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Mrs peel

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Posts posted by Mrs peel

  1. On ‎8‎/‎9‎/‎2017 at 1:37 PM, Ki-in said:

    Reunion looks!


    I see Sonja has perfected Kim Kardashian's "fuck me" face.  Sad.

    Sonja and Ramona are so trying too hard - put your breasts away ladies!  Bonus negative points for the bad wig/extensions/whatever Ramona is wearing; is it just me, or is the color significantly lighter than her real hair color?  Maybe I'm blinded by the gold lame.  Also negative points for Sonja's eye makeup, she looks like a RHOC raccoon.

    Lu's dress is low cut for her, but for whoever it was thought there was beading?  That seems to be a statement necklace - I know, shocking!  At least her breasts aren't hanging out, but it's very plain.  Her hair always looks great.

    Tinsley - well, the color is nice on her, but she does need a makeover.  .

    Carole's dress is appropriate, though I think the color is a bit drab (maybe it's better in person?).  I think a side part and some subtle bangs would help both Carole and Tinsley.

    Bethenny - I know, she just has to do RED, we get it already!  I don't particularly like the shade, but then I'm not a big fan of red.   I can't decide if it's old school (think any movie star in the 50's) or matronly.  The scarf thingie was obviously bothering her during the clip where she went off on Ramona.  It's surprisingly modest for her.

    Dorinda - can't decide if she does short and a pattern to be different or just to show off the legs.  She does have great legs, but the dress is "eh" for me.

    Pet peeve - ladies - hem the damned dresses!  Of the long dresses, only Lu's is hemmed appropriately..

    • Love 4
  2. On ‎8‎/‎12‎/‎2017 at 3:10 PM, BBHN said:

    There is a difference between a HW and someone else's employees, vs a HW and another HW's kids. Not the same thing, in terms of intimidation.

    Her/their body language said she/they might not be the close or friendly, but it isn;t real evidence there was absolutely no communication at all.

    Do we even know if B recognized him?  She and Lu aren't friends, they don't hang out together, Lu's son hasn't been on the show for something like 2 years (when did Carole meet Adam?).  And she likely wouldn't have expected him to be there.

    I didn't recognize him. 

    • Love 4
  3. 58 minutes ago, mostlylurking said:

    Tinsley I like her but she is desperately in need of a makeover.  It's funny she told the makeup artist she wanted a matte look because it confirmed what I have been saying all season - her makeup is way too matte and not "fresh" looking.  It looks like she slept in her makeup and just keeps reapplying.  Not youthful.  It made me sad that matronly dress she was wearing probably cost $5,000 (if not more).

    It sounds absurd but $4.2M for an apartment of that size in the city really is a steal.  Anne Hathaway bought a 1 bedroom apt that was like 800sf and she paid over a mil for it, and that was a couple years ago.  Dorinda's apartment is a shoe box and she probably paid a couple mil as well.  It does depend on what neighborhood too.

    Carole's apartment just looks really gross to me, and it does look like it would smell.  I have a dog and of course I know that just because you have cats does not mean your home has to smell.  But her apartment just really grosses me out.  And again, it makes me sad that's it's probably a multi million dollar space.  No screens on the windows??  Huh??  How much do screens costs?  Get it together Carole..

    I couldn't decide whether Tinsley's dress was too youthful or too matronly, but it was horrible either way.  Color was ok.

    B's apt - not my style so probably affects my feelings, but it seemed very cold to me.  And other than the large windows in the living room, I don't recall seeing any natural lighting, which is a killer for me.  It seemed like an apt that didn't show well, the remodel previously done (in the last 10 years tops) looked dated, particularly the bathroom which was so large but so much dead space (personally I hate the above the counter sinks, I knew they would look dated in 5 years!).  The walk-in closet was HUGE, and obviously professionally done - so not sure why she needs to "rip everything out" (except to show she has the money to do so).  But again with so much dead space, presumably when someone lived there, there was furniture and it was some kind of sitting room/closet?  Or was it actually a bedroom with the bed floating in the middle of the room? 

