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Mrs peel

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Posts posted by Mrs peel

  1. 4 hours ago, Rap541 said:

    Alcohol is not really a mitigating factor in battery on a law enforcement officer. It's not. That she was piss drunk is not an excuse. She's a 53 year old woman she is not mentally incompetent, she is expected to understand how to behave. 

    Things that are mitigating factors in battery on a law enforcement officer in florida are: 

    1. Lack of knowledge - she didn't know the person was an officer - since he was in uniform, this is unlikely

    2. Self defense - if he was arresting her, resisting him doesn't count

    3. Incidental touching - if she closed the door because she regressed to being a frightened child, she was intentionally closing the door but she might try this defense

    4. Defense against excessive force - if he wasn't beating her, this is unlikely to come up.

    I got this info here - https://www.goldmanwetzel.com/blog/battery-on-law-enforcement-officer-florida/


    The important point? Her level of alcoholic intoxication is not a mitigating factor that HAS to be considered. No one really will care WHY she went into the wrong room - she was asked to leave and refused to where a police officer had to be called. That she's Luann De Lessups and was soooo drunk? It really doesn't change the fact that she was acting badly. Now, will a judge throw the book at her? Probably not - she is rich and on tv and a lot of judges don't want the attention that plonking Luann in jail would receive, especially with it being a first offense.

    On the other hand, that it was "bizarre" and "she was drunk" really don't matter in the slightest. The judge (I'm speaking in generalities) doesn't have to care in the slightest why a defendant has committed a crime. And Luann's reasons for committing this crime amount to she was irresponsibly drunk.

    One of those things where alcohol isn't a mitigating factor technically, but for "famous" people and "white middle/upper class" people it is.  An African-American woman in this situation would be lucky to get bail.

    • Love 2
  2. On ‎5‎/‎19‎/‎2018 at 1:34 AM, ItIsAboutThePasta said:

    I think her conversational skills, TH quips & blog posts differ so wildly from her published works that it really makes me suspicious as to how much of that was really her writing and how much was the editors.  As for her stint at ABC News, I'd really have to see the receipts on what exactly she did to contribute to those stories.  Did she win an award or was she on a production team that won an award?  Where are the awards in her house?  You know Carole would talk about them, display them and they would be behind her on the green screen in her THs.  I get the sense that she was part of a production team, coordinating logistics behind the scenes, but not contributing much actual writing.  Again, I have to look at her body of work that is publicly available vs what she vaguely claims she did.  I'm not trying to take anything away from her love for her husband or her genuine grief over his death, but I suspect that her stepping away from journalism was more about her not being able to hack it on her own than anything else.  It's why she never wrote the (contractually obligated) book of essays or the cookbook with Adam.  She crafted this identity as a journalist/writer, but she doesn't really have the drive or ability to do it, and it's too late to admit the truth now.  Carole talks about her career in journalism the way Sonja talks about her marriage to Old Man Morgan.  She's living in the past just as much as Sonja is.  These are things that Carole did 20 years ago that have virtually no connection to who she is or the life she leads now.  Yet she trots the skeleton of her dead and buried career out as a means to elevate her position in her own mind and prove that she's smarter, more informed and more accomplished than the other women.


    I do think, especially for writers, the verbal and written style can differ significantly.  Most of us are more casual in our verbal language.  But I think she was never much of a writer anyway, so...  She wrote a memoir, which was well received.  But it was about herself, her husband, and factual things that happened and how they affected her.  It wasn't a stretch, though of course not everyone could do it.  Her other book (and I've never read either), seems to show she isn't a writer of fiction, or perhaps generally of books.  What surprises me about her is that her blogs aren't written better, because if a person has experience writing (not necessarily books, but if your job/career involves significant writing), in my experience you do change your style to be more formal in the written word.  I end lots of verbal sentences with "to" ("that person I talked to."), but I almost never do it when I write.

