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Everything posted by squidprincess

  1. It works marginally better with Gabby as a paramedic, because, as we'd seen in season 1 and 2, they don't always work the same shifts as truck and squad. It's still contrived as all heck, and completely impractical, especially with a kid that has special needs like Louie, though.
  2. Eobard implicitly has ties to Rip Hunter, I think. It was Eobard who name-dropped Rip in the Flash's first season finale, and his possession of the Time Sphere suggest at least some kind of past adversarial connection. But he doesn't seem to have any ties to the other characters at all.
  3. Except they haven't actually preserved the timeline. Lily Stein. Tokugawa Iemitsu. Time pirates running around in the late 1800s. Public use of powers at the White House. There are a lot of mild changes and lapses. We haven't seen a lot of consequences yet, but we also haven't had a lot of movement on the overall metaplot either. That's changing with the introduction of the Legion. (I do think we'll see consequences though. The series has always been pretty good about that.) Besides, I'm not suggesting that Rip provide an explanation that actually makes sense. That would fly against comic book science principles. He can however give us a vaguely plausible sounding bit of technobabble for any necessary convenient bit of deus ex machina in a given episode. Really, given how Nate's been 85% useless as a historian, Rip could also take over the setting exposition. He can't actually be any worse at it.
  4. Rip adds the actual time travel know-how. Thus far, they've been barely skirting by some really phenomenal timeline disasters (see: Tokugawa Ieyasu). And even if he couldn't have stopped Martin from influencing his past, he could have identified the issue a lot sooner. This kind of show can always use someone who can actually sell a ridiculous explanation as to why some made up time travel concept works. He'd be a fine adviser/temporal science officer, if he doesn't end up a co-captain again.
  5. Nate doesn't make sense, but it's an interestingly consistent way of not making sense. For all that he tells Ray that Ray acts like he learned history from movies, that's true for Nate too. Shogun and Abominations both showed him acting very inappropriate for settings that he's supposed to have specialized in. And his abhorrence to research in Outlaw Country didn't make sense at all. He even compares research to high school at one point...when the man is a PhD! I suppose that's why I keep thinking that the show is going to go somewhere with it. It really seems deliberate.
  6. Snart is only recurring/occasional, AFAIK, but Rip is still main cast. (That's why his name was back in the regular credits this episode.) Per a few articles, his disappearance was just to finish up Broadchurch. From the sound of it, he'll be back from here on out. That doesn't necessarily mean a demotion for Sara though. (Jax was actually mechanic/engineer last season as well.) There are a lot of directions they can go from here. I'm actually liking Mick and Amaya more than I thought I would. I credit the actors. I wouldn't have imagined the characters would be attracted to each other, but I think Richardson and Purcell are selling it.
  7. I think there's a difference between wanting to have kids and suddenly having your girlfriend turn to you and say "I know we've never discussed this, and I just turned down your marriage proposal because I don't want things to change, and we're both in really high risk jobs, but let's have a foster kid. I've already picked one out!" Casey's hesitation wasn't so much a "never" as it was a "is this the best time?" I always figured he'd end up getting on board, but I really didn't like the way the show set it up. He was tentatively trying to reach out to Gabby and Louie by the next episode, and maybe ease into the idea, and she shut him down cold. Then you had Antonio and company basically grilling the poor guy as to why "Gabby is doing this alone." It never really felt like an organic decision. Which is a shame, since with his own backstory, it seems like Casey might have had a good chance at warming to the idea of having a foster kid without all of the outside pressure, but instead, he seemed to get backed into a corner.
  8. I think he's a bit old for either character. The man is 54. But I would totally watch him as Sinestro.
  9. Well, I'm happy. I have no idea what's going on with him, but my favorite character is back. :-) Now, if they can just fix the hair and wardrobe. And accent. Heh.
  10. I think they've got back to back offices. with a mirrored set up. But Severide is almost never actually in his office. (I only remember seeing it when Patterson was in charge of Squad last year.)
  11. Honestly, it always seems like a bit of a double standard to me: Dawson gets a lot of screentime (and I agree, sometimes it's too much), but I really don't feel like it's any worse than Severide. The Louie stuff really isn't any worse than Severide's ten episode long demotion arc last year. I do wish they'd finish some of the dropped plot threads though, or give some emotional follow up to anyone who isn't Dawson or Severide. Casey doesn't lack for screentime, I admit, but I feel like they just push him along to the next crisis without any sort of aftermath. And I end up sitting here going: Am I the only one who remembers how Casey straight up killed a dude last season? And it was never mentioned again? Meanwhile, the rest of the Truck crew get comic relief tangent plots, while most of the Squad members are basically like Severide's version of the Chanels from Scream Queens. Have Capp and Tony EVER gotten a plot? Do we even know their full names?
