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Everything posted by Thalia

  1. I've been thinking about how this season will affect Traitors in future seasons. The main path to victory as shown in season 1 was simple: Be Cirie Fields. Frankly, it is probably the lesson from season 2 as well. Cirie was friendly, approachable, willing to dish, knew when to keep quiet and when to speak up. She was the mother everyone wanted. This year, I'm not sure. I think the gamers, like Dan and Parvati were always going to be suspect, and they should have acted like Faithfuls from the beginning. Joining in on the dish, tossing out names quietly before they got to the roundtable, and not calling any attention to themselves by taking the lead at the roundtable. Phaedra got far just being part of the Bravo alliance, but once Dan targeted her, she was doomed. Because yeah, once you're on several someone's radar it is difficult to defend yourself in this game. I need to watch a UK season. It is fun to watch the reality stars we know, but when they also know each other and their reps, I suspect it is harder for the players.
  2. I've never seen Sandra's Survivor seasons but its my understanding that her MO is to stay under the radar and watch everyone else fight. But she is always there at the end. There was a chance that Kate might have been suspicious about Sandra's questioning, but then MJ jumped in -- will Kate think that this means Sandra was satisfied with the joint answer? If she does, then there is no reason for Kate to murder Sandra tonight. And, in fact, she should keep her since her effort to protect Phaedra involved throwing shade at Sandra. I agree with @AntFTW that Kate went too far with the "selfish" accusation. I'm guessing she was pissed at Phaedra and couldn't keep from letting her know. Does Sandra know that Kate was tossing her name around? I'm not sure the remaining Bravos have a reason to tell Sandra. Unless she begins to tell people about her Kate suspicions, and they share. On one hand, Kate is kind of fun and it would be interesting to have her win. But on the other, I don't really like it when a single player is protected for weeks at the start of a game like this. And what greater protection could there be than to not be subject to being voted out for the first three or four votes. I wouldn't mind if Kate had shared a pot as a faithful, but it isn't necessarily fair for her to swoop in late and win it all as the last Traitor standing.
  3. A place to discuss the show that melds Deal or No Deal and Survivor: Luxury Island. Hey look! There's Joe Manganiello. Moderators, please delete if this thread belongs elsewhere. *********************************** The premiere was good, not great. The biggest problem I had with it was it dragged. I'm hoping that future episodes will be 60 minutes and not 90. If they continue the format from tonight, the first half will place the contestants in a Survivor like challenge. The second half adds to the Deal or No Deal format by placing additional pressure on the contestant in the briefcase challenge, in the form of peer pressure from the other contestants. I immediately liked Aron tonight, so I'm happy he stayed. He and Boston Rob are the only two I can name. The two other memorable contestants were the older woman and the former briefcase model (not, btw, the Duchess of Sussex). Felt bad for the guy who went home, but he violated a cardinal rule of competitive reality shows and did something early on to make himself standout in a negative way. It probably would be more fun if they added a few more Boston Robs, ala the first season of The Traitors. At least IMHO.
  4. That may have been the least funny monologue I've ever seen. I don't even know what to say about the part dealing with his mom. Except to say it isn't flattering. The skits haven't been funny either, but the problem was the writing more than his participation.
  5. "Would I still be eating the salmon if I was a traitor?" Now I have to rewatch to see what MJ was saying about Phaedra and Peter. My guess is that Peter is gone.
  6. And, at least in my opinion, the show didn't make a recovery this week. Dr. Will's appearance was yawn worthy, particularly since the only two who for sure knew who he was had already been banished. I was slightly interested in watching Phaedra with her back up against the wall, but all it took was a word of wisdom from John and it Parvati after all. I'm actually interested to see how Kate handles being a traitor. She has seemed such an open book on both seasons. Will she stay the same or clam up? And unless she says no and is murdered, is this YAEWNM (Yet Another Episode With No Murder)?
  7. Such an odd show. It is understandable (kind of sorta) that they couldn't pick up all the things that were hinted at in season 2 finale. But what happened to all those people supporting Gavin's search in season 1? And they made a big deal about Gavin having a sister? But what happened to Izzy and James' Aunt Ione Skye? I may sit down later and make a list of the inconsistencies. But, then again, I may not.
  8. A new biography of Jackie was released last year. Jackie: Public, Private, Secret. I skimmed it and can't remember all the details but that book said that JFK was dating Lee when she took him to her mother's house. It was still casual, but Lee was interested in him. Who knows with Jack. Janet Auchincloss thought he was a better match for Jackie, and did some maneuvering so that Jackie was alone with Jack for a longish period of time. From that period on he became Jackie's property and altho Lee was upset, she kept her mouth shut. Maybe at her mother's direction. Given I read skimmed the book so recently, I assumed that was what she was talking about. Although I don't know I've ever read that about him dating Lee before Jackie anywhere else.
  9. Help us, Peter-Wan Kenobi, you are our only hope. I'd love to see him banished next week with at least two or three faithful saying, "I'm voting for you, Peter, because you're a dick who told me to leave the room while you spoke to the cool kids." Variation. Trishelle: I'm voting for you, Peter, because you're a dick who couldn't take the time to listen to my theory.
  10. https://bigbrothernetwork.com/big-brother-26-new-house-rumor/ Is the Big Brother House moving to a new location and a brand new house? What does this mean about the ants?
  11. Janelle was on a podcast that I watched this week. She was swearing that Peter would never become a traitor. Being smarter than the average bear, an hour or twenty-four hours later, I realized she was there, she knew what happened. HE DIDN'T ACCEPT. By not accepting, Peter kind of got on my nerves. "I want to win the right way." Does he not understand the game? Are the Traitors supposed to fall on their swords and die rather than play the game they are in? I don't know. He's just a little too self-righteous for me. Also, the fact he refused to listen to Trishelle made me think that a) he's decided HE is the leader and the others are the followers and b) he thought Trishelle was a girl, so why would I listen to her. I missed the banishment round table but I didn't hate the fire circle. Still love Alan.
  12. Alan mentioned the renewal last night on Jimmy Fallon. He acted like his role on the show was a lot of fun. They have him in another room getting ready, with a live monitor showing the breakfast room, while the players gather and talk. He was also pleased because he gets to keep the wardrobe from the show. :-)
  13. Not sure if Dan was doing some creative rewriting of history, but: According to a post-show interview he says that while watching episode 5 he messaged Pavarti to tell her that he had no memory of her saying that Peter had to be lying. Apparently Janelle really went after Dan in the roundtable and out Dan as a lying liar who lies and uses that strategy to win Big Pots of Money. He was so upset by that, followed by Bergie's assertion that Dan's name had a permanent spot on his blackboard, that he couldn't focus in the turret. He is now saying that of course he needed to listen to Pavarti, who knows how to suss out lies.
  14. As @DEL901 said, Dan really was "all that" on Big Brother. He may still be the only player in 25 seasons to win with a unanimous vote. Two masterful seasons, with the second even more unbelievable because the new players had had the chance to see how he worked. But he was terrible on this game, I agree. I'm really disappointed. Interestingly, last season's winner of the Traitors, Cirie Fields, was on BB this summer. And she was awful. At that point I hadn't seen any of her Survivor seasons or Season 1 of Traitors and was amazed at how masterful she was in the proper game for her personality and skills. I was listening to an interview with Janelle and she "speculated" on whether Peter would accept the invitation. Spoiler Alert:
  15. I know it was happenstance, but it was tragic that we lost the forums after Dan completed his implosion on The Traitors. I still have trouble believing how he blew it. I am most surprised at how he didn't seem to try and have relationships with the Faithful. If I was a Traitor the first thing I'd do is start dishing the conspiracy theories with two or three or four Faithful. Anyhow, it was shocking that he went after Phaedra instead of Parvati. Since the show aired, I've seen analysis that going after Phaedra might have worked if he'd done it earlier, before he was under so much scrutiny. For example, maybe he could have saved Janelle, and she wouldn't have attacked him as savagely as she apparently did at the roundtable. Dan kept saying that when he gave a name it would be a Traitor. He's now saying that it was a Hail Mary because he knew uncovering Phaedra at this point would be seen as "Wow, Dan really does know things!" Going after Parvati wouldn't pack the same punch since she was already under so much suspicion. But Phaedra wasn't going down easy, and the others saw it as a desperation move. Goodbye Dan. And remind me never to cross Phaedra. It will be interesting to see if Peter accepts the offer. I can't remember something. If he says no, do the Traitors get to immediately murder someone?
  16. Thalia

