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Mrs peel

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Posts posted by Mrs peel

  1. On ‎10‎/‎4‎/‎2017 at 4:05 PM, CooperTV said:

    Yeah, it's like Person of Interest but with far less credibility or common sense, and I'm aware I'm comparing this show with a show that part Batman comics part pseudo-sci-fi "drama" about an artificial intelligence that was designed to detect acts of terror.

    I hated the cinematography (everything looks ugly), the lighting (did they film it without any artificial lights??), the wardrobe choices for the characters. The acting is mediocre (Jeremy Piven excluded). I've no idea what's even point of this show. It doesn't look like a CBS show, to be honest. At least with CBS procedurals you can always count on competent look of a show. This one? It looks like crap.

    Well, they are in an industrial section of Oakland, so not sure the cinematography is off.  I didn't notice the clothes at all.  I'm on the opposite side about POI - I didn't think that show had much credibility, and stopped watching pretty quickly.

    Now having seen 2 episodes, I'm on the fence.  I guess I suspended disbelief for the pilot and didn't think of the fact that Piven's character should have/did think out things like the long (short?) term use/profitability of the software, recognize that they wouldn't be able to control the actions of the crowd (but wasn't it so incredibly likely that people would start following the suspects?), etc.  It seemed like a vanity project in the pilot, in the second episode not so much.  Some sense that he consulted with counsel about the legality of some of the surveillance would have been nice too.

  2. I didn't like this as much as the Pilot.  I hope they don't go into "main character becomes a superman and personally rescues X" each week.  Too cheesy to me.

    Also not much of a fan of the ex-wife now suddenly being a politician. 

    I continue to like the 'behind the scenes' stuff - the potential bankruptcy, not being able to control how the crowd reacts, etc.  I don't include the suddenly (and in virtually no time at all) being able to change the topography of the area to show how things changed since the Google Maps photos were taken.  Did they even explain how they did that?

  3. On ‎10‎/‎5‎/‎2017 at 9:46 AM, KungFuBunny said:

    I know plenty of people who have divorced in NY, some uncontested and it took 1 1/2 years to finalize their divorce. You can not file due to "irreconcilable differences" under NY law - that is not "grounds" for divorce in NY like it is in California. You also have to live separately for a time period (the few I knew lived apart for 9 months). Tom filed in August - it just reached the 2 month mark of living separately unless Luann changes her tune and comes out to say they've been living apart since January 1st.

    Shortly after Luann got married it was reported that she was coming out with a new song. This was in her honeymoon phase. Recently I heard that her new single is about her divorce. What is she thinking?


    "Irretrievable breakdown in relationship for a period of at least 6 months" is one of the grounds in NY, that's what I referred to as irreconcilable differences.  Yes, there's a separation period.  Again I don't know NY specifically, but where I practiced couples could state they lived separate and apart while still living in the same home.  And the simple fact is, if the divorce is agreed, it's highly unlikely a Judge will challenge the agreed to statement that the marriage has been broken for 6 months.  We know what Luann was saying publically, but if the divorce is agreed no one will even mention those out of court statements.

    I used to handle divorces (not in NY) and I can only tell you that every single divorce is different.  What one couple did doesn't mean anything for the next case.  A truly "uncontested" divorce taking 1.5 years?  Sounds to me like something was contested, or "being worked out," or there were other reasons not to finalize more quickly (taxes being one possibility). 


    Whatever happened to the quickie Mexican/Brazilian/something or other divorce we used to hear about? Rich people would just boot on down south and end their marriages in a matter of days.

    It wasn't just the rich, my mother and father got a Mexican divorce back in the day (when it was almost impossible to obtain a divorce in NY).  There were Mexican vacation divorces, some complete with the second/third marriage ceremony thrown in.  I think once NY changed its laws, they just stopped being necessary/useful.

    • Love 6
  4. On ‎10‎/‎6‎/‎2017 at 9:26 AM, KungFuBunny said:

    I'm convinced Tinsley wears these too. - that's why her part always shows dark roots. The mesh lace is easier to disguise...look at the scalp/part area.

    There is no way Tinsley who says she colors and does her hair every six weeks would have such dark roots.

    Yet, why make the darn things with dark roots?  Am I missing something?

    • Love 2
  5. I don't know specifically about NY, but where I live many criminal defense attorneys charge flat fees.  Now, that can be high if you settle quickly.  Money up front for obvious reasons.

