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Mrs peel

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Posts posted by Mrs peel

  1. On ‎9‎/‎23‎/‎2016 at 3:35 PM, Hanahope said:

    Actually, there are 3 footballs.  1 with the president, 1 with the vice president and 1 with another person, maybe head of the secret service?  I assume Kirkman got the third football, that the 2 with the prez and vp blew up.

    I liked the premier,  the scene with the blown up capital building was very affecting.  

    I expect that there are a couple of people that didn't show up to the state of the union address for one reason or another, but yeah, most of the federal government is gone.

    I can see where people in a club may not know right away about the explosion and that was the only 'non-government/police scene shown.  I'm sure the rest of the city/country is in an uproar.

    Well, most of the elected federal govt is gone.  But all the career professionals are left, including under secretaries.  I binge watched this week, so can't remember if the 2 DOJ lawyers being idiots with the new President was part of the pilot, but that didn't ring true.  Undersecretaries likely weren't at the State of the Union.

  2. On ‎9‎/‎22‎/‎2016 at 0:59 AM, Silver Raven said:

    I hope this new President stops moping around and starts making decisions.  He was just being really annoying. His threat to blow up Tehran was a little over the top, wasn't it?  He could have just threatened to attack their warships.

    A Cabinet Secretary serves at the will of the President.  He doesn't get to say "Hell no, I'm holding on to my job."

    No this is not "The worst terrorist attack since 9/11".  This is the worst terrorist attack in history.  The entire Congress, Supreme Court, and executive branch were destroyed. I'm also shaking my head that all of this business going on at the White House wasn't being done in a bunker somewhere.

    Is there more than one nuclear football?  Didn't the previous President have one with him?

    I guess with all of the people scrambling around at the site of Capitol building, the bomb wasn't nuclear?

    They couldn't send in a robot to investigate that dud bomb?

    Even if Islamic terrorists didn't do this, wouldn't they still want to claim credit, and wouldn't Islamic terrorist leaders still want to relocate their families just in case the US decides to get revenge on the wrong people? 

    I bet that general was behind it.

    "worst since 9/11" - I think they were talking numbers of people killed.  Now this is probably worse for the US because almost the entire elected govt (and most of the unelected leaders) were killed.  But fewer total people.

    Not sure why they weren't at a bunker either.  Or is it that the bunker is under the WH?  Certainly the Situation Room is there.

  3. On ‎10‎/‎12‎/‎2016 at 2:29 PM, Giselle said:


    Edited to add: Sorry, saw someone posted this already. 


    Ok, fess up. Who on the board dropped a dime and is Michael Lissack?

    I'll buy them a drink and sing their praises.


    And just before shooting the reunion too! (Rubbing my hands together and grinning like an iditot!)

    Not me, though I did check out the CA website and found the complaint form.  Interestingly enough, when I was looking to fill it out, realized the website had absolutely NO information on the corporate officers, who was running the site, etc.  That's not normal.

    Hopefully either the FL or CA attorney general will send a cease and desist letter, because you clearly can't fund-raise if you aren't a not-for-profit.

    Crazy that the website now claims VIcki was just a spokesperson, when version #1 of the site had multiple links to her business.

    • Love 2
  4. 23 hours ago, QuinnM said:

    Ok, based on reading between the snapchat lines.  She is doing a luggage line for HSN based on carry on only with cute luggage tags and red quilted roller.  She is pitching something with Andy in LA.  She is piloting something else that has been filmed.  She has something else at Food Network where she has filmed a couple of times and it wouldn't be Food Porn since that is on the road.  She did do a 4-5 city eating thing all in a week as well.

    And I agree about Brynn moving schools.  Both of the parents would have to agree since during those hours the commute for drop off in NYC could be an hour.  It would be crazy to have a drop off downtown and live uptown.

    You know I want the apartment that they use for offices.  Just perfect for single in NYC.  But I don't know where it is.  I like the brick, decent living area and decent kitchen.

