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Mrs peel

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Posts posted by Mrs peel

  1. Nice to know I'm not the only one disgusted with the show. I'm "hate" watching now just because I invested so much time. I had to fast forward through the torture murder scene - Sutter could learn a lot from "the Vikings" - which had a horrific torture murder scene that was very compelling, but we didn't actually SEE much of the gore.

    I wasn't sorry to see Tara die last season because she was written as such an idiot. But Gemma starting a gang war just to shift suspicion away from her? That is all kinds of wrong.

    I think the DA and cops are very concerned about Roosevelt's murder. But without evidence, there is not much they can do. Highlighting Tara's death to the people who may know who killed her (and they have every reason to think the same person killed both) is smart.

    As is the DA's attempt to get the former sheriff (blanking on his name) back into police work, even informally. They know he knows a lot, and bringing him back to the right side of the law could help them out. I doubt he'll do it, because he is yet another stupid guy who just loves, loves Gemma!

    At this point the former hooker/porn star and Wendy need to take the kids and get the hell out of Charming. Let Chibbs live because I have a soft spot for that impossible to understand Belfast accent, but everyone else needs to die. Preferably the same way Opie died.


    [edited to correct what must have been another incredibly aggressive Apple auto-correct.  Sorry, no idea what "bi monthly" meant, I was indeed talking about Tara]

    • Love 2
  2. I don't like Vicki's words and thought process about certain things, but it made me think of how I act. Do I put a friend who is gay in a similar position. Do I say things like "My black friend" if I am talking to another person of a similar skin tone? So, maybe not the best television, but it does make me try to pat attention to myself.

    Great for you Nenya, but that’s the thing about Vicki – seeing HERSELF doesn’t cause her to sit back and think about how she may be doing something wrong or thoughtless.  She’s been stereotyping minorities since Season One. 

    This is actually a pretty interesting point. Vicki IS from a fairly small and isolated area as far as diversity is concerned. And, then she picked up and moved to Orange County, which again, is not know for it's diversity or culture - no offense to current OC residents.

    Yeah, but as someone else mentioned, the OC does have some diversity.  And Vicki lived not that far from Chicago, which has a lot of diversity.  And of course there are loads of people who grew up in non-diverse areas who still manage not to use offensive stereotypes and who bother to learn about other cultures.


    And that’s my problem with Vicki and with Ramona on RHNYC – neither ever does any reflecting on how their behavior might hurt others and try to improve themselves.  Both seemed to have managed to get into careers that don’t require that much education, experience or frankly complex thought.  I’m not surprised Vicik’s business was valued so low, because there is no inherent value – if every client failed to renew their policy, Vicki would have zero income.  There’s no property or hard assets that could be sold.  She has a office lease and some cheap furniture, that’s the hard assets.


    And both think that what they happen to want/like is the “best.”  Ramona with her NYC/Hamptons/Aspen/Palm Beach junk and Vicki’s belief that everyone is dying to go to a time share in Mexico….  Never realizing or caring that some people just like other options.  Cape Cod/Maine v the Hamptons, Greenwich v the UES, name any other ski resort v Aspen, etc.  Ramona would be shocked to find the real old time money people think her crass.  Vicki thinks “old itme money” is anyone who earned it in the 1990’s.

    She doesn't care enough to take the time to learn about anything that won't directly impact her. She was probably able to live through the whole Prop 8 nonsense and yet more than likely couldn't articulate what it was even about because she doesn't give two shits

    Right, I always go back to Laurie’s attempt to explain why she was a Republican.  She had no idea…I see Vicki that way too.

    I'm starting to view Vicki as poor, when her home is only selling for 2.4 million.  Dafuck?

    CatMomma, since the separation of assets clearly didn’t value the home that high, either she has a very large mortgage or she’s delusional about the price.  I’m actually going to say both.

    • Love 5
  3. Can Vicki really be so uninformed that she thinks all gay men are in good shape and whatever else the heck she said?? What an idiot!

    And thanks Vicki for confirming the divorce was NOT about "spousal support" but a division of assets. You bought Don out of the business, the business you created while married to him in a community property state. Likely during years when you weren't making any money and he was supporting you and your children. That is how it works honey! Jerk.

    How could Vicki and Lizzie think those dresses with smashed breasts looked good?? I don't need to see that much cleavage. I need eye bleach. But Vicki's shorter hair was a plus.