    I don't know what to think about the charges - and I fall on the side of thinking B over-dramatizes things.  But there was something there to get the prosecutors to file charges.  And then I can't figure why he wouldn't take a plea, because going to trial could be very difficult.  IF he's not just ignoring reality, I can only assume he has another set of emails/voicemails/whatever that put his emails in a different light.  Why his attorneys wouldn't show those to the prosecutors to get the charges dropped, I don't know.

    • Love 3
  6. 1 hour ago, KungFuBunny said:

    Is it just me that this sounds super fishy?

    How do you settle out of court and not go through the court system to "divorce". The only way I can see this happening is if they were never married by a legal officiant or the papers were never signed and sent in.

    You simply can not divorce this quickly in NY even if it is UNcontested by both parties.

    Edited to add: Wait, maybe I'm wrong - the wedding ceremony was in Florida  - I thought even uncontested divorces in Florida take a minimum of 3 months

    The "settled out of court" probably just refers to the fact that they agreed to the terms, as opposed to having a contested hearing (which can take a long time, see Bethenny).   I'm not a lawyer in NY, but a bit of googling showed lawyers saying an uncontested divorce could be done in as little as 6 weeks.  If we assume both parties entered appearances (didn't they both file?), then there is/was no need to wait 28-30 days (don't know the NY specific requirement) for the defendant to file an appearance/answer.  And if they agreed on terms (and what was there really to fight about in such a short marriage?), the only wait is how busy the court was.

    The only hitch I could see was that irreconcilable differences mentions a 6 month breakdown of the marriage...heck, that's from almost the date of the marriage for them!

    • Love 4
  7. 22 hours ago, teapot said:

    true story...but I don't think she'd ever even entertain the thought of committing to (or even dating) a guy w/a "normal" workaday job. 

    I'm not sure any of them would do that.  B did so in the past, but she didn't have the mega-bucks herself back then.  And Dorinda's John may not be "UES" standard, but he too has lots of money.

    • Love 7
  8. On ‎9‎/‎18‎/‎2017 at 6:11 PM, BBHN said:

    Marrying up the social ladder still makes you a social climber. You're just using the marriage to get the position and prestige.

    Personally, I think that only applies IF you're using the marriage for that purpose.  I don't have that sense from Lu, I think she really loved the "Count."  

    Listen, all of them are social climbers under some of these definitions.  Because none of them (Tinsley possibly excluded /1)) started with lots of money, they were all middle class.  For me, I don't apply the idea that you're a social climber because you/spouse started to make lots of money and you moved to the UES. 


    /1 And Tinsley, well her ancestors may have been in the US since we were the colonies, but the Mortimer name seems like it was a big step up for her too.  Did she love him, sure, did she marry him for the name, I doubt it.

    • Love 8
  9. 14 hours ago, Happy Camper said:

    Yes, she just about sums it up with this:

    "Without her alter-ego Erika Jayne, Erika Girardi says she’d just be “another rich bitch with a plane”.

    Know this, I am so rich that I have my own plane.

    Oh, did I mention that I have a plane? Believe me, I do.

    Yolanda has her Lyme, but hey, I have a plane.....and an alter ego.

    I may be a mess, but I'm pretty.

    I think she should have gone with "You don't know what I go through at night....until you read my book".

    And the plane is actually owned by the husband's law firm......

    • Love 10
  10. On ‎9‎/‎13‎/‎2017 at 0:34 AM, HunterHunted said:

    Alex was offered a demotion to a friend in season 5. She was supposed to serve as a bridge between Carole and Heather and the existing housewives because it was thought that she had more in common with Carole and Heather. She declined the demotion aka quit.

    Sonja is a social climber. "P. Diddy parties on my yacht. I party with John John and Madonna. Madonna was outside my show." Sonja has talked about dating Prince Albert of Monaco. This dude has two illegitimate kids and basically had to imprison his wife to marry him, but people who are interested in nonsense pedigree are happily dropping his name.

    Lu has always been a social climber. She moved from LVN to rich Italian to rich French man to to another well off French man. She loved to talk about having manners and being the Countess, when her manners are okay at best mostly because she has a bad habit of using manners to belittle people. Lu was tickled to have someone else around with a bullshit courtesy title until Carole announced that she thought the titles were bullshit. Lu was really thirsty about showing up on RHoBH. It served as a real point of contention between her and Bethenny.

    I guess I make a distinction between being a "social climber" and "climbing the social ladder."  I see Alex (and Sonja) as the first.  Lu?  Well, I can only go by what she said in her special, but I put her in the second.

