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Mrs peel

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Posts posted by Mrs peel

  1. 4 hours ago, princelina said:

    Ken is afraid a Maine coon would mistake Giggy for a rat :)

    The real problem for Lisa and Ken with a Maine Coon is that they don’t like to be held.  My possibly part Maine Coon (he came from a shelter as a kitten so who knows his complete parentage) is definitely a loner.  He likes to be around me when he wants, but is never up for being held.  Definitely not lap cats.

    4 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

    Little girl modeling: 

    Stop, stop with the extensions!!!  No one believes your hair is that long.

    • Love 5
  2. On ‎1‎/‎9‎/‎2018 at 11:01 PM, Misslindsey said:

    In that picture I thought he looked like David Beador (Shannon's ex or soon to be ex-husband from RHOC). Now that you mention it Camille's boyfriend does look a bit like David Foster. The show would be infinitely more interesting if Camille showed up with one of the Davids.

    I immediately thought of David Foster too.

    Erika and Rinna lost me with the traditional Japanese meal.  If you don't want to eat real sushi (California rolls?  really???), then don't do the meal.  And don't act like you had no idea there would be a musical performance.  Now I eat like an 8 year old, so I wouldn't have eaten much on their plates, but then again I wouldn't have talked smack about the meal either.

    Dorit is a mean drunk.  Sober she was mean at the photo shoot too; it's not up to the "model" to decide whether the photos look good.  And dorit, they were trying not to remind you they would be photoshopped.

    • Love 6
  3. 39 minutes ago, Kokapetl said:

    So both Kyle and Mauricio received automated messages on their phones alerting them that their house was being burgled, but they both chose not to believe it?

    Who doesn't have the new security system checked out, including for remote access?  And if she had $1MM in jewelry, at least some of that needed to be at the bank and/or they needed a real safe in the house.

    • Love 5
  4. On ‎12‎/‎31‎/‎2017 at 2:32 AM, zoeysmom said:

    I am curious as to what grounds there are for a change in custody?  I don't think Bethenny can have it both ways that Bryn was oblivious to the going ons between her parents and she is somehow affected by them.  

    Was there ever any doubt this was Bethenny's game plan from the beginning?  All it means to me is since Bethenny does not work when she has custody of her daughter we will see a lot less of her if she were to achieve sole custody.  

    Somehow I think Jason's words about not caring about how many attorneys Bethenny hires he will not be pushed out of his daughter's life have come full circle.  My guess is there was always a threat of Bethenny making this move.  She lost the first round in the custody battle and now she thinks she will win?  

    Usually there has to be a substantial change of circumstances to warrant a custody change.  I haven't seen it-other than Bethenny wants zero contact with Jason.  Wish granted.  It almost sounds as if Bethenny is planning on making a move out of state.  Hollywood calling?

    I wonder about this too.  I don't practice in NY, but a bit of googling found NY, like many states, change of custody if there is a material/ substantial change of circumstances:

    New York courts recognize those situations that qualify as either a material or substantial change that have a profound effect upon the original agreement, such as health or medical conditions, remarriage, job loss, criminal behavior, negligent or dangerous behavior or a change in residence.

    All this needs to be about the CHILD, not the parents.  Since Jason did a plea deal that dismissed the charges, no criminal behavior.  I'm not sure his behavior that led to a dismissal would be considered "dangerous" to the child, but NY lawyers would know better.  And I think NY is strongly in favor of joint custody, so this is an uphill battle.

    If B thinks she can move out of state easily, she has an uphill battle.  Apparently NY is particularly strict about moving out of state, and that she "wants" to move, possibly for her career (when she has a very successful career in NY), when she will be putting a continent between the child and her father, doesn't look like a winner.  Even if she obtained sole custody, she'd still need a court to rule she could move out of state.

    • Love 7
  5. On 1/6/2018 at 0:59 PM, Celia Rubenstein said:

    Wouldn't Obamacare pay for a big chunk of rehab? I thought that was how it worked (fortunately I've never had to find out). 