    I do wonder if she never went back to journalism because it reminder her of her husband, and of course because she had enough money that she could stop working.  I suspect all of her awards were group awards, and while I think others here have indicated that, based on her job titles/descriptions, she did in fact do some writing, it indeed was different from writing a book.  And that it's likely many others re-wrote the "scripts."  I believe we've also seen photos that indicate she was on location, at least scouting out the background for stories (which would include writing up the possibilities for the story, a totally different form of writing).

    I agree she sometimes lives in the past.  She holds onto the journalistic experience as if it was her lifetime.  I think she would have been benefitted by going back to work, she does seem a little lost without that rock. 

    On the "things that annoy me about Carole" scale, very high on the list is the "I don't ever use my [fake] title of Princess, but let me discuss how I was a Princess and that's so above being a [fake] Countess."  Sure, Andy Cohen probably pushed that, but she could have said NO. 

    • Love 5
  3. Just read Tinsley's blog.  Honey, if you want to claim you aren't living off other peoples' money, I think you should use examples other than your prep school and college education.  Because we all know you didn't pay those bills, nor get into the schools on your own.

    She also claims she "didn't take any money" from her divorce.  May be true, I don't know.  But no kids, she cheated on him and left him, and there was probably a pre-nup.  Plus she claims (with some truth) to be from money, so why WOULD she have gotten a settlement? 

    Try again.....

    • Love 1
  4. On ‎5‎/‎17‎/‎2018 at 8:19 AM, Keywestclubkid said:

    can i ask why? I mean just the BA at Columbia is more then a lot of people achieve (because they cant afford to go to collage) and is not something given to you but you have to earn ....is it because she doesn't have children? what makes you say she hasn't achieved anything in her life? to get any degree is something to be proud of and to brush it off like its nothing is doing a great disservice to everyone who works their ass off to go to school and get them

    I'd say it's that her book, the fashion lines, etc, were likely (1) ghostwritten and (2) designed by others.  She got those "careers" because she managed, through wealth or connections of some sort, to land herself on some lousy reality TV program [before, of course, our beloved RH series :')].  Tinsley doesn't appear to have had to work for anything in her life.  Graduated from Columbia?  Ok, if the actual university, hard to get into, but it's not like she's done anything with the degree.  Most families with money send their kids to college.

    • Love 3
  5. On ‎5‎/‎16‎/‎2018 at 8:04 PM, Mindthinkr said:

    I really hope that the relief that Bethenny brought was truly able to help people. 

    I agree with Dorinda. The news coverage didn’t really show the extent of the disaster. 

    Whatever is Sonja’s problem about leaving her neighborhood? 

    I found myself cheering Bethenny during those scenes, and normally I am not a fan.  The devastation, months later, is horrifying.

    Sonja's problem is she's an entitled bitch.  She's originally from Albany, NY,  Being a native NYC'er myself (ok, grew up in the burbs), I have always seen that the worst examples of "NYC'ers" turn out to be transplants to the city.  People who have always lived in and around NYC don't act like leaving the tri-state area is death.  And heck, she appeared to be traveling WITHIN the boundaries of NYC!  Get over yourself!

    1 hour ago, weaver said:

    Some people, well the New York Post anyway, think Dennis Shields is pretty shady, an operator you could say.  


    True bottom feeders, fleecing everyone and making themselves rich. 

    • Love 12
  6. 4 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

    I think Teddi sighed and said, “Oh, well. He’s buying this car with his money.” 

    I really didn’t think they had that much money either. 

    Jagger is going to be a fun teenager.  Oh, dear.

    They bought a $4M house just because her husband liked the place - they weren't looking for a new home.  That's having money.

    The Jenga game looked so normal, until Atilla the Erica came by.  If you don't want to play the game, don't play.  But don't just ignore the logic of the game and end it because you're too stupid/lazy/uninterested to take it seriously!  Annoying.  And Dorito can stop with the fake "I play Jenga every day with Jagger."  Was it the alliteration she liked? 

