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Everything posted by Thalia

  1. I wonder if they could recruit Cirie Fields? Nah, she's too big.
  2. I just finished watching an episode of Rob Has a Podcast that was filmed last night out in LA. There was a live show where the audience watched last night's episode and then then the podcast was filmed after. Participants were: Rob, Taran, Linnea from the podcast. The guests were Taylor (BB 24), Claire and Derek (BB 23 and AR), Zach Wurtenberger (Blood kin to one half of Coramerica and SUR 42), Omar and Maryanne (also from SUR 42). I listened to half of it in the car and then came back home and watched it all on youtube because apart from Taylor I didn't catch names. And then I took notes, because I am retired and my life is devoid of required tasks and kind of sad. If you don't want to watch I think I got most of the highlights are set out below the link. Taylor said she was initially recruited for AR, but didn't feel the need to ruin any friendships. Saw that the producer was involved with BB and SUR and asked about BB. After BB she thought about Survivor again, but watched a show and changed her mind after seeing how excited the Survivors got over "unseasoned fish." The food in the BB pantry was excellent. The name "Jag" aroused boos from the audience. Claire said Jag was impressive; no one said anything positive about BJ. Not a lot said about Matt beyond brief discussion of final 4 vote and what should happen. Claire and Derek said that there are "handlers" in the jury house to try and keep houseguests from discussing the game off camera. Nonetheless there was campaigning going on, and in their season there was a lot of resentment against Kyland. Houseguests were encouraged to say positive things about each contestant before the camera. Zach came out and was asked whether America and Cory had a future. At first he said it would depend on whether Cory's dorm room had a single or a double bed next semester. Then he said he thought they would last. Omar and Maryanne sat in the live audience at the BB studio. No one in the audience seemed to like BFJ. Julie was nice and gave good hugs. Taylor said she thought the letter from Reilly to Matt was stupid and she assumed it was set up by production. She also hates Blue's Kitty Kitty Purr Purr Purrsona Persona. I fastforwarded through the last fifteen or so minutes. There was a BB Halloween Costume pageant. I did see one young woman, who was wearing a trash bag and wore a note that said "Bowie Jane." Taylor asked about it and the woman said it represented BJ, "minimum effort and maximum results."
  3. Well, dammit. My CBS station is showing Tennessee Titans football instead of BB. I thought maybe I could pick it up on Paramount/CBS, but it isn't letting me watch live. I really wanted to see the jury house. Oh well, laters.
  4. Something kind of sweet -- Cirie has collected a photo from every HOH winner's photos. I don't know what she plans to do with them given the way she's talked about everyone. Maybe she just wanted an excuse to hold on to a few of Jared's family photos. OR, she could be planning some kind of Dark Arts ritual once she gets out.
  5. I'm not feeling the live feeds love right now, and have been catching up on the Shenanigans in the BB house elsewhere. According to all sources, behavior is getting low, low, low in the Sizable Sibling Shack. The Big (Annoying) Three are still hiding for hours in the HOH room. Cirie and Felicia are clearly at a disadvantage during this Cold War, because while cooking dinner Felicia suggested that they fight back by keeping quiet when the food is ready. "If they want dinner let them find out if it is ready their own damn selves!" You would think this would make Matt happy (the homey sounds and smells of the wimmenfolk doing their God-ordained tasks), but no. He said something about Cirie and Felicia packing and how they were probably stealing items, like pillows, from the BB house to take with. (From the way Taran told the story, it wasn't said in endearing jest.) Because if I wanted to steal something and was restricted to a backpack I'd sure steal a pillow. Good thinking Matty! BFJ said that Felicia had no right to complain about the physical competitions because Jag's 60 plus year old dad competes in triathlons, so there! I, for one, look forward to when Bowie Jane comes back to the house in twenty-seven seventeen years and kills in all the physical comps the way she has this season at age 36 46. I also got the impression that neither Cirie or Felicia knows who is going home tonight.
  6. I just listened to Taran's recap of the last 24 hours (on Rob has a Podcast). He spent most of his time recapping and analyzing the Cackling and Plotting of the Not-So-Big-Three, as discussed by @30 Helens above. And boy is he disgusted over their junior high like behavior (Bobby, you go tell Johnny that Susie is mad at him and see what he says? Hee hee hee). He blames a lot of it on Jag's power-mad persona but Bowie and Matt don't come off much better. Apart from being pissed over the way they've decided to gaslight a 63 year old woman who has no chance of winning any physical comp, he detailed Matt's comments about America's lack of womanly skills and failure to do his laundry. Plus, apparently they were mocking Cory for putting on a suit (i don't remember this) but when he didn't get the reaction he wanted (per Matt) he took it off! Then they talked about Cory putting on America's jumpsuit. They called it "strange" but seemed to have stopped before they crossed the line into homophobia.
  7. My initial dislike of Bowie came during the period when she nominated Cameron and his eviction. Hours before the veto ceremony, she was loyal to him and said she couldn't nominate him. Then after Jag told her that Cameron was considering evicting her, she nominated him. That made sense. But beyond that she was just vicious in her condemnation of him, going far beyond what Cory and America, the two with the most reason to dislike him, said. And it appeared to me that it was all because the "cool kids" laughed and agreed with her every time she said something mean. And ever since, as has been noticed time and again, it has seemed like she's more concerned with being in the trio with Matt and Jag than in playing the game for herself. OTOH, it probably is getting her further in the game than I would have thought midseason.