    Cute luggage tags and one carry-on luggage piece?  Yeah, I'm exhausted just reading that, I can now understand why she couldn't keep a part-time job. <sarcasm off>

    seriously, thanks for the info, but I don't see anything that would stop the radio gig.

    • Love 1
  5. On ‎10‎/‎6‎/‎2016 at 11:49 PM, izabella said:

    Wait, let me guess...the new place will end up being all white, marble, and hard edges with lots of white furniture.  She'll have one room with barely there wallpaper and will call that A Pop of Color, plus a SG red accent here and there.  The entire design will give the appearance of sterile office parks and the feel of the inside of a refrigerator. 

    Ah, now you ruined the surprise!  Darn.....

    So she now can't manage a part-time job at Sirius because she has S-girl, HSN (what is she supposedly doing for them?  And that's periodic appearances, along with having others do all the serious work), tv projects that may or may not happen and her daughter.  It must be tough to not have to work, because there are loads of single mothers who manage way more than this each and every day.  In particular, assuming the S-girl staff is really a full-time staff, I strongly suspect they would get far more done if she isn't in the office all the time.  And they would handle the HSN stuff too.

    I suspect this is all about hoping/knowing that one or more of the TV things comes through.  She'd rather have her face on TV than just her voice on the radio.

    On moving away from Brynn's school, since they have joint custody, she can't unilaterally change the school.  Never mind that it would be extremely disruptive to a small child who has already had a ton of disruptions (not that I thing B would particularly care about that).

    • Love 9
  6. 23 hours ago, Snarky McSnarky said:

    For anyone late to the party, here's Vicki's "commercial."  Also, sadly, the GoFundMe donations are stuck on $143, 14 days into the campaign (click on Donate NOW).


    Oh my God.  The site is worse than ever.  The "charity" page, which the video makes me think are the links to actual charities is the place to "donate" to get a bracelet - limit of 2 per household.  What the frack?!?

    She admits in the webpage that they don't have not-for-profit tax status, but she is seeking funds (the donate button on the page).  The donate button takes you to the Go Fund Me page.

     The about us page is incoherent but says the funds go to a not-for-profit separate foundation (to be created?), or at some points the website says the funds are directly channeled to certain approved not-for-profits and #killallcancer doesn't touch the money (currently only, you guessed it, City of Hope).

    best of all, the inspirations button, which used to have filler ("here is where you can say X") now has actual stuff, but there must be an embedded link, which has Twitter comments calling the Vicki and the site frauds!!!

    The page as now written doesn't explain what happens with the money raised from bracelet sales - can't go to charity if the site doesn't touch the donations, but the go fund me page says they are raising money through bracelet sales.

    serious fail.  I am thinking of reporting her to the CA Attorney General, she is claiming to be a charity though she admits she doesn't have IRS not-for-profit status. Heck, at least the mostly useless trump foundation has given a few bucks away!

    • Love 9
  7. On December 17, 2015 at 11:46 PM, SophiaD said:

    I'm watching the backstory on "Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries."  I have read all of the books and tried watching the mysteries more than once, but just couldn't get into them.  Maybe if I just try to concentrate on the show as its own thing, it will help, instead of comparing the show to the books.  I was kind of freaked out by Aunt Prudence character, and, in addition to Reo's excellent list above, I missed Eliza, Phryne's sister. 


    I also REALLY miss Lin Chung and Li Pen.  Not to mention Ruth. 

    I do think thinking of the shows as just "different" helps.  I also prefer the books, but see where the writers think Phrynee needed a "respectable" love interest.

    i never understood the addition of Aunt Prudence, because it raises the question of why she didn't take care of the young Phrynee (and sisters, both book and show versions).

  8. 15 minutes ago, motorcitymom65 said:

    It is considered strange because Beth said it. Every single word she says is analyzed to death simply because she said it. Even when it is the most benign thing in the world, like saying going through her divorce was hell. As you point out, it is hardly unusually for people to describe a divorce as hell. Even people who get through it basically unscathed often describe it as such. Another comment was about how wrong it was for her to describe her divorce as torturous. I guess because it diminishes the actual victims of real torture? I guess I'm a horrible person as well.  Just got back from a business trip that was long and hard and took months of preparation, and I told my husband the whole thing had been torture. Luckily I'm allowed to say things like this because I'm not Beth and no one thinks I intend to sound like I've actually been physically tortured.  