    I realize I was only half-watching, so missed Camille in NY.  But what's up with 2 places in Malibu?  I can see why she had to sell the magnificent home from the marriage, and why she'd buy another place in Malibu.  I can even understand the desire to buy ON the beach, but once that's done, why not sell the other place and buy in LA (or somewhere else)?  Or just have one home in Malibu?

    Could Kyle's nephew be more stereotypically over-the-top?  The amount of screeching between the 2 of them must have hurt the sound guy's ears.

    I get that Maurcio is from Mexico and might want to buy a home there, but obtain citizenship (for adult children too?)?  Don't get it.  A bit of googling shows they are really obtaining status as Mexican "nationals," to avoid the bar on US dual citizenship.  But it would give them the right to work/own a business in Mexico and own land in otherwise "forbidden" areas (for non-Mexicans) - which is basically near the border and beach.  Was Maurcio born in the US or Mexico?  Can't remember.

    • Love 13
  7. 19 hours ago, smores said:

    Erika, in some ways, reminds me of me at a work meeting.  At some point, I begin to lose my mind because it's clear we're not going to get anywhere.  I can go around the table and, depending on the topic, I can peg which coworker will take which stand, who MIGHT budge a bit, who will not at all, and then you have the ones who will pontificate forever, trying to sway everyone to their side or just not "get" the topic at hand.  All of this makes me rage-y inside, and I have very little tolerance for it.  I feel that we should come to the meeting with open minds, a bit of an idea of the agenda, accomplish what we're supposed to do, as quickly as possible, and then get out of there and get back to the actual stuff we should be doing.  So, when "that person" hijacks the meeting for the 3rd time to go on and on about how they don't understand why this topic was even brought up, then yeah, I'm pretty much ready to stab someone with a pencil.  The reunion is their job, and I get it, as I'm sure does Erika.  But, how many times has she already had to hear about Lisa and Kyle and their friendship?  And then, how many years has this been a topic at the reunion?  Is it settled? No, ok, will it be an issue next year?  Yep.  So, can we at least move on to something else?  

    Sorry about your migraines.

    The difference with what you are saying (and I so agree, I have work meetings where the same d**ned thing gets mentioned forever!), is that - for the Reunion shows - the purpose IS to hash out all the stuff from the last year.  So yeah, people should be over it, but the format is to get back to the issues.

    • Love 2
  8. 3 hours ago, Juliegirlj said:

    Erika needs a health spa getaway. First she complained of heavy bleeding and cramps, then swollen glands and sickness, now a migraine. Yokum’s Razor would indicate that the simplest explanation is the answer: she is an unlikeable bitch....

    For the heavy bleeding and cramps, I immediately thought "beginning menopause."  Migraines?  Aren't they a specific type of headache for which people are diagnosed, and there are some specific medicines to treat?  Not saying she didn't have a headache, but I don't recall her talking about migraines.  I had a roommate who had migraines, she needed to be in a dark room when she had one.  Can't imagine sitting under TV lights.

    • Love 9
  9. 5 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

    I am sure she is making most of the Erika Jayne coffer from RHOBH.  It would not surprise me if she made at least $400,000.00 a year.  She made money off her Kim Kardashian character for the KK game.  She made at least $175,000.00 from DWTS-so I would say she is there.  The RHOBH ladies once they are in make a lot of money because most of them have agents and managers.  Erika is no dummy she knows how to cash in.  I do believe she has been making some roylaties of her music as of late.

    You have to appreciate someone who says she knows people who spend $90k a month.  NYC and LA divorce filings are full of such individuals.

    I had forgotten about the RH money (DUH!), and managed to forget she was DWTS.  Wow, wouldn't it be nice if the "stars" on a show like DWTS would donate their money to charity?  Oh yeah, right, 99% of them aren't really stars and might need the $$. 

