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Mrs peel

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Posts posted by Mrs peel

  1. Just now, straightshooter said:

    We know he had back surgery - that's a big one.

    He could also have had both pills and pain patches.  [That's how Tom Petty died, he had multiple narcotic patches on him at the time of his death.]

    I can't imagine B didn't know at all about the drug use, but it's possible she didn't know the extent.  I'm lucky enough not to have had to deal with this up close and personal, but I don't think it's the same as getting high.  Plus don't people get used to the dosage, and then keep upping it?

    It's unlikely to have any impact on the custody battle; Dennis didn't live with her, and it's unlikely he was taking pills constantly in front of Brynn.

    • Love 6
  2. On ‎8‎/‎8‎/‎2018 at 11:12 AM, Happy Camper said:


    My favorite line:

    “Everybody else just had to try to play catch-up after they saw what I did,” Frankel says.


    Can't say I blame her for the Postmates thing. That's one of my pet peeves.

    "You can’t put yourself in a position where, if the s–t hit the fan, you couldn’t pay all of your bills at one time,” she says. “If the world came to an end, I would be able to pay for everything. I might not be left with much, but I can afford what I have.”

    Hmmm....this doesn't sound like someone living within their means.  She wouldn't have "much left" if she paid off all her debt? 

    Or she's just making up shit, who knows.

    • Love 6
  3. 23 hours ago, Mozelle said:

    I still get a kick at LuAnn saying that they should go shopping anyway, all the while Bethenny is carrying on like a banshee only yards away. LuAnn really has no time for anyone else's drama but wants people to have all the time in the world for hers.

    I viewed that as Luann realizing B was being, as usual, over the top and dramatic, and not buying into it.

    • Love 4
  4. 23 hours ago, FozzyBear said:

     It drives me crazy that this gets overlooked. I know many divorced women who have kept thier married names and stayed somewhat involved with their ex-in laws worlds because of thier kids.   It’s only weird because Dorinda is choosing to get upset about it.

    I think the difference here is Sonja appears to be trying to adopt the Morgan family history as her own.  It's not just that she was married to a Morgan, she acts like she's been a Morgan since birth, or that she personally advised JP Morgan! He'd have been nothing without Sonja Tremont MORGAN! 

    I agree with others that, if you have kids, keeping the ex's name makes some sense.  I forget who mentioned Vivianne Westwood et al, but they too have reasons to keep the names of their ex's, since it related to THEIR businesses.  Sonja really, really doesn't have that excuse.  Though Ramona does, to a lesser extent Luann does.

    I also think its a generational thing, in that older women (and those who married young) are more apt to keep the married name. 

    • Love 10
  5. 2 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

    Interesting.  The article link and others that I have read refers to both an Agreement and a court order, so, I wonder if this provision was a court order, why they haven't asked that she be held in contempt of court, rather than breaching the contract.  I wonder if she has a legal defense on this. 

    The Settlement Agreement they signed would have been included in and entered as part of the final Judgment of Dissolution (which is the Court Order).  It's typically done.

    22 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

    I personally want an hour long special filmed in the clubhouse and not her lawn like last time. I'd dock her reunion pay and potentially decrease her pay for next season by at least 5% because there were supposed sightings of her in the New York area 7 to 10 days after she went into rehab. This suggests that it wasn't even 2 weeks.

    I would love to see her doctor's medical necessity documentation too because Bravo could have put her in a hotel with a sober coach for a day or two.

    I doubt she has a doctor's note, and it certainly wouldn't be required for rehab entrance.  Like others, I'm certainly suspicious of the timing of her entering rehab, but if she really did need it, it shouldn't be put off for the reunion.  Once you make the decision, you should act on it.

    • Love 3
  6. 19 hours ago, Mondrianyone said:

    It's true that there's no federal legislation, but almost half the states have laws governing service animals.  This is part of a longer piece in USA Today:

    Incidents like that one in Reading, Massachusetts, not far from where Slavin lives in Danvers, have spurred 19 states to enact laws cracking down on people who try to pass off their pets as service animals. The push has been gathering steam in recent years: Virginia implemented its new law in 2016, and Colorado followed suit this year. Massachusetts is now considering a similar proposal.