    I don't understand why Carole didn't have AC on if she has no screens on the windows.  NO, actually I don't understand why she doesn't have screens for her windows, in the spring and fall you want open windows at least some of the time.  And B, don't you dare open the windows when there are no screens and young cats in the room.  What an asshole move!

    • Love 11
  4. 1 minute ago, ryebread said:

    Funny you should post this today because last week when we were talking about Carole's high tops, I came across this picture and wondered...If everyone is wearing aviator frames and torn jeans and long hair parted down the middle, why are they considered trendy?  To me, it just makes them like everybody else who is wearing the same thing. Another reason why Linda Rodin kind of stands alone in her uniqueness.  She doesn't seem to adopt 'trends'.


    love the Lagerfeld quote!  Can't decide who looks worse here.  Both are wearing ridiculous shoes - Carole - you are not in the NBA, Kyle,  dark red, apparently velvet, too high heels look stupid with the jeans.  Then there's the rolled up part, so we can see the ugly shoes?

    I'll go with a tie.  I have always hated the "pre-ripped, let's charge high prices for jeans that look like they are on their last legs", "trend."

    The aviator shades don't bother me, though they are too big on both of them (wahh, I wish I could wear contacts again and get back to real sunglasses).

    • Love 6
  5. 2 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

    How is the child going to take it one day, when they realize the nanny had priority over them?

    Well, if daddy is making lots more bucks by that time, she won't care.  And if the nanny is still around, she may be more bonded to the nanny than mommy and daddy, somwont mind either.  Or it'll be the subject of much expensive therapy, paid for by mommy and daddy.

    • Love 3
  6. 40 minutes ago, BBHN said:

    Yeah, it does seem like it would be an awkward set-up, and somewhat disruptive to Cash for her to be in his closet.

    I saw this on an episode of Selling NY.  I think the generally small size of NYC apts and high prices makes this not unusual.  But yeah, having a live-in nanny when you don't work and can't afford a real room for one of your children is ridiculous.

    • Love 5
  7. On 8/4/2017 at 2:34 PM, zoeysmom said:

    Maybe they will have the marriage annulled?  I think the last thing Luann cares about is getting her title back.  I will say most publications never stopped calling her deLesseps.

    I am with you on the diamond-sell it and move on.  The sale might help offset the cost of the wedding.  http://hollywoodlife.com/2016/02/08/luann-de-lesseps-engagement-ring-cost-pics-tom-dagostino-jr-engaged/  Seems she has taken it off since filing for divorce.  http://perezhilton.com/2017-08-04-luann-de-lesseps-spotted-without-wedding-ring-following-divorce-announcement#.WYTLyIWcFYc

    I don't know about NY law specifically, but generally grounds for annulment are pretty limited.  They need a quick divorce, if only so she can remind B later that her divorces are friendly ???

    • Love 5
  8. On ‎8‎/‎3‎/‎2017 at 1:45 PM, GOMAVS41 said:

    She married him to prove a point, that's so sad. I wonder if there is a pre-nup. How funny would it be if she got the apartment.

    Regardless of any pre-nup, in a 7 month marriage there wasn't any time to acquire significant joint assets.  Their homes are each pre-marital property, not subject to division in the divorce.

    I would think this will be settled very quickly.  I feel bad for her even though the signs she shouldn't get married were certainly there for all to see.  She doesn't get the Countess title back, I would imagine.....

    Hey, forget the gifts/donations......does she get to keep the ring?  To sell I certainly hope (not a fan of yellow diamonds).