    But her $40k a month is almost $500k, before taxes.  She can deduct the cost of preparing for her "performances," including clothing - IF it's not stuff that can be worn outside of the "work" (i.e. police uniform, etc.)  She can't possibly legally claim all her appearances on RH relate to her Erica Jayne character, so those clothes are out.  THE RH money, if $400k, doesn't cover her costs, since if she has a manager that's 10% off the top, then taxes, agent if she has one, etc.  Of course, the IRS has very limited resources to conduct audits, so unless she's audited, who knows what she's doing.

    • Love 3
  10. 15 hours ago, islandgal140 said:

    Is it just me but was anyone else a little perplexed when Kyle did not shed one single tear over losing all her mother's jewelry, expensive handbags and clothing and not to mention the violation of a burglary? I mean not even a voice quaver. Yet she stays shedding tears over feeling slighted by LVP and Dorit? Just me? I mean if you are gonna pick something to cry about, pick the former! Buy, hey, I guess we are all different.  


    I hadn't thought about it, but consider the possibility that she didn't cry because she recognizes that (except for the family items), these are just material goods. All of which can be replaced.  No one was hurt: the family wasn't home and the housekeeper apparently didn't even know the robbers were in the house.  Refreshing actually that she isn't trying over material goods.

    But now that I think of it, would it have killed her 2 sisters to each give her a piece of their mother's jewelry?  Really!!!  Share a little.  [Heck, I don't even speak with my sister, but when I had our family movies put onto DVDs (yeah, now they're put onto flash drives, I'm old!), I had a copy made for her and mailed it to her.]

    [edited to add] Of course, whether Kyle should be crying over a "slight" from Dorito and LVP is another story.  Be an adult!

    And anyone else call BS on Erica claiming she's raking in enough to cover the $40k per month in Erika Jayne expenses?  that's almost $500k, AFTER taxes.  She can't be making that much on the song royalties (does she make anything?), I assume the character on the Kartrashian game brings in some bucks (though assume the Kartrashians keep most of the $$), but I have no idea what she might be paid for what seem to be rare performances.  Wonder if the $40k includes paying Mikey et al.

    • Love 10
  11. 3 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

    I brought home a three-legged poodle mix to foster because he was profoundly depressed.  His name was Steve and he would just lay in his bed, hanging over sideways like he was dead.  I kept him for a month and treated his skin allergies on the down-low, and he was fine the instant he entered my house and tried to murder my cats.  I kept him until his skin healed and he was quickly adopted when returned to the shelter.  Shelter depression and apathy is a real thing.

    What a wonderful thing to do!  My cousin fosters cats, which can get expensive for her relatives......(yep, owner of 2 of those fosters).

    • Love 7
  12. 14 hours ago, princelina said:

    Also the throws that say CHANEL - did she get decorating tips from Erika?  Or Mikey?

    Which reminds me, wasn't she wearing a brooch of the interlocking CC's in one scene?  We get it, you have money to waste, on things Coco Chanel would likely NEVER have created. 

    Someone needs to tell all of them (though possibly not Teddi), money talks/yells, true wealth whispers.

    • Love 10
  13. Just now, Keywestclubkid said:

    “Adults” would have been like sorry I can see up your skirt not let’s look look look then make a big deal of it later. 

    True, but I never said PK was an adult :-)

    11 minutes ago, Showthyme said:

    Kyle needs therapy to grieve her mother so we don't have to hear anymore about Big Kathy. Why does Kyle feel so compelled to bring up her mother and the issues with her siblings? Success and happiness is the best revenge. Kyle has the success part down. Now, she just needs to get happy.

    The American Girl show is as boring as the American Girl doll. 

    Loved Kyle's new house. Hated the decor by Faye Resnik.

    On another note, Lisa Rinna should put in a call to Jeff Lewis. Her house can use some updating. 

    I was wondering what Rinna really thought of the "acting" on the show.  It was pretty sad when Kyle alone laughed at what was supposed to be something funny in the show, then others pitifully joined in.

    I couldn't tell the décor since they were doing what appeared to be some major renovations.  But I do call bulls@@t on Kyle personally hauling that Buddha statue to the new house.  And girl, the "beware of dogs" sign costs like $10, get another one.  Then there won't be holes where the old one was screwed in.