    Tamra looked like the deeply unhappy person she is.

    I lost count of the Dubrow's apology total, so will just agree with the world that Heather's hair looked awful and fake.

    • Love 13
  4. Ramona's blog is up and I swear she had someone normal write it for her (Avery possibly?).  As NCSocialworker says, Ramona says she should have been nicer to Luann, she acknowledges her behavior to Andy was wrong, and thanks her friends for supporting her.


    Of course, this is Ramona, so she blames the clamming up on Mario's insistence she not talk about it.


    On Ramona's other quotes in articles - at some point she needs to realize Mario's behavior is not about his daughter, it's about himself and their marriage.  Yeah, Avery is likely pissed at him (and thus no Father's Day tweet), but if she wants to maintain a relationship with him, she needs to move beyond anger about the end of her parents' divorce.  Ramona needling her won't help that process. 


    And it is possible that Ramona and Mario could, over time, learn to tolerate each other.  They have 22 years of history together, and raised a daughter together.  No one else they will be with in the future will have that history.  [speaking from experience here, as my parents had a very, very bitter divorce under similar circumstances and didn't talk to each other for years.  But at the end of their lives they could have a pleasant conversation).


    Oh and Ramona, in case you're reading, honey you can't really claim both homes you know.  Trying to kick Mario out of both is above and beyond.   Yeah, he cheated and then he lied about cheating, but property settlement is not about that.  I'd start looking at Lu's new Hamptons place as a sign of what you may be able to afford in the future (not knowing much about their finances).

    • Love 2
  5. I loved Ramona's wisdom and experience, Sonja's wit and humor, LuAnn's groundedness, Heather's strength, and Kristen's beauty (I could look at Kristen for hours...). Carole and I have had our differences this year, it's true, but I'm an optimist -- I try to find the good in everyone. With Carole, I'm afraid I've failed; I just can't find anything good there. Truly, there is no "there" there

    Ramona’s “wisdom?”  Sonja’s “wit?” Was I watching a different show?  I don’t think so .  And while the slam to Carole is Aviva quality harsh, unnecessary and just wrong, also harsh that the only thing she can think to say about Kristin is “she’s pretty.”


    One of my favorite moments was Ramona claiming that Kristin was about the same age as her, laugh out loud insanity.


    First she loves Carole and is enamored with her work. She said that her book "changed her life". She is eager to be her friend and seeks her approval

    The more I see of Aviva, the more I wonder whether she had even read Carole’s first book before they were both cast on the show.  I took it at face value at the time, but now I’m wondering if she latched onto Carole at the beginning she knew of Carole’s friendship with Andy Cohen and figured she’d be friends with a show favorite.


    Here's the thing. Aviva just does not get to clutch her pearls about Heather calling her a motherfucker if she's also trying to explain away saying Shut the fuck up to Kristen.

    Right.  I’m from NY and now live in the midwest.  I find NY’ers just curse more than other people.  The f-bomb is not unusual like it can be elsewhere.  MF is something I didn’t hear as much, but I NEVER hear it now that I’m no longer in NY.


    And I’m still trying to figure out how making a comment about yourself (“at least I’m not 50”) is a compliment to someone else!  Never mind the “I thought she was older” slam. 

    I wanted someone to ask Sonja what church she goes to, or what denomination she belongs to.  Because the claim she can forgive Aviva because she is a Christian was the oddest thing I’ve heard in a long time.  But in an era when Vicki and Tamra can tweet about going to church on Sunday (to Rick Warren’s megachurch), I guess nothing is impossible.

    Last line of the season.  Vivs "I can't do bubbles."  STFU Mother fucker.

    Yeah, what the heck was that?  I know people who don’t like bubbles, but can’t drink them?  Did we ever see her with a soda – carbonation honey! 


    Sonja’s blog is hilariously delusional as usual, but this part is great: 

    The girls saying that Aviva's leg throw was staged is silly. I let Aviva know that everyone was saying she was fake. Even if she plans to throw it on the table to make a point, that doesn't make it staged.

    Yeah, actually Sonja “planning” to do something in advance is indeed “staging” it.  There are dictionaries on-line, have your 'homeless girl in Ireland' check into that for you.