    Either way, people out there find ways to pay for treatment. Luann can do so as well. She could at least enter a 12 step program or something. Those are typically free.  That is if she intends to stop drinking, which may not necessarily be the case.

    I could see Luann hooking up with a private shrink who determines her incident of drunkenness was an isolated event brought on by stress and treating that condition with therapy, this rather than declaring herself to be an alcoholic and totally going on the wagon.

    I guess I'm just not sure the countess is really ready to give up alcohol entirely ... it seems to be a big part of her social scene, one she may not be willing to part with so fast. 

    Obamacare does require insurance to cover rehab.  I don’t know how well, my company plan pays only 50%, in network.  Lord knows how many/few places are in network.

    I wouldn’t be surprised if this was too expensive for her, and maybe she would be better served by AA.  

    • Love 2
  6. On 12/23/2017 at 10:55 AM, Primal Slayer said:

    She doesn't look tooooo bad but of course she hasnt laid off the filler and lip injections. She'd probably save a pretty penny if she did both maybe once every 6 months. 

    LOL, I guess you can have a “step and repeat” anywhere!  Nice large cubicle behind it though!

    she looks terrible there, way too much plastic surgery.

    • Love 4
  7. On 12/19/2017 at 6:55 PM, Happy Camper said:

    Enough of Erika Jayne.

    I would be much more interested in learning more about Erika Girardi. Can we see more of her?

    Hope so. 

    Please show us more of Erika Girardi!!!

    I’m not interested in either one.  As others have said, Erica Jayne is painful to watch and embarrassing.  Erica Gerardo is just the classless second wife of a PI lawyer.  She sees money and possessions as indications of class.

    • Love 10
  8. On 12/22/2017 at 6:58 AM, QuinnM said:

    Unfortunately we may never know what the reasons for changing custody are.  The last go round they had a gag order.  But for the holidays she and Brynn are headed to Mexico.  So obviously he isn’t saying no to travel out of the country.  Maybe no to PR but she better have more than that to go to court.  She does have good attorneys since she walked away from that divorce without giving up a hugkke amount of money, the apartment, nothing much at all.  Maybe someone who knows NY law can jump in but a 7 year old will have a guardian ad litem.  And that means that Brynn will have a voice in determining custody.  And the older Brynn gets the more of a voice she has.  

    I doubt the agreement allows Jason to bar travel out of the country, but of course she can’t change the times he has Brynn in order to take a longer vacation somewhere.  And a guardian ad liter technically represents the “best interests” of the child, not “what the child wants.”  In m experience a Judge won’t take into serious account what the child wants (though I once had a case where the mother coaching an 8 year old backfired, the judge totally saw through the kid repeating everything the mother wanted).

    as others said above, this does look like an attempt to either bankrupt Jason or push him into an over-reaction so he harms the plea deal.  Or both.  And that’s despicable, because their daughter deserves stability and the love and attention of both parents.

    • Love 7
  9. 11 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

    I get the underlying behavior for the arrest-what did she do that required the cops coming out-and a door?  I figure it can't be too serious the judge did not order her to post bail.

    She is probably charged with a misdemeanor.  I suspect no bail needed is typical for those.  I see an apology and community service in her future.  Maybe some substance abuse counseling since the Judge seems to have mentioned it at the arraignment (wonder if the judge is a RH fan???).

    • Love 2
  10. On ‎11‎/‎16‎/‎2017 at 5:41 AM, WireWrap said:

    I just faced this yesterday. Our 16 1/2 year old Maltese has been sick the past few days,he stopped eating and drank only small amounts and could barely move. My husband is out of town and even though I did call him, I did not video George in distress so that he could witness it. He had been to the vet just the day before and they thought dental issues were the cause but after they got his blood work back, it was far worse than any of us suspected. He has Acute Renal/Kidney Failure and there was nothing we could do to save him. Our vet called me and I had to make THAT decision and take George back to the vet 1 last time. He went peacefully while my heart shattered. I then had to drive myself home and then call my husband to tell him, call our son to tell him, call our DIL to tell her and then tell/explain it to my grand daughter when she got to my house an hour later. I keep it together until I have a private moment and then I call a close friend and they allow me the security I need to lose it talking to them. My heart hurts. 