    But because there is no certification or official national registry of legitimate service dogs, there is no way to verify whether a dog has undergone rigorous training to become a service animal.

    That makes it hard to enforce the laws, said David Favre, a law professor at Michigan State University College of Law and editor of its Animal Legal and Historical Center website, which follows public policy issues related to animals. He said he’s not aware of anyone who has been prosecuted anywhere for violating them.

    The training exists, and the certification exists--there's just no central controlling entity, so creeps like Adam can try to weasel their way through the loopholes.  And the fact remains, Baby isn't his damn dog.  I'm prepared to make an exception for him, though, if her job is to hold his head up straight.  That's a service to all the rest of us.

    I get your point, though, and you're right about what a mess the rules are.

    But there is federal legislation, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).  Which  requires that the person be disabled and the dog (and only dogs are considered service dogs under the ADA) must be trained to perform support services for the disabled person.  Now there are various other laws, some federal (including in the Fair Housing Act and Air Carrier Access Act), but there are certainly federal laws for "service" animals.  I doubt, but didn't check, whether there are any federal laws for "emotional support" animals.  you may be right that there's no national registry.


    You can buy certification for both service and emotional support animals off the internet, no training or proof of disability needed, online for $69!  I won't post the link, but sadly it was the first response on Google.

    The thing with Adam that was so annoying is that, as you said, the dog isn't even his.  And he has no disability that requires a service dog (or you'd think he'd have one!), and I don't see that he has any need for an "emotional support" animal (though fair warning, I'm a major skeptic on the issue at all).

    On a different Carole topic - can I say that if Carole thinks RHNY (or anyone) is trying to force her to do something that's against her morals, she shouldn't need to ask anyone else what to do!

    • Love 5
  7. Thanks for the puppies.....back to the episode.

    Finally watched.  Lord Dorinda is a mean and embarrassing drunk.  That said, and while you'd think a good friend would keep her mouth shut, she didn't say anything to Luann that wasn't accurate.

    I don't care that Carole didn't clean up Dorinda's lipstick, though it was nice of B to do it.  That said, NO ONE should have been trying to reason with Dorinda while she was that drunk; she simply wasn't able to comprehend what they were saying.  I wouldn't be surprised if B interacted with Dorinda in order to get more screen time of Dorinda slurring her words.  Which is incredibly embarrassing for Dorinda and mean of B (if true).

    B can stop with the "I need to call Dennis for a plane."  You have a million assistants, and you are capable of traveling first class on a regular airline.  Get over yourself, this is the kind of thing that, done by Luann, you'd be up in arms.

    Also stop with the crying, especially when you're showing the bolt-ons.  I never want to see that again!

    Sonja - stop living up B's ass.  You think this will help you, but in the long run it won't.  B turns on everyone, and you're not capable of not screwing it up.

    Couldn't care less if B and Carole fix their damaged friendship. 

    • Love 8
  8. On ‎7‎/‎28‎/‎2018 at 5:01 PM, ShawnaLanne said:

    He isn't her type. Not young and buff enough to be candy and not bald or rich. I think she was flattered by his attention and her pride was hurt that he so quickly jumped around, hence her snipeyness with Carole, but I don't think she was interested, if for no other reason than it appears that she likes to be the attractive one in a relationship.

    Oh, I think he may have money.  He lives in Saddle River, NJ, which is an old money town (also lots of mafia allegedly).    Beautiful homes, set way back from the road, lots of land, etc.   And he seems to have several businesses, including a quasi-law firm that focuses of assisting whistleblowers - the kind that can get a percentage of the money the government gets back from scam artists (Qui Tam is one such law).  Getting a percentage of that percentage can be pretty lucrative.

    • Love 4
  9. On ‎7‎/‎29‎/‎2018 at 12:21 PM, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

    Sorry but if their decree says that good night phone call must happen ( or if it doesn't and he allows it anyway )no way would I let that scheming loudmouth get one visual glimpse into my house cleaning, my location, condition of Bryns attire or hairdo on her dads time. What if Bryn was eating a hot dog or a non organic piece of fruit or had a post ice cream face?  What if Jason was at his gf apartment w Bryn? Bethenny would go running to her lawyer or mouth off about it on tv.  Fuck that. Jason is smart to not let her see ANYTHING on his time because she will run with it. Boundaries.  