    Alex and Simon were ridiculous with attending the opera to be seen (but no one cared), talking about how much money they spent on (ugly) clothes, looking for their photos in the paper, etc.  They didn't have significant money, they didn't have a social pedigree (which is overrated IMO, but they cared), etc.  They desperately wanted to be seen as UES people though they lived in Brooklyn.  They appeared to be educated people, with professional jobs, but that wasn't enough for them [which is sad]. 

    Sonja I see as a bit of a social climber with calling her hostess job in the "restaurant/{what did she call it?} business."  She seated people at tables, she took reservations, stop calling it more than it was (and it was a perfectly respectable job, with the added benefit - to  her - of meeting rich and famous men).  Her repeated claims of "partying with John-John and Madonna" and being on Diddy's yacht, etc. are pretty classic social climber stuff.  She married a guy significantly older than her (does anyone think she ever loved him more than his money?) and attached herself to HIS pedigree even after the divorce.

    Lu?  She acknowledges having been a nurse (we could nitpick LPN v RN); she started modeling and from that moved to Europe.  She seems to have met the "rich and famous" though that modeling and TV work, which isn't unusual.  She wasn't the girl getting the coffee and pretending to be the star.  And while marrying the Count and becoming a [<cough> fake] Countess is certainly climbing the social ladder, she seems to have loved him and unlike others [<cough> Sonja] it doesn't seem like she would have married him if she didn't love him.

    I'd put Lu more in the Carole class - both came from middle class backgrounds and ended up marrying "up" the social ladder.  We could nitpick that Lu's moving was based on her looks (modeling) v. Carole's education, but both married men with [fake] titles.

    • Love 8
  11. 4 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

    Or she is just waiting until the divorce is final.  I still need to watch but really how hard could writing the book be?  Hire a ghostwriter, jot down a bunch of platitudes, give some countess quips, voila, book is done.  And honestly, what could she really say that is of interest?  She isn't going to be truthful, we saw with our own eyes he is a worm, and she was married for 30 seconds.  

    I figure she's not saying much til the divorce is finalized.  I wonder if mentioning the book is a way of angling for a publisher?  I like Lu, but I don't imagine there are any publishers looking at RH or page 6, learning of the divorce, and immediately pitching a book to her.

    • Love 3
  12. 6 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

    When Lu gets married again, Dorinda can wear the bridesmaid dress again!

    Lord I know someone who did something like that, except the first wedding was cancelled 5 weeks before it happened.  Bad thing was she asked a newer friend to be an additional bridesmaid for the second go round (different guy) but then had to tell that friend she couldn't be a bridesmaid because they couldn't get another matching dress.....very tacky. 

    • Love 6
  13. 16 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

    I like Beth, but I really wish she could relax a little, enjoy her success, feel proud of herself and feel confident, and not feel the need to entertain everyone during these reunions. It saddens me that she still seeks the approval and attention of others so much. I guess her childhood really damaged her self-esteem. 

    Maybe I am weird, but I would much rather receive one huge Bergdorf Goodman gift card than many little gifts over the course of I don't know how many months. 

    She never will, which is sad.  And it probably kills her that her other products aren't taking off like the original cocktail.  I thought her comments to Ramona at the fake party for Sonja were telling - when she said she knew she would always have success with money/business because she had it once.  But it doesn't always work like that, some businesses do very well within their own sphere, but move out of it and they flail.  I think she will continually be looking for the "next great thing" instead of  enjoying her life.

    • Love 11
  14. 1 minute ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

    I can see Luann sincerely hanging her hat on the "voting is private" peg and keeping quiet for that reason -  she is old school that way.  She is also appearance-conscious and wouldn't want to be identified as being a supporter of either side, lest she offend people (fans or potential customers?) on the other side of the aisle. So I never assumed she voted for Trump.  Knowing she maxed out donating to Clinton, that now seems even more unlikely. 

    I do wonder if she regrets her choice to keep mum, since the world seems to have taken her silence as meaning she voted for The Donald.  Maybe she will 'fess up during her special, since she has been raked over the coals for refusing to answer.  Lord knows adjusting her stories to suit the public's response is standard operating procedure for her. 

    I kinda wondered about the customer thing too, then decided I don't know if she really has many (any)?  And I like Luann!