    Adding my prayers and sympathy for the loss of your pet.

    • Love 4
  11. 14 hours ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

    Lord I hate posting from my phone lol

    .... what I meant to say is yes you are right those things can be meted out as punishment for a crime but they can also be part of an ACD because they are not something that can only be done to a person who's been convicted of a crime -such as time in jail. Time in jail cannot be part of an ACD. That is what I was trying to say.

    LOL.  I hate posting with Apple auto-correct!

    • Love 1
  12. On ‎10‎/‎26‎/‎2017 at 10:40 AM, italianguy626 said:

    Thanks, one of my good friends from high school is a lawyer and he frequently presents cases to me to get my take on whatever the issues are, putting me in the role of "prospective jury member". He also explains "lawyer logic" to me as he says it can be different than everyday civilian logic.

    Scamatology would really not want any case to go to trial. That's how the OTIII level and Xenu story got out. It was read into the trial record for the Fishman and Geertz case. IIRC, Scamatology tried to block it by claiming "trade secrets" but the judge in the case overruled and allowed the information to be in the public record of the trial. This was around the dawn of the world wide web, and the information quickly spread.

    Arbitration is usually binding; mediation is not.

  13. On ‎10‎/‎30‎/‎2017 at 3:20 PM, Celia Rubenstein said:

    That is not accurate.  Any number of conditions can be imposed as part of an ACD.  Classes, counseling, community service, restitution, etc.  Things like that are not considered punishment for a crime and are quite often part of a negotiated ACD deal.  

    FYI - all of that stuff can be part of a punishment for a crime.  Particularly restitution and community service (the latter often in lieu of prison/jail).

    • Love 1
  14. On ‎10‎/‎28‎/‎2017 at 11:35 AM, HunterHunted said:

    She doesn't own a parking garage, but they are neighbors. It's kind of rude to have a party and not invite your neighbors or at least tell them about it. Duh. Sonja is a 2-bit chisler. I'm sure she has the contact info for staff at the garage next door because there are times she can't pay to park and hopefully her "pal" will let her in or out. I love how she also has Page 6 employees' emails too, but she never places items or gossips to the press.

    The employees of a business next door to her townhouse aren't really her "neighbors," at least IMO.  It's just more evidence that she did a group email.

    chances are she keeps her car (she has a car?) at the garage, and emails whoever parked it for her when she wants it brought out, valet-style.  Would explain her having their email addresses.

    • Love 1
  15. On ‎10‎/‎25‎/‎2017 at 10:45 PM, WireWrap said:

    Oh Sonja! Was this a true accident or was it a grab for attention from page 6? LOL https://pagesix.com/2017/10/25/sonja-morgan-accidentally-invites-1000-people-to-her-home-for-a-party/

    Grab for attention.  Certainly she doesn't send her own emails, unless she's finally run out of "assistants."  Plus she was allegedly sending the new invitations out the day of the party??

    But I do like that Page 6 describes the group invite as having gone out to "staff at her parking garage."  Sonja owns a parking garage?  Why would she even have email addresses for staff of the  (presumably next door) garage???

    • Love 2
  16. On ‎10‎/‎24‎/‎2017 at 0:05 AM, ScoobieDoobs said:

    You know the main thing I got from this dragged-out mess of shit?


    What the ADA said-

    'It is clear from the trajectory of this case that her claims were not substantiated or credited and that their motive was questioned,' the attorney said. 

    I worked in the Manhattan DA office, a little over 15 years ago, as an ADA myself & I know for a fact that it's a very well-run & extremely organized place -- with a hard-working & top-notch staff. 