    And this: 

    I believe some of the women fail to take me seriously because I only show them my party side. There is a private side to me that most people don't see, because they only see me out at social events and while I'm entertaining. I throw a lot of events, so a lot of people only see that side, as it's my business and the way I broker some of my deals

    Sonja, if your parties (“sonja in the city”) are your business, then how is people seeing you throwing them not seeing your “private” (aka business) side?  My head is spinning over that and her again claiming to have ‘deals’. 

    I know it’s mean because Sonja is so delusional and she could lose her home, but I want her back to document the fall.

    • Love 8
  6. When the discussion turned to Carole's issues with LuAnn last season, LuAnn got it wrong.  Carole was cold to her because Lu was coming off as a wannabe (royalty, upper crust, etc.) and comparing her life experience with Carole's, not because people think she's unapproachable.  I like Lu this season but come on, get over yourself already!

    I disagree with this.  It looked to me like Carole came guns a-blazing to cut down the “Countess” with her “well, I’m a Princess but I never say I’m a Princess.  Did I mention I’m a Princess?” routine.  She got mad that Luann mentioned having lived in London, she got mad that Luann used a faux British accent (like no one around Carole has EVER faked an accent!), how dare Luann say Indian instead of Native American, etc.  Luann has never claimed to be royalty, she’s acknowledged having been an LPN and growing up middle class.  Did she seem pretentious – sure.  Did she cling to her Countess title – sure.  I liked her anyway and saw some of her mannerisms being more European than American, even though she is from here. 


    And while Luann’s title is “honorary”, so is Carole’s – since Poland does not have a royal family (and reportedly her husband never used it).  Heck, her husband’s family became British subjects after WWII.  There are tons of people around the world – ok the US and Europe mainly – using titles that don’t really exist anymore.  The Shah of Iran anyone?  Lives in VA last I heard.  Greek royal family?  Sure, deposed in 1973 and lived in Britain until last year, but still calling themselves Prince/Princess  whatever.


    I see it a little different with Aviva's thinking on comparing books with Carole. I truly think Aviva feels that it's only because of the Kennedy connection that made Carole's book interesting. Aviva said as much in her response to the Buzzfeed interview, that it wasn't Carole story to tell. So if Carole would have left out all Kennedys and Kennedy friends/relatives, etc. (which would be beyond weird :) ) her memoir would have been boring compared to Aviva's tragic past. I think Aviva feels Carole cheated by writing about the Kennedys.

    I haven’t read “What Remains”, but based on what others here have said, the book is interesting with or without the JFK Jr. death.  Now I totally think it was his death and Carole’s willingness to write about it that got her the book deal, but that’s a different topic.  Had the friends been no one famous, it’s less likely Carole would have gotten the book deal, but the death of her husband, his cousin and her best friend within one month is interesting in itself.

    • Love 5
  7. The count was much older than Luanne. He wasn't twice as old but it was no news that he was much older than Luanne and I'm pretty sure his daughter knew it. I don't see how that was mean either. Were they embarrassed by that and trying to hide it? I don't get the harm.

    He is maybe 15 years older than Luann.  If he’d been twice her age, he would have been in his 80’s, since Luann was in her mid-40’s then.  That’s mean, it’s untrue and Ramona knew it but didn’t care enough to do accurate math.


    I hadn’t previously heard that Luann was separated when she started filming season one. If true, not cool to hide it.  Though I kind of wonder how often the Count was around even when happily married – IIRC he traveled a lot for his business.  I just saw another poster’s statement that Luann said she was hiding the separation for the children, which implies he was often not around when they were a real couple.  I could see keeping it quiet for young children.  Let’s face it, lots of couples stay together until the children are out of the house.  Since Luann didn’t go around claiming to have the best marriage ever, I don’t see where this is as bad as other things people have hidden (though Luann, I love you but don’t go on the show if you need to hide a major thing from your kids).

    • Love 2
  8. If given a choice between admitting I said or did something terrible and apologizing for it and claiming I can’t remember (a.k.a. black out drunk), I’ll opt to apologize.  If you’re in your 40s or 50s and having that much trouble remembering things you did and recently watched on film, you need to see a neurologist immediately.