    I disagree.  IIRC, she has also said it was the worst divorce experience ever!  Her typical hyperbole.  Maybe if she didn't exaggerate all the time, it wouldn't bother people.  Some of us, especially the children of divorce, also wonder about the effect on their daughter of her bad-mouthing her daughter's father all the time.

    she is certainly not the only person in the world who has done this, but I think she is the only HW in the NY show who does, and that's what we're discussing.


    • Love 11
  9. 8 hours ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

    How do you just not respond when the whole point of the interview is your response to a particular question? Of course she has to respond. Not responding would be a story itself.

    Pretty easy.  Listen, I get that B has never taken the high road in her life, but it actually is an option.  Or how about not participating in the interview at all?

    • Love 11
  10. 2 hours ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

    Bethenny is obviously just being facetious.  It's a JOKE.  She is not serious about sponsoring or collecting a fee for attending Luann's three ring circus dress event.  

    I don't think she would go if Luann DID offer to pay her!


    So it turns out you don't even know who the people who deserve all the credit were, but you are just sure that Bethenny herself deserves none?  



    At first glance I thought you were suggesting Dennis and Bethenny were looking at buying this^^^ place, lol. I thought, damn Skinny Girl is doing better than we all thought. 

    But onto more serious matters ... what the hell is she doing apartment hunting with this guy?  She can't be moving in with him already, not with her daughter in the picture.  I loathe Radar Online and I know 90% of what they print is garbage, so I can only hope this story will end up on the big pile of trash with most of their other stories. 

    But here's the thing, if B doesn't care about Lu?  There is no need to say anything about the wedding.  Sure she wasn't serious, but again it's the inability to ever keep her mouth shut!  Plus, she wouldn't get an appearance if she was sponsoring an event, that's not typical.

    on the article about Shields' lawsuits, that is pretty meager evidence.  The return of the escrow case must have had something else going on, because the failure to obtain a mortgage in 45 days usually results in the seller giving the buyer more time.  It looks to me like someone wanted out of the deal for other reasons.  The tax assessment - lots of people challenge their real estate taxes, it's not unusual at all.  Heck, I've done it multiple times (though where I live most people do it administratively)?

    • Love 4
  11. 1 hour ago, jinjer said:


    Why wouldn't she just sell the new one and move into the old one and buy Jason out if the court decided it was marital property?  Bethenny doesn't strike me as the sentimental type.  She certainly isn't a hoarder. She is lucky to have the $ to buy.  Does Dennis have a place in the city?  I think her apt. hunting with Dennis and all those bedroom shots with the back of his bald head or just a glimpse of him in the shot or the engagement ring are digs at his wife. Have the two of them filed anything yet with the courts to get the ball rolling on a divorce?

    I think the apt hunting is for publicity, since B seems to think all publicity is good publicity.  I am sure she would say she's too emotionally devastated to move back into the pay she once said was her dream (the apt with Jason and her closet).  But really - it would probably be better for Brynn for her to stay where she is.  Her father has moved, so she has new space with him, it would be better if not everything is turned upside down at the same time.

    • Love 4
  12. 13 minutes ago, Ellee said:

    The idea that they are fighting is ridiculous, if so he wouldn't have had her, and she didn't need to appear, on WWHL.  And the idea that she didn't want to 'go there' on the question of drug use is even more laughable!  Sure, she didn't want to be involved in the "drama" - she was the major player in the drama!

    I can believe she didn't want to be asked about Shields, but if she's going to call Lu a whore multiple times, she better be willing to discuss the married guy she's dating (especially when she's willing to appear in public with him, heck, does anyone think she isn't the one calling the paps and Page 6 to announce when they'll be out together???).  And since she seems to have had his daughter on speed-dial, she was prepared for that conversation.