    On ‎8‎/‎26‎/‎2017 at 2:37 PM, WireWrap said:

    Bethenny said in response to Andy's question that she really didn't like anyone on the ballot so she voted for HRC, which more than likely means that she was a BS supporter. That said, I could care less who they voted for.

    I could care less who voted for who, on this show or in real life, people vote the way it fits their life at that moment. How these women voted doesn't change my opinion about them even if they chose a different candidate or the same as I did. Yes, it is up for discussion in how it reflects on their behavior on the show but I don't think we can assume those that didn't share voted for Trump nor does it indicate why they voted for him if in fact they did.

    She never donated to Bernie, per the FEC website.  I think she was just like a ton of people who thought Hilary was too old or too controversial for 2016, but when faced with the choice, went Hilary.  Certainly she's only donated to Democrats in the last 5 years. 

    • Love 5
  15. http://www.newsday.com/entertainment/celebrities/see-hillary-clinton-donald-trump-s-celebrity-campaign-donors-in-new-york-state-1.12359933


    So apparently Dorinda, Luann and B each gave the individual maximum to Hilary's campaign; B has given over $58K since 2012, all to Democrats (she's given more than the FEC page shows Dorinda giving).  Interesting Carole doesn't show on either list, and she should be on both (but defninitely on the FEC website).  Sonja gave a 2008 donation to McCain (was she still married then?).  Nothing for Ramona at all.  I did Tinsley as a joke, nothing.

    So I'm confused about why Luann didn't answer the question.  It seems unlikely she would have then voted for DT.  If she really just didn't want to say, it would have been better for her to say she believes this is private (marginally better than just following Ramona and Sonja, since everyone thought at least Ramona really did like DT).  Certainly she's left the impression she voted for him.

    • Love 7
  16. 22 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

    I have a friend who lives in a building where all the units on the top floor, of which his is one, are designated "PH," as in "PH-1," "PH-2," etc., and their HOA fees are like $100/month more than non-PH units.  He said he would gladly forgo the PH designation for $100 a month.

    I meant to add to my original post, B can stop with the trying to define "penthouse."  It's the only apartment on the top of a building, it can be called a penthouse in my mind.  And, if we include the outdoor space (for which most NYers would KILL!), it does appear to be the entire top of the building,.  Looks from the diagram someone posted that it may have been added on later, and that may explain why there's the long walkway(s) one one or two sides?

    My building (5 stores, 22 units) was sold with "4" penthouses.....there are very few differences between the 3 bedroom apts on the 5th floor and those on the 2-4th floors. 

    So anything on the top floor can be called a penthouse.

    • Love 9
  17. 5 hours ago, jumper sage said:

    @Mrs peel thanks for the article and the author.  Am off to search for his books and other writings.

    No problem, heck someone else in the boards turned me into him.  The book is on Amazon, pretty cheap on kindle as I recall.  I think it's called "Isn't that Rich?  Life among the 1%".   I think all the articles can be accessed on the newspaper website.  And hey, this relates to the reunion, as the owner of the paper is Jared kushner.

    • Love 1
  18. 34 minutes ago, nexxie said:

    "As one recently divorced hedge funder told me: "Being married to a smart, opinionated woman is work! Now I just want tits on a stick, a blonde wig and someone to tell me I’m great when I get home.""


    He's a good writer, I bought his book (which includes a bunch of the columns) on Amazon.  It's pretty funny.  I don't know the UES enough to figure out who anyone is, sadly.

    He has another column about how the new divorce is no divorce.  People just live separate lives, saves on litigation costs and, for at least one of the husbands, gives him an out when a girlfriend wants to get married. 

    For those who were debating whether Dorinda does drugs, he has another column on the drug use on the UES, including drug dealers who make house calls.

    • Love 5
  19. 15 hours ago, PhilMarlowe2 said:

    I'm actually shocked that Sonja and Luann voted for Trump. Especially Luann.

    I need proof that Sonja actually voted!  I'm disgusted with Luann.

    I'm certainly with Carole on Tinsley's story and half the couch apparently voting for DT (I refuse to type his name, and yeah, I'm petty enough to deny him the middle initial he loves so much when he speaks of himself in the third person).  But she needs to remember that none of that changed the election, NY was comfortably for Hilary; FL was not.

    Tinsley, it's not cute that you are such an airhead you forgot to vote.  "It's not your thing" is what you say about sushi, not voting.  THis may all have been cute when you were 21, but not now, and not in another 10-15 years.