    Well, if there were no editing monkeys involved in the “Aviva, you can be vile.”  “No, I never said you were vile” conversation, it’s pretty clear to me that Ramona simply defaults to denial whenever she is challenged.  She wasn’t drunk (I assume), the time period between the 2 statements was a minute or so, there is no way she could have “forgotten.”  She said it and then almost immediately denied saying it.  She is also delusional to think people believe this garbage.


    Oh wait, am I getting this confused?  Is True Faith Ramona's line or Mario's?

    I think it is both, on the show it looked like Ramona suddenly came up with the concept, but I recall seeing an article indicating it was in the planning stages before RW.  And Mario’s family business does not only religious items but sports trophies too.

    I remember reading on some site that one of the former interns posted and she did get credit in school for managing Sonja's social media--she does have a website and she does other things online.  

    I saw one person on her Linked In profile said she was Ramona’s personal assistant and intern for a year in 2011.  She talked about the RW filming, as well as some other stuff and “assist with personal tasks.”  She went to some college I never heard of in NYC that focuses on fashion.  She did a very large number of internships.  I read another article (what did we do before Google?!) saying Sonja showed up at a premiere for I think RW with 3 interns, all of whom were needed to put on her lip gloss.  Who in the heck can’t put on their own lip gloss?!?!


    If students were getting college credit in the past, I wonder if this season is the end of that gravy train.  I can’t imagine that Sonja is actually making the arrangements since she can’t arrange herself out of anon-existent toaster oven box, but the kids could have managed it.  Pretty easy and just fake the updates to the school about what they are doing.  As long as the school didn’t double-check in person, they have one less class to manage. 

    I'm not trying to excuse her (so hopefully we can avoid that debate) but I can really see the abusive childhood in the way Ramona talks to people. She has zero tact. Even when she's being nice she displays a very rough style of speech, poor listening skills, and a real self-centered lack of perspective. This is all stuff that she's described in her father. He was hostile, controlling, angry, always had to be right. So while I do think Ramona can have a mean streak a-plenty, I also think she's just talking the way she heard grown ups talk when she was a kid.

    All this may be true, but at some point Ramona has an obligation to try to get over this.  She has money and time; she could be in therapy.  Clearly at this point she doesn’t think she needs to change anything (her ridiculous wine in the bedroom conversation with Mario this season).  I have no idea if she ever tried therapy, but if she devoted herself to not being like her fathe rshe could manage it.

    • Love 3
  9. Now LuAnn is ranting about Sonja not wanting to be friends with her?  First off, why would LuAnn want to friends with someone she claims is delusional, scattered and variety of other names for unstable?  (But apparently not unstable enough to watch after LuAnn's sick kids when LuAnn won't bother to.)

    Do we know if – today – LuAnn wants to be friends with Sonja?  I wonder.   Sonja’s behavior appears to be on a downward spiral – so that when they were filming LuAnn may not have been as aware of the cluelessness.  Clearly LuAnn had never heard the model/real estate tycoon claims until the reunion. 


    And we have only Sonja’s word that she took care of LuAnn’s kids when they were sick – I know Luann didn’t challenge that but I don’t take it as proof.  And Sonja is so delusional that I think we can question whether this actually happened, or question if it happened, when that was.  Considering Luann’s son is now probably in boarding school, her daughter in college, and both of them supposedly spend the summers with their Dad in Europe, I doubt it was last summer.  Could have been years ago, could have been Sonja walked into Luann's house and learned one of the kids was sick (and promptly left/asked Luann when they were leaving/etc).


    On Aviva and asthma and her friendship with Ramona.  Either they aren’t really friends, or Aviva’s asthma is now much better, or Aviva is lying about how bad her asthma was (and seriously, any one of these explanations could work for me, I can’t decide!).   Because when Andy brought out his rescue inhaler (I have the same one, blue with a dark blue top!, Generic meds for Andy and me <G>), did anyone else notice Ramona appeared to have NO idea of how to use it?  Didn’t take the top off (Thank God!, though she wouldn’t have thought not to), didn’t know which end was up.  If Aviva has only 30% lung capacity, she’d be using that thing multiple times a day in NYC.  Come to think of it, the generic albuterol rescue inhaler was not one of the things that seemed to be in her little bag of tricks to toss at Kristin.  Hmmm..

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  10. I don't blame her for letting it all fly, although I did think her butting in to point out that the Beales (Grey Gardens) were mentally ill went a bit too far.