    • Love 12
  13. On August 31, 2016 at 10:30 PM, chocolatine said:

    I'm not 100% sure, but if Lex and Not!Madoff are in a legal partnership, then Lex would also share liability (and technically should have also been arrested), and if that same partnership funded Van Webber (as opposed to Lex giving Brooke some of his own money), Brooke might be forced to liquidate, and as soon as that's public knowledge, the buyout offer will become much, much smaller. 

    Whatever, I still don't believe that Brooke, Lex, and Candace are actually going to be poor and have to get food service jobs and move to Brooklyn. There's already a show about that, it's called 2 Broke Girls. I think their problem will be losing their status as Upper East Side's top dogs because all their former friends will blame Lex for brining Not!Madoff into their lives.

    I thought the idea was that Lex, instead of being a real hedge fund guy, just took his clients' money and turned it over to NotMadoff to invest (which actually happened with Madoff, there were lots of victims who were not directly invested with Madoff).  So Lex and the guy weren't partners, but Lex on his own isn't a stock market guru.

    I thought the entire thing was pretty funny, and setting them up for season 3, with Brooke belong the powerful one (as opposed to Lex or Candace), since she has the money and the business.  

    I agree with everyone else that the bad bridesmaid dress wasn't true to who Brooke is.

  14. On August 18, 2016 at 8:57 PM, ZaldamoWilder said:

    I'm (hood) rich, bitch.   Think about how much she made to owe 824?  Sheeeeiiiii for that kind of cash, she needed to have an accountant living in Bryson's empty room.

    If she didn't file at all (and that's not clear from the press reports), then the IRS figure is based on income reported to them with nothing other than standard deductions taken out.  Presumably she has/had expenses to offset some of the income (did she take acting lessons? That might be deductible for a self-employed "actress" for example).   There are so many ways for the actual rich to limit their taxes, it's mind boggling that this happens so often to celebrities and athletes.

    You would have to be pretty stupid to not file, but then again........one of the articles I read said her husband hadn't paid off a 4 year old tax lien.

    wonder when the State of GA will get around to filing its own tax lien?

    • Love 1
  15. On August 17, 2016 at 8:23 PM, yourmomiseasy said:

    Wow.  From the blog...

    Mind boggling indeed, but not in the way Vicki thinks.

    And the gross insurance pitch...

    So Vicki's family can't even be convinced to buy insurance from her (before they get sick?). And he didn't try to get the insurance through her after, because I see she's not that bright but she has worked in insurance for years and probably realizes you can't qualify for decent life insurance right after a diagnosis?

    • Love 5
  16. 21 hours ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

    That should show you all right there how fake all this is and that there is nothing to freak out about. This show is just a job to these women. I think they skim these boards and giggle at out the outrage while they toast their own shenanigans with pinot grigio and Skinny Girl watermelon margaritas and LOLOL 

    I see this somewhat differently.  Yes, it's a job, but that's exactly why, even after B's bitchiness, they could go out for a business meal.  Listen, I work with a group of children (though technically adults?) but although I have little in common with any of them and would never spend a real social evening with them, I attend any and all work events, because that's what you do when you are an adult (I kid you not, some of my co-workers get suddenly sick to avoid being in the office on these days, we long ago stopped having birthday lunches because certain people would only show up if they were "friends" with the b-day person, etc.).

    • Love 5
  17. 3 hours ago, Cherrio said:

    I agree.  Also, Luann was calling Sonja delusional and crazy. Luann, you were a guest in her home. Some friend......

    Maybe not a good friend, but certainly an accurate statement.

    A couple of people have said they feel sorry for Sonja because her grandiose lying comes from deep insecurity.  Maybe it does, but at some point, get some therapy to deal with it.  Because it must be exhausting listening to her lie constantly about her life -  the toaster oven, the brand, the clothes, partying with dead people and people who say they have never met you, the yacht you haven't seen in over 10 years, etc.  I would have walked away/smacked her upside the head years ago.