  12. By that logic, Barry saving lives in Central City is selfish, because there are people in danger all over the world. It's not selfish to want to correct an immediate wrong that's right in front of you, even if you would benefit from it too. He knew Nora wasn't supposed to die in Eobard's timeline. He was grieving and made a stupid decision. But we also know he time traveled for other reasons too. First, to save the city from a Tsunami. He undid Flashpoint for Wally, who was dying, and gave up his family in the process. He was going to try again and fix the mistakes of the new timeline (including Dante), before Jay stopped him and talked sense into him. The consequences of Barry's decision were awful, but to call Barry's act "selfish" is very much an over simplification. It boggled me though that they'd have something as important as Cisco and Barry's reconciliation in LOT rather than Flash though. (And I really wished they'd gone a different route than Barry-as-a-martyr, which completely ignores that Cisco has a legitimate reason to be angry at the consequences of Barry's decisions.) But then I was pretty horrified that they had the Stein's daughter reveal in Flash instead of LOT. I really hope the entire crossover is included on the DVD set, or fans are going to be awfully confused.
  13. I agree. Barry and Oliver both have their own shows, whose seasons run a good five episodes longer. So I was a little annoyed that they ended up with the final scene here. It made sense because this was the crossover finale but that could have gone to the Legends crew.
  14. I liked the episode, but I thought it focused a bit too much on Cisco, Barry and Oliver for my taste. I wanted to see the Legends get to shine more considering it's their show. But I'm probably just being petty. I'm really interested in Martin's plotline with Lily. I'm hoping we see Rip for part of it, because as a Time Master with a vested interest in keeping the timeline intact, but also as a father who has lost a child, I think he'd have a pretty interesting perspective on the entire situation.
  15. I admit, if we do have a (hopefully only temporarily) evil Rip, I would love to see a fight scene between him and Sara. She's the better fighter, but he's a lot better than anyone tends to give him credit for. And if she's stuck holding back so as not to kill her former friend/captain, then that might just make it a really interesting match. I wonder if he's actually amnesiac, or if he's undercover with the British army to accomplish some timeline related purpose. Because well, the British army is supposed to lose in the end. If he is actually attempting to change that, then he might be at cross-purposes with the Legends.
  16. Well, I'm happy. I have no idea what the context will be, but this has made my day.
  17. Well, yeah. I mean he may not be accustomed to a family where the chaos is normal, not homicidal.
  18. I'm just hoping this finally leads to an actual marriage. Not because I'm terribly invested in Dawsey (though I do think Casey and Dawson have good chemistry, and I do actually like Gabby a lot of the time), but because it'll FINALLY move them into a new stage of their relationship instead of the constant retread of the past two years. I'm sure that'll get repetitive too, but I'm looking forward to a change of pace. That said, I am pretty interested in seeing Casey interact with the Dawsons. It doesn't seem like he would have a lot of experience with that kind of chaotic type of family.
  19. I was thinking about this, and I'm tentatively thinking it probably won't be Rip. I mean, it could plausibly be him, if, as Richardson says, he's not the same person we remember. But to me, "Turncoat" implies someone who's currently on their side, that they currently rely on, is going to change sides. They've already had their plot where they learn to function as a team without him. I don't know that having him return and then turn on the group would have as much impact as if it were one of the characters we'd been seeing every day. But that could just be wishful thinking. I would really like it to be Nate, not because I dislike him. But because if Nate were a spy or traitor, maybe he would finally make sense. (His incompetence might be because his backstory is a lie, or because he's trying to sabotage the group.) I don't want to get rid of Nate, I would love a plot where he ultimately decides he likes being a good guy better, I just want him to make sense.
  20. I wonder who the JSA return is. Obsidian maybe? Or Rex? I'd be happier to see Obsidian, to be honest.
  21. I am curious about "Turncoat". I could see it going a couple of different ways: a bad guy turns good (maybe Snart? Since he's a Legion of Doom member.), or a good guy turns bad. Maybe my irrational suspicion of Nate actually will turn out accurate. Or maybe Rip, since he's supposed to not quite be the character the others remember, will be convinced to betray the group. (For example, if Rip has amnesia or is from an altered timeline, it might be fairly easy to convince him that the team is far bigger threat to the timeline than the people they're trying to stop.) It seems like there are a lot of interesting possibilities.
  22. There is always the possibility that Mari's grandfather is someone Vixen meets while being a time traveler? So that may not rule out a HEA for Mick...
  23. I'm not sure that any of this is really news, but it's good to hear something semi-official both about why he left and if he's coming back: "Here's the real reason why Rip Hunter disappeared from DC's Legends of Tomorrow".
  24. It's not like the team doesn't split up as it is. It might just be a matter of Rip leading part of the team to accomplish one objective, while Sara leads the other part to accomplish the other objective.
  25. Somewhere there's a deleted scene with Mick Rory, flame thrower in hand, standing over a poor burned horse saying "What, you told me to stop it from running away!"
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