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Everything posted by paisley

  1. I can support the idea that the Frosty Audrey public confrontation and Hannah firing are part of a scheme to out the mole. There are just so many things on this show that happen with no real buildup. So Chuck is crushing on Hannah and has awesome tech skills but what else? I know nothing else about him, have no investment in him so why should I care or be surprised if he's the mole? Audrey is a female tech titan and can order carryout like a boss and that pretty much sums her up. Damien was a double agent and is probably dead. VP was the coup spokesperson but now its over so everything is cool, life goes on. Brother Kirkman had some issues but he's on meds so its all good. These people have no depth of character so I don't care what happens to them live/die, come/go, whatever. I liked Hannah's former boss/partner but they killed his son and killed him it didn't have any impact. Sad and a waste. I guess some of this can be attributed to BTS upheaval but come on, tell a good story, not just move pieces around or off the board. You've got Kiefer Sutherland, stop being wasteful. And by the way, bringing Kim Raver on was a cheap shortcut to intimacy, totally unearned. Build a relationship with words, not with audience familiarity from a past incarnation. I'm understanding Michael J. Fox with no problem and enjoying him.
  2. I'm real concerned about how the season will end also. 3 eps to go, the show is more engaging than ever thanks to Robert/Willow. What will happen with the BTS upheaval? E! should recognize there's only so much Kardashians and Sex and the City reruns people can watch. The Royals- Season 5!
  3. Yeah, Max Brown is everything. His portrayal of Robert keeps me thinking about the show long after its gone off. He's doing a hell of a job. My dream for Willow is that she has some kind of secret agenda (like she's working for the government to keep an eye on the royals). I want her and Robert together but as equals, challenging each other and respecting and admiring each others strengths. Willow and Liam hold absolutely no interest for me. It would be like her being his babysitter. As I've said before Liam needs to go find himself and show up next season (I hope there is one) with a new attitude and having developed his own interests. No more dippy girlfriends. I started watching this show for Jasper and Eleanor and I have no regrets. They've both evolved from really wretched people into a couple who truly care for each other. I enjoy watching them interact and hope to continue to do so.. It occurred to me that Cyrus and Cassandra have the same kind of energy and it might be fun to see them as frenemies. They could be so powerfully devious together. I'm not sure about a romance but maybe a companionship of convenience might work. I mean if Helena and Sebastian can work so could Cassandra and Cyrus. Think of them showing up together for a family dinner! Hoping for The Royals Season 5.
  4. It is really unfortunate that Max Gail can't continue on the show long term. He's doing an excellent job and would really add something positive to Port Charles. I'm ready for another, more better natural disaster. A tornado perhaps. This time instead of choosing folks I want to die, my exclusive survivor list would include Robert, Anna, day player nurses, Finn, Kim, Monica, Drew, Ned, Ava, Scott, Laura, Kevin, Lucas, Epiphany, Dante, Charlotte, exceptionally attractive Curtis (who should be in a story arc with Robert and Drew), Jordan, TJ, Michael, son of Faison minus the bs backstory and that's about it. Brave New World, survivors standing amid the mass destruction in the sunlight. Tristan Rogers is pure gold. Somebody shoot Nina with an animal tranquilizer.
  5. This son of Faison story is so awful. I don't mind Peter August and I really like Anna on occasion but this manipulated, twisted lost baby story sucks so much. There's too many people she's going to need to explain things to and apologize and cry about it. Weeks worth of crying. Not interested in Anna the weepy spy. In fact I can't think of a current storyline that I'm invested in. I've started watching the CBS soaps and they're a lot more interesting but the complaints about Victor in the forums are identical to the complaints about Sonny. ;) What I'd like to see is Laura show up at the Nurses Ball, doing her Miss Star Eyes twinkle at Kevin and send Lucy spinning off into space. And lots more Robert Scorpio. Does anyone else remember when the Santa Barbara writers created the Carnation Killer whose sole purpose was to kill off useless characters and bad actors? It was awesome and would be very useful in Port Charles. Yes, I've been watching "the stories' for a very long time.
  6. Exactly what is Franco's plan with the Jim Harvey victim list? He's going to contact the victims and say what? Is this about his healing process or theirs? Elizabeth talking makes my head hurt. Until she can talk about something other than Franco just STFU! Where's Robert? He should be on everyday to soothe my nerves. He is a glowing light in a dark forest of stupid. Kim's hair is looking much better and fuller. So far she's not annoying and I like her and Julian together. Plus she's not making big heart eyes at Drew, she's mastered subtlety, a rare commodity in Port Charles. Perhaps she could have a workshop.