    Bethenny wanted this divorce she takes the consequences with it. 

    Well, if the decree said "Facetime" then it clearly means B was entitled to "see" her daughter.  It's not a phone call.  But certainly there are ways to not show much else than their daughter's face.  And while I may agree that (absent the decree being that specific) the need to Facetime EVERY night is ridiculously overwrought, do what the decree says....so don't refuse to answer the phone.  And heck, do Facetime yourself every night when Brynn is with B if you want to play that game. 

    • Love 3
  10. 4 hours ago, pasdetrois said:

    I've said before that Jason flipped the typical paradigm. He strategically pursued a wealthy woman and pandered to her monstrous ego, with the goal of a child and lots of money. He played Bethenny; that's one reason why she hates him so much. That, and he limits her control over Brynn and anything related to Brynn.

    I don't think B was particularly wealthy when they met; I don't think the Beam deal was done at that point (and the initial reports of how much she got - in cash v. the ongoing money for marketing - were way over-stated).  As to the child, I suspect both of them wanted a child, but B had managed to not get pregnant for years....so she certainly could have used birth control.  Nor did he force her to marry him; though I'm sure B now wishes she had never done it (though she would still be having to deal with him due to their child).  In fact, the marriage may have been more her idea, and of course she certainly is the one who wanted the reality series.

    if that was his plan, he did a really lousy job of it.  Because he could have hung in there for a couple more years, given in to B on everything, maybe convinced her he should be a house-husband (so he'd get primary residential custody, more child support and heck, maybe alimony), even possibly got her to invalidate the pre-nup.

    And, having been a divorce attorney, sorry, but neither parent has a right to "control" THEIR child.  It's a shared responsibility.

    • Love 11
  11. On 7/25/2018 at 5:44 PM, HunterHunted said:

    This is what always got me about Jason and the Hoppys. It's not that I thought that they were terrible or toxic, but they were clearly traumatized by their son's death and were a bit provincial. They, Jason included, didn't seem to understand how important it is for new families to create their own memories and traditions and just how enmeshed they were. That's problematic in itself too. And Jason throwing it back in Bethenny's face that she didn't know what a family looked like told me he didn't have the perspective to identify his own unhealthy patterns and behaviors. I haven't spent time with Bethenny, but watched her on TV and find her completely exhausting. I find it hard to believe that "normal Jason" could have married her and ignored all of the warning signs. I think he's a lot more like Bethenny than he would care to admit. 

    I keep going back to the pregnancy being the reason for the marriage.  Given time, I suspect both B and J would have realized they were not well-matched.  But there was a pregnancy, and both of them Wanted a child.  B was probably, In theory, interested in J’s stable family, and maybe J was interested in giving B the family she said she never had.  Who knows.  But then add the pressure of a televised wedding (for which I blame B completely, but opinions can vary), and I bet neither could contemplate backing out.

    i blame B more because she knew reality tv, J didn’t.  But both likely weren’t thinking about the long term.

    • Love 4
  12. 20 hours ago, Rap541 said:

    Yeah. Bethenny is one smart cookie and knows all these things, but the actual notary, Mrs. Hoppy, is a baby who while she is a notary, she is not required to know what a notary can and can't do because notaries apparently don't have to know anything about their job.

    I still find it hilarious that Bethenny has near super villian capacity to know legal matters but pretty much almost lost this whole thing. If Jason hadn't used his mommy as his notary, he probably would have won.

    A fair number of notaries become one because the office needs a notary, and X is picked; yes she should be aware of the notary laws but we don't know how often she notarized any documents.  Mrs. Hoppy's notarizing B's signature was a technical violation, in that they apparently weren't IN Pennsylvania at the time.  That's it. 


    Had B and J never divorced, the entire thing would never have arisen.  Of course, I continue to think that had B not gotten pregnant, the relationship would have ended prior to marriage.

