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Everything posted by Umbelina

  1. That was weird, I figured it was a typo, and she meant that Ken helped his sister to adopt.
  2. I lost count somewhere after 11 "fucks" or their the derivatives with Kyle tonight. Anyone get a full count? No more pearl clutching when Brandi says it for you Kyle.
  3. Kyle's friends really tried to get her to calm down, but Kyle was itching for a fight, and got one. Brandi was behaving just fine, Kyle caused this one, dredging up all of her past grievances before she worked herself up to attack Brandi is SO Kyle. This was a Bravo party, Kyle knew damn well Brandi would be there. Fake, liar, bitch, shit stirrer, same old Kyle. THEN after the fight she causes her she pulls out the victim, teary sounding voice, but no tears, oh poor victimized me. I'm also tired of the fake pearl clutching whenever Brandi says "fuck." Kyle says it just as often, but oh, when it's SAID, she has the vapors.
  4. I really doubt Bravo took much convincing about hiring Kim when this show was being cast. She was BY FAR the bigger get, and the more famous of the two sisters. I remember reading reports back then that the sister Bravo really wanted was KATHY, so they could have scenes with Paris. Kathy had some kind of Paris/Kathy show in the works at the time, and passed. I mean really, who was Kyle before this? Kim was the famous one, or Paris.
  5. Soaps are dying, and she's nearly ready for the dowager roles there anyway. This is easy money for a couple month's work. She'll be beloved at the end of this season, and probably won't show her ass until her second season. Oh, and Brandi's whole "cheating husbands" thing isn't such a far stretch for the RHBH wives. You could subtract "husbands" and add in spouses and have even more numbers to back her up. Eileen cheated. Vince cheated. Mohammed cheated. My love (reportedly) cheated before marrying Yo, and rumors are that he's back at it. Mauricio has had cheating rumors for years, now add in the transvestite thing--so who knows? Kelsey cheated. PamDana's cheated. Kim cheated on her husband(s?) Brandi's husband cheated. Sheaneanna (who has been on this show several times) cheated. Rumors of cheating or, at the very least, open or sham marriage were all over Adrienne and Paul (now divorced.) Harry cheated on his first wife with Nicolette Sheridan (according to court documents, in the wife's bed.) I know I've forgotten some. Brandi's not far out there with the cheating stuff. It's not nice though, and she really needs to get over Eddie and the slut, I mean, his wife.
  6. Andy's over it too. He just talked about the housewives saying "my gays" and suggested they try that with "my blacks."
  7. Kyle really doesn't need Brandi in order to make an ass of herself. She did it well before Brandi was even hired for the show. She wanted a scene, she got a scene. She wanted to play the poor little me cards, she got to play them. She probably sent Brandi roses after the show wrapped, since Brandi has given her back what she's never been able to grab for herself, people being on her side. I think Lisa will bide her time this season, but sooner or later, she WILL bury Kyle, actually she doesn't even need to loan Kyle a shovel, because maybe Lisa's finally learned that Kyle will do that all by herself. Kyle made the scenes tonight, just as she wanted. I don't know if Kim was really in control enough to plan this or not, I think she wanted Brandi there, because she saw Kyle trying to make pie with Kim's issues again at the poker party, and probably felt safer with Brandi there. It's possible it was more devious than that. The Richard sisters are a mess.
  8. http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills/season-5/blogs/lisa-vanderpump/lisa-v-brandis-behavior-was Nice blog from Lisa, and she talks more about Max, when he's wanted to do the show, his early childhood, and this search for identity. Very touching.
  9. Total set up. Totally fake. Just like Kyle. I seriously hope pissing off Brandi backfires big time, because next time Maury cheats, and is caught, and it's hushed up? We will hear all the juicy details. I still want to know what that cigar joke meant (Kim.) Very mature Kyle, double bird your sister at a party, get loud, and stomp your stumpy little legs around. Classy.
  10. Kyle succeeds! It's all about Kim's addictions AGAIN, some more. She's the victim! She's TRIED, and SUFFERED, and everyone should love me me me me, because I'm the best sister! vomit. Yup, Kyle escalated that and turned into a huge scene, Bravo must be so proud.
  11. From everything I've been told, read, and watched documentaries of? Yeah, pretty much. I was also involved with Russian refugees, and Odessa after the fall of the USSR. My friend's mother was starving to death, she was the wife and mother of doctors, no heat, scary on the streets. The very elite may have had more than cabbage to eat, but the rest were struggling.
  12. She was pretending she didn't know all the ins and outs of things that have happened since this began. I call bullshit on that. As far as her LONG friendship with Kyle? The show they were going to do together (Hollywood Moms) and saying that she'd never missed a white party since the very beginning when they were small (and I remember reading that quote, but not specifically where, it seemed legit though.) I think she was brought in as a Kyle ally, and she's doing just as expected. I'm hoping the longer she is on the show, she may re-examine that friendship, because Kyle bugs the crap out of me.
  13. https://www.facebook.com/TheAmericans Preview up here, some spoilers, obviously.
  14. Elizabeth is pretty much being ordered to fast track her grooming of Paige though. Center wants it done and wants it ASAP. This is also a great story because it's going to really illustrate the differences between having choices, and having none. Phillip and Elizabeth grew up having none, and because of that, they may not have questioned the choice that was made for them by their government. They may have even felt lucky, since being KGB probably meant food, respect, more education, less manual labor, and someplace warm to sleep. Paige is now just about their age, but, for Phillip, this must be bringing back his own memories of that time, and how different he felt than Paige will feel. I think Elizabeth is just thrilled that she can finally cut the freedom Paige has enjoyed and make her tow the line, and learn Elizabeth's values and value. Still...memories...for both of them, but somehow I think they will react in very different ways to those.