    B's story about DT.  Stupid and annoying.  Let's start with - the question was "do you know" either candidate.  Almost bumping into someone isn't "knowing" them - B just needed to be able to have a story after the first 4 did.

    And she bumped into him when doing "the walk of shame" leaving Dennis' apt?  Hmmm...thought this was a serious relationship she was in...in which case there's no "walk of shame" leaving the apt in the morning.  I think of the expression as "Jeez, what was I thinking, how did I get here, why did I have sex with that person (usually along with how much did I drink last night)?"  If they were in a serious relationship, no surprise she would stay overnight; there are certainly reasons they aren't living together - like her daughter, that he's married (oops!).....  Why didn't she have clothes stashed at the apt anyway?  Where was this apt anyway?  DT doesn't seem like the type to go on long walks in any neighborhood, how did she bump into him anyway?

    Anyone know if Dennis has ever filed for divorce?  I hadn't thought about the convenient timing of the "break-up," but those who said it was fake are probably right.

    B can get over talking about a large number of texts defined as "torture."  Everything is torture for her, if things aren't going her way.  Now, if Jason really did turn the computer around when she had authorized FaceTime phone calls with Brynn, that's bad.  But it's "go back to court and complain" type thing.  I don't have kids, but is it really logical to have FaceTime rights to the child when they live in the same city and you have her half the time???  Seems overkill to me.

    Loved that Sonja said she wouldn't be concerned if her breast popped out....OF COURSE she wouldn't, likely by that time in the reunion she was annoyed it hadn't already happened. 

    Tinsley and her story of abuse.  I can feel bad for her, but she seemed to be acting like this was some great love story.  Didn't I read that they never appeared in public together, and he basically had her on the "down low"?  Not much of a relationship, and therefore so many reasons she should have gotten herself out.

    • Love 12
  20. 21 hours ago, nexxie said:

    Jeez, what do all these women see in Tom?! Are they really so desperate?


    Someone on the old site once mentioned Richard Kirshenbaum, who writes a column on the rich for the NY Observer.  He's very funny.  This article is about how UES divorcees need to be "realistic" about the next guy.

    Yeah, sadly Tom might be a catch (though obviously he won't stay caught).

    • Love 4
  21. On ‎8‎/‎20‎/‎2017 at 10:30 PM, diadochokinesis said:

    My personal belief is that it was based off (on Lu's end) on her desire for companionship.  I don't believe it was about love. She just saw someone that she liked hanging out, possibly had great sex with, and just decided to marry him. I have no clue what his motivation was.

    During the first 10 minutes or so, she flips her shoe up towards the camera and it is a big white sticker on the bottom of the shoe. 

    Jackie O - "the first time you marry for love, the second time for money, the third time for companionship."

    Once you see the sticker, you can't unsee the sticker!  How did she not take that off?????

    • Love 7
  22. 20 hours ago, psychoticstate said:

    Bethenny is a better host than Andy.  She should basically take over all the reunions.  She'll ask any question, dish out any follow up and say what's on the majority of the viewers' minds.  

    The only problem with that is she so often plays favorites.  She won't call out someone she likes, but goes for the jugular for those she hates (sometimes they deserve it, sometimes not).

    Avery moving back in with Mom - I wonder if that's because Ro and Mario won't pay for the "right" apartment in NY, and/or that Ro has given her the hard sell on needing "my daughter" back.  Plus, now that she's an adult, she can blow Ro off and live her own life, even in the same apt.

    • Love 4
  23. 6 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

    I agree with you that Bethenny's was a standing-up dress, and I never understand why they don't take that into consideration from a looks perspective, but also from a comfort angle.  I can't imagine wearing a dress like Sonja's for several hours on a couch while filming, being aware of every shift of my body and praying the tape holds.  I compare how Andy sits to how most of the women sit, and it's night and day.  He actually looks comfortable.

    Oh, you think Sonja was hoping the tape would hold?  Hmmm, I was thinking she was hoping it wouldn't.  Oops, my boobs popped out!

    • Love 3
  24. On 8/16/2017 at 8:12 PM, jaybird2 said:

    carole's cheeks are over the top too much.   ramona looks better than she has all season

    Ramona may look better than during the season, but I think she looks like shit.  The hair particularly looks bad.  I noticed the price tag on the bottom of the shoe too!

    dorinda and Ramona are wearing far too much eye makeup.  Looks like most of them have glitter on their eyes, not a good look.

    we're only one reunion episode in and I'm already sick if looking at Ramon's and Sonja's breasts!

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