    • Love 10
  13. 22 hours ago, Free said:

    Yeah, Salvation is pretty much turning into a political thriller, the asteroid just feels more like a distant afterthought especially with the latest episodes.

    I get that the writers thought they needed subplots, because watching Tanz et al stand around thinking about what to do about the asteroid is less than exciting for TV.  And there have been several shows and movies about how the average person reacts to this kind of looming disaster.

     I’m stymied by why the VP/fake President tried the coup.  What’s the benefit, to be the president for 4 months and then boom!  I'm assuming he did the planning starting before they learned about the asteroid, but then I’d like to know why he did it.  Or maybe not, because he’s too one note to care about.

    • Love 2
  14. 6 hours ago, AnnA said:

    Which most people can't afford to do and one reason why it's not that common.

    ETA:   LuAnn didn't do it

               Sonja didn't do it

               Ramona didn't do it


    Well, Luann’s ex lived in Europe, Ramona’s daughter was an adult or very close to it so she likely made the decision, and Sonja?  No idea what Morgan was thinking, maybe he was traditional enough to think a young girl should live with her mom.

    i think the moving around each week requires that the parents live pretty close to each other.

    • Love 5
  15. 5 minutes ago, AnnA said:

    I'm not sure how it works now.   I keep seeing Wednesday to Wednesday.    If that means Bryn lives one week with Bethenny and one week with Jason, I hate it.   How do you have friends over after school and how do you have a pet if you have to live out of a suitcase and move every week?   

    Well, she probably has clothes that stay at each home. Heck, she might have doubles of her clothes.  I doubt there’s much of a suitcase involved.  Personally, I don’t like the move every week thing either, but if they live close enough it’s manageable.

    • Love 4
  16. On 7/18/2018 at 9:08 PM, AnnA said:

    And did you see LuAnn's feet? They were black which means the floors were filthy.

    She is.  She should have skipped this trip.  She was fighting a custody battle with Jason but Bravo insists all the HWs go on the big trip. 

    Well, part of the House is really outdoors because there seemed to be no roof over the courtyard (which isn’t unusual).  Impossible to mop enough to stop all dirt.  But jeez, pretty easy to wear flip flops or wash your feet.  And you are on a completely free foreign vacation at an exclusive home with staff, get over yourself with “this isn’t up to my standards.”

    Finally watched the episode last night.  Ramona was totally faking the sprained ankle, if it was really sprained, she would have been wincing with every step and on crutches.  Shocked she didn’t demand the ground floor bedroom.

    that said, she was right about B and the allergy.  If you are that severely allergic, it’s up to you to ask ALL THE TIME about the food.  I hate to sound mean, but I don’t buy the seriousness of the allergy.  If it was that bad, she would have immediately left the table to get medication.  Heck, she would have brought medication!  Instead, she stays at the table, complaining all the while.....

    B can also get over herself with the discussion about red-scarf guy.  Carole repeating his statement that he and B were friends is NOT “believing him over a friend.”  And B, you certainly seemed to be into him while you two were talking, so STFU.  I’d also demand evidence of the “many” texts he supposedly sent.

    Carole’s clothing and jewelry choices are becoming tragic.

    • Love 9
  17. On ‎7‎/‎15‎/‎2018 at 12:26 AM, howmanywords said:

    I don't know when this was filmed, but this makeup tutorial Kylie did for Vogue is interesting. She starts off bare face with no makeup except ChapStick and you see step by step how much makeup she piles on. The lipliner she uses really is excessive. I actually think all the makeup looks nice until she goes all out with the lips.


    Fwiw all the recent pics she's been posting I think she reduced the fillers, but didn't get rid of them completely. Her lips look smaller but still more full than what they were when she was younger..unless she still has some swelling from the reduction.

    All of it is excessive.  Jeez, who has time for that?!  She looked better before the makeup.  By the middle her face looked like a mask, you can see the outline where she stops the makeup.

    What's the purpose of the light line on the nose?  I know it's something about contouring but have no idea.  [I watched with the sound down, so if she "explained" I didn't hear it.]

    • Love 2
  18. 6 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

    In regards to the Palm Beach incident - the final court date was supposed to be July 25th - wonder if her re-entrance into Spa-hab jeopardizes her deal.