    Now I thought that was the best comment Luann made; because Sonja feeling complimented by the comparison was nuts!  I finally watched the documentary and was appalled by how they lived.  I can only imagine how it smelled.  And that could in fact be Sonja’s future, talking about her former loves and the parties and when father took to her to Europe…..all the while opening cans to heat up on a single burner in mother’s bedroom. 


    And every comment Sonja made during part 1 was nuts (and because they film for so many hours, who knows when in “real time” the Grey Gardens comparison made.  It could well have been near the end after even more delusional Sonja comments).  During her explanation of how she has to manage the work of her “Harvard and Yale” attorneys (oh and Sonja, last time I checked “Fordham Law” is not Harvard OR Yale, but that’s where one of your bankruptcy lawyers went.  Not a criticism of Fordham but of Sonja’s need to act like she only has the “best” of everything) and “her” trustee and “her” Judge….I was trying to imagine actually having to act as Sonja’s attorney.  It was not a pretty picture. 


    I can understand that Sonja wants to pretend “she” made the decision to sell the house in France, as opposed to it being forced by the bankruptcy trustee.  But claiming to have been a model and buying and selling multiple properties from the time she was a teenager?  Nope, not buying it.  Luanne in particular looked genuinely confused about the model claim, and that is a topic Sonja definitely would have brought up to her before now.  I really wonder if Sonja ever bought a property on her own; I know she made some claim about the building near where she had the doggie funeral, but the other 3 properties were bought by her husband. 


    Sonja can also talk to all the psychics she wants, and light a ton of abundance candles, but ignoring her problems won’t solve them.  I think she actually has a pretty good income – now – due to RW and child support.  But when they are over, so is the gravy train.  And her relying on the psychics and abundance candles may relate to new age stuff (and I totally see Sonja latching on to that), but doing that to the exclusion of taking active steps to get a real income does seem like a sign of mental illness.


    On Carole and her ex.  I see a major difference between saying they don’t live in the same city and won’t be exclusive when apart and a real “open” relationship – where even when you are together you are free to pick up someone else on a typical Wednesday. 


    Ramona's family life is a fundamental part of her storylines. It's fair game to ask about the state of it when its crumble was so public. She has the right to tell them to fuck off which makes her, IMO, a hypocrite.

    If she's intelligent, she just says "it's been hard, thank you very much for your concern Andy, thank you very much for your support everyone, we are working on it. For that reason, I would like you to respect my family wishes and not further comment on that issue but again, thank you for enquiring about us" with a big sad smile. The big sad smile is important for the empathy factor.

    I’m shocked Ramona didn’t seem to expect the question and have an answer like this prepared.

    To me it doesn't matter what Ramona's intention is - she says hurtful shit and then gets mad when other people say hurtful shit back. And her reasoning that she doesn't have a filter so she can't be held responsible is BS.

    Right, that only works so long.  Continuing to say hateful things and then always say “oops” and some version of a non-apology apology doesn’t work, people get sick of it.  And while Ramona may forgive easily (and I personally question whether that’s really true), others who have been repeatedly on the wrong side of her bad behavior have no obligation to do so.  She’s in her mid/late 50’s, it’s time to become an actual adult.


    Still love Luann, but that dress (her blog says she “designed” it) and earrings were horrible.  Ramona’s dress was a nice surprise.  Others have said enough about the pink and black lace monstrosity Sonja wore.  Carole’s look was terrible in its own way, that dress was so short she struggled to stand up without treating us to her ob-gyn’s view.  Never mind the hair and WHAT THE HECK DID SHE DO TO HER FACE?  Yikes, people mentioned she messed up her face, but I didn’t realize how much.   Kristin’s hair was nice and I liked Heather’s dress.  I refuse to discuss the other one.

    • Love 2
  11. Now there is a thought, how would Dominick Dunne write Sonja?? Tempting..

    Sonja said there were "contracts on the table" for a couple of things (can't recall which specifically). I would be shocked if, even assuming she wasn't completely lying, the contracts were from other companies and sent TO her. More likely she had them drawn up, or her lawyer sent her sample contracts. No way she has any product on the market or nearing the market.