  7. You've been VP for 20 minutes and now you're leading a coup, really? Done with you. Frosty Audrey is the mole? Done with you. Been done, retroactive to 24. Kirkman's brother comes off as fake and shady. Hannah got the silent hospital hallway death notice scene. How many resurrections can this dude get? Even without Frosty Audrey, I might not make it to the end of the season.
  8. Okay, I'm strategically FFing through the foolishness, trying to enjoy Robert without actually listening to whatever son of Faison garbage Anna is saying, when my eyes are attacked by that monstrosity of a sofa in Anna's hotel suite. It is one of the ugliest pieces of furniture I've ever seen. And the horrendous giant throw pillows with the silver design? Why??? Why is Robert in there with those awful furnishings distracting me from him? Trying to see Robert I move past Nelle perfuming the air in a graveyard and a tombstone! Then I see JaSam waving beer bottles around and putting them down on a wooden coffee table minus coasters (big no no in my mom's house). Why am I being challenged by bad writing and awful set decoration? Also, in the gaslight story who am I suppose to root for? What is the desired outcome? Carly's obnoxious and Nelle is too stupid to be a credible anything, character, villain, human being. Just make them stop taking time away from Robert. Good to see you Epiphany. Come again soon.
  9. I got new batteries for my remote because in order to enjoy Robert F Scorpio I'm going to have to FF through a whole lot of BS.
  10. Kin was and still is beautiful. GH, on the other hand, not so much
  11. Where would Michael make friends? I'm not good with his history but wasn't he in a coma for a while? During his wonder years most sane parents in town probably wouldn't allow their kids to hang with a mobster's kid. Then he was in prison? Did he go to college? That's where people make lasting friends. Poor schmuck never had a chance.
  12. Sorry, not interested in health scare Jordan story and I like Jordan. Is Sam going to be able to get with the Drew/Franco détente? I miss Helena.
  13. Daytime Emmys should be on Comedy Central. They can't be taken seriously. There are actors who are doing excellent, committed work but reading the nominee list just makes me go WTF.
  14. So Cassandra has crazy eyes. Whatever-as long as Willow doesn't get hurt. Helena and Sebastian? That was Sebastian, right? Now that's an unexpected twist. I can't imagine where this is going. Why do the Royals do their hookups at the palace? Wouldn't it be more private at the hookup's home instead of at the Royal dorm where there's security cameras and guards and family and staff everywhere? Or maybe that's the point-drama. Anyway get it Helena. She looked really good this episode. Jasper's dad is sleazy. I'm not at all interested in seeing him and Duchie together. Ewwww! Why, Liam, why? Kathryn's sister would be a better, more fun partner, she seems to have an actual personality. It seems all of his actions are based on being rebellious, he gets that determined, pouty lipped face going and off we go. Let's bring Robert's ex down low lover to a family celebration (previews) because 'I saw her first and he took her and I loooove her". And she's willing to be the Royal pass around pack? I'm sure its not historically unprecedented but wow, so tacky. I'm thinking Liam needs to go into exile with poor Cyrus. When they hung out at least Liam looked like he was having fun. I have to admit I admire Robert's strategic planning. Yeah, it is evil and inconsiderate but he is goal oriented and is making things happen the way he wants them to happen. He's extreme but clever. He needs Willow to balance him out. Eleanor is Robin Hood, huh? Girlfriend, just put some cash in an envelope and shove it in the mailbox. Simplify. Jasper, your default setting should no longer be LIE especially to Mr. Hill. Your dad is scum and you know that.
  15. anms- in answer to your first question my guess is that when Season 4 was filmed it was prior to the harassment stuff coming out. Also I'm not sure if his name would be removed because he was EP at that time. Mark was removed after filming was completed. I'm sure someone will come up with a more accurate explanation of circumstances but hopefully this will tide you over until you can fill in the blanks.
  16. Designated Survivor is not a great show but I continue to watch because I like Kiefer and I loved '24'. Last night's episode was not good. Of course the bomb in the white van was a decoy. Of course the girlfriend was being held by the bad guys. Of course decent FBI guy makes peace Kirkland and gets blown up. Every time I thought "they're not going to do that , too obvious", it happened anyway. And more Kim and Kiefer that I hated last week? YUCK! Chief of staff woman maneuvering around legal advisor woman with complete disrespect was just nasty. Madeupistan is brilliant. Too bad this episode wasn't.