    • Love 2
  9. On ‎7‎/‎19‎/‎2017 at 6:59 AM, motorcitymom65 said:

    I love this post so much. You bring up a point that I thought was interesting at the time, and went along with something that both Carole and Heather had said about Lu. That often times her initial reaction is the right one, the honorable one. But she worries too much about how it will all look, and she revisits things. After the reveal by Beth, she didn't assign nefarious motives to what Beth was saying. Her response was basically, of course she is going to tell me this. Who wouldn't share such information? Her response was all about the betrayal by Tom and how horrible it all was that he would do something like that to her. Her reaction was the one that most people would have in the same situation. It was only after that she became upset with Beth. When she had decided to forgive the jackass and wanted to find a way to make that OK, so her anger moved from Tom over to Beth. It reminded me so much of the "don't be all uncool" moment. Initially she wasn't mad at the others. She thought they should calm down in T&C, but she just thought they were overreacting. Not trying to "catch" her doing something. But then she thought about how it would all look. The married guy part of it all, and she comes unglued in the aftermath. 

    Brief change of topic, back to T&C.  IIRC Lu's change of attitude was when she learned Ramona was blaming her for the guy in the room overnight and wandering around, when it was Ramona who had the guy stay over.  Lu said her guy (married or not, known to be married or not) left.

    Now back to Lu-Tom-B-et al. 

    • Love 3
  10. 6 hours ago, epc said:

    I'm not going to quote everyone on here who has commented on Luann getting shitfaced, but this is why I give her a pass. If she routinely got too drunk to take care of herself and this was just another example, I would not find this amusing at all. Alternatively, if she intentionally went out and said she was gonna tie one on tonight! and got too drunk to take of herself, I would not find it amusing either. 

    However, Luann almost never gets drunk like this; also, she had spent the day traveling, swimming in the ocean, laying out in the sun, and (according to her on wwhl) drinking tequila which she is not used to, and it caught up to her. Please, hasn't this happened to everyone here who is not a teetotaler? And to see her be able to laugh at herself and be generally loosey-goosey rubber-legged lying in a bush - well, I still giggle to myself when I think about it. And I certainly don't blame her for what happened - life happened!

    I think we've actually seen her this drunk a couple of times before.  I add to your list of her day - probably not eating much so that the only thing in her stomach was the tequila.

    I think all of these women drink on (always) empty stomachs, which gets them drunk faster.

    17 hours ago, Lemons said:

    That's how they described the bedrooms on the show. Ramona wasn't going to be happy unless she got one of the master suites and those went to Bethany and Luanne.  She was bitching that she did not get a soaking tub.  

    I doubt 24 hour staff typically come with that rental. Bravo probably paid extra for it. 

    Actually, some do.....from the webpage:

    The Chef, Wait Staff and Property Manager are on-site 24 hours a day to take care of every need or want that you may have. Nannies, Massage Therapists, Yoga Instructors, a Manicurist, a Surf Instructor, Snorkeling and Dive Instructors, and English speaking Tour Guides are also available upon request (additional fees may be required).


    Someone else linked to the main page of the company that manages (owns?) the property and many others.  God, they are mostly amazing places, wish I had that kind of money.

    • Love 4
  11. 8 hours ago, motorcitymom65 said:

    I think it is pretty standard practice to call yourself an "author" if you are one. Just a quick peak at social media for others shows they do the same. Even people like LVP and Kyle Richards, who have little that has been read by anyone, refer to themselves as "author" on social media. 

    I think there is (or maybe should be) a distinction between the kind of person who has another career (or in Kyle's case was a SAHM) and writes one book, and a "writer" who writes for a living.  Carole doesn't really write for a living, she did her memoir, seems to have decided on book 2 because she could promote it on RH, and in the past she did a series of one pager interviews for a magazine.  Yeah, they are all "authors" but they aren't Grisham, King et al who are authors for a living.

    So the RH should be able to say they authored a book (well, for most of them had one ghost written!), but they shouldn't say their profession is "author."

    23 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

    When Carole was talking about Adam's court case, Bethenny mentioned that Carole loves to dig into the details. Carole kept talking about building a narrative for the case. It dawned on me that Carole is a TV producer. She was unconsciously producing Adam's court case. She really needs to get back to that. It would be great if she could volunteer with an organization that helps people use social media for journalism in remote parts of the world. I think she is a decent producer and could be great working with marginalized people.

    Interestingly, that's also what a good lawyer does for any trial - create a compelling narrative for the jury/judge.