  15. There is no way they would let her keep her kids if she defected, or frankly, even let her out of custody. Or at least, I seriously doubt it. Anyone know of any kind of history on that? I just can't see defection as an option for either of them. What information would they have that's valuable enough to be released? Everyone already knows the Soviet Embassy is full of spies, and even if they deport some, more will come. They don't really know other undercover agents, the ones they did know are dead. Yeah, they could solve a few cases, specifically their own participation, and perhaps tell them about the pen, but so what? There best outcome from defecting would probably be "use them as triple agents" rather than life in prison, and neither of them would want to do that. It's not as if they have anymore trust in the CIA/FBI than they have in the KGB.
  16. Defection isn't an option, because Elizabeth would never agree, hell, she'd probably shoot Phillip herself if he suggested it. Also, even if Phillip did, he'd spend the rest of his life in jail, or worse, traded for someone in custody in the USSR and killed. The kids would be in foster care. Running, if it was just Phillip and the kids, MIGHT work, if circumstances allow, for example lots of cash and finding trustworthy connections. Again, Elizabeth would not agree, unless one of her kids was threatened or killed, and even then? I'm not so sure. ETA Phillip may soon begin to secretly prepare for that option, even if he never takes it. ID wasn't checked at airports back then, and giving or selling someone your ticket was common, and no big deal either. He's in the travel industry, so he may think about arranging some things that way. Use some returned tickets, or use fake former clients to book a flight, go down to the airport and pay cash, or just list them as purchased with cash by "Mr. Williams and his kids Jeff and Jessie to LA for Disneyland." Land in LA and use tickets from "Mr. Simpson with his kids Bart and Lisa to go visit grandma in Idaho." from there hop a train to Arizona or South Dakota. He'd know how to do that.
  17. That, and the new guy who will be running the country is a hard ass, and former KBG, that will have to change some things. I think it will make the Paige issue be even more forced through frankly. He isn't the sympathetic type, and wants orders obeyed.
  18. It seems that they knew that they had to ACT married, but didn't Elizabeth originally not want to have kids, and only did it because the KGB insisted? I think "have some kids" was tacked on after they were here. ??
  19. He could take the kids and run to some unimportant area, if he had the connections (secure enough from the KGB) to get new ID's, which he probably doesn't. Paige might be all for that, if she is as horrified as I think she will be when her mom tells her the truth. He need's "Better call Saul's" disappearing guy. There would be no show if that happened though, well, there COULD be, but will the writers be willing to pull an Alias and reboot? (When Alias destroyed SD-6 in season 2, groundbreaking move there.)
  20. It's a great story! It has so many layers, and possibilities. If/when they do tell Paige, and she rebels, even Elizabeth would have to admit the KGB would kill her or take her in order to protect their cover. Or possibly SAY they took her. I do think they could run, to some non strategic place where the KGB would have trouble finding them, but then the show becomes quite different, and I don't think Elizabeth would run, even to save her daughter. Hell, she'd probably believe the "We took her back to the USSR to protect her and you, and we will raise her with your values Elizabeth! To Phillip? Step out of line and she's dead. Do better with your son, because we will want him soon.
  21. I don't think she has butt implants either. Didn't Andy check that on WWHL once? She's just blessed with a great ass, and I'm she she works out as well.
  22. I think part of the whole "just groom page" plan from the KGB is cultural ignorance. The USA and the USSR had (have, now with Russia) so many cultural differences that it's hard to really understand, on a very basic level, that what may seem easy to them, is not, not with a kid who has been raised in relative ease, wealth, and the kind of basic freedoms, such as speaking your mind without fear, choosing your own beliefs that Moscow big wigs simply couldn't understand, no matter how much they studied the US. Did they even listen to their agents that were embedded? Maybe, a bit, but basically they were just tools to carry out orders. Elizabeth has, in many ways, closed herself off from those US "basic" freedoms, almost as if she will not allow herself to see any good in democracy or the US way of life, because it may shake her commitment. Phillip is quite different, is more enmeshed, and, he understands, or is beginning to understand that, although the foreign policies may infuriate him, day to day life is much better in the USA. Phillip GETS that blowing up his daughter's world by both the grooming, and the inevitable reveal that they are Soviet spies, and they want Paige to be one too is really quite insane. It simply won't work, although the KGB could certainly use tactics to force Paige into it, or to keep her mouth shut. Or, if she becomes resentful, or liable to turn her parents in, to simply shoot her in the head, or "disappear her." Phillip KNOWS that the KGB doesn't give a shit about their kids, and it (rightly IMO) scares him silly. Elizabeth, who constantly works hard at being a true believer, SHOULD know the same thing, but she either doesn't, or is blindly refusing to believe it. She loves the idea of her daughter knowing who Elizabeth is, and the idea of being fighters against the evil US empire TOGETHER. She has absolute (or is forcing absolute) confidence that her daughter will love and admire her more after this reveal, and love to serve in her cause. It's going to be a mess. Elizabeth doesn't get what we, or most of us do, since we were born here, and can kind of understand what it would have done to us, had our parents confessed treason and expected us to choose their lives as a young teen. Hell, very few kids wanted to follow in mom and dad's footsteps as plumbers, or lawyers, or travel agents, let alone turning your entire future over to the KGB! Phillip does get it. It's going to be a fascinating mess.
  23. I wonder if she were allowed to film with her kids (like the others) and doing mom things if she'd be more liked? Maybe, but she really needs to lay off the booze while filming. She's doing well on CA with no booze.
  24. I don't know. Simon and Alex disclosed a LOT of stuff, both in blogs, and on her podcast. Maybe there are some things they aren't allowed to say, but those two have said a lot about behind the scenes shenanigans.
  25. True, that's why she works for a show like this. Chaos is always possible when Brandi is around.
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