  8. I was dying for a sarcastic Cirie DR after that Reilly letter.
  9. I will never understand the Oversized Memory that Reilly has left in that house. LOL at the idea that Felicia would ever be okay with FBJ of all people putting her on the block.
  10. This reminded me that I do want to watch tonight's show. I'm curious to see how much emphasis the show runners give to the letter and Matt's reaction (my best guess? Lots.) I didn't realize Bowie was unhappy about it. I want to see that too.
  11. If BFJ makes it to the final 2, I can more or less draft her speech. "I deserve to win for playing such a strong social game that I was never put on the block." No, No, NO. The Reasons you were never put on the block are three-fold: 1) Felicia's HOH followed a week where Hisam's exalted opinion of himself, his wisdom, and his power made the idea of spending one more week with him more insufferable than just leaving any room you happened to enter. 2) By the time Felicia, Cirie, and Izzy decided to despise you Cameron/Jag/Matt had other targets and saw you as a semi-endearing/semi-annoying gnat who they could use. (Jared probably didn't know you were even IN the House.) 3) And Jag can't even get up the nerve to use you as a pawn because he is apparently terrified by a woman's tears.
  12. Veto winners for the season: Hisam, Hisam, Jag, Red, Cameron, Jared, Jag, Matt, Zombie Week, Cameron, Jag, Blue and Jag, Jag, Matt
  13. As Felicia might say, "they call you Legion, for you are many." I know the show always has a ton of physical competitions because, I suppose, they are deemed more "exciting" for the shows. But they can design competitions that are timed and yet don't require youth and strength to win -- it was possible for women to win the veto competition with the records and the "Eldong Power of Veto." They didn't, but those comps didn't require any particular upper body strength like the comic book one.
  14. I am visiting relatives and this afternoon I was driving and suddenly I passed a store called The Mustard Seed. But for the fact that I would have had to slam on my breaks, cut hard right across two lanes of traffic, scared my cousin and any number of drivers out and about in the Greater Chattanooga area, I would have gone into the establishment and screamed, "Change the store's name! NO MORE MUSTARD SEEDS!" Although -- what if Felicia wins? The only possible explanation would be that God loves her more than the others. (I've noticed that God isn't crazy about Tennessee, at least when they play Alabama or Florida.) After anointing Felicia on finale night, he or she might even smite Jared. He'll be right there on the stage.
  15. This. Somewhere in the early days of this thread I said that, unlike most seasons, I liked everyone. Well, except Jared and the late unlamented Luke. Then there was a week when Hisam drove me (and the houseguests) insane with rage. But the other 14? At around week 2, everyone seemed okay. Although it is hard to remember now, my reasoning was based on the fact that they were treating each other with civility, both to each others faces and behind their backs. Boy howdy, did that ever change around the time of Red's eviction week. Of the five left, Cirie is the only one I find the least bit charming. I mean, even if I don't loathe Matt right now, I'm certainly "loathe adjacent" in the way I feel about him. I would have thought that impossible around week 2 or 3.
  16. Maybe that will be one thing of interest in the finale. How many times says "Right," assuming they let him talk. I suspect there will also be a Red and Cameron bromance reunion moment. As for Jared and Blue -- unless he brings his girlfriend with him to the show -- that might be a good time for me to the bathroom and check the fridge for snacks. As for Reilly and Matt -- Maybe there are a lot of Matt/Reilly shippers out there? It would help explain something I've wondered about for several weeks now. On Jokers HG rankings, Reilly has been in the top 4 for the most part. It is a small pool of voters -- looks like around 500 maybe. For at least two weeks, they've been 1. America 2. Cody 3/4 have switched between Cirie and Reilly. 4/5 have switched between Cirie and Cameron. The bottom feeders? Blue, Luke, and Jared. Jared is always last, even lower than Luke. LOL.
  17. I think I really am done now. She was the only one left that I truly liked.
  18. It might as well be Jag's HOH: Part III (Now in 3D)
  19. Here's an idea Blue. Why not wear an outfit with straps?
  20. Blue must be think she's going to jury given her outfit v. America's.
  21. Here is a link to an article about the competition. It seemed pretty obvious at the time, to many of us at least, that Matt did poorly and because of that, the show decided to cover up their mistake, insensitivity, whatever you want to call it, by just showing the top times. You know, in contrast to the way they had handled the situation during the first 24 seasons of the show. I am pretty sure it was the first competition of the season where the cast competed separately. The veto contestants had to listen to listen to records to divine clues. The winner did so in the shortest amount of time. https://www.usmagazine.com/entertainment/news/was-big-brother-veto-competition-fair-to-deaf-houseguest-matt-klotz/
  22. I held it together until I saw Bruno fall apart. Len, we will always remember you with love.
  23. I just put some links up on the Media Page. :-)
  24. For @SummerDreams https://parade.com/tv/cory-wurtenberger-big-brother-25-interview https://www.msn.com/en-us/tv/celebrity/big-brother-25-cory-wurtenberger-weighs-in-on-his-eviction-and-status-of-romance-with-america-exclusive/ar-AA1ixSqG https://ew.com/tv/big-brother-25-cory-wurtenberger-interview/ https://www.globaltv.com/cory-on-cormericas-future-and-his-dislike-of-blue-the-player/
  25. Felicia would probably vote Bowie out over anyone else. I was about to type that Bowie would save Matt and Jag because she's so happy that they "chose" her to be part of an alliance. On the other hand, her biggest motivation this season has been to vote "with the house." I'm just glad it will all be over soon.
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