  12. 19 hours ago, mostlylurking said:

    I know what that is!  My husband is from the Midwest. 


    I know, sometimes you just want a win.  My time is also valuable though. So it's like, how much do I want x amount of money and is all the time and inconvenience really worth it? And if I win--will it matter in any real way??  I get what you're saying though.


    I definitely can see why ADAM would want to go to court and get his cash back. I just would think Carole could find something more productive to do with her time, like fix up her gross apartment.


    as far as jury duty--I served once and I hated it. I got to deliberate and it was very somber because we were deciding whether some lady would go to jail or not. We found her guilty and I do believe she was guilty based on the evidence. But then we got to all go home and she had to go to jail. We totally changed her life.  Although I think it was the right decision, it's wasn't something fun or anything to take lightly. I dread  jury duty now because of that.  It's not a television show. 

    Just remember, you didn't totally change her life - she did that herself by committing a crime.  Feel sorry for the victim of her crime.

    I think many landlords figure tenants won't sue for the deposit, or won't be able to keep coming to court due to inability to take time off form work for multiple court appearances.  I applaud Adam for standing up for himself, and Carole for helping. What else does she have to do during the day?  She doesn't have a 9-5 job.

    • Love 4
  13. On ‎7‎/‎13‎/‎2017 at 11:12 AM, WireWrap said:

    I believe she said that she gave Mario half her earnings when she had her own business, not that she gave him half in the divorce. 

    I thought she was referring to the divorce, as in (as others have said) they split the assets 50-50.  Not that surprising considering it was a long-term marriage and their daughter was an adult at the time (college payments were likely split betw them too).  She can get off her high horse with "I gave him half."  Likely he had way more $$ than she did.

    • Love 2
  14. 14 hours ago, breezy424 said:

    Again, that doesn't make Jason guilty.  And thank goodness that this is how our legal process works.  Hopefully but not always.  According to reports, she went into that police station with her lawyer and some friends.  I don't know about the friends but I have no doubt she was there with her lawyer.  If she wasn't a C list celebrity with a lawyer, I really don't think she would have been given the time of day.  The same goes for the prosecutors. 

    I don't think there's any evidence that Bryn's life had become chaotic.  I do think her pursuing this may cause more harm to her daughter and she should have handled it differently for the sake of her daughter.  She should keep her mouth shut about Bryn's father.  She shouldn't be bringing her now ex boyfriend around at her child's school.  Both of them should be putting their child first.

    The only witness that she had was Dennis Shields to my knowledge. 

    I'll be interested to see if she turned over the entirety of the email/text chains.  If not, presumably that's what Jason hinges his defense on, "it's at worse mutual harassment" or "I was egged on."  Otherwise, unless B faked some of the emails/texts, I can't understand not pleading to a lesser charge and moving on.

    Since the divorce was final, I'm not sure there's a problem bringing her new guy to the school when she picks up Brynn.  Surely both parents weren't supposed to be there the same day, and even then, it's up to Jason to control himself and not show annoyance that he's not entitled to anyway.  Unless there's some clause in the divorce decree barring the parents from bringing girl/boy-friends around the child (and that's incredibly unlikely), she's fine.  I might not agree with it, because I personally think divorced parents shouldn't introduce their kids to every tom/dick/mary they date, but that's a different story.

    20 hours ago, LIMOM said:

    Is there any diet product already sponsoring extreme sports?

    That would require her to spend actual cash.  So far I don't think we've seen her do that.

    • Love 3
  15. 20 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

    Does gaslighting usually apply to people that are together and one uses gas lighting techniques to assert power over the other?  As in the gaslighter continually challenges the victim's perception of things to the point the person begins to doubt their own psyche and mental stability? Just saying someone is driving you nuts isn't exactly a gaslighting situation.   I don't think it applies either direction with these two-just my opinion.   

    I agree; I was just reading an article on gaslighting and the 11 signs (or something like that).  It seems to include telling blatant lies, denying having said things even when there is independent evidence, throw in some positive reinforcement occasionally, their actions don't match their words, project their own behavior on you; try to get others against you, tell others you are a liar, tell you others are liars.  I don't see any of that here.  One of the elements is using those closest to you against you, which using their daughter would include.  But frankly, divorced couples use the kids against each other all the time, so...