    • Love 7
  18. On September 8, 2016 at 8:07 AM, mwell345 said:

    The thing is, I don't understand the level of anger.  Yes, I get being sensitive to being accused of dating a married man.  Deny it and move on.  Say something like " I can see why you might think that, but he was separated/divorced when we started dating etc."  But no, we get the dramatic phone call, oh and now she says she almost asked Andy for a lie detector test.

    She became unglued and protested way too much and with such fury that she just put fuel on the fire.

    She left herself wide open for that anyway and my sense is she knew it was coming so why get all unhinged? 

    All season long, she said horrible things about LuAnn (whose children I might add are old enough to watch the show) - Luann was an F-doll, who slept with every man in Manhattan - on and on - did LuAnn lose it at all?  No.

    But accuse Bethenny of dating a married man?  She goes ballistic. 

    And let's remember, this is to ACCURATELY state that B is dating a married man.  No one is lying, other than B.

    3 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

    Wait, what?  Doesn't every woman & girl over 12 (and drag queen worth her salt in high heels) curl their eyelashes upward?  And this is a tip how?  Please.  You shaved your massive jaw down & got a crappy nose job.  Fess up, & stop feeding us this silly bullshit. 

    I think she was saying she put the outer edge of the fake eyelashes above the lash line, so the outer edge of her eyes appeared to be higher than in reality?  But I don't wear false eyelashes so didn't really follow it.

    why do the RH wear such obviously fake eyelashes?  They really do look stupid.

    • Love 7
  19. 9 hours ago, ZaldamoWilder said:

    Just to clarify, Michael is the one who filed.   Which was a smart move, it takes her ability to use adultery off the table.  Unless he's alleging that she cheated, it wouldn't be listed as a cause.   Excluding some specific contractual reference to a breach of fidelity, like a pre or postnup clause, it has no monetary value in divorce proceedings.  Its only purpose is to use as grounds.  The Home Goods pics are for her to counter his claims that (due to the show, his business is suffering) he can't afford to pay $10K a month.........while running around town in a chauffeured car, wearing Tom Fords, shopping in the middle of a weekday (even though business is suffering).   They may also be of use to her to state that since they're not divorced yet, all the cash he has spent on his mistress (I think the article that picture came from said they were getting knicknacks for the place he just bought her) is a marital asset.    He's screwed.  I hope. 

    Well, you can file a counter-petition for divorce.  But I think someone said NY has abolished fault grounds, and generally grounds for divorce don't influence the property and custody decisions anyway.

    • Love 3
  20. 3 hours ago, ElDosEquis said:

    I was really impressed at the BOMBSHELL that the Ramonster revealed last night......

    She knows how to send a page to get it to print out on a printer.


    Well, either her daughter or her assistant knows how to do that.  She only proved she could unfold a piece of paper.

    I'd forgotten that B was Jewish (or half?).  Listen, I'm from NY and grew up in a town overwhelmingly Jewish (like seriously, in my HS yearbook someone wrote they would always remember me as the "other Catholic" in class).  Jules is in fact very representative of some Jews; I always saw her as Jewish American Princess (apologies in advance to those who take offense).  She actually seemed proud of it (not that she should be).

    There was so many forms of Judaism, not everyone keeps Kosher all year; I grew up with folks who only did that for Passover.  Reform Jews who almost never go to services, eat pork, have Christmas trees because their kids don't want to be left out, etc.  And you know B, it's not your business!  You don't get to define what is a good Jew.  And besides, you yourself are not a particularly good representative.

    I'd forgotten about Ramona and her heart picture.  Creepy.  If Tom really did this on their XX date, I would have run for the hills - if I did take a picture of it, it would have been to talk about the crazy guy who did this.  NOT to be later complaining that the next woman didn't keep the "girl code."

    I basically stopped watching mid-way through the season and caught up by reading everyone's posts. I did watch last night, but can't decide whether to bother next week.  I can't imagine watching next year if B is back.  Of course, last night the show was made better by the fact that on my I-Pad I was watching the Yankees win, maybe they'll be on next Wednesday too?!

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