this show ending now is if Nick leaves the police force and starts another life under a new identity. As usual, Monroe and Rosalee exist in their own good plot, while everything around them is so messy. I thought the scene with the CGI whirlpool was silly, reminded me of bottomless hole in house vision Juliette had in S2. I'm getting really sick of stepford wife Adalind, I'm really for her to go back to being a badass. Dump that damn Diana plot already writers, it will always suck.
  18. I think Grimm was in a weird place where ratings were good enough for several seasons but not high enough to gain much interest from NBC. If Grimm was a huge hit, you can bet NBC would be all over the show. Being on Friday definitely helped the show in terms of lower ratings expectations.
  19. I'm kind of surprised NBC didn't put Emerald City on a better night, Fridays are considered dump nights on tv land. You can say Grimm survived so long because it was a Friday show.
  20. I'm kind of surprised NBC didn't put Emerald City on a better night, Fridays are considered dump nights on tv land. You can say Grimm survived so long because it was a Friday show.
  21. Anyone here going to watch or have watched NBC's Emerald City? Looks like NBC is hoping this show will be its Grimm replacement in terms of Friday fantasy show.
  22. Any of you interested in Emerald City which comes on right after Grimm on NBC? NBC desperately wants EC be its Friday fantasy show replacement after Grimm is gone. It looks like a wannabe Once Upon A Time, which nosedived very badly after its Frozen arc. That show has gotten SO bad with its villains worshiping.
  23. I'm still kind of shocked MonRosalee have managed to stay away from being infected by the As The Grim World Turns soap opera that has destroyed Nick and Adalind as characters. The biggest drama they had was Monroe's parents reactions to the engagement and also there was the KKK Wesen hate group. I think what made it work was that all of those threats were external, and hopefully the next biggest problem they have will be Monroe accidentally buying the wrong baby formula.
  24. Umm... what? So new enemy shows up in the middle of the final season and presumably gets beaten in 6 episodes? That sounds like bad planning by the writers.
  25. I'm expecting Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio to come back this season as Nick's mom now since Limitless was canceled last season. I think the only reason the writers killed off Kelly Burkhardt in season four was that they were bitter the actress was unavailable because she had joined another show. They already gave Nick new Grimm books last season. Now if they reveal his mom never died this season and have Juliette buy Nick a new trailer and they'll expect the audience to completely forgive Juliette. Bud should be safe, killing him now would be pointless.
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