    Can someone remind me of the "ruling" or possibly the agreement about not talking badly about each other?  In a divorce that's typically not badmouthing each other in front of the children.  In their case I do believe at some point the Court ordered them not to talk publicly, though I don't know if that order was incorporated in the final decree.  But it would seem unusual to have a final order that the parties not speak/email/correspond badly to each other, outside the presence of the public or child.  Could be what happened, but I think it'd be unusual.  So while Jason's emails/texts may be harassment, they may not violate any Court Order.  And that's important, because I think if B could have brought this directly back to the divorce court, she might have  --  his unwillingness to cooperate (if the allegations are true) could be evidence against having joint custody.  Of course, if he's convicted, she might be able to use that to get out of joint custody.  All said, I don't know the specifics of NY custody laws.

    • Love 4
  16. 3 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

    I hate to defend Ramona, but the snow really is different in the two places.   The east is known for ice (which is why I bow down to anybody who learns to ski there), while Aspen and all the lesser nearby resorts have dry snow that is vastly easier to ski on. 

    I think she was scared of the ice, which is reasonable for an intermediate skier who's not used to it--she's probably hit icy patches in Aspen before and thought, "Oh holy hell I can't imagine a whole mountain of this shit."  So she was probably unnerved by the possible lack of control and the fear of falling on something really hard, with her 40-year-old bones.  So she didn't want people skiing close.  Of course, given the population density of the area, if you don't want people skiing close, you shouldn't ski there at all, but I don't think telling your friend to keep a distance is unreasonable.

    And I don't like snowboarders behind me, either.  I hate that scraping sound coming up behind me, too often caused by someone who is out of control.  Unless I see they're on a Skinnygirl snowboard, in which case I know they're serious about the sport.


    But Ramona acted like she was an expert skier, "I ONLY ski Aspen!"  If true, she could handle some ice (and unless she learned how to ski after she had money, she learned on East Coast ice).  And her style was horrible, she didn't plant her poles at all in the turns.    They all seemed to be on a beginner's trail (or easy intermediate at best), so they all could have been going much faster (though B and Lu seemed to be doing fine).  Ramona can get over being alone while skiing, it's her responsibility to ski well enough to avoid others.  It's not like Tinsley was crashing into anyone.

    I cringed at the sockless feet on the chair and table; who takes their ski socks off in the lodge?  Jeez, learn compassion for your neighbors!  Ramona was horrible with the ski instructor too - and I thought she and Sonja wanted instructors not for the skiing tips, but so they would each have a much younger man to hang onto all day.  Poor ski instructors.....

    I was a bit surprised by the large amount of ski-centric attire, tone it down ladies!  We know you are at a ski area, you don't have to have shirts/slacks with skiers on them.  I didn't notice anyone with ski area logo'd clothes (No Aspen hat for Ramona???).  Maybe Bravo allowed only one brand to be shown other than Stratton (looking at you B and the so carefully placed snowboard in the gondola).

    On a personal note, I'm one of those who learned to ski on the east coast (southern NY and NJ of all places).  It definitely helps to learn on ice early on, helps with turns.  But the first time I hit powder?  Disaster!  Luckily someone came by who was willing to shepherd me down the trail.  Skiing VT, I had assumed all that new snow would have been packed down before the slopes opened!

    I assume B and Jason's joint custody agmt bars talking publicly about each other, and that's why she herself has been quiet.  But I'm on the side that thinks Carole is talking for her, and Dorinda was pretty quick to make up her mind without seemingly knowing anything about it. 

    Sonja is out of line continuing to talk about her rare sexual escapades with Tom.  They're over, he's married. 