    Luann will need a different type of lawyer then the one she used for Palm Beach - one who specializes in Estates, Trusts, Divorce

    She also needs someone licensed in NY, not FL. 

    Spa-hab (love the name!) might jeopardize the plea deal, especially terms of the timing, but I forget how good it was for her.  I think courts aren't surprised to see relapses, and as long as there aren't additional "issues" (like threatening additional cops), she may be fine.

    • Love 2
  19. 5 minutes ago, AnnA said:

    Since the documents are online, wouldn't that indicate that she's already been served?

    No, usually you file the complaint, and then arrange service.  The defendant needs to know the case number in order to file the response.  How fast service is done depends on the method of service (typically larger counties have sheriffs perform the task for a fee, you can use a private process server but may require court approval depending on the local rules).  Luann could have accepted service, but going to rehab makes me question that.

    • Love 6
  20. 1 hour ago, biakbiak said:

    Have they filmed the reunion yet? Andy has been filming several recently so I forget! If not I imagine this is to avoid being there.

    etb: Andy just confirmed she would not be at the reunion on his radio show so I imagine that is why she is going to rehab.

    She avoids both the reunion and answering questions about the lawsuit.  She likely has 30 days from the date she's served with the papers to respond (would they try to serve her in rehab?).

    While this helps her "short term," it certainly makes me think she's got no defense to the suit.

    • Love 4
  21. 6 hours ago, stewedsquash said:

    I am pissed because I specifically remember making sure there would be NO math and real estate law involved before I got hooked on this damn show and now, here we are, four pages of math and real estate law.

    Haha, I just can't figure out which side to pick, Luann's or the trio.

    I went to law school because I was told there would be no math.  There’s tons of math!???

    On 7/13/2018 at 8:11 PM, Taralightner said:

    The other thing is- I seriously doubt that this is the only money in a trust for the kids. The Count clearly has more than half a house to offer. It seems to me, he didn’t want to hand over straight cash to Lu, but agreed to give her HALF of his share of the house he bought. The other half he donated to the kids in another trust. LuAnn, maybe, played loose with the rules thinking she’d eventually put 4 mil in a trust for them, but didn’t do it BEFORE she married carelessly and now is selling another house and moving to a place where real estate won’t increase in value as fast as it does out east on the island. Just something I’ve been thinking about. Whatever is the truth, Lu- fix it fast! 

    The House was bought during the marriage, splitting it 50-50 is pretty typical.  So he didn’t “give” half to Luann, she was entitled to half.  But he did give up his half to the children.

    • Love 10
  22. 51 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

    I can see them suing her when she sells the house for their 1/2 but not before. Each of the kids were to receive 1/4 (for a combined total of 1/2) of the sale price of the marital house OR put on the deed/title to any house Luann bought after selling the marital home. Again, if she was not legally allowed to put Noels name on the Sag Harbor home what was she supposed to do, just put Victoria's name on it and then take the risk that if anything happened to her that Victoria would give him his promised portion then split the rest? And, he would incur inheritance taxes because he wasn't a part owner because he was a minor when she bough it. IMO, the Count should have just taken his 1/2 of the marital home sale and placed it in a trust instead of this confusing thing HE came up with. And since he did it that way, Luann should have just set the trust up after she sold the martial home/before she bought the Sag Harbor home. IMO, BOTH the Count and Luann are idiots and to blame for this mess. 

    No, he set it up so that Luann could use the money she got from the sale of that home to use for the purchase of a new family home, which she did. Where it all goes wrong is putting a minors name on the title/deed to a home and I don't think they could, which is why Alex didn't do that right out of the gate and Luann couldn't with Noel after she bought the Sag Harbor home. This is all just to weird, they (mainly Alex) made it far more complicated than it had to be IMO. 

    Not being able to put the home in a minors name may be why the trust was to be established (I took property law decades ago so I don’t know this stuff).  They can sue at any time if she never established the trust. 

    I agree with others that they seem to have made this far more complicated than needed, though perhaps there are reasons to have done it that way.  The mystery is why the trust wasn’t set up as part of the divorce.

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