  12. I don't have any empathy or sympathy for Aviva. She had a horrible thing happen to her as a child. But she had a cushion of wealth to weather that (great health care probably, her parents bought a place with privacy in Jamaica so she could wear a bathing suit in privacy?!?). She had the money to fly to London to be fitted with what has to be a very expensive prosthetic leg. Heck, she has at least 3 of them! And she has money enough to avoid lots of annoying things many people need to deal with.0, and money for therapy if she still needs to deal with the ramifications of a horrible childhood accident. She doesn't get a lifetime pass because she lost her leg.

    I think the other women are suspicious of her "issues" because (as others have said), they come and go. I don't know anyone with a true phobia who just "got over it". And I don't really like Carole but she is right that the rich have access to doctors who will prescribe whatever they want. I have both asthma and pneumonia - they look very different. Asthma is diagnosed by self-reported symptoms and a lung capacity test. Maybe Aviva really had/has asthma, but she could fake those tests. And in light of her many changing illnesses, I'm not shocked the other women questioned her (now, I'm not sure I would have gone to the degree some of them did , but...)

    And Aviva, you may be able to spell res ispa loquitor, but you failed on the definition. I'd be more appalled at her as a another attorney except just today my manager (also an attorney) blew the "me" v "I" grammar check. And a co-worker, another attorney, referred to something as "very unique." Jeez, I'm not a grammar hound, but those were bad!

    I was annoyed at Sonja "hosting" a party until I remembered RW always have an end of season party. Horrible, not surprisingly self-involved speech. Like others I don't think there was anything wrong with her ankle, but more than her "don't we have the budget for new towels", maybe she should spend some bucks to color her roots. She is not a natural blonde and the combo of brown and grey hair at least an inch long at the roots may indicate how bad the finances are. I don't recall her mentioning her colorist as part of the Sonja team?? Guess she wants actual cash rather than a guest spot on the show or a shout out on Sonja's blog.

    Can someone find out what company is paying Sonja $10k+ for branding advice? There's a stock I would short.

    Bravo - can't you spring for someone to run a spell and grammar check on the blogs? Only Carole manages to avoid mangling the English language.

    • Love 4
  13. I also doubt this is the leg she wears into the party. The key will be to see what shoes she wears. Aviva has said she has at least 3 legs - one for high heels (which seems to be the one on the floor), one for flats, and I think a "swimming" leg(?).

    I am also appalled at how she appeared to slam the leg on the table first.

    Or does anyone know if people periodically get new prosthesis? This could be an "old" leg - because I also doubt she took this one off right there at the table.

    Regardless, what a nut job!!

    • Love 1
  14. PsychNurse - I'm right there with you on the boringness is Shannon's a Christmas decorations. Most look lipid they are from Costco (nothing against Costco, but with her money she could afford more unique stuff). And sor someone who "loves" Christmas, she doesn't appear to have any of her own personal Christmas ornaments! Jeez, even if she was going for a "theme", I couldn't figure out what that would have been!! Someone needs to tell her beige is NOT a traditional Christmas color!!

    Rant off. Sorry, as someone who really loves Christmas, that house was just dumb.

    Tamra is an idiot. Lucky for her she was overshadowed by the grossness that is David. In don't care if he was going after his wife, that comment about having girls if you are unhappy was disgusting.

    • Love 4
  15. Another person who doesn't particularly like Carole checking in. " any number of reasons, her season 1 attempts to take down my beloved LuLu being one.

    But I also think she tries too hard. I wouldn't normally think of the Sex in the City comparison, but I do wonder if she took that episode about Aiden having a cabin " in the middle if nowhere" aka Suffern NY - Carole's hometown, and ran with the image of the bohemian lifestyle. But Suffern is solidly suburban,middle class to the core. I grew up not far from there (any Monsey folks here?? No, likely just me!).

    She also just tried So Very Hard to be the hip, cultured one. When I read her blogs I wonder how much time she spent thinking up a way to sneak in all those references to literary figures - she sure doesn't use them in casual conversation.

    On to Sonja. Now that was embarrassing. I'm forever grateful my youthful drunken days were long before cell phone cameras, that was a mess. I suspect Kristin shoo'ed Heather away because she thought she could reason with Sonja better (since Heather was already pissed), but you can't argue with a drunk! I didn't notice her dress was different, but I sure noticed the hair, and her inability to fix it.

    I now fast forward through anything with Aviva and George, much nicer that way!

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