    • Love 12
  17. On ‎6‎/‎30‎/‎2017 at 6:01 PM, lezlers said:

    Tinsley is working my nerves.  Maybe it's my job as a public defender who deals with people who have NOTHING that have gone through severe trauma that makes me roll my eyes at her so much.  You have every resource in the world.  You're 41 years old and have lead a picture perfect charmed life.  Pick yourself up and move forward.  She acts like she's the only woman that's ever been in a fucked up, crazy relationship before.  She's very childlike. It's kind of embarrassing to watch.

    You've hit on a big part of my beef with Tinsley.  She has so many more options that most women who leave abusers.  Including that apparently the ex wants nothing to do with her, and lives in another state.

    And thanks Zoeysmom for the explanation of what the ex-boyfriend did to her.  I did a bit of googling and found she repeatedly refused to press charges; I guess the FL sugar cane money is that good.

    • Love 2
  18. On ‎6‎/‎28‎/‎2017 at 10:51 PM, breezy424 said:

    And of course, So has to say that Tinsley has been living at her house for free.

    It's just such a big freaking competition about who is the greatest victim.  Sorry, I do feel for Tinsley.  And then we have Beth making fun of her because she didn't want to be downstairs by herself.  She was afraid.  No empathy at all but we all have to hear about Beth's 'torture' and 'hell'

    I missed that Sonja said that.  Actually, Sonja is probably also staying there free, due to child support.  But that gravy train will end in a couple of years.

    Maybe I don't know enough about what "happened" to Tinsley, but I don't get the afraid of being downstairs either.  The former boyfriend clearly wants nothing to do with her, she appears to have stalked him not the other way around.

  19. 15 hours ago, Pickles said:

    I am obviously in the minority. I thought Dorinda was crass and obnoxious at the Bronx lunch. I would have been leaving the table with Luann. 

    I'm in the minority with you; she was clearly still drunk.  Though Sonja can stop with the "I have a text from John proving..."  John saying it doesn't prove what Dorinda thought about tipsygirl.  Though from Dorinda's over the top response....???? Hmm.

    Everyone was obnoxious this episode. 

          I love Luann, so want to think the "you didn't give me the best room and I'm a recent bride" was staged, but ...... 

          Can everyone get their asses off the kitchen counters?  Yuck.  Did I see Carole put her feet/shoes on the counter also?

         Ramona and her room......way past gotten old.

         B was right that if Tinsley doesn't like Sonja's (stupid) rules, she should move out.  She claims to have the money, spend it!  But can we stop with the assumption that if Italian-Americans are involved, so is the Mob?  You're a couple of decades late for that garbage.

         I'm still not sure what - really - Tinsley has been through.  She talks about being abused, but the criminal complaint is her behavior.  Did she ever obtain a protective order from the guy?  I can understand that she's still upset about her father's death (I would break down in tears randomly years later), and her meeting with the therapist was certainly more real that B's fakeness...but I still don't know what "issues" she has that would result in the breakdown in VT.  She seems like a special little snowflake who can't take someone telling her the truth.

         Ramona and only skiing Aspen.  Get over yourself, we know, if you learned to ski as a kid, you probably learned at Great Gorge (NJ!), or Sterling Forest (8 trails!).  You probably ran over me at either place, and of course you didn't apologize.  I did like the line about skinnygirl taste.

         Sonja, shut up.  No one cares about your email "proof."  And either kick Tinsley out or stop playing mom.  And no one believes Tinsley living with you would bring her back to "NY society."  Funniest line of the night, and so completely in line with her delusions!

        Dorinda - lighten up on the drinking for your own health, but for our entertainment......have another.

    • Love 3
  20. I've always thought the show ends with either the FBI catching P&E or, for reasons I won't guess, P&E go to Stan and tell him their story, and request re-settlement in the US or some other western country.  I don't really see Paige happy  to be taken to the USSR to live with her parents; I certainly hope Henry goes off to boarding school. 

    I'd like to know what happens with Oleg, but am not sure that's likely with only 10 episodes.  I agree with others that the Martha story is probably at an end.  For much of this season I wondered if the USSR storylines were to show that P&E couldn't go back, wouldn't be happy if they went back, because the USSR is not what they think it is.

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