    S03.E01: Sierra

    I just kept thinking about Professor Proton and his potato powered clock on the Big Bang Theory.
  17. She's definitely gone overboard with the fillers; she was barely recognizable during the opening monologue. The Who's the Baby Daddy skit had me laughing out loud.
  18. Kate's constant picking at Rachel in season 1 got on my nerves. But here, as of yet, she doesn't have a particular target and I think she'll add some needed comic relief. All the others have been so sincere in their interviews. I can't for the life of me figure out what is going on with Dan, unless he's spent the last ten years of his life reading his own press clippings. Yes, he came in with a plan. Did he never consider that he might want to have a Plan B in his back pocket? Furthermore, tonight he seemed panicked and shocked that people were accusing him of trying to stay under the radar. Was he not present in episode 3, when people were making the same argument? Very strange. I think he can reset, but he doesn't have much time. He clearly wants to sit and think about his next move, but he's got one night in a hotel room. I hope that's enough. I may be wrong, but I tend to think they won't attempt to murder Bergie.
  19. I'm hoping that most of the players don't know that much about each other as well. I really wanted Dan to be named a traitor because I knew he'd be fun to watch. But I thought he'd be too obvious to the others. I loved Maks standing up for Peppermint. And Trishelle, it is a game after all and you have to have some reason to vote someone out. But you had been arguing against Peppermint from almost the first moment.
  20. Are Dan and Janelle Faithfuls ... or Traitors (Info that is shown in episode 1) And perhaps most importantly, Janelle looks Fabulous in her Scottish Country Manner Clothes.
  21. The selection process for next year's Reindeer Games. Happy New Year and I'll see you next summer.
  22. I can't help but believe that I caused the forums to breakdown a few days ago. After all, I did say that I no longer wanted hated Frankie and in fact wanted him to win. For something like that, I was expecting Hell to freeze over; shutting the forums down was nothing. Reindeer Games really was fun. The only thing I would change going forward is to eliminate having a player from the most recent season play. Cameron really had no chance against the others, and it eliminated any suspense in the first episode. I guess he could have won either the third challenge and moved forward, but as Britney noted, he was exhausted. There are still some glitches here and I can't seem to quote @iMonrey, but I agree 100% with your comments about Taylor. They showed a brief clip of her playing pool with the guys in season 24, while wearing a Va Va Va Voom red swimsuit. At the time I thought she was an idiot, playing into the hatred the other women in the house were exhibiting toward her. But maybe her plan all along had been to play the pageant diva. I certainly didn't like her as well in RG.
  23. I'm kind of loving that Derek is tanking on this Jingle Bell Brawl. And his excuse, "I didn't concentrate on the right things," reminded me of my former students: "You didn't ask about what I studied!" C'mon Brittany!
  24. Dan and Janelle talk with press before the filming of Traitors season 2 (premier 1/12/24) https://parade.com/tv/dan-janelle-big-brother-the-traitors-interview
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