  17. I would be so disappointed if the writers did a "Who Shot J.R.?" with Robert. Some of us have been there already and no version of it will work for me in 2018. I like the ambiguity in Robert's story thus far, yeah he looks shady af but exactly how shady is he? Most of the crap he supposedly has done can be easily explained away. I think a lot is dependent on what's done behind the scenes with writing staff if they go for another season. What I can't figure out is what they are going to do with Liam. Can he be evolved from big, whiny baby to manly man in the time left in this season? Why is he the sad sack he is now? Maybe he needs to go on a journey of self discovery like his siblings. Enjoying the conversation in this forum.
  18. I'm loving Max Brown's portrayal of Robert. There's a subtlety to it that is delicious, it just keeps me wanting more. Very happy to see Joan Collins again ( her calling Cyrus "Scar" was everything), but Frost the Elder is gonna have to step it up past skeevy con man to play in her league. Jasper needs to out him immediately. It'll be interesting to see Robert's reaction to him after their past collusion. Inappropriate bride candidate is back. I like her wrongness but I doubt Robert's little head is going to let her run any game on him. He has an objective in mind, he'll manage anything that gets in the way. I wish Liam could hook up with someone less insipid than his past choices. Maybe he could get with Robert's Inappropriate Bride Candidate (IBC) and learn a few things. I don't need to see Kathryn or Ophelia ever again. The Bad Ass Quartet was fun and got things done. Also liked Eleanor and Willow interacting. Perhaps they could even have a scene that passes the Bechtel Test. I just let it go that as large as London is people managed to find Jasper's ambulance in the middle of a blackout and civil insurrection. I enjoy the ridiculousness of this show so much.
  19. Nope, nope, nope. Not feeling Kim/Kiefer part two. Bring back Virginia Madsen, let him flirt with D.C. mayor Aunjanue Ellis, let him be a grieving widower for a couple of weeks, just no Kim and Kiefer again.
  20. It was good to see the old clips but they are such a reminder of the fabulous, well-told, riveting stories we used to get as opposed to the endless circle of CarSon centered stuff that's on now. I won't watch a show where the main characters are morally reprehensible people who never learn from or pay for their transgressions. They never have any sort of epiphany thinking "that was wrong, I shouldn't have done that". It's always "oh well...". Do better. Recognize that your audience may include a few young people who are trying to get clues on how to function in the world. Yes, I'm sure they're getting guidance at home, but media provides them with information too. As for the mature audience, we are not entertained by this core of unpleasant characters that are focused on everyday. They are annoying, to say the least, so why would anyone continue to invest time in something so rancid? Franco is unredeemable, re-cast the actor as another character. Sonny and Carly are petty dictators who should be sidelined and replaced with characters like Mac and Felicia or Kevin and Laura who can provide roots to the past and a positive face forward. Or we can all cut ties with GH and do some more interesting things with our time.
  21. Jeez, Liam needs a serious timeout-exile for a while. He has the maturity of a nine year old. I laughed so hard when Fleanor clocked him, it was great. And that big shiny gun was so ridiculous, just have a seat, dumbass. The party was cute and I was happy to see Sebastian. He is so chill and is a good supportive friend. I didn't quite understand why the sick girl couldn't go to go to the party but the party could come to her but not important, is it? The last bride candidate was an inappropriate life partner for Robert but an excellent fool around choice. In a short time they would try and destroy each other so nothing long term for them. Robert is devious as hell and I'm really enjoying his maneuvering. Plus he is so lovely. I continue to be a Jasper enthusiast and Cyrus is so dapper, I can't get enough of his fashion. Be strong Willow. You can make it go the way you want it.
  22. Naively, I keep thinking that it is possible that Robert might not be behind all the reprehensible things going on. I'd like to be surprised by him. I'd also like to be surprised that Willow has a titanium, adamantium, vibranium backbone that isn't completely swayed by Robert's manipulations. My entire reason for watching this season is to see Willow survive, resplendent and triumphant, with Robert kissing her toes. I really liked the music from the past seasons, this season not so much. Everyone needs to get receipts for whatever Robert tells them.
  23. I think Michael should get bapped in the head and develop a new personality: louche, HoMichael. He could get involved with some older woman like AMC's Tad and Marian Colby. He could cuss out Carson on a regular basis. Eventually the love of a semi good woman (Francesca) could help integrate the two personalities into one fairly interesting man. TVbitch -about those Emmy noms keep in mind that these are the folks that awarded Kristina and Morgan 'best'.
  24. I liked Francesca. I hope she gets a callback after they get rid of Psycho Nelle and Obnoxious Amy.
  25. OMG! The horror of the Daytime Emmy nominations. And GH got the most noms??? OMG
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