    I can't see Jeff Lewis re-doing Rinna's home; they have completely different taste.  I don't see her liking a house full of only grey/white/black.

    • Love 8
  14. 21 hours ago, WireWrap said:

    Kyle will never admit to setting Dorit up during pantygate, she knew Erika would be ticked about it but never flat out told Dorit not to do it, neither did Eileen or Rinna either. All three of them thought it would be funny and wanted to witness Dorit giving them to her. 

    Sure, but then again, Dorit is (allegedly) an adult, and Erica is (allegedly) someone who doesn't give a f@@k, so they are both responsible for their own actions/reactions.

    And if Erica didn't want people commenting on her going commando, she should never have mentioned it.

    • Love 14
  15. On ‎4‎/‎9‎/‎2018 at 11:58 PM, diadochokinesis said:

    But you have to consider that Lu was being complicit by staying with the Count all those years knowing that he was an anti-Semite.  It tends to give off the idea that she is ok with anti-Semitism.  For example, I couldn't marry a racist because I abhor those values.  I couldn't even be friends with a racist. 

     Maybe she was complicit by staying married to him, but certainly they met and married so fast she likely had no idea of his views before becoming his wife.  We don't even know if this was something that he felt/believed but that never affected their marriage (because he didn't make a thing of it in their everyday lives, i.e. he wasn't ranting and raving at home or in public about his opinions about Jews).  It's very different from knowing in advance that someone has different values (or no values) and you marry them anyway. 

    • Love 4
  16. On ‎4‎/‎5‎/‎2018 at 11:08 AM, Natalie68 said:

    I thought it sounded fantastic as well!  When you think about it it's not much different from living in your own rental with staff.  The rent (last year) was said to be $7K/mo.  Apartments she looked at cost about the same.  But with the hotel she gets hotel staff.  Seems like maybe a cost savings?  Anyway, she has $ and if I had her $ I would be lazy AF.

    I like having my own things around too much to live in a hotel.  And I have far too much "stuff" to fit into a hotel suite.

    • Love 2
  17. On ‎4‎/‎5‎/‎2018 at 10:41 AM, HunterHunted said:

    That and being married to an antisemite. Victoria's n-bomb and now this. They sound like terrible people to be around.

    Personally, I can't fault Luann for the fact her ex-husband apparently is an anti-Semite (though I don't recall seeing any indications of that, though he did appear to be a jerk); nor that her daughter once used the n-word.  Both are objectionable, but she doesn't have complete ability to control others.  On the scalping and "woo woo", she was responding to Carole complaining that Luann - who apparently is part Native American - referenced being an American Indian.  I think Luann can use whatever term she wants for her own ethnicity.  YMMV.

    • Love 6
  18. On ‎4‎/‎5‎/‎2018 at 1:47 PM, yourmomiseasy said:
    On ‎4‎/‎4‎/‎2018 at 11:41 PM, Misslindsey said:

    I roll my eyes whenever Dorit and/or Erika and/or Kyle is wear some designer label t-shirt or hat. While I like plenty of designer clothes and accessories I tend to go for pieces that do not broadcast the designer. 

    fixed that for you

    Another fix. 

    I had meant to comment on the stupidity of Kyle's "look at me!" Chanel belt.  Jeez, the woman was known for her couture clothes and eventually perfume.  Now the company plops the interlocking CC's on everything.

    Also, while Kyle might not have realized her reaction to the horse would be so bad, I think if you NEED an Epi-Pen, you need to always have it with you. 

    • Love 6
  19. On 3/28/2018 at 10:39 AM, KungFuBunny said:


    Yes BBHN!

    And say what you will about their sometimes poor fashion choices - but these woman throw away spend major money on their clothes, bags & footwear.

    For the love of God Kyle, buy a shirt that fits!  Jeez, you own a clothing store.  Shirts are NOT supposed to have the front so stretched the buttons might pop at any moment!

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