    So Bethenny, don't try & say that Jason got off easy.  Eh, It's exactly what I thought all along.  She used the system (with her SkinnyGirl dough) to get rid of an annoyance & make Jason look worse & it didn't work for her.  She is such a disgusting character.  Look, Jason ain't no bargain either.  But she is absolutely a disgusting character.  That's just who she is thru & thru.  Shrugging, & rolling eyes hard -- whatever . . . 

    Not said by the ADA.  Not sure if the Daily Mail updated the page since you saw it, but now there are 2 (virtually identical) paragraphs:

    'It is clear from the trajectory of this case that her claims were not substantiated or credited and that their motive was questioned,' the attorney said. 

    Hoppy's lawyer said that the ruling was a clear sign that Frankel's claims 'were not substantiated or credited and that their motive was questioned'

    It looks like a badly worded attempt to quote Jason's lawyer.  And it just doesn't sound like a DA's office to say this publically.

    As to the Manhattan DA's office being very professional, there are several recent questions about people with power having pull over DA Vance.  I doubt B has the kind of clout needed for this, but.....

    • Love 6
  17. On ‎10‎/‎23‎/‎2017 at 0:15 PM, WireWrap said:

    Their child custody agreement/court order was in effect for about 3 years when she had Jason arrested (it was settled before she returned to the show), so it is possible that Bethenny thought that if Jason was found guilty or plead guilty to these charges it would/could help her in another custody battle. At this point, I hope both of them leave the other in the past and concentrate on Bryn only.

    3 years?  Jeez, time flies!

    • Love 1
  18. 3 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

    The problem that Bethenny encounters is that with fighting custody, she will likely end up, once again, with a Child Custody Evaluation that is conducted by an expert.  They interview the parties, family members, witnesses, the child, review records, etc. They actually evaluate the parents, to determine mental state, personality traits, strengths, weaknesses, suitability, availability, etc.  This is RISKY for Bethenny.  Having her psychiatric records reviewed, behind the scenes interviews, input from friends, etc.  I suspect she knows it would NOT be good. Regardless, of what they may say about Jason.....she'd be vulnerable too, imo.  To me, that's the only hold up to fighting for sole custody.  I also suspect that she has considered a way around that.  

    I don't specifically know NY law, but where I practiced the law discouraged multiple change of custody petitions, to the point that a petition for change couldn't be made in the first 2 years after a custody order unless there was serious harm claimed to the child.  I doubt this argument between the parents would be enough.  And so many states (including NY I believe) now use joint custody as the standard that sole custody is likely difficult to get at all (if the other parent fights it).

    the saddest thing is that, by not being able to be civil to each other, they are hurting their daughter.

    • Love 3
  19. 6 hours ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

    Bethenny makes me bananas and I am not a fan. Obvs like I’m telling you folks something new HA!  

    I thinK it is great she is helping PR. She still drives me bananas because of her desperate need to lie about the 99% , come on no way is that a fact, that’s not a real number it’s hyperbole to make her point. The hyperbole is because of her deep narcissism and black hole from her childhood for need and attention and getting enough . She’s got to kick that if she wants healthy adult relationships and she never ever will. I feel sorry for her daughter. This need will go on to manifest itself in future outcomes forever in relationships and it’s sad. She has enough fuck you money for 3-4 x a week therapy and holds the keys to her own happiness. 

    If the 99% turned her down number is real, then she did a pretty lousy job of choosing who to ask for money/supplies.  Not sure why, with her money and connections, she couldn't/didn't target companies with which she had connections.  They would help her out.  The number makes it look like she did an email blast to everyone for whom she had an email address - not the best way to get large donations.  It may also be people turned her down because they provided assistance in other ways (to the Red Cross, etc.).  That may be turning her down, but those companies/people are still helping.  So the stat may be deceptive in a couple of ways.

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